Are you too shy to post a hello? Or maybe you`re in more of a looking mood than a talking mood . Or maybe you only have time for a quick peek . but not the time to post a hello .
Don`t we all get that way sometimes? It only takes a moment to copy-and-paste one of these shy smilies into a reply. We`d love to know you visited!
Copy-and-paste any smiley above, or in the boxes below, into your reply. More lurking smileys will be added here as I find them. You can add to this album too, if you like.
Or You can insert an image of your own. Something cute or humorous would be nice; whatever makes you smile.
Smileys in this message include:
These smileys are not direct linked to Smiley Central.
You must have something set on your browser that won`t allow content from Smiley Central. I have heard from other members who have had the same trouble viewing their smileys.