Tinypick esta realizando un mantenimiento al parecer todoas las imagenes subidas a sus servidores se moveran a photbucket, por lo que no veremos algunas en algun momento
pero no quiere decir que se hayan eliminado, NINGUNA IMAGEN VA A SER ELIMINADA pero pasara un tiempo quizas sin que la veamos
asi pues os informo que las imagenes que subimos provienen de tinypick asi que perdonar las disculpas si no se ven codes o incluso la version de la comunidad en algun momento.
Sera temporal es mas por ej el code del directorio de NEXT no le veia pero ahora ya esta visible.
Tranquilos, todo pasara. :)
este es el aviso en la pagina web
We heard from many of our users in regards to these changes and we appreciate your feedback. Tinypic has restored linking to your images and enabled uploading. Please rest assured no content was removed from the site. We tried to notify users on Tinypic and requested they move their content to Photobucket. Unfortunately this messaging was insufficient and has taken many of our users by surprise and we apologize. Our intent was to begin combining some of the best features of Tinypic and Photobucket, thereby offering users a better experience. Any changes in the future will be better communicated. Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience.