
Dance, Dance Dance everywhere, When I look at the sky, I see the clouds dance Into steps of winds My heart dance when I watch clouds dance! How it can make me dance?
Without any tune or beats, Its own beats me my heart dance. Some strange tune it sings in silence and dance!
When I see at shore of ocean waves that dance, Some birds in sky fly and dance, On the waves boats that to the tune of waves, dance,
My mind sing lyricless music to which it dance!
When I walk along the beach, The headless crown of palm trees with wide open hands dance, Watching them dance trees start their dance!
When I on countryside, green paddy fields dance, Looking at them, the bird on the branch dance!
When walk along, trees with fruits dance, And to its own rustling music, leaves dance!
When I walk in the park, Plants with flowers dance! Looking at the graceful dance flowerless dance,
When I move on street, hope and hap dance, Seeing at them even hopeless an hapless to dance! Smile on faces with hope dance, Wrinkles on the forehead of hapless dance!
When I look at people in them mind dance, In some happiness dance, In some sorrowfulness dance,
Some I found with desperation dance In some their laziness dance, In some saintliness dance, Most of the time wickedness dance, And in some other dreams that dance!
Success that dance with some, Distress that in unsuccessful dance,
In some hearts mercy that dance Together with love and kindness dance!
Some where cookedness dance, And some where innocence dance,
In every nation either hunger dance, Or in people's mind anger that dance,
Either corruption in corrupt mind dance, Or those systems on the heart of people dance!
Dance, dance, dance everywhere, It is time for my soulful dance, If you see somewhere some other type of dance Just sing it dance and let no other see the pain in your heart dance Hide it with that unfailable lips on which smile may dance Dance, Dance, dance, Tune your steps with eternal dance!

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