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De: luistovarcarrillo  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 26/07/2007 15:13
Prashanthi Nilayam, July 26th, 2007

Sai Ram Heavenly embodiments

Today tears rained from our eyes as the gorgeous procession of Sai Youth from A-Z, from all over the globe marched into Prashanti Nilayam upholding flags representing their respective nations. Swami watched as marching bands, playing such favorite tunes as "When the Saints come marching In" and "Red Rive valley" blew their rousing melodies through tubas, saxphones, etc.

I was blessed with token #4, which by the way still had me seated behind the Mandir clock, yet nevertheless I was able to observe the whold program at a beautiful distance.

Dr. Goldstein presented the inauguration speech for the Sai World Youth Conference. He exhorted the yourh to become ideal messengers of Sathya Sai Baba, putting the 5 human values into practice and becoming examples of Love. The next speaker, was the InternationalYouth coordinator, I couldn't distinctly hear his name, but he also spoke sublinely and encouragingly to the youth. He ended with "Swami without you our lives are a hopeless end, with you our lives are an endless hope"

Our Lord Sai then gave His glorious discourse, beginning with the commandment that we all live in Truth, that truth is our reality. A few fragments I recall are:  He talkd about the 5 elements and how the human body is composed of the 5 elements. That without knowledge and discrimmination our lives are zero. He stated that man has lost discrimmination and the ability to know right from wrong,  the 5 human values are on the decline and that man is preoccupied with the accumulation of money and material objects. 

He also declared that no one need go in search of God, God is present everywhere. Giving the example of how we describe our bodies as my leg, my arm etc. Swam said "Who is this My?" Sai Avatar said man is I and I not the body. Man is inherently divine.

Baba also talked at length on the principle of Love. When He ended His discourse, our beloved Lord invited us all to return at 4PM where He would teach us more fully the Divine principle of Love.

It has been an exciting week full of all sorts of programmes and treats. I felt such joy and hope as I watched the procession of orange scarved youths fill the Mandir hall to overflowing.

Swami has watched over the youth with the meticulous and loving care of a universal Mom.

He gave the young ladies lovely saris, and fed them all free of charge.

These youth are Bhagavan's intenational global bangaroos and the World's golden hope, heralding a new age of Love, Peace, Truth, Righteousness and Non-violence. 

More Bliss later

Lots of Prema,

sonya ki

Prashanthi Nilayam, July 21st, 2007

Sai Ram embodiments of Pure Love

Swami allowed the Cooksville, Canada group to perform a play entitled "The Sacred Bridge," on Thursday evening darshan. It centered around the power and vital essence of namasmarana. The youth depicted the bridge built by Sri Hanuman on the strength of Rama's name, it was a beautiful and inspiring performance. Swami allowed the group to take photos with Him and gave white cloth to some of the actors. He also gave permission for the group to sing bhajans, a few members took padnamaskar. Later prasadam was distributed to the public.

With the burgeoning crowds I have been reluctant to come for token lines in the morning, sleeping in and coming late just before Sai Avatar arrives. Swami gave me some distant token lines in the afternoon, actually received last line twice in one week. So I promptly got the message and started coming for morning token lines again, our Sweet Lord gave me token 2 this afternoon and 4 this morning, He surely knows how to get His point across!!

Yesterday morning Darshan was like a sudden summer shower quenching our parched spirits. I really thought Sai Avatar was not coming out at all, bhajans were in full swing and as the clock crept past 9:30am we were all crestfallen, then at about 9:40AM the shower of grace flooded the Mandir in His chair!
He swiftly flowed down the main aisle on the Ladies side and up the center into the inner Mandir. briefly staying for about 1 bhajan and then accepting arathi and
breezing back out in His chair. It was absolutely divine.

This afternoon He came down from the veranda in His chair and gave smiles and sweet Darshan to the students and World conference Youth.

More Bliss later. Sending you all Sai Love and Peace.

Lots of Prema
sonya ki

Prashanthi Nilayam, July 17th, 2007

Sai Ram Sai Family
The Sai Woirld Youth conference members are arriving steadily. They have beautiful seating in the Mandir, one young women's section towards the center close to the veranda, another section in the general area near the middle of the Mandir.  This afternoon Swami gave us all amazing Darshan. I was seated in the island section near the veranda, I suddenly felt the urge to move closer to left side of that section and closer to the veranda. there was one little space left which I squeezed into. I felt very uncomfortable because it really was a tight squeeze, and I wondered why I had left the other much more roomier spot. Then our Lord showed me why.
Swami sailed into the Mandir in His silver car, stopping near the entrance, He spoke for awhile to a lady with a baby, then materialized something for her, not sure what it was.
He proceeded slowly and grandly towards the mens' side of the Mandir, again stopping
for a few minutes, the sound of clapping pierced the air and we surmised that He had manifested something else.
Sai Avatar reached the veranda and walked from His chair into His room. He spent some time there. Then surpised us all by coming back out in His chair. He gestured to His attendents to go around the Mandir and give chair Darshan. With all our Might we begged Him to come in our direction. He came down the ladies side but turned towards the
section where the young ladies where seated. Down the left side of that area and turning
right He continued taking letters and talking to them so lovingly.
Baba glided towards the students interacting with them and seemed to be heading back towards the veranda. But fooling everyone, He circled back around coming down the main section, blessing the young men in the Sai Youth Group, and again interacting on that side with the students. Just before He came to the next section of the ladies youth group He turned up the middle and gave attention again to the first Youth group ladies section.
But this wasn't the end of this leela..... Swami looked like He was going onto the veranda from the ladies side. Once again we called to Him our Hearts pouring bhakti streams. Swami turned around came over to the island section where I was seated very close to the aisle and looked at us all intensely, showering His shakti. He then crossed over and went back down the main aisle towards the men's side and gave sweet darshan to the second grouping of young women, assuaging their obvious yearning.  Went back up the middle and onto the veranda. Heaven just Heaven!!!!!! Everyone was divinely sated and saturated.
Before signing off I just want to mention an interesting contemplation. I have been considering moving from Florida to the mountains, but not sure where, so of course I have
been bugging Swami to tell me where. I mentioned this while talking to a young lady in the Canada Youth group. She said something very wise and way beyond her years. "Swami has already told you where you just have to listen," isn't that marvelous and so absolutely true.
In the interview, Swami said, His voice soft as the all pervading Ocean wind, "God is everywhere." Exactly the same answer He gave the German lady devotee in her 1980's interview. To be able to hear and see He who is everywhere, Eternal Darshan, right now,
forever, just imagine, everyone is promised that. Well, I will leave you with these thoughts to contemplate. Sending you all Your heart's desire, Sai right here, right now.
Lots of Bliss and Prema
Your, sonya ki group.

Sonya Tomlinson Burke 

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