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De: luistovarcarrillo  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 03/01/2011 15:00

Convocation 2010- Prasanthi Nilayam

22 Nov., 2010

Text & photo source - copyrights: Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust - sssbpt.org  - Radiosai.org  Prasanthi Diary -  Sri Sathya Sai Media Foundation - h2hsai.org .  | Web layout - Photo graphic design : saibabaofindia.com  "SBOI" | - We gratefully acknowledge the publishers Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust &  Sri Sathya Sai Media Foundation

Convocation 2010  22 Nov 2010

Click here to read the Divine Benedictory Message - 
Divine Discourse, 22 Nov 2010


Published on Tuesday, November 23, 2010 at 0137 Hrs. IST

Nov 22, 2010: The 29th Convocation of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning was held in Sai Kulwant Hall. The Chief Guest for the Convocation was Dr. Manmohan Singh, Hon’ble Prime Minister of India. Also present during the Convocation was Sri K. Rosaiah, Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Sri E.S.L. Narasimhan, Governor of Andhra Pradesh, Sri Y.S. Yeddyurappa, Chief Minister of Karnataka, Sri Shivraj Patil, Governor of Punjab and Administrator, Union Territory of Chandigarh, Sri M.K. Stalin, Deputy Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, Sri Sushil Kumar Shinde, Union Minister for Power, Sri Ashok Chavan, former Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Dr. Ratan Tata, Chairman of Tata Sons, Sri N. Chandrasekaran, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Tata Consultancy Services.



The Convocation procession started at 1110 hrs. from Yajur Mandiram. The Institute Brass Band led the procession playing sonorous tunes. Bhagawan came to the Hall in a resplendent crimson-hued robe followed by Dr. Manmohan Singh, Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Governor of Andhra Pradesh, and members of the Academic Council. A student carried the Sceptre on one side while the Registrar carried the Ceremonial Mace. After the procession reached the dais, the Vice Chancellor of the Institute Dr. Shashidhara Prasad garlanded the Prime Minister. Then followed the ceremonial Vedic chants for the Convocation that one should revere the mother, father, preceptor and guest as God. On the request of the Vice Chancellor, the Chancellor of the Institute, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba declared the Convocation open and pressed the button to unveil the plaque of 29th Convocation of the Institute. On the dais along with Bhagawan and the Prime Minister were seated the Governor and Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh. On the other side facing the dais were seated the members of the Academic Council.



At the outset the Vice Chancellor of the Institute extended a cordial welcome to all to the Convocation of SSSIHL. He said that the Institute has been established not to develop students to earn degrees but to nurture students to cultivate self-confidence and self-sacrifice. He then introduced the Chief Guest of the Convocation Dr. Manmohan Singh. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was born on 26th September 1932 in a village in the Punjab province of undivided India. Dr. Singh completed his Matriculation examinations from the Punjab University in 1948.



His academic career took him from Punjab to the University of Cambridge, U.K., where he earned a First Class Honours degree in Economics in 1957. Dr. Singh followed this with a D. Phil in Economics from Nuffield College at Oxford University in 1962. The Vice Chancellor described the Prime Minister as the most qualified leader of the country. He is the best example of simple living and high thinking. He said that we are privileged to have him in spite of the busy Parliament sessions. The Vice Chancellor opined that the former students of the Institute have received accolades from employers of various companies. 16 students have cleared the GATE examination over the past five years. With Bhagawan’s blessings research work is going to be undertaken to help the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences and the General Hospitals.


The Institute Oath was then administered to the students by the Vice Chancellor: “I hereby solemnly declare and promise that if admitted to the degree duly recommended I will in my thought, word and deed…support the cause of sound learning, morality and spirituality…all round welfare of my countrymen and fellowmen. The gold medals to various degrees were presented to the students by the Chancellor. Sri Sathya Sai All Rounder Gold Medal instituted by Sri S.V. Giri, former Vice Chancellor of the Institute was given to Sai Prabhakar who had consistent conduct and behaviour, with excellent performance in academics, sports and service activities. The gold medals to various undergraduate and postgraduate degrees were then presented. There were a number of doctorates from the various departments of the Institute. Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry was awarded to Kum. Rajini Bhandari who completed the doctorate under the guidance of Prof. Chelli Janardhan. From the Department of Physics Kum. Deepa Sethuraman was awarded the Doctorate of Philosophy. She did her thesis under the guidance of Prof. K. Venkataramanaiah. From the men’s campus, Doctorate of Philosophy was awarded to J. Krishna Kumar (Department of Chemistry). H



Source & credits: copyrights-Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust,sssbpt.org 
Picture graphic layout - Saibabaofindia.com "SBOI"

e completed his thesis under the guidance of Prof. Chelli Janardhan. Jagdish Chandra (Department of Physics) was awarded the Doctorate of Philosophy. He completed his doctorate successfully under the guidance of Dr. S. Siva Sankar Sai. V. Sai Muthu Kumar who did his thesis under the guidance of Prof. Venkataramanaiah and Dr. Siva Sankar Sai was awarded the Doctorate of Philosophy from the Physics department. Rajesh Babu, who had completed his doctorate from the Department of Chemistry under the guidance of Dr. G. Nageswara Rao was the penultimate candidate to be awarded the Doctorate of Philosophy. Sri Shashank Shah had his doctorate from the department of School of Business Management Accounting and finance under the guidance of Sri Sudhir Bhaskar, the dean of the department.

The Hon’ble Chief Guest Dr. Manmohan Singh then delivered his Convocation Address. Dr. Manmohan Singh began his address by paying his salutations to the revered Chancellor Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, His Excellency, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh, Sri E.S.L. Narasimhan, Sri K. Rosaiah, Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Dr. Shashidhara Prasad, Vice Chancellor of the Institute, Members of the Governing Body and students of this illustrious Institution. He said that he deems it a great honour to be the Chief Guest of the 29th Convocation of the Institute which coincides with the 85th Birthday of Bhagawan. He prayed that Bhagawan would continue to be an inspiration for many years to come. Dr. Manmohan Singh recalled that he was the Chief Guest for the 14th Convocation of the Institute in the year 1995. Many changes have taken place over the years, he said. Dr. Manmohan Singh opined that the place has become an international township.



People from all over the globe are residents here. I see in particular a microcosm of India, a nation which celebrates its diversity. Unity in diversity is one of the central messages of India. This is what makes this country unique. “Yours is a relatively young University, already established its place as a centre of excellence”, lauded the erudite Chief Guest. Dr. Singh then paraphrased the words of Baba: “This is not a place to earn degrees, but a place to cultivate self-sacrifice, self-knowledge leading to self-realisation”. The true meaning of education is knowledge in action, said Dr. Singh. Speaking on the hallmark of education, Dr. Singh said is to combine science with spirituality. Modern society has given better livelihood and quality of life. Accelerating social changes has put newer pressures. Today we cannot succeed without providing value-based education. Character building is universal in education. You are leaders in it, complimented Dr. Singh. As India grows in world affairs, we will need global leaders in education, in technological development. We are a nation of young people. We require people who can make young people excel. Our scientists and technicians have achieved great renown in many fields. Dr Manmohan Singh expressed that the institute is promoting research in various fields like Bio-sciences, Nano Technology, etc.; research in Humanities, Literature, Philosophy, Economics is equally required.

Dr. Manmohan Singh showered praises on the work being undertaken for the betterment of masses. 731 villages in drought-prone Anantapur district, 500 hamlets in East and West Godavari districts were provided pure drinking water. This achievement is all the more commendable because Godavari districts are naxal infested areas. He even made a mention on the yeoman service being undertaken by Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences in Puttaparthi and Whitefield, and the General Hospitals. Medical care through mobile medical vans at the doorstep of villagers was another achievement. Medical care, education, water is rendered totally free, said Dr. Singh. Such benevolence and philosophy should be an example for many, but are unable to emulate Your example. An education project is taken up wherein 3 lakh Bal Vikas children would receive Baba’s ideals is indeed a worthy project, opined Dr. Singh. Addressing the students, Dr. Manmohan Singh said, you are graduating today.



I have no doubt you will face challenges, but you will come successful, I have no doubt. You have been exposed to fine minds, excellent libraries. Dr Singh advised the students that your life will not be complete if you do not reach out to those less unfortunate ones. Render help to them. God bless each and every one of you. With the Institute Brass Band rendering the National Anthem, the Convocation function came to a close at 1215 hrs.

After the function, Bhagawan went inside the interview room with Dr. Manmohan Singh. After a few minutes, Bhagawan and Dr. Manmohan Singh emerged from the interview room and came on the stage. What followed was the Divine Benedictory Message. The Academic Council members too came on the dais after some time. The gist The Divine Discourse follows.


Students, Embodiments of Love!

All of you want Swami to say at least a few words. You feel, “How nice it would be if Swami speaks for a few minutes”! However, I don’t want to say anything about the present system of education.

This land of Bharat has given birth to many noble women like Savitri who brought her dead husband back to life; Chandramati who extinguished wild fire with the power of truth. Sita who proved her chastity by coming out of blazing fire unscathed and Damayanti who reduced an evil-minded hunter to ashes with the power of her chastity. (Telugu Poem)

At first, Chandramati was fear-stricken by the raging forest fire. She along with her husband and son was surrounded by flames of wild fire. Nobody could say how they were all of a sudden surrounded by the raging flames. This, in fact, was a divine play. Ultimately, when Chandramati utilised her power of truth and chastity the fire was extinguished in a trice.

As Chandramati prayed, there was a heavy downpour. On one side there was a raging fire and on the other side started a heavy rain, and ultimately the fire was completely extinguished. Savitri was also endowed with great power of penance and chastity. She could even stop Yama (Lord of Death) from taking her husband’s life. She argued with Yama and told him, “The life of wife depends upon her husband and that of the husband on his wife. One cannot live without the other. So, if you want to take my husband’s life, take my life also. Or else, spare his life. We are not separate from each other. It is my primary duty to safeguard my husband’s life”. Ultimately, Lord Yama had to revive Savitri’s husband. Is there any country or region in this world where one can find a woman like Savitri who could bring her dead husband back to life? Such divine power is latent in every human being. Man should draw this power from within himself, which he can utilise not only for himself but for others also.

During those times, wife considered her husband as her very life and vice-versa. But, unfortunately, the situation is not the same today. This sacred land of Bharat is surrounded by the seven seas. In this land, many women like Damayanti, Savitri performed intense penance. They are all women of great chastity. But today we do not find such women of great chastity.

A Pativrata (chaste woman) is one who considers her Pati (husband) as her very life and depends entirely on him. A Pativrata is one who does not talk back to her husband. There will not be even a little defect in her. She does not have any selfish desires. All that she does is for the sake of her husband. She would not even look at any male other than her husband. Only such a woman can be called a true Pativrata. But modern ladies do not follow their husbands. They do not listen to what their husbands say. When the wife follows her husband and the husband follows the wife and both lead a life of harmony, then the entire country will attain peace and prosperity. It is due to the differences between the husband and wife and disunity in the family that the country is subjected to one trouble after the other. Both husband and wife should understand each other and adjust with each other.

A Pativrata who strictly obeys the command of her husband can do anything. If she prepares food for her husband with saline water of the ocean, it will be changed into sweet water. When the wife obeys the command of her husband and the husband fulfils the desires of his wife, then the future of the family will be safe and secure. If they act contrary to this, the family will be subjected to great suffering. Both husband and wife may conduct themselves in a decent manner when they are in their house. But as soon as they step out of the house, they indulge in all sorts of evils. If there is no unity and harmony between wife and husband, there is no use of undertaking spiritual practices like Japa, Dhyana (chanting, meditation), etc.

When the wife follows her husband and the husband follows his wife, there is great happiness in the family. Strive to achieve such unity and harmony in your family. Then, your entire life will become happy and peaceful without any worries whatsoever. All your worries are of your own making. They are not given by God. God is not at a distant place. He is immanent in man. You should have unwavering faith in this truth. Then there will be happiness not only in the individual but also in society. Pure heart is the temple of God. Therefore, develop love in your heart. You will attain everything in life.

There will be peace and happiness in the family when both husband and wife share the same views. A Pativrata is one who has no other thought of anybody or anything except that of her husband. A woman who leads her life with such unflinching faith in her husband can achieve everything in her life. When both follow different paths, then there can be no peace and happiness in the family. You should not allow your mind to waver this way and that way. You should totally focus it on God. Contemplation of God is the basis to achieve unity and harmony in the family. When the wife prays to God, the husband will become a good person.

Chaste woman of yore like Sita and Damayanti had single-minded devotion towards their husbands. Sita was held captive in Lanka for ten months. But never even once did she look at the face of a male person. She spent all her time in the contemplation of Rama, sitting under a tree in Ashoka forest. She did not move out at all. As she was such a great chaste woman, she could prove her purity through Agni Pariksha (test of fire).

God is only one, not two. He is the indweller of your heart. If you constantly contemplate on Him, you will also become God. Whomsoever you come across, consider them as the embodiments of divinity. That is the principle of divinity. On the other hand, if you follow the vagaries of your mind and move about arbitrarily here and there, how can you become God? When you go to your college, why should you look here and there and indulge in vain gossip? Focus your mind on the purpose for which you have come. Do your work without developing unnecessary contacts. Look after your family. There is nothing wrong in this. Nobody tells you to give up performing your worldly duties. Live in the world and perform your duties. But always have divine feelings.

Many people go to places of pilgrimage like Badrinath, Amarnath, Kedarnath, Bhadrachalam, Tirupati, etc., in search of God. They think that they can find God at such places. Oh foolish man! God is not somewhere else. In fact, you yourself are God. God is present in all. God is only one and He is present wherever you look for Him. He is in you, with you, above you, below you. God is beyond birth and death and indwells every being in the form of Atma. He is present in all human beings right from a child to an old man. The same God is present in an ant, a mosquito and in all birds, beasts and animals. Therefore, do not go in search of God here and there and trouble yourself.

Wherever you see, God is present there. Whomsoever you see, there is God in him. God has no different form. All forms are His. That is why the Veda declared, Sahasra Seersha Purusha Sahasraksha Sahasra Pad (The Cosmic Being has thousands of heads, eyes and feet). When you sit for meditation, your mind wanders here and there. You should not allow the mind to waver and keep it always steady. When you go to a seashore, you will hear the waves making the sound of Om! When you concentrate on that sound, you will forget everything.

Since you are all young, I wish to emphasise this point. Do not develop opposition or differences among you. Controversies give rise to many troubles. These days some people marry not once, not twice, not thrice, but even four times. This is not a good practice. Be single-minded. Even if somebody makes you angry, do not fight with him. Understand that by fighting with others, you actually harm yourself. Control your thoughts. This is the quality of a truly educated person. This is called educare. Along with education, you should also have educare. When you have educare, you will have everything – health, happiness, peace and prosperity. This is what I want you to understand. Everything will become good to you if you make your heart pure. At least from today onwards, take to the right path. If somebody tries to put you on the wrong path, do not pay any heed to him. Even if such a person comes to you and tries to start a conversation with you, do not even look at his face. Just ignore him and go away from him.

Students should live with unity in all matters. But today unity has disappeared altogether. On the other hand, enmity is on the rise. When one student in the class secures high marks, other students start feeling jealous of him. This should not be there. Because jealousy gives rise to hatred. There will be further divisions if politics enter the educational institutions. Therefore, all students should live with unity and solidarity.

You should achieve unity. There is no unity in the youth today. First and foremost, the youth should come forward to help each other. The end of education is character. If your character is good, then you can achieve anything in life. You may think you have won gold medals, acquired high degrees and achieved name and fame. But if you lack character, these degrees are merely a piece of paper. It is most essential for you to safeguard your character. Only such a person is a truly learned one.

When Ravana was taking Sita away to Lanka, she dropped all her ornaments in a bundle which fell a mountain. Rama and Lakshmana, while going in search of Sita, were shown this bundle by Sugriva. Rama asked Lakshmana to see the ornaments and identify if they belonged to Sita. Then Lakshmana replied, “Brother! I never looked at the face of Sita and therefore I do not know whether these ornaments belong to her or not. I can recognise only the anklets as I have seen them while offering my obeisances to her feet everyday”.

Sita, Rama and Lakshmana lived together in the forest for almost fourteen years. But not even once did Lakshmana look at the face of Sita. What a pure-hearted person Lakshmana was! Whenever he had to talk to Sita, he talked to her with his head bent down. As he was such a noble person, he could enjoy the wealth of proximity of Rama. When Lakshmana fell unconscious in the battlefield, Rama said, “If I search, I may get a wife like Sita but not a brother like Lakshmana. I can bear the separation from Sita, but not from Lakshmana”. Such was the strong bond of love between Rama and Lakshmana.

Students also should develop such unity considering all their brothers and sisters. All are human beings. All are the children of God. Therefore, you should live with unity without giving room to any differences. This is My message for you today. 

Arati was offered to Bhagawan at 1320 hrs. after which Bhagawan called Dr. Manmohan Singh for an interview that lasted for half-an-hour. . At 1350 hrs. Bhagawan retired to the Yajur Mandiram.


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