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De: luistovarcarrillo (Missatge original) |
Enviat: 18/01/2011 04:08 |
Sai Baba Darshan News & Photos |
Sun, Jan 16, 2011: Staffers from SSSIHMS, Whitefield, Bangalore have assembled in Prasanthi Nilayam this evening commemorating the occasion of a decade of service of the Temple of Healing that had its inception on 19th January ten years ago. Bhagawan arrived at 1840 hrs. to come for a full circle of darshan. Ascending the Verandah, Bhagawan moved into the bhajan hall where panels of a proposed exhibition at the hospital were displayed. Bhagawan had a 'walk-through' of the panels before emerging to come on stage; soon Bhagawan lit the lamp before cutting a cake meant for the glorious occasion. 
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Source & credits: copyrights-Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust,sssbpt.org Picture graphic layout - Saibabaofindia.com "SBOI" |
Even as bhajans continued Bhagawan sat through and blessed a couple of groups from the hospital with anniversay greetings. A new Cath Lab Project at the hospital with unique features that is ready for inauguration was also blessed by Bhagawan. The Cath Lab has features like ceiling suspended 'c' arm, head to toe scanning, modern flat panel technology etc. 'Loving His Uncertainty' is an essential ingredient of living with Sai. At 1920 hrs. Bhagawan asked for Mangala Arathi, though the musical troupe from the hospital had a prayer to sing a few songs in His Divine presence rejoicing the occasion. When it almost appeared that Bhagawan was winding up the session, magnanimous Lord brought a cheer on many a face seated at the front block, nodding to commence the programme. After three four songs of love and gratitude for Bhagawan, at 1940 hrs. Bhagawan accepted Mangala Arathi once again before leaving the dais to retire to Yajur Mandiram at 1950 hr. |  || Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu ||
| Sat, Jan 15, 2011: Today was the day of sporting honours for the students. Deviating from the customary practice over the years, Bhagawan chose this day to honour sporting heroics of His students, in the valedictory function of the Annual Sports and Cultural Festival held in the Sai Kulwant Hall this evening. Sai Kulwant Hall, with colour and glitter around, reflected the celebrating mood of the twin occasion, the valedictory function and the auspicious Makara Sankranthi, signifying Sun's northward Journey. Weekend ensured a capacity audience and additional venue, Poornachandra Auditorium, opened its gates for devotees. Emerging just after 1800 hrs. Bhagawan went into the Poornachandra Auditorium to bless the convergence before coming into the Sai Kulwant Hall. Entering into the Sai Kulwant Hall at 1820 hrs., Bhagawan's caravan had the Institute Band and Flag Bearing Squad, preceding Him. The dais in Sai Kulwant wore a special decorative costume, adorned with trophies and shields meant for distribution. As Bhagawan arrived on the stage, He blessed the trophies and shields that decked the dais. Before assuming His seat Bhagawan lit the lamp on the stage sanctifying the occasion. Proceedings for the session began with Sri Sanjay Sahni, Principal, Brindavan Campus addressing the gathering.  | click to enlarge Source & credits: copyrights-Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust,sssbpt.org Picture graphic layout - Saibabaofindia.com "SBOI" |
Sun's northward journey is symbolic of man's Godward Journey, said the speaker greeting one and all on the auspicious occasion. Referring to Shankaracharya's spiritual pursuits leaving the world for The Divine, the speaker added that, Sankranthi is the best time for spiritual pursuits and thus the significance of Sporting and Cultural heroics. In his short speech he also touched upon the legend of Sports Meet in Parthi, the inception of a world class indoor stadium etc., highlighting Bhagawan's special efforts towards sporting development in Parthi that in turn makes students fit enough to face the world. Referring to various items presented by all the institutions, he summed up declaring that Bhagawan has always been our inspiration. The second speaker for the occasion was Ms. Suma Rao, a former student with double post graduation, erstwhile all-rounder gold medallist, currently a faculty in the Dept. of Commerce at Anantapur Campus, pursuing doctoral research. Ms. Suma, a veteran of over twenty sports meets, highlighting the speciality of Sathya Sai Educational System, that according to her brings out the 'soul quality', narrated some interesting incidents during the sports meet coupled with her observations that God Has Always Been The Doer. The Sports Festival is fully saturated with God's Love where it gets its full meaning, asserted the speaker. She ended her inspiring speech with a prayer to Bhagawan to "storm into our hearts to be the essence of our lives." Next was the Prize distribution. As the names were announced, representatives from various institutions, namely, Sri Sathya Sai Primary School, SSSIHL - Brindavan Campus, Mirpuri College of Music, SSSIHL - Anantapur Campus, SSSIHL - Prasanthi Nilayam Campus came in the order to receive the trophy from the Divine hands. This was followed by blessing of medals and certificates by Bhagawan. Conveying His immense blessings Bhagawan asked Sri Sanjay Sahni to announce that He felt immense joy at the performance of the students during the festival. Special mention was made on the drama presentation held on 13th Jan evening. Special benedictions were sent to the Muddenahalli Campus and Smt. Easwaramma English Medium School along with College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences, SSSIHMS, Whitefield, Bangalore and Sri Sathya Sai Junior College, Anantapur. As Bhagawan sat on the stage, there was an flurry of greetings related to the Sports theme. Bhagawan blessed all of them. Blessed Prasadam was distributed to the entire assemblage. As the distribution went on Institute Band played some soulful tunes that included bhajans. Bhagawan accepted Mangala Arathi at 1950 hrs. and retired to Yajur Mandiram at 2000 hrs. Ace cricketer and former India Captain Rahul Dravid was in Parthi for evening darshan. | || Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu ||
| Thu, Jan 13, 2011: After two days of hectic sporting and cultural activities at the Vidyagiri Hill View Stadium, this evening, action shifted back to Sai Kulwant Hall with Prasanthi Nilayam Campus presenting a dance drama in the immediate Divine presence. In the evening, Bhagawan arrived in His car at 1745 hrs. and after His usual round of darshan moved into the bhajan hall where the drama troupe was awaiting His arrival. Blessing the boys Bhagawan emerged through the rear entrance to appear on the dais at 1800 hrs. This evening's presentation was on the essence of Bhagavatham, entitled, "Bhagavatha Saaram".
 | Source & credits: copyrights-Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust,sssbpt.org Picture graphic layout - Saibabaofindia.com "SBOI" |
The centre-block had a special set up assisted by special lighting. Even as bhajans continued, Bhagawan went on blessing the day's birthday beneficiaries. Bhajans stopped abruptly at His command, at 1810 hrs., and blessings were sought before the commencement of the programme.
The presentation, a thesis on Bhagavatham, was a summation of the essence of the epic illustrated in the form of dialogue between Lord Vishnu and Sage Narada. Lord Vishnu, explaining the epic's essence, spoke of the priceless pearls the epic offers, namely, Bhakthi (devotion), Jnaana (knowledge), Vairaagya (dispassion), Thathwa (philosophical insight) and Mukthi (liberation).  | Source & credits: copyrights-Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust,sssbpt.org Picture graphic layout - Saibabaofindia.com "SBOI" |
The epic is rightly described as Bhakthi Jnaana Vairaagya Thathwa Mukthi Saagaram. All these essential features were explained with flashback illustrations from stories of yore, namely, Hanuman's story for Bhakthi, Lord Brahma's story for Jnaana, Divine Mothers, Yasoda, Devaki and Easwaramma for Vairagya, Nachiketa's story for philosophical insight and lastly, the story of Radharani illustrating Mukthi. The hour-long presentation essentially portrayed as to how God and His devotees co-existed to make alive the epic called Bhagavatham. It's essentially the story of God and His devotees. After the presentation Bhagawan moved down to pose for a photo session with the troupe. After blessing the troupoe, as Bhagawan moved back on to the dais soon Mangala Arathi was offered, at 1920 hrs. After Arathi, Bhagawan blessed the sweets and as sweets went for distribution to the devotees, Bhagawan blessed the drama boys distributing sweets in person
. Leaving the dais, en route, many 'helping hands' who were instrumental at His hand for the successful sporting festival were seated. Accepting letters Bhagawan blessed many of them before retiring to Yajur Mandiram at 1935 hrs. Price distribution ceremony of Sports and Cultural Festival 2011 will be held tomorrow evening.
| || Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu ||
| Wed, Jan 12, 2011: Day 2- Annual Sports and Cultural Meet 2011 - "This evening, on the second and concluding day of the Sports and Cultural Festival, Bhagawan arrived at the stadium at 1715 hrs. The Divine Chancellor was accorded a rousing reception at His arrival with the Brindavan Band along with Little Lions from Prasanthi joining the motorbike escorters from all the three campuses. The evening presentation was earmarked for Primary School, Easwaramma English Medium School followed by Prasanthi Nilayam Campus...." Read the complete report with Video and photo slides >> | || Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu ||
| Tue, Jan 11, 2011: Day 1- Annual Sports and Cultural Meet 2011 of SSSIHL and Sri Sathya Sai Institutions got underway this evening at Sri Sathya Sai Vidyagiri Hill View Stadium in the immediate presence of the Divine Chancellor. Deviating from the existing practice of single day programme, this year's meet is conducted in the evenings alone, spreading over two days, 11th and 12th January. At the venue, in the evening, after month-long hectic training schedules and preparations, students from all the campuses along with staff members were ready and upbeat, welcoming the Divine Chancellor. Photos Day 1 |  | Source & credits: copyrights-Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust,sssbpt.org Picture graphic layout - Saibabaofindia.com "SBOI" |
Bhagawan, clad in white, was ushered into the the stadium at the stroke of 1700 hrs.; The Divine Chancellor was escorted by a host of procession led by the Institute Band. A column of motorcyclists, Anantapur Band and flag bearers representing various houses followed the Institute Band from Prasanthi Nilayam escorting the Chancellor. Read the complete report with Video and photo slides >> | || Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu ||
| Mon, Jan 10, 2011: This evening's 'session' with The Lord" began with Bhagawan's entry at 1835 hrs. Coming on to the dais after a full round of darshan Bhagawan spent an hour presiding over the bhajan session. Interesting are His interactions with His students. Today's turned out to be one such interesting evening when, Bhagawan, upon assuming His seat on the dais started tossing Vibhuti packets to many a student, mainly from the bhajan troupe, one after one. As Vibhuti packets flung in the air, lucky recepients came forward to snatch the 'double, Vibhuti along with Padanamaskar. A few of the lucky ones got 'His call' for a second time! |  | | Source & credits: copyrights-Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust,sssbpt.org Picture graphic layout - Saibabaofindia.com "SBOI" |
Earlier, as Bhagawan came on to the Verandah, Principals and Wardens from both Prasanthi Nilayam and Brindavan Campuses greeted Him with their prayer for the year's Sports and Cultural Meet. Even as Bhagawan sat on the dais, some of the students took their chances to greet Bhagawan with their handiwork with Sports Meet theme. An hour went past and at 1940 hrs. Bhagawan accepted Mangala Arathi. A short interaction with one of the bhajans singers followed before Bhagawan took a right turn to return to His car.
At 1950 hrs., as Bhagawan was leaving for Yajur Mandiram, Mr. Narasimhamurthy, Warden, Brindavan Campus made an announcement on the scheduled Sports and Cultural Meet. The meet would be held tomorrow and the day after, 11th and 12th of January, at the Sri Sathya Sai Vidyagiri Hill View Stadium, in the evenings.
| || Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu ||
| Sun, Jan 9, 2011: This weekend evening earned an early darshan when Bhagawan came out at 1720 hrs. A full round in the car ensued before Bhgawan came on stage. Vedam continued beyond the scheduled hour as Bhagawan sat on till 1740 hrs. when He left the stage for bhajan hall. Ahead of the scheduled Annual Sports and Cultural Meet House Captains and Vice Captains from all the three campuses and Higher Secondary School were assembled in the bhajan hall invoking Bhagawan's benediction. Bhagawan spent close to fifteen minutes inside, graciously moving among and blessing the captains with Padanamaskar. |  | | Source & credits: copyrights-Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust,sssbpt.org Picture graphic layout - Saibabaofindia.com "SBOI" |
Emerging at 1800 hrs. Bhagawan moved out of Prasanthi precincts for a drive towards Super Speciality Hosptial. In the meanwhile twilight bhajans that commenced at 1745 hrs. continued in the Mandir. Bhagawan returned to Mandir after an hour and ten minutes, at 1910 hrs.
Mangala Arathi was offered at 1920 hrs. and Bhagawan retired to Yajur Mandiram at 1930 hrs. This year's Annual Sports and Cultural Meet will be held on the 11th and 12th of this month, scheduled for evening hours. |  || Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu ||
| Sat, Jan 8, 2011: This evening, arriving at 1805 hrs., Bhagawan, on completing His round of darshan came on to the dais in ten minutes marked by a crescendo in bhajans. Presiding over the session He sat for the next ten minutes before accepting Arathi at 1830 hrs. After Arathi, Bhagawan blessed some boys with Vibhuti prasadam before leaving the dais to retire to Yajur Mandiram at 1835 hrs. |  | | Click to enlarge |
For the past couple of days weather has turned bit chill in the township. Preparations for the Annual Sports and Cultural Meet scheduled for next week is gearing momentum; with students and staff getting busier day by day, fine tuning for the final show, darshan sessions barely see their presence except for a single column meant for bhajan and vedam boys. A Tailpiece: “…Always think of Me, become My devotee, worship Me and offer your homage unto Me. Thus you will come to Me without fail. I promise you this because you are My very dear friend.” Thus spake Bhagawan Sri Krishna in The Bhagavad Gita. Here we have our Beloved Bhagawan, the selfsame Sri Krishna, came back in another physical frame, walking among us, telling us, It’s the pure heart that reaches the goal; follow the heart. | || Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu ||
| Fri, Jan 7, 2011: Fulfilling the day's aspirations and prayers from thousands congregated in Sai Kulwant Hall, Bhagawan emerged from the Divine Abode at 1820 hrs. here Friday evening. For them, those who have assembled in the evening, His Mandir is a golden dream and to be in His presence is the gift supreme! Taking His usual route, as Bhagawan moved past, hundreds upon thousands were glued to the Divine form, catching a precious, priceless glimpse from the moving car. Gliding past, at the gents' side, Bhagawan spent close to two minutes, blessing a youth group from Mumbai. Alighting on the Verandah, Bhagawan came on to the dais just after 1830 hrs. Interestingly, He beckoned one of the lead bhajan singers and engaged in conversation for some time before blessing the singer with Vibhuti prasadam. |  | | Source & credits: copyrights-Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust,sssbpt.org Picture graphic layout - Saibabaofindia.com "SBOI" |
Even as Bhajan was on Bhagawan blessed birthday boys for the day, blessing each one of them with Vibhuti packets. Soon He got into the day's 'mail' from devotees. At 1900 hrs. Bhagawan indicated for Mangala Arathi. He sat for some more time blessing one of the students, listening to His supplications. His blessing right hand went up and the index finger 'scripted' in the air before He ended up the session with a circular wave of His hand. Bhagawan left the dais at 1910 hrs. for Interview Room. Retiring to the Interview Room Bhagawan spent next fifteen minutes in, before emerging at 1925 hrs. to retire to Yajur Mandiram. Blessed prasadam was distributed to the entire audience. A two day seminar on Research Innovcations and Reinnovations and Industrial Development and Rural Developmentwas organised by SSSIHL on 6th and 7th Jan in Prasanthi Nilayam. The two day seminar held in the Multimedia Theatre of Book Trust had Dr. R. Chidambaram, Principal Scientific Advisor to the Government of India speaking on the subject. The seminar was attended by many faculties and research scholars from the Institute. |  || Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu ||
| Wed, Jan 5, 2011: Christmas and New Year are over and there is a letdown in the rush of devotees in Prasanthi. This evening Bhagawan arrived at 1920 hrs. in His car. A glance from Him says many thing!...and for many, 'it's' everything! With His slow round of darshan, as He moved past, Bhagawan was radiating His blessed glance upon the mass of devotees through the entire stretch of pathway. 
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Coming on stage in ten minutes, wearing a smile on His face, Bhagawan sat through watching over the congregation of devotees. It's sports time in Parthi and students from outstation campuses, Anantapur and Brindavan, have arrived for the final round of preparations. As Bhagawan sat through, the students from Brindavan Campus, who have just arrived, were rushing 'with their attendance', into the Mandir to have a glance and more importantly expecting a Glance back from Him. Bhagawan accepted Mangala Arathi at 1740 hrs.; even as Arathi was on Bhagawan blessed birthday boys, blessing each one with Vibhuti Prasadam. Leaving the dais, as Bhagawan took a right turn, many eager faces were ready, up on their knees, expecting His blessings; Bhagawan, with atmost patience, blessed all of them before boarding His car to leave for Yajur Mandiram at 1955 hrs. ...And as He was leaving the dais, outside the Brindavan Hostel, close to the Mandir, there was a group of students, with folded hands, paying obeisance to Bhagawan. They had just arrived and could not make it to the Mandir...and never wanted to miss Him! | || Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu ||
| Tue, Jan 4, 2011: Bhagawan arrived for Darshan at 1910 hrs in His car. Even as the car was taking its usual route, Bhagawan asked the driver to stop the car near the mandir and resumed His journey in chair. Bhagawan interacted with some of the devotees on His way to the stage.
| Source & credits: copyrights-Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust,sssbpt.org Picture graphic layout - Saibabaofindia.com "SBOI" |
Students sang with increased vigour, inspired by His attention. Bhagawan read a few letters while listening to Bhajans. Students of the institute were sitting with huge cards describing the various sports meet events. Even as they repeatedly attempted to bring the same near their Chancellor appealing for His presence for the practice sessions, The Lord lovingly beckoned them to sit hinting that the time has not yet come. Bhagawan beckoned the priest for Arathi at 1932 hrs. The students who had just started a bhajan concluded it smartly with a fading effect instilling smiles all around. Bhagawan retired to Yajur Mandiram in car. | || Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu ||
| Mon, Jan 3, 2011: "The Bond of Love" that was celebrated for three days from the New Year eve continued its joyous run on the fourth day this evening with a sizeable number of alumni getting another closed door session inside the bhajan hall.  This evening, coming in at 1755 hrs., in His car, for a full round of Darshan, Bhagawan, upon completing His round went straight into the bhajan hall...and the doors turned closed.
Bhagawan spent half-an-hour inside, granting momentous moments to the alumni, moving amongst and giving Vibhuti Prasadam in person. 
Emerging out, Bhagawan came on stage at 1840 hrs. and bhajans continued. The session ended with a special song sung at His instance, upon which Mangala Arathi was offered at 1855 hrs. Before leaving the dais Bhagawan blessed the assembly with Abhayahasta. Bhagawan retired to Yajur Mandiram at 1900 hrs., out in open, skipping His car. It's sports time in Prasanthi. This evening, students block remained almost empty except for the bhajan block as hectic practice sessions are on at the Hill View Stadium. Winter that made a strong entry during the latter half of December has considerably eased off and the township is experiencing mild winter over the past one week. | || Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu ||
| Sun, Jan 2, 2011: Where love reigns supreme everyone comes to Prasanthi returns filled and fulfilled. This evening, prior to the normal darshan round, Poornachandra Auditorium witnessed a special session, wherein alumni along with immediate family members assembled to receive Divine Blessings. Entering in at 1800 hrs. Bhagawan spent an hour in the auditorium blessing the 'privileged folks' with close Darshan and Padanamaskar. Expressing grateful thanks to Bhagawan for His all out love and compassion and continued blessings, two of the former students, Dr. Mayur Pandya and Kota Shivakumar, shared the podium, with short speeches in English and Telugu respectively, before Bhagawan set out to move among the students and family members. At the end, Mangala Arathi was offered before Bhagawan left the auditorium, close to 1900 hrs. click to enlarge
 Source & credits: copyrights-Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust,sssbpt.org Picture graphic layout - Saibabaofindia.com "SBOI"
Back in Sai Kulwant bhajan session was on. Emerging at 1900 hrs. in His car, granting Divine Darshan, Bhagawan took a detour to Verandah after cutting across from the ladies' end. Moving on stage Bhagawan accepted Mangala Arathi at 1905 hrs. Blessing birthday boys, interacting with a couple of bhajan boys, Bhagawan spent a few minutes on stage before blessing the assembly with Abhayahasta. Leaving the dais Bhagawan moved in to the Bhajan hall where a special group from Team Vidya Vahini along with a set of school children were awaiting His arrival. The group appraised Bhagawan of the various developments of the project. Interacting with and blessing the group, Bhagawan came out of the hall through the rear entrance. Cutting across the upper verandah Bhagawan blessed many senior devotees before boarding His car to retire to Yajur Mandiram at 1950 hrs.
Sat, Jan 1, 2011: On this New Year evening, The Lord who is beyond Time, Lord of Timelessness was ushered into the Sai Kulwant Hall in a regal procession, apt for The Divinity! The entrance gate at the rear western end, leading from Yajur Mandiram, there was a huge arch with wordings, "Om Sai Kalaatheethaaya Namaha!", hailing the attributeless, timeless Divinity! click to enlarge
 Source & credits: copyrights-Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust,sssbpt.org Picture graphic layout - Saibabaofindia.com "SBOI"
This was a session earmarked for the alumni of SSSIHL, an annual affair they eagerly await, to come back to the portals. The New Year dawned and the waiting for the evening, for the first glance of The Lord found its fulfilment at 1910 hrs. when Bhagawan was ushered into the Sai Kulwant Hall by a host of procession by the alumni comprising of flag bearers, Vedam Boys and Poornakumbham; while Parasols and Venchamarams (yak tail fans) added on to the colour spectacle granting the procession a religious flavour, in the backdrop there were sound bytes of soulful tunes of a welcome song. Arriving on to the Verandah and blessing the cake for the occasion by the students, Bahgawan moved on stage for a round of applause from the capacity audience. On the stage, Bhagawan lit the lamp before cutting a special cake by the Alumni. Assuming the Seat of The Divine, Bhagawan blessed the organisers for the commencement of the proceedings. A musical offering was in the offing and announcements in Telugu and English followed. The programme got off with the Alumni Brass Band presenting an interesting musical piece, a Ganesha Stuthi, that had adaptation from one of the popular numbers. Children of Sai they are, they would often sing Love Songs to Mother Sai during their college days. Evoking nostalgic memoirs of of those golden past, they erupted with the beauty of a song, "Oh Sai Maa...Priyamaina Maa...." so meaningful for the occasion! The Lord who played all 'silly games' with His students... for His students, watching them growing and glowing, came in for adoration with lavish praise heaped unto Him when intermittent commentary pushed the session forward. Some more numbers followed including a Qawwali before they switched over to bhajans as commanded by Bhagawan. All the songs were tuned to the the theme of Love, "The Bond Of Love" between Mother Sai and Her Children, "Prema Bandham!" Bhajans continued for the next twenty minutes and the White Army took over with blessed prasadam went for distribution. At 2040 hrs. Bhagawan accepted Mangala Arathi. In between Bhagawan blessed one of the alumni with a materialised golden chain. Blessing the entire concourse with Abhayahastha Bhagawan left for Yajur Mandiram at 2045 hrs. Earlier, upon emerging from Yajur Mandiram at 1700 hrs., Bhagawan went into Poornachandra Auditorium granting darshan to the thousands assembled there. |  || Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu ||
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