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From: luistovarcarrillo  (Original message) Sent: 20/04/2011 14:34

Darshan Update


Archival (2010) : Mar - Apr - May - Jun - Jul - Aug - Sep - Oct - Nov - Dec - Jan 2011 - Feb 2011 ...... Mar 2011

Updated Wednesday, Apr 20, 2011 1714 Hrs. IST

Evening Medical Bulletin released at 1700 hrs. states as follows:

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba continues to be in a critical state of health. His vital parameters and indices are maintained at a nearly normal level by giving adequate treatment, with medicines.

The condition of liver and intermittent episodes of low blood pressure are still causing anxiety to the treating doctors.

The panel of treating doctors has been reinforced with the joining of Government of Andhra Pradesh team under the guidance of the Director of Medical Education, Dr. Ravi Raj, who is an eminent nephrologist.

Dr. Yegyaraman from the United States who is an eminent electrophysiology specialist has also joined the team of doctors.

Bhagawan Baba continues to be on assisted ventilation. He may be dialysed again early in the morning tomorrow.

The panel of doctors are woking hard on His treatment, which is going round the clock.

Morning Bulletin that was released at 0800 hrs. reads as follows:

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba continues to be in a critical state of health. Although His vital parameters and indices are nearly normal, yet the condition of the liver and intermittent episodes of low blood pressure are still a cause of worry.

He continues to be on assisted ventilation to help His lungs and on CRRT to assist His kidney functioning.

The panel of doctors are watching Him round the clock and giving all the necessary treatment to keep Him in a stable state of health.

And in the township, the previous evening it was clearly a play of rain and reign…the natural elements were openly lending their support to the persistent pledge of prayers, by not only the residents of Parthi, but devotees all over the world, in whose hearts Beloved Bhagawan reigned supreme. The roar of thunder fuelled the storm of devotion in every heart, the gusty winds carrying their devoted fervor echoing into the ether, only to mingle with fresh wisps of adoration throughout the planet.

The rain did not dampen the will of Parthi but delivered their spirits into the realm where the benevolent, limitless One reigned absolute.

Prayers, a myriad chants, devotional hymns, continued in respective homes and temple complexes. Some took rounds, circumambulating the shrine while others did surround the deity with adulation. From offering garlands made up of betel leaves to Hanumanji, seemingly asking him to carry their message to Sai Rama, to festoons of fragrant flowers, devotees continued their efforts to woo their dear Lord.

Keeping in mind the whimsical, fathomless and mysterious ways of the One, Who sat under the Neem tree in Shirdi, it appeared to them, that the same mystifying, inexplicably mystical phenomenon had been carried forward into Parthi. Erring humanity had to be taught lessons that would wake them up from their slumber.

They had made a firm choice – Ours is not to question why… ours is but to follow Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai.

And so it was, that the crusade of their trust, faith, love and hope was not to be overcome or disturbed by the tiresome tirade of tattered tongues.

Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust - An Insight - a Press Release by SSSCT

Watch Special Videos: (new one added - "Team Player")

Watch an Important Divine Discourse where Bhagawan talks about His body:

Updated Wednesday, Apr 20, 2011 1710 Hrs. IST

The evening Medical Bulletin on Bhagawan's health issued at 1700 hrs. states He continues to be in a critical state of health. Read the full report:

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba continues to be in a critical state of health. His vital parameters of health are quite stable and satisfactory although the vital organs are showing slow response to the treatment, yet the doctors are hopeful of the eventual success of the treatment given to Him.

He continues to be on assisted ventilation. His kidneys are supported by CRRT system.

The panel of doctors treating are watching the status of His health continuously.

The sky was overcast in the evening bringing a monsoon touch during the ongoing peak summer. Intermittent drizzle coupled with lightning and thunder made it all the more nostalgic of the summer that is still a month and a half away.

Updated Tuesday, Apr 19, 2011 0850 Hrs. IST

Morning Bulletin released at 0800 hrs. reports as follows:

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba who was admitted to this hospital on 28th March continues to be in a critical state of health. His vital systems, including liver, are showing minimal response to the treatment, which is a cause of worry for the treating doctors.

He continues to be on ventilatory support and CRRT system of dialysis.

His blood pressure continues to show periodic fluctuations, which is being corrected by appropriate drugs.

The panel of doctors attending upon Bhagawan Baba is keeping close, constant watch of His health parameters.

In the meanitime, devotional fervour and sadhana of Parthi continues. On the the previous Monday evening there was a special pageant from the village of Gokuntlapalli, near Bukkapatnam. This gathering comprised of simple village folks of all age groups - men, women and children, who with great fervor and dedication, carried placards in their hands that had pictures of Shirdi and Parthi Sai, as well as a ‘get well soon’message for their Lord, in English and Telugu. The candles of hope that they held in their hands, were placed around the parapet surrounding the deities under the lush green foliage of the Peepal tree. Twilight gently crept in, and the twinkling stars watched with delight, even as some of them offered flowers of worship to Lord Ganesha.

The procession then continued to the Hanuman Mandir where an amazing moonrise waited to greet them. The full Moon, brilliantly golden hued, seemed to be worshipping Sathyamma, paying obeisance to Her, with its silver rays caressing her beatific profile and lotus feet. The Goddess, dressed in stunning green silk sari with a red border, smiled resplendently.

It being Hanuman Jayanti the entire temple complex was bathed with moon beams that seem to enchant and be enchanted with the bhajans and chants, the pealing of bells and the aarati that was being offered to Bhagawan. Devotees prayed to Hanumanji, the valiant one, who is considered the most devoted, to bring forth the Sanjivani and carry their appeal to their Lord to be amidst them soon.

In this sacred village, prayers and adulation continued in every temple, street and home, for the wellbeing of the cherished Son of Parthi, verily the Soul of Parthi and the entire creation. They had witnessed the alarming time of the ‘scorpion bite’ and the full manifestation of little Sathya, into Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai. Over the years, they were aware of and had experienced His control over time and space and the elements too. For them the unrestrained urban utterances and their wily ways were only dust in the wind.

Determined were they to win their Lord back with their love and adoration.

Read the Press Release by Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust:

Updated Monday, Apr 18, 2011 1741 Hrs. IST

As per the evening Medical Bulletin Bhagawan continues to be in a state of stable health. Read on:

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba continues to be in a stable state of health and is also maintaining stability in the vital parameters of His health.

The functioning of the liver is a little worry to the doctors treating Him, so is the slow improvement shown by other organs.

The panel of doctors is keeping a continuous round of clock watch on His health condition.

He continues to be on assisted ventilation. It is proposed to conduct a cycle of hemodialysis during the late evening. His overall health condition continues to be critical.

Bhagawan speaks about His body...

This morning's Medical Bulletin released at 0800 hrs. states as follows:

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba who has nearly completed three weeks of treatment in the hospital continues to be in a stable state of health.

Most of His indices of the functioning of the organs and vital parameters continue to be nearly normal.

However, the condition of liver and occasional spells of low blood pressure continue to worry the treating doctors.

Over all condition of Bhagawan Baba still continues to be critical, however, the panel of doctors treating Him are watching His health round the clock and are satisfied with the response, although slow, shown by Him to the treatment.

Now on to the valley of peace and her penance for her Soul, Puttaparthi is determined to be on the inward path, the true Sadhana. Along with collective bhajans and many a potent chant at various temples, individual efforts too are being stepped up. From ringing of temple bells, to offerings of worship to the various deities, to prayers with family as well as in seclusion – there is only one desire in all hearts – the well being of Beloved Bhagawan. Adding to it comes Narayana Seva, at individual and group level, an activity that symbolises and stimulates serving the needy.

Turning away from the world and its ways, ignoring its baits and lures, cacophony and chaos, knowing it to be tinsel and trash, Parthi has decided to make its own world – where Shraddha reigns supreme and Saburi is the crowning glory. Faith and Patience continues from Shirdi to Parthi, at this hour of need, understanding and being aware.

Updated Sunday, Apr 17, 2011 17507 Hrs. IST

This evening's Medical Bulletin released at 1700 hrs. states as follows:

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba continues to show stability in the vital parameters of His health. He is still on assisted ventilation, and on CRRT to help His kidneys.

The condition of the liver is causing a slight worry to the doctors, but they are quite hopeful to rectify it in the coming few days.

He still continues to be critical and the panel of doctors and foreign specialists are watching and treating Him round the clock.

Medical Bulletin released this morning at 0800 hrs. reads as follows:

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba completes His 20th day of stay in this hospital. The vital parameters of His health are nearly normal.

He continues to be on assisted ventilation. He is also receiving CRRT system of dialysis. His liver functioning is as yet to recover fully.

He continues to be in a critical state of health and is being constantly watched by the panel of specialist doctors attending upon Him.

In the meanwhile, Puttaparthi was calm and serene in the previuos evening. Oblivious to malicious talk and unperturbed by vicious pens, Puttaparthi continued her Sadhana, in a calm vein. In temples and individual homes chants and bhajans rang out. The village geared up for akhanda bhajan and night-long vigil and hence there was no procession on the streets last evening; however, the inner procession continued nonstop as it should be. The world over the feeling should be thus: Where the mind is without I, and the heart full of Sai, into that heaven of freedom, Oh Lord let my soul awake!!!

Updated Saturday, Apr 16, 2011 1757 Hrs. IST

As per the evening medical bulletin released at 1700 hrs. Bhagawan is continuing to maintain stable parameters of health. Read on:

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba continues to be having stable parameters of health. He continues to be on assisted ventilation to help the lungs. CRRT, the process of slow hemodialysis, is being given to Him since morning to assist His kidneys.

His biochemical and hemotological indices are nearly normal. The progress is however slow. The overall condition of Bhagawan continues to be critical.

The team of doctors attending upon Him is joined by two experts from the US. Dr. Kalapathi K. Gutupalli, professor-in-chief, pulmonary and critical care medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston and Dr. Sridhar, Cardiac Specialist from University of Colorado, Health Sciences Centre.

This morning's Medical Bulletin issued at 0800 hrs. reads as follows:

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba continues to be in the same stable condition of health as yesterday. All His vital parameters continue to be nearly normal.

The panel of doctors treating Him are satisfied with the response, although slow, shown by Him to the treatment. They are satisfied with the stability of the parameters and other indices of His health.

He continues to be on assisted ventilation and CRRT (slow long period dialysis) and is being constantly monitored and watched round the clock.

He continues to be in a critical state of health.

Last evening Parthi received an extra grace, as heavens opened up bringing the first touch of rain upon Mother Earth.  With bhajans on, raindrops came falling down for ‘her’ first touch on Mother Earth on this hallowed land of God. This refreshing shower was accompanied by occasional thunder and lightning. Cool breeze wafted through the valley of peace spreading fresh fragrance all over making it heavenly.

And it appeared that  this day's procession was reserved for the celestial ones, who took their cue from the village folks of Parthi. They too worshipped the Lord with sound of thunder (bhajans) and instead of candles sent out flashes of lightning. Indeed, rain was the grace of the Beloved!!!

Updated Friday, Apr 15, 2011 2129 Hrs. IST

The health status of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is under constant review by Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust in the light of the medical bulletins issued by the Director of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, since the time of His admission to the hospital on the 28th of March, 2011. For several days, His condition was a cause for concern.

In the latest review, as of today, the doctors attending on Him have expressed confidence that He is in a stable condition and is responding satisfactorily to the treatment being given to Him by the team of doctors, though somewhat slowly. They are confident that, if the progress continues to be stable and satisfactory as at present, it might be possible to shift Him from the hospital to His residence at Prasanthi Nilayam in about a fortnight. His residence is being got ready in all aspects to receive Him and provide Him the required level of follow up medical care as also emergency services.

The Trustees are gratified to note the spontaneous upsurge of prayers, bhajans, namasmarana, candle light processions of millions and millions of His devotees all over the globe for His very early and total recovery. Radio Sai, through its Musings, messages and mails from all over the world has been continuously articulating this upsurge. As Bhagavan has repeatedly said on several occasions, it is only the sincere prayers of His devotees that can cure Him. The Trustees consider it their sacred duty to appeal to all the devotees to be calm and sustain their prayers to restore Bhagavan to His normal health at a very early date.

Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, Prasanthi Nilayam

Evening's Medical Bulletin on Bhgaawan released at 1700 hrs. reads as follows:

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba continues to have stable status of health. His vital parameters and indicators of functions of various organs of the body like the blood pressure, blood gas analysis, bio-chemical values continue to be nearly normal.

There is slight improvement in all His systems, though slow.

The panel of doctors is satisfied with the progress shown by Him to the treatment being given to Him. However, He still continues to be critical and is breathing with the help of the ventilator and is being given kidney supporting through CRRT system of dialysis.

For the continuous second day in succession clouds kept the scorching summer cooler in the township; while it was an overcast sky last evening that came as a blessing, this evening Puttaparthi received the bonus, with a summer drizzle, cooling the terrain from the summer onslaught.

Updated Friday, Apr 15, 2011 0857 Hrs. IST

This morning's Medical Bulletin reads:

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba continues to be in a stable state of health. Most of His vital systems have shown positive response to the treatment being given to Him, but the response is slow.

All His clinical parameters of health are nearly normal and are showing improvement over the previous values. He continues to be on assisted ventilation and on intermittent dialysis.

The panel of doctors are satisfied with the response shown by Him to the treatment. However, His condition continues to be critical.

In the meantime, Parthi township is abounding with religious processions and devotional congregations involving great devotional fervour.

Thursday was reserved for the men folk of Parthi to express their devotion. Hundreds gathered outside Ganesh gate with candles in their hands, a prayer in their hearts and hymns in praise of their Lord on their lips. Chants of ‘Om Sri Sai Ram’ rang out aloud and echoed in the ether. Accompanying this devoted gathering was a floral float drawn by a tractor. Colorful bouquets and flowers bedecked the gigantic photo frame of Beloved Bhagawan. They passed on their ‘candles of love, hope, faith and worship’, as an offering, which was collected by sevadal and devotees from inside the Ganesh gate and made to adorn the parapet surrounding the deities under the canopy of the peeple tree opposite Ganesha.

A myriad candles glowed bright with unified prayers and collective harmony.

Further down the main street of Puttaparthi, children sang and danced in circular formations, even as the elders of the village played the drums and cymbals with synchronized rhythm. The residents of the village, each one of them were leaving no stone unturned to coax and cajole their Beloved Lord to be amidst them again. Indeed a sustained spectacular effort with amazing  dedication.

Updated Thursday, Apr 14, 2011 1750 Hrs. IST

Evening Medical Bulletin released at 1700 hrs. by SSSIHMS reports:

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba continues to be stable clinically with nearly normal parameters of vital indicators of health like heart rate, blood pressure etc. However, His health is still in a critical state.

All His systems are showing improvement, although slow.

The doctors are satisfied with the response shown by Bhagawan Baba to the treatment.

Giving respite from summer heat Prasanthi experienced overcast weather this evening. Maximum temperature recorded was 40, the lowest being 25.

This morning's Medical Bulletin released at 0800 hrs. by SSSIHMS reports:

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba who completed 18th day of treatment in this hospital is in a relatively more stable condition of health.

All His vital parameters like heart rate, blood pressure, blood biochemistry values are nearly normal and stable.

He still continues to be on assisted ventilation, and intermittent slow hemodialysis is being conducted upon Him to assist the kidneys, which are now showing signs of sustained activity.

The doctors attending upon Him are satisfied with the stability of His health condition and His response, although slow, to the treatment being given to Him.

\Updated Wednesday, Apr 13, 2011 1755 Hrs. IST

Evening Bulletin released at 1700 hrs. reports:

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba who was admitted in this hospital on 28th March is responding to the treatment, although the response is slow, which is expected in view that Bhagawan Baba's body is 86 years old.

He still continues to be on ventilator supported respiration. The response of His kidneys is also encouraging, yet the need of dialysis is felt and therefore, He is being given a slow intermittent hemodialysis.

The doctors attending upon Him are now quite hopeful about the success of the treatment being given to Him. He continues to be critical.

Updated Wednesday, Apr 13, 2011 0850 Hrs. IST

This morning's medical bulletin reads:

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba who is under treatment in this hospital for multi-organi failure is showing positive but slow response to the treatment given to Him.

He is still on ventilator and is on intermittent hemodialysis. His vital parameters of health are nearly normal.

The continued stable state of health is a matter of satisfaction to the treating team of doctors, although He continues to be critical.

Updated Tuesday, Apr 12, 2011 1750 Hrs. IST

This evening's Medical Bulletin released at 1700 hrs. reads:

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba continues to be stable as far as His vital parameters of health are concerned.

He still continues to be on intermittent hemodialysis and is on assisted respiration.

Although He is responding to the treatment, yet the response is slow.

His condition still continues to be critical.

Updated Tuesday, Apr 12, 2011 0855 Hrs. IST

This morning's Medical Bulletin released at 0800 hrs. reads:

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba who has entered the 16th day of treatment in this hospital is still on ventilator to assist His respiration and intermittent hemodialysis to assist His kidneys.

The vital parametrs of His health like the heart rate, blood pressure, blood gas values continue to be stable and at nearly normal levels.

His response to the treatment is positive but slow, which is a slight cause of worry to the team of doctors attending upon Him.

His liver functions are slowly recovering.

He continues to be in a critical state of health.

Today is auspicious Sri Rama Navami, the day that marks the Advent of Lord Sri Ram...Commemorating the occasion, Prasanthi is singing day-long bhajans from 0900 hrs. to 1800 hrs. today.

Updated Monday, Apr 11, 2011 1745 Hrs. IST

The Medical Bulletin released at 1700 hrs. by Director, SSSIHMS, indicates progress in Bhagawan's health condition. The report reads as follows:

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba who continues to be under treatment of this hospital is showing positive response to the treatment being given to Him.

He continues to be on the ventilator and is undergoing dialysis periodically.

His kidneys and lungs are showing sings of improvement. His hemodynamic values like heart rate, blood pressure, blood gas analysis are nearly normal.

The functioning of liver is also showing improvement.

His over all condition is much better than earlier although He is still critical.


Updated Monday, Apr 11, 2011 0900 Hrs. IST

Medical Bulletin released at 0800 hrs. reads:

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba has entered His 15th day of treatment in this hospital. His condition is stable. There is an overall improvement in the functioning of all the organs although it is slow.

He continues to be on the ventilator and on intermittent dialysis.

His liver is also showing improvement in its functioning.

The doctors attending upon Bhagawan Baba are satisfied with the improvement shown so far, though He still continues to be in a critical state of health.

Updated Sunday, Apr 10, 2011 1757 Hrs. IST

This Evening's Medical Bulletin released at 1700 hrs. reads:

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba continues to be in a stable condition. His health parameters like heart rate, blood pressure, blood chemistry indices and hemodynamics continue to be stable.

His respiration is still supported by the ventilator. His kidneys have started functioning slowly but still need the assistance of dialysis to support them.

The panel of doctors working on Bhagawan Baba are satisfied by the response shown by Him to the treatment so far.

There is improvement in the functioning of all the other organs also, including the liver, but the rate of improvement is slow.

The doctors hope that the rate of improvement will improve further.

Updated Sunday, Apr 10, 2011 0900 Hrs. IST

This morning's Medical Bulletin released at 0800 hrs. reads:

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba who entered the 14th day of treatment in this hospital has shown slight improvement in the functioning of the kidneys.

However, He continues to be on intermittent slow hemodialysis and ventilatory support.

His vital parameters of health are stable and satisfactory. The panel of doctors treating Him is satisfied with the progress He is making.

Watch a Special Video on Sathya Sai Educare:

Updated Saturday, Apr 9, 2011 1737 Hrs. IST

Evening's Medical Bulletin released at 1700 hrs. reads:

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba continues to be stable and there is slight improvement in the overall condition of His health.

He continues to be on the ventilator and periodic slow hemodialysis. The functions of the kidneys and lungs are also showing improvement.

He is responding satisfactorily to the treatment being given to Him by the panel of doctors.

Updated Saturday, Apr 9, 2011 0900 Hrs. IST

The Morning Bulletin released at 0800 hrs. reads:

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba who entered His 13th day of treatment in this hospital had a fairly stable night as regards to His vital parameters.

There is perceptible improvement in the condition of His kidneys. He is on intermittent low hemodialysis.

His lung infection has cleared to some extent; however, He is still on the ventilator.

He had a mild rise of temperature for which He is on appropriate antibiotics.

Doctors attending upon Him are on the whole satisfied with His stable condition of health and response to treatment.

Updated Friday, Apr 8, 2011 1730 Hrs. IST

The latest medical bulletin released by SSSIHMS, Prasanthigram this evening at 1700 hrs. indicates definite improvement in Bhagawan’s health status.

The report reads:

The health condition of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba continues to be stable. All His vital parameters are nearly normal.

His kidneys are continuing to show signs of recovery.

The infection in the lungs is also much less, although it is still a matter of concern. He continues to be on ventilator for His respiratory support and He is on slow dialysis.

All other vital systems are functioning satisfactorily. The panel of doctors treating Him are satisfied with the progress Baba has made so far.

With the good news spreading across, there is a sense of relief in the spiritual township, with many believe that their unified prayers are being answered by Bhagawan. Over that past more than ten days, ever since Bhagawan was hospitalized, Prasanthi has been engaged in incessant prayers, imploring ‘her’ Soul to return to Prasanthi.

Updated Friday, Apr 8, 2011 0900 Hrs. IST

This morning's medical bulletin issued by SSSIHMS, Prasanthigrams at 8:00 am reads:

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba who was admitted in this hospital on 28th March, 2011 is showing positive signs of response to the treatment being given to Him.

His blood pressure and other clinical parameters continue to be nearly normal and satisfactory.

His kidneys are also showing signs of recovery. The state of His consciousness also continues to show improvement. Indices of other vital organs like the heart and liver have also shown improvement.

He is in a stable condition of health, though He still continues to be on the ventilator and slow dialysis.

The panel of doctors treating Him is optimistic about His recovery.

Watch a Special Video where Bhagawan speaks about Body and Health...

Updated Thursday, Apr 7, 2011 1700 Hrs. IST

Latest Medical Bulletin received at 1700 hrs. this evening...

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba continues to be on ventilator support for respiration. His kidney function is being supported by CRRT.

There is some positive sign of recovery in the functions of the kidneys.

His vital parameters are nearly normal and are satisfactory.

He continues to be on treatment in the Intensive Care Facility of the hospital where visitors are not allowed.

The panel of doctors treating Baba are satisfied with the response He is continuing to show to the medical management given to Him.

Bhagawan continues to be stable...Read latest Medical Bulletin issued at 8 am, today....

Updated Thursday, Apr 7, 2011 0910 Hrs. IST

As reports on 'Unified Prayers' are pouring in from all over the world, earnestly praying to Beloved Bhagawan to recuperate and be in the midst of His devotees, Prasanthi Nilayam presents a picture of absolute peace with every heart and soul immersed in a single, unified thought, focussed on Beloved Bhagawan.

While everyone is attentive on the regular bulletins being issued by the Director, SSSIHMS, Prasanthigram, what holds the key in this spiritual township is the five letter word F - A - I - T - H in His own words...Addressing the assembly of devotees during Vijayadashami, 2003 Bhagawan declared:

"I am always healthy. Not only today, till 96 years I will be like this. I can do whatever I want. But those who go by the physical form think that Swami is ageing. Youth and old age are related to the body and not to Me. I am always the same. I can do anything." (Read on... )

It is time for humanity to breath deeper and pray earnestly...

This morning's medical bulletin released at 8 am reads as follows:

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba continues to be stable and His health on the whole is in the same condition as it was yesterday morning.

His vital parameters are near normal including the functional indices of vital systems like heart rate, blood pressure, blood bio-chemistry and blood gas saturation levels.

He continues to be on ventilator to assist His lungs and to allow the secretions to be sucked out.

The dialysis process has been further reduced.

The level of consciousness continues to show improvement.

Although His state of health is still critical, yet the panel of doctors treating Him is satisfied with His response to the treatment being given to Him.

Updated Wednesday, Apr 6, 2011 1840 Hrs. IST

Medical Bulletin released at 1800 hrs. this evening reads...

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba continues to be in a stable condition of health. His clinical parameters like blood pressure, respiratory rate, biochemistry of the blood and other parameters are satisfactory.

His respiration is easier than before and His dialysis support has also been reduced.

The level of consciousness is also showing perceptible improvement.

The panel of doctors attending upon Him is keeping a strict watch on all His clinical parameters and state of health.

Can Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba be ever sick and inactive? No, He can never be, not even while He is in the hospital bed. At a time when He is hospitalized, as part of the Self - scripted Divine Play, He may look to be inactive but, in reality is more active in a multifold proportion, sending out clear-cut signals to the world to pause, reflect, introspect and think...It's high time for humanity to recognise HIM as the One who has donned the garb of a human while being completely Divine! During an earlier occasion when He was termed ‘sick’ He spoke thus:

"Sometimes I have to take on these illnesses. This happens to all Avatars. It happened to the Shirdi Avatar and the Krishna Avatar. Though all these are not recorded, all incarnations have taken over the sufferings of devotees. God does His duty, whether it is recorded or not. I am ready to take on the sufferings of anyone, when they cannot bear it. I am ready, ready, and ever-ready for this.

These incidents are not obstacles in the way of God. Everything will go on as usual. As you have seen, during the last fifteen days I attended all the functions; I had to do lots of work and gave many discourses. Doctors came and advised me to take rest. I don’t want or need any rest. It is a mistake to think that I will become healthy by taking rest. Doing work while undergoing suffering is My rest.”

Give Up Dehabhimana, Develop Atmabhimana

(5 Oct 2003, Occasion: Vijayadashami, Place: Prasanthi Nilayam)

Many of you are anxious thinking that Swami is not keeping good health over the last few days. In fact, My health is very good. Real health is not related to the body. As you equate Swami with this physical frame, it appears as though Swami is not well. Yad Bhavam Tad Bhavati (as is the feeling, so is the result). Do not identify Me with this physical body. I am not Dehaswarupa (body), I am Dehi (the indweller). There is no difference between you and Me. I have all powers in Me. But you are deluded seeing My physical form. Whatever I am doing is only to satisfy the doctors and other devotees. As a matter of fact, there is no trace of ill-health in Me. I am always healthy. Not only today, till 96 years I will be like this. I can do whatever I want. But those who go by the physical form think that Swami is ageing. Youth and old age are related to the body and not to Me. I am always the same. I can do anything. However, this body is yours. This has come for your sake. You can change it the way you like. If you think that Swami is strong and healthy, yes so He is. There is no weakness in Me. My angas (limbs) may appear to be weak. But I am not Angaswarupa, I am Atmaswarupa. Wherever you may go, worship God as Atmaswarupa. Do not identify Him with an Akara (form). Give up body consciousness and develop Atmic awareness. Only when you lead a spiritual life, will you be able to visualize the Atmaswarupa. If you identify Me with the body, I cannot walk even two steps. Do not think about the Akara. Have faith that I am the Atmaswarupa. Then I will always remain healthy. Another Powerful Video showing Bhagawan speaking...

Bhagawan's health conditions shows marked improvement as reported by SSSIHMS this morning at 0800 hrs.

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba who has entered His 10th day of treatment at this hospital is in a stable state of health as He was yesterday.

There are signs of improvement in the functioning of His kidneys although He is still on dialysis. He continues to be on the ventilator for assisting His respiration.

The blood pressure and all other parameters are satisfactory. The panel of doctors treating Him is keeping a constant watch over His health condition.

Updated Tuesday, Apr 5, 2011 1900 Hrs. IST

Evening medical bulletin released at 17:30 hrs. from SSSIHMS, Prasanthigram:

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba continues to be in a stable condition as He was in the morning. He is still on ventilator to support His respiratory function and on the CRRT system to assist His kidney function.

All other vital parameters are nearly normal and satisfactory. He is under constant watch of the panel of doctors treating Him.

Updated Tuesday, Apr 5, 2011 0910 Hrs. IST

This morning's update from SSSIHMS, Prasanthigrams reads:

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba who is admitted to this hospital continues to be in the same condition as yesterday.

However, His level of consciousness has considerably improved. His vital systems are in stable condition. He still continues to be on assisted ventilation through ventilator and CRRT, which is a slow dialysis process, continues to assist His kidneys.

Late night news:

Bhagawan is showing signs of improvement.

On this auspicious day of Ugadi, an Akhanda Bhajan was conducted from morning 9 to evening 6:15 hrs. at Sai Kulwant Hall in Prasanthi Nilayam, attended by thousands of devotees.

Radio Sai Musings

Updated Monday Apr 4, 2011 1900 hrs.

Evening bulletin released by Director, SSSIHMS, Prasanthigram at 1730 hrs.

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba continues to be on ventilator support for helping His respiration and suction of the secretions from the lungs. He continues to be on CRRT system to help the functioning of the kidneys. The vital systems are not adequetly responding. The condition of Baba is critical. The panel of doctors treating Him are doing their best to make the system to respond.

This morning's bulletin by Director, SSSIHMS, Prasanthigram reads as follows:

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba who was admitted in the hospital on the 28th March continued to show improvement in His clinical condition. He is still on assisted ventilation and on kidney support through CRRT, which is a process of slow dialysis. All other clinical parameters are nearly normal. The panel of doctors attending Bhagawan are satisifed with the progress made so far.

Updated Sunday, Apr 3, 2011 1950 hrs.

The latest medical bulletin released at 1730 hrs. by SSSIHMS, Prasanthigrams reads as follows:

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba who has been admitted in the hospital for the last 5 days is responding to the treatment given to Him quite effectively. He is still on assisted ventilation to help His respiratory system and is breathing more easily now. He had a hemodialysis in the morning. The panel of specialists are monitoring all His vital functions including kidneys and are satisfied with His response to the treatment.

Today, a team of specialists deputed by the Government of Andhra Pradesh also went through the process of treatment rendered to Him and had a detailed and fruitful discussion with the panel of specialists treating Bhagawan Baba.

Updated Sunday, Apr 3, 2011 10:00 Hrs. IST

Latest information received from SSSIHMS, Prasanthigram reads as follows:

Bhagawan is admitted to this hospital on 28th Mar 2011 and had implantation of pacemaker in the heart. He is on ventilator support for assisting the respiration. Dialysis is being done to assist His kidney function. The team of doctors attending on Him is satisfied with the response to the treatment given. Constant watch is kept on His health condition by the medical team. It is to reiterate that there is no cause for anxiety.

Updated Saturday, Apr 2, 2011 1800 Hrs. IST

As per the latest bulletin received from SSSIHMS, Prasanthigram, Bhagawan continues to be on the respiratory support device with which His respiration is showing marked improvement. All other vital systems are functioning normally. The team of doctors attending to Bhagawan is quite satisfied with the progress. It is to reiterate that there is no cause for anxiety.

Updated Saturday, Apr 2, 2011 1300 Hrs. IST

Allaying all fears and anxiety that gripped the fraternity, due to baseless information appeared in the media through various channels, we have the latest bulletin received from SSSIHMS, Prasanthigram about Bhagawan's physical health: It reads:








Doctors Day 02 from RadioSai on Vimeo.




Swami_speaks_on_media from RadioSai on Vimeo.

Dear Reader, SaiRam!
There have been innumerable calls and emails from devotees all over the world enquiring anxiously about the well-being of our most Beloved Bhagawan.

In order to allay the anxiety of devotees, Dr. A.N. Safaya, Director, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, Prasanthigram had issued a medical bulletin on 28th March 2011 that a permanent pacemaker had been implanted. As per the latest information received this evening, Bhagawan's condition is fast improving; He had a restful night; The panel of doctors attending to Him have noted improvement in Bhagawan's clinical parameters with satisfaction. The medical team is also increasing His nutrition levels carefully.

Time and again Bhagawan has reiterated that He is the Indweller (Dehi) and not the physical body (Deha) and hence there is no suffering for Him. Yet, we devotees, deeply attached as we are to His charming Divine Form, cannot but pray to Him fervently to cure Himself and continue to guide humanity towards the ultimate goal, the task for which He has incarnated.

Let's pray to Him from the depths of our hearts, ‘Oh! Dear Lord, as the Divine Presence, who sets the pace of the world, we pray to Thee to be back amongst us soon and grant us the bliss of Thy Divine Darshan.’

in SAI service,




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