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من: luistovarcarrillo  (الرسالة الأصلية) مبعوث: 24/04/2011 04:50

Tapovanam - Shri Sathya Sai Sathcharithra - Sacred life story of Sathya Sai Baba, Holy Book for daily recitation

Tapovanam - Shri Sathya Sai Sathcharithra - Sacred life story of Sathya Sai Baba, Holy Book for daily recitation
by Jandyala Venkateswara Sastry
Prasanthi Nilayam, Sri Sathya Sai Books and Publications Trust
310 pages

His Life is His Message, His Story is the Modern Epic stands on par with Ramayana and Bhagawata, His words are nectarine enticing the listeners into the magic world of Divine Bliss, His look is so enchanting wooing one to be One without another, He is Sri Sathya Sai Baba in whose physical being embodied the Lord of Lords. The supreme majesty and splendour of His Divine being is incomprehensible and inexplicable. Still an effort can be made to put together inspirational stories about His infinite glory from the unimaginably vast ocean of the life of this God walking on Earth. This is an invitation to enter thru' the gates of 'Tapovanam' invoking and propitiating the Lord incarnate, move about hearing his supreme glory thus to get recharged with a spiritual awakening to finally fulfill the 'I' in each one of us - a journey from self to self.

It nicely summarizes the life of Baba  upto 2000 when it was first published in 18 chapters to bring out the fact of why Baba is God Himself, God in Human Form - The God Incarnate like Krishna and Rama and is reincarnation of Sirdi Sai Baba.

The book is divided in to two parts:
Part I is titled  Approach to divinity
* Prayer
* Sai pooja- Sankalpam (Procedure of worship of Bhagawan Shri sathya Sai Baba)
* Archana
* Ashtotthara Satha Namavali(Invocation of 108 Sacred names of Bhagawan Sri Sathya sai       Baba)   
* Sai Eswara Ashtaka
* Sri Sai Ashtakshari Manthram
Part II Divine Miracles 
Day 1 - Thursday
Chapter 1 Thapovanam
Entering the Tapovanam - Pranavam - Nagara Sankeerthan - Sandarshan - "Even Celestial Beings Wait For Me" - Pedda Bottu's Experience - Raja Reddy's Vision - Bhajan.
Chapter 2 Shirdi Sai Parthi Sai
Jodi Adipalli Somappa - Prem Kuteeram - Baba The Shiv Shakthi - Life story of Lord Shirdi Sai-
Shirdi Sai's Promise - Bodies are Two; Divinity is One - Baba is All Pervasive - "I Know You  Don't"
Day 2 Friday
Chapter 3 Sambhavami Yuge Yuge (I Incarnate Again and Again)
Putta Vardhani - Easwaramma - Swami's Incarnation -Not Conception but Advent _ Divine Touch - The Teacher's Chair - Tiger hunter chided
Chapter 4 Sai Blossoms
Pushpagiri Festival - "I am The Servitor of All" - Do Deeds Match Words? - The Missing Horse - Divine Puppeteer Acts the Danseuse - The Sting of a Scorpuion - The Bestower of knowledge- Forbearance- "I am sai Baba" - The Great Annunciation - References to Sathya sai Baba in Ancient Treatises
Day 3 Saturday  Resurrection of Dharma
Chapter 5 Revitalisation of temples - Badarinath, Varanasi, Somanath, Dwaraka, Srisailam, Pandharpur - Resuscitation of Vedic Dharma - Who Else Knows The Right Muhoortam - The Yajna Kalasam - Ayudha Pooja.
Chapter 6 The Supreme Divinity
Baba Transcends Every Other God - As Sri Maha Ganapati - As Sri Subrahmanya Swamy - As Lord Param Siva - As Lord Sri Ram - As Sri Shyam Sundar - As Gautam Buddha - As Jesus Christ - The Kaba in Baba's Palm - As Sri Dattatreya  - "My human Form Encompasses The Divine Shakthis of All Gods" - Swamy Pervades The universe - "Nethi, Nethi."
Day 4 Sunday
Chapter 7 The All Powerful: Creator, Preserver, Destroyer
Creation (Srishti) - Ant Becomes Beads; Parrot From Beatel Leaves - Diamond Ear-Tops in cookies - Maintenance (Sthithi) - "You Are Embodiments of Athma" - The Simla Incident - Ultimate Dissolution (Layam) - "Creation , maintenance and Dissolution are in My Hand."
Chapter 8 The Lord of the Cosmos
All Elements lie in his Control- Rescue from Fire - Rescue from Flood - Water Turns in to Petrol - Sunshine in the Himalayas.
Chapter 9 "Why Fear When I am Here?"
Child Saved From Truck - God is Closer than Husband - God is Closer than Mother - Suicide Averted - His bounbdless Compassion.
Chapter 10 The Master of Time
He Abridges Time - He Elongates time - "Time and Space Bind Me Not" - Aneka Roopa Roopaya (Assuming Numerous Forms) - The Incomprehendible - He Arrives Unnoticed. 
Day 5 Monday
Chapter 11: Loving Mother Sai
Love of a Thousand mothers - Agony moves Bhagawan - The Flower of Love - "Shed a Tear For Me" - Flu Driven Away - Supremacy of Spritual Learning - "My children Are MY Entire Property"- Frolicsome God - Tolerance - Benefit from closeness With Baba."
Chapter 12: The Temples of Healing
Super Specialty Hospitals - Potency of Prasadam- Who Has Performed The Surgery?- Why Hospital, if God is Here? - To Each ADifferent Treatment. 
Chapter 13 Paramam Vichitram Leela Vibhutim
                 The Miraculous Vibhuti
Vibhuti Cancels cancer - 'Dono Polo' Tribal Leader Surrenders to Him - Wonderous potency of vibhuti.
Day 6 Tuesday
Chapter 16 Divine Miracles beyonf boundaries
The Eternal Saviour- John Hislpo and the Image of Jesus - Al Drucker - Indra Devi- Dr. Frank Boronowski - Dr. Art-ong Jumsai - "Be Happy; That is The Only Thing I Ask of You" - Jagadeesan - Mala, Vikshepa, Avarana.
Day 7 Wednesday
Chapter 15 : "I am Aware of the past, the Present and Future of Everyone"
Evil begets evil - "Picking up Food Thrown Away Earlier" - Ocean of mercy - Nam Smaran and roop Dhyan - Release from Retribution.
Chapter 16 : Significance of Nama Smaran
Thulasamma - Nama Smaran Means Summoning God - Nama Smaran Means Telephoning God - Maya, The Terrible Dog - Earnest Prayer - "I am Ever Waiting For You" - "The Oppressed are My children" - Goat and Mind.
Chapter 17: Manava Seva is Madhava Seva
                   (Service To Man Is Service To God)   
"Take One Step Towards Me; I will take a Hundred Towards You" - hanuman and Vibheeshan in Discourse - Service Leads To Heaven - Maintain Spirituality Throughout Life.
Chapter 18: Dear to The deprived and near to The needy -
Adversary Brings God Closer - "I Too Fear her!" - Nine Types of Bhakti - Conclusion.
Benediction (Phala Shruthi)
Mangala Arathi

The book is available at:

Sri Sathya Sai Books and Publications Trust

Extraido del web site: http://www.saibabalinks.org/bookreviews/tapovanam.htm

Baba had said he would come back stronger, claims book

TNN | Apr 24, 2011, 03.38am IST
PUTTAPARTHI: Did Sathya Saibaba have premonition 10 years ago that he would fall seriously ill? Yes, claim his followers. According to them, Saibaba had predicted in 2000 that he would be indisposed for 40 days but would come back strong to give darshan to his devotees.

This was revealed in a book `Tapovanam - Bhagawan Sri Sathya Saibaba Satcharitra Nityaparayanam' in which the author Jandhyala Venkateswara Sastry has written an essay on Baba's ill-health. Saibaba had told his students and followers at his Sai Shruti ashram in Kodaikanal in 2000: "Though most of my disciples fall at my feet, they don't know my real value. A time would come when I would vanish and take a walk across the skies. During that phase, my body would face serious health problems and devotees would be desperately praying for my recovery."

The Baba also goes on to say, according to the writer, that several gun-toting cops would be guarding the premises where he would be hospitalised.

As Saturday marked the 27th day of his stay in the SSSIHMS, many devotees said Baba would soon give darshan. "Time and place cannot hold me captive. I decide when to come back. If I want I can go anywhere and come back any time," he is said to have told students during the discourse.

"He had said that he would live for 96 years in his present avatar. After 40 days, he would come back. Just watch out," a devotee said even as he prayed for the Baba.

EL MISMO TEMA COMENTADO EN LA TELEVISIÓN DE INDIA: http://metroslive.com/tv9-sathya-sai-baba-talking-in-tapovanam-book/

Experiencia de un devoto.

Amigos de míos: este Jueves Santo no pude evitar ponerme otra vez muy triste con estas noticias, y sorpresivamente recibí una llamada al celular desde Benares. Se trata de una latina que vive allá. Me contó que ella tiene muy buena amistad con un Pandit ya muy mayor. Este señor le contó hace tres días que existe una carta que estando Baba muy pero muy joven, le escribió a una familia en que le decía que El a la edad delos 85 años, estaría 41 días en Samadhi.

Hace dos semanas me uno de uds. el pronóstico de un reconocido astrólogo, cuando Swami inició este episodio, y mientras decían por todos lados que en tres días Baba volvería a Su Casa para el Ugadi, él pronosticó que El volvería pero luego del 14 de mayo. De verdad que no de di credibilidad.


Pero si efectivamente lo que dice el Pandit es cierto, es coincidentemente para esas fechas que Swami saldría del Samadhi.


Este es un comentario que a mí me llena de mucha fe y esperanza y por eso se los comparto. Estamos hartos de rumores. Pero de rumores negativos. Si hay algo así que resulta tan positivo, pues a mí por lo menos, me levantó el ánimo. Me afianzó la esperanza.

Bueno. Esperemos que estos 15 o 16 días que faltan, no sé cuántos, se vayan rápido. Van a parecer interminables. El Pandit dice que la carta existe y que la tiene aún la familia. Pero familia humilde que no la prestaría para no hacer olas.




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