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De: luistovarcarrillo (Mensaje original) |
Enviado: 17/05/2011 15:17 |
Vakratunda Mahakaya, SuryaKoti Samaprabha, Neervighna Kurume Deva, Sarva Karyeshu Sarvada, Om Ekdantaye Vidmahe, Vakratundaaya Dheemahi, Tanno Dhanti Prachodayaat, Om Gum Ganapataya Namah! (Shri Ganesh Opening Prayer) Aum Bhoor Bhuwah Swaha, Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devesya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yo Naha Prachodayat (Gayatri Mantra) Oh God! Thou art the Giver of Life, Remover of pain and sorrow, The Bestower of happiness, Oh! Creator of the Universe, May we receive thy Supreme sin-destroying light, May Thou guide our intellect in the right direction. (Gayatri Mantra in English) Hinduism in a Nutshell, Hinduism 101 Hinduism's Code of Conduct - Brief Summary Hinduism - 10 Questions on Hinduism (courtesy Himalayan Academy) Hinduism Hinduism/Vedic Culture/Sanathan Dharma - A Short Introduction by Shri Stephen Knapp Hinduism History Lesson - Hinduism from Ancient Times (Courtesy The Himalayan Academy) Hindu Prayer Book Hinduism Primer (Courtesy of The Himalayan Academy) Hinduism for Beginners By Pandit Ram Sivan (Srirama Ramanuja Achari) All about Hinduism by Sri Swami Sivananda Hinduism - What every Hindu ought to know by A Hindu Monk (circa 1968) Hinduism Encycloped. Hindu Dharma - The Universal Way of Life - Voice of the Guru - Pujya Sri Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati Swami How I Became a Hindu, My Discovery of Vedic Dharma by Shri David Frawley (Shri Vamadeva Shastri) Weavers Wisdom 1080 (courtesy Himalayan Academy) Why I Became a Hindu by Shri Stephen Knapp (Shri Nandanandana Dasa) Essentials of Hinduism (Handbook) Becoming a Hindu Devotee is Easy by Shri Stephen Knapp
Ancient Indan Law 1 Ancient Indan Law 2 Ancient Indan Law 3 Art of Astrology Astrology - What is Vedic Astrology courtesy by Shyamasundara Dasa, Jyotish Sastri Astrology - Basic Lessons Astrology - Introduction to Esoteric Astrology courtesy of Bepin and Mudhuri Behari Astro Palmistry by Mihiracharya (large file 60 Mb) A Call to Liberation by Swami Chidananda A New Beginning by Swami Chidananda A Guide to Noble Living by Swami Chidananda A Messenger of Peace and Wisdom by Swami Krishnananda Advice on Spiritual Living by Swami Sivananda All about Hinduism by Sri Swami Sivananda Amrita Gita (Yoga) by Sri Swami Sivananda Animal's Rights by Henry Salt (1914) Ancient India - Some Sacred Sites Answers to Basic Spiritual Questions by Swami Shantananda Puri Arise India by Francois Gautier Ashtavakra Samhita - Study Notes of Swami Shraddhananda Ashtavakra Gita (with explanations) Ashtavakra Gita Version 1 (translated by John Richards) Ashtavakra Gita Version 2 (translated by John Richards) Ashtavakra Gita (translated by Bart Marshall) Ashtavakra Gita - The Song of Ashtavakra (english) Ashtavakra Gita - The Song of Ashtavakra (hindi/english)
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Chanakya Niti-Shastra - The Political Ethics of Chanakya Pandit V1 Chanakya Niti-Shastra - The Political Ethics of Chanakya Pandit V2 Characteristics of a Mantra Chidananda, Swami Chidananda's 80th Anniversary Tribute Children's Lessons on Hinduism (courtesy of Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami - Himalayan Academy, in Tamil, Hindi, French and English): Saivite Hindu Religion, Book 1 for children ages 5 to 7 Saivite Hindu Religion, The Master Course, Level One, Book 2 Saivite Hindu Religion, Book 3 for children ages 7 to 9 Saivite Hindu Religion, Book 4 for children ages 8 to 10 Saivite Hindu Religion, Book 5 Saivite Hindu Religion, Book 6 Saivite Hindu Religion, The Master Course - Level One - Book 1, Professional Teacher's Guide Saivite Hindu Religion, The Master Course - Level One - Book 2, Professional Teacher's Guide Saivite Hindu Religion, Book Four Examination (Intermediate) Saivite Hindu Religion, Book 6 Examination (Intermediate)
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