Danzando con Siva, Catecismo Contemporáneo del Hinduismo Primer libro de la Trilogía Curso Magistral. Un libro de referencia ricamente ilustrado sobre espiritualidad de la India en formato de pregunta y respuesta, explorando cómo conocer la Divinidad, honrar toda la creación y ver a Dios en todos lados y en todas las personas
Segundo libro de la Trilogía Curso Magistral. 365 lecciones diarias basadas en antiguas leyes Védicas, revelando cómo enfocar a la familia, al dinero, a las relaciones, a la tecnología, al alimento, al culto, al yoga y al karma para vivir una verdadera vida espiritual
Tercer libro de la Trilogía Curso Magistral. 365 lecciones de iluminación de un maestro místico, revelando las profundidades del raja yoga, la luz blanca clara, los estados de la mente y el destino espiritual último de todo buscador
Extracto del extraordinario libro de Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, El Amoroso Ganesha: El Atractivo Dios del Hinduismo con Rostro de Elefante
Antiguas Escrituras e Himnos
La porción final de los Vedas que explican el significado filosófico secreto de los himnos Védicos
Dancing with Siva, Hinduism's Contemporary Catechism Book One of The Master Course Trilogy. A richly illustrated sourcebook of Indian spirituality in question-and-answer form, exploring how to know the Divine, honor all creation and see God everywhere, in everyone
Book Two of The Master Course Trilogy. 365 daily lessons based on ancient Vedic laws, disclosing how to approach family, money, relationships, technology, food, worship, yoga and karma to live a truly spiritual life
Book Three of The Master Course Trilogy. 365 enlightenment lessons from a mystical master, revealing the depths of raja yoga, the clear white light, the states of mind and the ultimate spiritual destiny of every seeker
Twenty Timeless Keys to Your Divine Destiny. Ancient secrets from the yoga tradition for building good character and self-discipline, the seldom-taught but essential first steps for knowing God within
An illustrated, clairvoyant revelation of man's untold journey to Earth from the Pleiades millions of years ago, and the struggles faced through the eras as souls matured into their ultimate destiny and Divinity.
An illustrated resource on Dharma's Benevolent Deity, Remover of Obstacles, Patron of Art and Science, honored as first among the celestials
Empower yourself with tools given by a modern rishi to cope with the great adventure that is your life
A history-making manual, interreligious study and names list, with stories by Westerners who entered Hinduism and Hindus who deepened their faith
Empower yourself with tools given by a modern rishi to cope with the great adventure that is your life
This 141-page booklet is a complete instruction manual on the concept and practice of sadhana. It contains instructions for nearly 40 different Hindu spiritual practices. While most of these are designed to be performed by Hindus who have made advance arrangements to come on a pilgrimage to the monastery and it's two temples in Hawaii, many of them can be practiced at home or at any temple near you.
An eBook presenting the 365 Nandinatha Sutras of Living with Siva which guide the lay congregation and monastic order of Saiva Siddhanta Church. Each sutra proclaims an ancient wisdom and protocol which, when followed, brings that same simplicity, community support, peace, harmony and refinement of enduring relationships into daily life.
Forty-nine lessons on the power of celibacy for youth. Brahmacharya is the traditional virtue of celibacy, remaining chaste until marriage, for a specified period of time, or for life. It also includes restraining the base instincts of anger, jealousy, greed, selfishness, etc.
Saiva Siddhanta Church's Book of Discipline, detailing policies, membership rules and mission guidelines.
These are the vows taken by the swamis of the Nandinatha Sampradaya's Saiva Siddhanta Yoga Order. In them you will find the traditional qualifications, ideals, sadhanas and practices of a Hindu sannyasin.
Translations of several of our publications can be found here, including Spanish, Italian, French, Malay, Marathi, Russian, Tamil and Telegu.
Other Books by Himalayan Academy
Modern Adventures into a Profound Global Faith. A rare, inside look at the world's most venerable and vibrant religion, revealed in forty-six illustrated journeys into an intriguing realm of temples, Deities, yoga, philosophy, gurus, tolerance and family life. From the editors of Hinduism Today magazine.
How is it to be enlightened? A rare account by one of the greatest mystics of the 20th century.
Testament of Truth A study of the life and teachings of Yogaswami with selections from his poems and writings entitled Natchintanai, "Good thoughts," translated into English from the original Tamil with a philosophical commentary based on Hindu scriptures.
By Paramaguru Siva Yogaswami. These are but a few words that fell from Yogaswami's lips. They were picked up and have been preserved by four of his most loyal and devoted disciples.
Ancient Scriptures and Hymns
The Vedas are Hinduism's primary and most authoritative revealed scriptures, dating back as far as 6,000 bce, known as shruti, that which is "heard." The Vedas, literally "wisdom," are the sagely revelations of ancient rishis, over 100,000 verses, as well as additional prose, imparting a range of knowledge from earthy devotion to high philosophy. This book is a modern revelation of the most ancient scripture in the world, translation and commentary by Raimon Panikkar.
The Agamas are an enormous collection of Sanskrit scriptures which, along with the Vedas, are revered as shruti, revealed scripture. They are the primary source and authority for ritual, yoga and temple construction. Also here is a collection of works used for training priests in padasalas of Tamil Nadu. Tamil, Sanskrit and English works.
The Tirumantiram, literally "Holy incantation," is the Nandinatha Sampradaya's oldest Tamil scripture, written ca 200 bce by Rishi Tirumular. It is the earliest of the Tirumurai, and a vast storehouse of esoteric yogic and tantric knowledge. It contains the mystical essence of raja yoga and siddha yoga, and the fundamental doctrines of the 28 Saiva Siddhanta Agamas.
A South Indian sage, Tiruvalluvar, tells us of friends and foes, family, God, business, law, spies, love, hate, and all that's human in his classic masterpiece, the Tirukural. Also available in a full color print edition which includes original Tamil, the above American English translation and a modern Tamil translation.
The powerful devotional hymns of Saint Tayumanavar, 1,447 verses composed 300 years ago, are still alive in the hearts of millions. It is hard to find a clearer vision of Lord Siva, at once devotional and nondual.