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De: luistovarcarrillo  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 30/05/2011 04:04


Extracts from Sai Vaani


Sathyam is My Prachar (Truth is what I preach)

Dharma is My Adhar (Righteousness is My basis)

Shanthi is My Swabhav (Peace is My Nature)

Prema is My Swarup (Love is My form)

Follow any one of the four

You are Mine, I am yours.


When we delight, as He keeps us close and near,

He sows anxiety in the heart, of separation a sad,

When we despair and feel His sport is our wail

He grants us in plenty laughter to split our sides.

When we ride on the crest of the wave of His presence

He pricks our pride with well-timed jeers.

When we roam quite free at the boon, "Don't fear"

He heaps trouble on trouble and silently passes by.

We cannot turn away nor proceed forward!

Thus He in Parthi holds the earth in thrill!

(Poem): The one who has come to teach

The one who churns butter,

The hearts and minds of men,

The friend, the Charmer

The Liberator from binding bondage

The Comforter of those who clamor and pray,

The destroyer of currents that drag,

The Consoler of torn hearts,

Like the moon so cool,

The destroyer of [ride,

The Healer, curing birth and death,

The Lotus eyed, the negator of time,

Himself the process and the play of Time,

The Thief who steals for Himself

The pure minds of the good,

Beauty embodied, the child of Devaki,

Vaasudeva, Son of Vasudeva,

The Glory of the Yadu race,

Is here with you, beside you!!


The eternal, with neither entrance or exit

The one who neither was, nor is, nor will be.

The immortal person, free from birth and death,

The ever-effulgent Atman is Sai

Sai is the ever-effulgent Atman.

You are singing with Me, conversing with Me, and filling your eyes, ears and hearts with My utterances and activities. This is not a mere physical form composed of the five elements, nor is this day My birthday though you may call it thus. This body might have a birthday, but I have no birth. You say I am fifty-four year old, but I have no age that can be counted.


When I am in the midst of men, I a Man. When I am amidst women, I am Woman. When I am amidst of children, I am a Child. When I am alone, I am Brahmam. Not only I, even you, when you are midst of ten elderly men, you behave as an elder. When you are midst of ten women, you exhibit femininity. When you are amongst children, even if you are a Supreme Court Judge, you behave a like a child.


I have come to reform you. I won't leave you until I do that. Even if you get away before I do that, don't think that you can escape Me. I will hold on to you. I am not worried if you leave Me, for I am not anxious that there should be a huge crowd gathering here around Me. Who has sent invitations to you? Yet, you have come here in thousands. You attach yourselves to Me. I am unattached. I am attached only to the task for which I have come.


The purpose for which I have come is not to fulfill small desires or attend to the small incidents like what you have now heard about. There are greater Truths that I have to establish. There is a considerable change in human outlook that I have to bring about. No one can stop Me or deter Me, from fulfilling tasks for which I have come, namely the establishment of the unchanging Truth.

You have a part to play in the fulfillment of the Sai Mission that remains ahead of us. Establishment of Dharma is the task to which we have to attend immediately and I hope that you will all play your part, however small it may be in completing the Sai work. Everything depends on Truth and such Truth is not something that has to yield (something) to anyone. Untruth has to sub-ordinate itself to almost everyone with whom it comes into contact. Truth will never sub-ordinate itself to anyone. This form is the form of Sathya Sai or the embodiment of Truth.


Unless the child starts wailing, the mother will not feed it. But this Mother is different. She knows that the child must be fed, and also when it is to be fed. The advent itself was according to My Sankalpa. Every step in this Avatar is due to My own Sankalpa, not due to the prayer or petition of devotees. The devotees seldom know what is good for them. You are listening to Me, and what do you get when you listen? You agree that I am giving you Anandam, is it not? Well, what do you give Me in return? Give Me Aacharana of what I am telling you. Practice what I teach, that is enough that is all I ask.


Avatars choose the time and the mode of announcement of their Advent and their glory. Even in this Avatar, such miracles had to e done when I decided that the time was opportune for taking the people into My secret.


You should offer your knowledge for the benefit of the people. You should set an example to your fellowmen. Cultivate the spirit of oneness to all mankind. It is to teach this message that the Sai advent has taken place. Sai has come to indicate the omnipresence of God. The Avatar has come down to declare that God is present everywhere. This is as necessary as the as the need for someone to light a lamp, even if one has a lamp holder, oil and wick. The Avatar comes not only to proclaim the eternal virtues, but also to shower His love on mankind. But, each one will get the benefit according to the size of the vessel he holds.


Some of you may imagine that it a source of joy for the Lord to take a human form. If you are in this state, you will not feel so. I am always aware of the future, the past as well as the present of every one of you.


I may recall a poem I wrote at the age of seven. It was as follows:

To see your face in a mirror do you need anybody's help?

Why do you need anyone's friendship for this purpose?

To view the moon in the sky do you need a lamp?

To look at the moon shining in the sky do you require any other source of light?

To know your own Atma why do you need a Guru?


There are many who do not understand the Sai principle. Who is this Sai? Why are certain things happening in this manner? These questions are asked. I am not a Sanyasi. I am not a Yogi. I am not a Bhogi (Pleasure seeker)... I am not a Thyagi (renunciant). "I am I". This "I" is the first name given to Atma. A Sanyasi is bound by certain restrictions. The Bhogi is bound in many other ways. I have no restrictions. I am limitless. Mine is boundless bliss. My name is "I". It is not a name given after one's birth. To understand Me, everyone has to realize that the "I" is present in everyone, the "I" used by everyone in every context, whether he is a millionaire or a pauper; this "I" is Brahman. Everyone uses the "I" from dawn to dusk without understanding its meaning.

You might infer, "Swami is doing this, Swami is doing that". But, it is not for My sake. For My sake, (believe it or not) I do not spend even a paisa. Whatever I do, I do for society only. Though 56 years have passed, I have not stitched even one shirt or gown for Me spending a paisa. I am wearing only what is given by a student of the Kingdom of Sathya Sai . Not today, but since the beginning, the thought that "I must have this or that" has never arisen in Me. It is not rising now. It will not arise at any time. Whatever thoughts arise in Me are only for the peace and welfare of the world, for the progress of the youth who will lead others along the path. You must dedicate yourselves for rendering enthusiastic service to the people of the world, recognizing that the Sai Principle has no egoistic urge.

You may not be able to see it, but it is clear before My eyes. As days pass, even those who are not able to recognize now the Truth of Sai will have to approach with tears of repentance and experience Me. Very soon, this will be worldwide. Swami is now firmly restraining this development. When once it is allowed to manifest, the whole world will be transformed into Prashanthi Nilayam.


These are My three resolves and I am determined to fulfill them and to set an example. You may believe it or not, I must tell you that total adherence to truth, Absolute selflessness, Universality, and spontaneous outpouring of Love are to be seen only in Sai and nowhere else. Sai has not an iota of self-interest. Sai is motiveless. Sai deals with Sadhakas according to their deserts. Sai will continue to love even those who revile Him. Sai will not forget anyone, even if they forget Sai. But unfortunately, Sai will appear to ignore those who may have forgotten Sai, acted against His injunctions, set at naught Sai ideals or traduced Sai. For these, some persons may imagine that Swam is angry with some persons or dissatisfied with some others. It is not without any reason that Sai avoids meeting or talking to some persons. I do not wish to waste My words on persons who do not respect Sai's directives or follow Sai's ideals. I do not wish to speak to those who have no regards for My words. That does not mean that I have no love towards them.


You must take a path by which you can see into My heart, and experience the various Divine aspects of Mine. You must understand the all-knowing power in Me. Do not be led away by people who always talk of having got locket, a watch o a ring from Me. These things have deep meaning. If you can earn My grace, it is as good as getting the entire world. Do not talk about My miracles but talk of the Prema that you can get from Me by your conduct. This is what is most important and you must make an attempt to get it,. When there is an invaluable diamond in Me, you must try and acquire that. What is the meaning in your wanting to acquire smaller things? You must not go away from this invaluable treasure. You must be as close to it as possible. It is necessary for you to take and treasure it. You may ask what is the necessity for us to earn such a thing as Divine Grace and Prema. In this context, it is useful if you know of the kind of love that comes from the Divinity in Me.


I would have given a protective Talisman to a devotee and that individual would have worn it either on his head, or some where on his body. You do not have to constantly think of Swami. He will be with you and looking after you, even if you do not have protective Talisman on your bodies. My grace is always available to all people. The purpose of the talisman is that if the individual wearing it, is in some danger or difficulty, the talisman will immediately bring to Me in flash the news and goes back with My grace to you. This is the function that the talisman that I give, performs. It constitutes a kind of link between the wearer and Me in times of danger. Such material gifts have been protecting thousands of people; I am telling this to the young people sitting here so as to make them realize that My aspect is such that it reaches the hearts of the people. These external things and material gifts provide the link from heart to heart and they function when they are required most. Such experiences are happening not by ones and twos but by thousands. In fact, such incidents are as many as these (pointing to the hair on His head.)


I declare that I am in every one, in every being. So do not hate any one, or cavil at anyone. Share Prema always, everywhere. That is the best way of revering Me. I am beyond your understanding. Pray or worship for your own satisfaction and contentment. But to say that I respond only if I am called or that I will save only if I am thought of, is wrong. Have you not heard the declaration, "Sarvathah Paani Paadam?" You can hear My Footsteps for I walk with you, behind you, beside you. When you cry out in agony, "don't you hear my heart's complaint? Have you become so stone hearted"?, My ear will be there to listen. Ask that I should protect you like the apple of the eye. My eyes will be there to watch over you and guard you. Have incense sticks (Dhoop) and scent sticks for the Puja and I smell them. I answer to whatever name you use. I respond to whatever requests you make with a pure heart and a sanctified motive.


Sai's heart is as wide as the sky. Even the sky may have its limits. Sai's heart is boundless. Some say Sai is in the hands of some persons. Yes, I am indeed bound. Bound by the devotees as well as the wicked. In my view, I have more love for the wicked than for the good. The good devotees remember me only occasionally. But the wicked remember me all the twenty-four hours. I am thus in the hearts of the devotees as well as the wicked. I cannot be caught in the grip of anyone.

In regard to every matter, my thoughts are always sublime and exemplary. You must note that Swami's life is in His own hands and not in those of anyone else. If I will, I can live for as long as I please. I can also terminate it at will. It is My will that decides and not any other person's. The reason is My purity, selflessness and Divinity. What other testimony is called for? The life of the pure hearted is I their own hands and ot in those of others.


There are many who are engaged in criticism and calumny. Many papers are published with all types of writings. Many pamphlets are printed. All kinds of things happen in the world. My reply to all this is just a smile. The reason is such criticisms and distortions are the inevitable accompaniments of everything good and great. Embodiments of Love! Not only this but even if the entire world opposes unitedly, nothing can affect Me. My Mission is essentially Mine. I am engaged in the good. My heart is ever full of benediction. I have no ego. I do not own anything. This is My truth. Those who have faith in this, My truth, will not hesitate to dedicate themselves to it.

"My life is My message"

Many will be criticizing Me, while many others will be praising Me. But I am neither depressed by their criticism nor elated by their praising. Why? Because, if some people mention about whatever qualities are actually in Me, I need pay attention to them. If any one attributes to Me what is factually not in Me, I need not be worried about it. For instance, if some one calls Me, "Butta Thala Sai Baba" (Sai Baba with a basket-like crown of hair), I should by all means accept their remark, because I have such a bushy hair on My head. On the contrary if anybody accosts Me as "Batta thala Sai Baba) (bald headed Sai Baba), why should I accept it? I have no bald head. So, if defects which do not have are pointed out directly even in My very presence, I do not accept them and hence I am not upset by them. That is the right "determination", indicating self-confidence.


I am showing you by My example how you must fill every moment with useful and beneficial activity. You talk among yourselves, "Swami is having His rest hour. Swami is sleeping." But I have never craved for a minute's rest or sleep or relief. Shall I tell you at what time I feel restful, relieved and content? When I know that you are all earning supreme bliss through detachment and spiritual discipline. I am ever engaged in some activity or other for your benefit. Things I could get done, I do not entrust to others. I do them Myself, so that they may learn self reliance and get experience thereby. I always have your progress, your comfort, and your happiness in mind. You can note it in the slightest act of mine. I do all work pertaining to Me. I open all letters addressed to Me and they are legion.


In this connection I should like to tell you something. Whether you believe it or not, I do not have any worry. When I embarked on the construction of such a big hospital (the super Specialty Hospital ) Joga Rao used to say, "We are drawing up such a gigantic plans. We don't have enough money. How we are going to construct this hospital?" He was highly apprehensive. I told him, "What we are undertaking is good work for the welfare of others. There is no selfishness in Me. We are doing everything for the well-being of the world. Do not give room for these depressing thoughts. It is bound to come up. Have this confidence."


The Sai Lord is the embodiment of Love,

Who taught the Love principle.

Proclaimed the equality of al beings,

And revealed the preciousness of humanness.

I have no devotees. You may describe yourselves as Sathya Sai devotees. I am Myself a devotee! Whose devotee? A devotee of those who claim to be My devotees. My duty is to fulfill their desires.

I belong to you and you belong to Me. Understand and strengthen this relationship. This is My sole desire.


I am prepared to help anyone from any village, any state or community. I do not cherish differences of any kind. Whether you believe it or not, I may assure you that I respect only one caste, the caste of humanity, one religion, the religion of Love, and only one language, the language of heart. I shall never say, "NO" to anybody who seeks My help, whatever his caste, religion or creed may be. Good many devotees are gathered here. I am prepared even to part with Prashanthi Nilayam to meet your requests. I am prepared to do anything for the good of the people. That is My only concern.


Birth and death are like jokes for Me, though you may not know it. When someone comes to Me and wails, "My husband has passed away", I remark, "Santhosham (happy). She may remark, "How can you be happy if my husband has passed away?" All events are the same to Me, I am always happy. One lady comes to Me and says that she is suffering from an unbearable stomach ache. I observe, "Chaala santhosham". (Very Happy).


Even before your Bhakthi ripens, you strive to lead others, you collect donations and subscriptions and plan mandirs and sangams. All this is a mere show which brings spiritual loss, rather than spiritual gain. When you start publicity you descend to the level of those who compete in decrying others and extolling themselves.

Where money is calculated, garnered and exhibited to demonstrate one's achievements, I will not be present there. I come only to places where sincerity, faith and surrender are valued. So spend the silent hours in meditation and Namasmarana in your own homes and deepen faith. I do not want Bhajans which are like gramophone records, reproducing songs and namavalies without any feeling or yearning while singing. Hours of shouting are not needed; a moment of concentrated heartfelt prayer is enough to melt and move God.


Swami's will is firm. No one can alter it. Swami's glory, fame and sacredness have not been achieved through publicity. They are the results of Swami's actions. I have no concern with publicity. Action alone counts. What is achieved through publicity will disappear through publicity. Sai will not be affected by propaganda. The world may be affected by propaganda, but Sai will remain the same. Many of you are pained by the calumny. Some papers are indulging in disregarding Me. Many of you are urging that something should be done about it. But I am holding everything back, because that is the best way to deal with praise and blame. The ocean knows no overflowing or drying up. It is ever full, ever majestic, ever unconcerned.

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