Christmasis one of the biggest Christian holy days celebrated throughout theworld. Though it is celebrated in almost the same way in all countries,there are still some old unique customs which differ form country tocountry.
The aim of the Balkan South European countries led by Croatia thattook up this monumental task was to present this wonderful eventdescribing the birth of Jesus in a way which will be familiar to allChristians. They also wished that the warmth of Christmas touch eventhose who don�t observe Christmas in their cultures and just to make iteven more interesting, they had to conjure up a bit of CroatianChristmas.
There is someting which is common to all Christians and that isGod�s temple, the church, a place in which lots of Christians feelclosest to God. Everyone who enters a church must notice magnificentcolourful stained-glass windows which together with the sun make theinterior of the church a special and sublime place. The Croatian magicwas that they set the same atmosphere through decorations made ofcolourful plastic sheets.
This project was blessed by Bhagawan an year and a half ago and theteam has worked tirelessly since then. Every thing was handmade. Theyspent a full year to make the individual plastic stained sheets whichwhere then made into panels to surround the pillars in the Sai KulwantHall and as hangings all around the hall. There were also panels abovethe Sanctum Sanctorum and directly facing it. The Sai Kulwanth Hall hadtransformed into a church.
In addition to the decoration of Sai Kulwanth Hall, the group ably assisted by youth from South Africa, went about decorating the entireashram with a special focus on the Western Canteen. While a Snowman andSanta had settled down in the left side of the lawns in front of thecanteen overlooking the Nativity Scene, displaying the birth of Jesusand the arrival of the three wise men, the right side was a riot oflight and colours. A christmas tree of light in the centre wassurrounded by various Santas circumambulating it with bright whitestars forming the circumference.
Another similar altar was set up inside the canteen, with its ownchristmas tree and cr�che. The Book Store was the other majorbeneficiary of the decoration team with its own tree and lights.
Ornaments and other decoration to the extent possible, were made outof ecological materials and are ment to be reused. Only the low-costmaterials have been bought in all the countries whose Sai devoteesparticipate in the Project. Elements that represent the Western butalso local Christmas tradition have been represented in an originalway: the focus is made here on vitrage coloured style decorations andwheat grass sprouting.
While doing preparations, a group of almost 500 people had beendoing the spiritual practice of repeating the Divine Name to charge theambience and they state with emphasis that while hand making theChristmas decoration, all of them have been turned towards God andexperienced His omnipresence, His love, His teachings, caring words,forgiveness and help.
The Gift of Love…an offering by International Children
On the third day of the ongoing Christmas celebrations International Children presented a programme entitled "The Gift of Love" at Beloved Bhagawan's Lotus Feet this evening in Prasanthi Nilayam. The programme was a collective offering from the tiny tots numbering 54, from various countries.
The programme was a mix of Choir singing interspersed with personal reflections by children from around the world. With Alma Badings from The Netherlands, the seasoned face leading the Children Choir for many years, conducting the Choir, the children began with a Ganesha Vandana before bursting into into singing in their squeaky yet soothing and more importantly united voice often with interludes of `innocent chirpings' of experiences that lasted an hour. The songs were in English, Spanish and Zulu (South Africa) language and included some of the famous numbers, Feliz Navidad…, We Are Fountains…, Noel…, Little Drummer Boy…, Jingle Bells etc…
The Choir was assisted by a group of musicians playing an array of instruments that included guitars, violins, tablas, African drum etc. The African drum beat that sustained in the air as a solo beat in between the choir was an added attraction that remained quite distinctive from the rest of the instruments.
Personal reflections revoved around children's Prasanthi experiences during Christmas celebrations in the past. Ananya Goel, Kanha Kumar, Eshvan Ravishankar, Jhyani Ravishankar, Suhas Subramanya, Nikhila Sai Rao and Nilesh Sai Rao and Darnel Perera along with Saria Perera were the chosen children who burst into their tales with the Unceasing Grace of Beloved Mother Sai…
Bhagawan remained the focal point of all the narrations, Whose love and inspiration kindled the hearts and souls of these beautiful little children. It became clear from their narration that they carry Bhagawan as the `Big Lord' in their little hearts with Faith unmatched. It turned out to be a befitting Christmas Finale allowing tiny tots to pour out their hearts to Beloved Mother Sai to Whom they remain eternally grateful to.
Earlier before the commencement of the programme the Conductor, representatives of Children and senior officials paid offerings at Bhagawan's Lotus Feet, praying at the Sanctum Sanctorum.
At the end of the programme all the participating children were felicitated with special gifts. Special "Gift of Love" Prasadam was distributed to the entire assemblage and Mangala Arathi was offered after twenty minutes of bhajans, at 1825 hrs.
Commenting at the end of the session Prof. Anil Kumar heaped lavish praise on the International Children for their wonderful performance. He even called out the eight children, presenting them to the aseembly, who reflected their Christmas Experience in the evening.
A group of devotees have come from the state of Odisha on a Parthi Yatra and next two days would be presenting cultural programme at the Sanctum Sanctorum. Styled to the famous Puri Jagannath Chariot Festival, devotees from the state would take out Lord Krishna, Balarama and sister Subadra in a chariot procession tomorrow morning, commencing at 0930 hrs. from the birth place of Bhagawan, the Shiva Temple in Puttaparthi.
II Samasta Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II
Embracing peace, breathing in love and light of Bhagawan, over 240 choristers from different countries around the globe serenaded for an hour singing Glory To The Lord, this evening on the Christmas Eve in Prasanthi Nilayam. Christmas Eve's International Choir for the year was conducted by Ms. Gisela Sebastian, an accomplished singer cum musician from Germany. She has been a regular member of the International Choir for past many years.
Beginning at 1700 hrs., after initial offerings and lighting the lamp, the Choristers began with three Omkars followed by a Ganesha Mantra, sung in perfect tune inciting applause from a capacity audience. The one hour Choir consisted of numbers, Silent Night Holy Night, Hallelujah We Praise, There is none like You, O Holy Night, Oh Lord You are beautiful etc. ending with a special composition seeking Shanti, Peace, a perfect finale infusing peace within while diffusing peace around engulfing the whole of Prasanthi Nilayam.
The venue, Sai Kulwant Hall wore a colourful costume in the evening, as Croatian led decorations stood out, adding special charm to the Christmas Eve's beauty.
Bhajans continued for the next half an hour and special clothings, sarees and safari pieces were distributed to the assemblage of choristers. Prasadam was distributed and Mangala Arathi was offered at 1830 hrs.
The session continued with Prof. Anil Kumar contemplating on the significance of the Advent of Jesus and the Holy Night relating the same with Bhagawan. Drawing interesting parallels vouching the Oneness of Bhagawan and Jesus, Isa and Sai, Anil Kumar affirmed the Eternal Presence of Bhagawan in Prasanthi Nilayam, amidst His devotees.
The Christmas morning's programme will commence at 6:30 Hrs. with a Carol singing for half an hour by International devotees. Regular programme in the morning will have traditional Christmas singing by students, commencing at 08:30 hrs. In the evening two eminent overseas devotees, Ms. Sylvia Alden, International Choir Conductor for many years and Fr. Charles Ogada, will share their viewpoints with the audience.
Prasanthi is contemplating on the Holy Silent Night, as Bhagawan is eternally watching over!!!
II Samasta Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II