Om Sai Ram ! Om Namaha Shivaya!
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I firmly believe that when I sit down with my lap top to compose the Shri Shirdi Sai Speaks mails --even though I have absolutely no idea what I am going to include along with the Message from the Teachings of Shirdi Sai--Its Baba himself who actually showers His kind grace on us everyday and blesses us with the darshan of sacred sites and pictures of the most beautiful and ancient temples . Its amazing to acknowledge His leela every single day when from no where I come across a temple which makes me believe in His presence. These beautiful temples have their own sacred stories assuring me that we human beings will come and go from this earth but the Devotion and His Divinity is there to stay forever..... I have a kind request to all of you who read these mails that if you ever get lucky and are able to visit these temples in reality- Plz do offer my Humble Pranams at these temples and thank the lord on my behalf for making us all feel his presence and His leelas around us..
Sai bhakt,
Deepa H
My Humble Pranams to the sacred shivling at The Bhimashankar Jyotirlinga Temple
My Humble Pranams to the two nandis in front of the Bhimashankar Jyotirlinga temple, at a single location in front of the sacred shivling.
It seems that the Nandi at the right was to be repaired due to some problem or was to be replaced. The new Nandi was commissioned and brought to the temple premises. One and all, nobody could agree on the procedure to replace the earlier Nandi idol with the new one, and since then (probably for more than a 100 years), both the Nandis have remained.
Lets all go to the Marleshwar Temple which is located in Marleshwar of Ratnagiri district. It is a cave temple and is circumvented with sacred grooves. The presiding deity is Lord Shiva.
Local belief is that Lord Parshuram laid the foundation of the temple.
Many snakes can be seen in the cave but there has been no complaint of any devotees being bitten. This has resulted in the increased faith of the devotees.
My Saakshaat Pranams to this holy Shivling at the Marleshwar Temple in a Cave
At the beginning of 18th century, this 'Shivling at Marleshwar Temple' was in Muradpur, which was brought here in the cave after tyrant Muradkhan started vexing people of Muradpur. This temple is known as 'Trambakeshwar' of Konkan. Marleshwar name may have come from Maral village.
Lets all pray to the sacred shivlings in the premices of Siddheshwar Temple in Solapur
The brief history of Shri.Siddheshwar runs like this. There was a great saint Shri.Siddaram, who preached the teachings of Shri.Basaweshwara. A young girl, inspired by the teachings of this saint wished to marry the saint. Shri.Siddaram being a brahamachari denied to marry her and gave permission to marry with his Yogadanda. The same marriage function is celebrated every year on the Makar Sankranti for three days on Bhogi, Sankrant and Kinkrant. The Nandi Dhwajas are presumed as Bride and Groom for the marriage. This festival falls around 14th Jan. every year
My Humble Pranams to this sacred copper idol of Lord 'Siddheshwar', an incarnation of Lord 'Shiva'

It is believed that the inhabitants of this city became prosperous since the birth of the saint Siddheshwar. It is also said that the deity is capable of bestowing blessings on the devotees. The pilgrims, therefore, make promises for getting a child or removal of body pain, gaining prosperity in business, etc. On the fulfilment of their vows they offer pujas, etc. For getting a child they make a vow to remove the first hair of the child in the premises of the temple. Some pilgrims cover the distance between their houses and the temple by falling prostrate on the ground. Some pilgrims offer a pan-puja wherein the deity is decorated with betel leaves. Some offer garlands of dried coconuts or flowers. Another offering is of seven cereals. The mixture of seven cereals measuring eleven seers is kept on the gadi in the shape of a linga. A bunch of flowers or copra or lemon is offered to the mask. Some pilgrims perform the worship with the rudra, laghu rudra, maha rudra, etc.

Quote of BABA:I rest there where there is full devotion.