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General: le preguntaron su opinion acerca del libro : SAI, VENGA A NOSOTROS TUREINO. El c
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From: luistovarcarrillo  (Original message) Sent: 24/06/2012 03:57

Om Sai Ram,

Querido Hermanos,

Les envió parte
de un email que acabo de recibir de un devoto de Inglaterra que es uno de los
organisadores y iniciadores del
'Unity of Faiths' festival ( Festival
de la unidad de Fe) que se esta llevando haciendo desde hace dos anos. Prof
anil Kumar fue invitado el ano pasado a dar una charla, podéis ver el vídeo de
este acontesimiento aquí:


Su pagina web es
la siguiente:


Por lo visto
muchos devotos le preguntaron su opinion acerca del libro :
NOSOTROS TU REINO. El conparte con nosotros un sueno que tuvo con Swami.

Jiten Thakrar jitenthakrar@yahoo.co.uk

Sai Ram Queridos amigos, devotos, miembros de la familia y los hijos de Dios!

Si bien estamos
hablando de la forma, me gustaría mencionar que muchos de ustedes están en contacto
conmigo y mencionando el tema del retorno de Sathya Sai Baba en una forma
física: Se ha producido un libro muy bien documentado por escrito sobre el
tema, y ​​hay
También las grandes almas de vida
explicando lo mismo. Así que muchos se preguntan por mis puntos de vista y
opinión sobre este asunto ... Si bien no comparto los sueños con las masas en
ocasiones normales (en el pasado sólo he descrito un sueño (que era justo días
antes de Swami tomó Maha Samadhi): Creo que la mejor manera de responder a estas
investigaciones en curso, sobre este particular, tema, es compartir con todos
ustedes, otro sueño (por favor, lea a su propia discreción):

Yo estaba en el Sai Kulwant para el darshan (como tan a menudo tienen la
oportunidad y la bendición de hacerlo), y un devoto local se acercó a mí al
final de los bhajans. Con mucho amor y pasión, él me pidió que lo siguiera. Le
sonreí y lo hizo ... Nos pasó zumbando a la multitud y me llevó detrás de las cortinas (que eran
elaborados en frente del Samadhi (para que nadie pudiera ver). Fuimos a la
izquierda y la derecha, dentro y fuera de una ruta de acceso (como un
laberinto), y, finalmente, llegamos a la silla de Sai Baba (que se coloca a la
izquierda del Samadhi) ... - He aquí - Sai Baba estaba sentado en la silla, se
le veía físicamente muy saludable, sonriente , muy enérgico y en un estado de
ánimo tranquilo. A la derecha. , en el Samadhi, hubo algunos
sacerdotes que realizaban una ceremonia religiosa y parte del agua que fueron
salpicando aterrizó en Baba, pero no le importaba, estaba sonriendo y
observando todo lo que estaba pasando ... El devoto (que trajo a Baba) y yo,
estábamos justo en frente de Sai Baba, teniendo las bendiciones. Swami parecía tener
la edad de 58 años, y era muy alegre y cariñosa (como siempre).
Cuando arrodille y apoye las manos y la cabeza en Su pies, Él telepáticamente
me dijo: "Ya estoy aquí, pero muy pocos lo saben".

Después de despertar de mi sueño, yo estaba (como se puede imaginar), en el
éxtasis! - El sueño fue tan real. Incluso hoy en día, creo que fue la última
vez que me encontré con nuestro Padre en su forma física. Queridos amigos
devotos y la familia: Lo que estoy tratando de decir es, por favor no se
sienten que la presencia de Sai Baba se ha ido. Por favor, no te sientes que
tienes que ir aquí y allá en busca de él. Él está en nuestros corazones y en
todas partes. Cuando usted desea tener una conexión revitalizado con él, con la
experiencia y la alegría de una aventura espiritual y divina, puede estar
seguro de que Él está ahí, en Prashanti Nilyama, como siempre lo fue! - Nos da darshan
y bendiciones, como de costumbre ... A pesar de que Shirdi Sai Baba, Swami
declaró que tan pronto como un devoto ponga un pie en el lugar santo de Shirdi,
sus problemas no será más.

Así que sí, Sathya Sai Baba puede haber dejado la forma física, y sí, él puede
regresar también! - A medida que Él puede hacer lo que quiere hacer y lo hace
lo que sea necesario para nuestro beneficio. Dicho esto, en un contexto
determinado, en la más alta verdad última, no importa tanto! Cuando se trata de
nuestra relación con Él, Él está siempre presente en una forma sutil, en Prashanti
Nilayam, y siempre lo será ...

Dios los bendiga a todos y Ram Sai!


Sai Ram dear friends, devotees, family members and children
of God!

While we are talking of the form; I
would like to mention that many of you are contacting me and mentioning the
topic of Sathya Sai Baba's return in a physical form: There has been a very
well researched book written on the topic, and there are also great living
souls explaining the same. So many are asking for my views and opinion on this
matter... While I do not share dreams with the masses on normal
occasions (in the past I have only ever described one dream (which was just
days before Swami took Maha Samadhi): I feel that the best way to answer these
current enquiries, about this particular topic, is by sharing with you
all; another dream (please do read at your own discretion):

I was at Sai Kulwant Hall for
darshan (as I so often do have the opportunity and blessing to do so), and a
local devotee came up to me at the end of bhajans. With a lot of love and
passion, he asked me to follow him. I smiled and did so... We whizzed passed
the crowd and he took behind the curtains (which were drawn in front of the
Samadhi (so no one could see). We went left and right, in and out of a path
(like a maze), and eventually we got to Sai Baba's chair (which is placed on
the left of the Samadhi)... - Behold! - Sai Baba was sitting on the chair,
looking very physicall healthy, smiling and being in a very energetic, yet calm
mood. On the right, at the Samadhit, there were some priests performing a
religious ceremony and some of the water which they were sprinkling landed on
Baba, but He did not mind; He was smiling and acknowldeged all what was going
on... The devotee (who brought me to Baba) and I, were right in front
of Sai Baba, taking blessings. Swami looked about the age of 58, and He
was very jolly and loving (as always). When I bowed down and rested my hands
and head on His feet; He telepathically said to me "I am already here, but very few know about it".

After waking from my dream, I was
(as you can imagine), in ecstacy! - The dream was so real. Even today, I feel
that it was the most recent time I met our Father in His physical form. Dear
devotee friends and family: What I am trying to say is, please do not feel that
Sai Baba's presence has gone. Please do not feel that you need to go here and
there to search for Him. He is in our hearts and EVERYWHERE. When you want to
have a revitalised connection with Him, with the experience and joy of a
spiritual and divine adventure, please be assured that He is there, at
Prashanti Nilyama, just as He always was! - Giving us darshan and
blessings as usual... Even as Shirdi Sai Baba, Swami declared that as soon as a
devotee steps foot on the holy place of Shirdi, His troubles shall be no more.

So yes; Sathya Sai Baba may
have left the physical form, and yes; He may also return! - As He can do
whatever He wants to do and He does whatever is needed for our benefit. Having
said that, in a certain context, in the highest ultimate truth; it does not matter
so much! When it comes to our relationship with Him; He is ever present in a
subtle form, in Prashanti Nilayam, and He always will be...

God bless you all and Sai Ram!

The next global Gayatri
Mantra programme is due to take place on Saturday, June 30, 2012, 2pm to 7pm (at your local country
time). - For those of you living in the UK, please do feel free to join in at: East West Community Project, 10 Wilberforce Road,
Leicester, LE3 0GT
. For those of you that would like to join in from
other locations in the UK or abroad; please do contact jitenthakrar@yahoo.co.uk
and the media files and programme documents for the day shall be sent to you...

At this global Gayatri Mantra chanting programme, we are
continuing to chant to God, expressing our unconditional love and asking Him to
always take care of His physical forms. Sai Baba has said that God will not
cure His physical body as it is selfish. It is up to His devotees to pray and
ask for this unique cause. Sai Baba has taught us two factual things about God
which echoes the importance of the continuation of this programme: The first
fact being that devotees have to ask for God’s body to be healed (“The devotee’s prayers are my
”, he has said). The second piece of knowledge is the fact
that God reincarnates according to His will and at the ‘hour of need’ (Sai Baba
has said: "I incarnate from age to age").
One example of His incarnation is Jesus, another is Sathya Sai Baba and a third
example is Prema Sai Baba. We know that He will not care for His own
well-being now, but in the past when He incarnated as Jesus we did not know
that it is up to us to pray and ask for God's physical comfort...

Let's all continue to unite and
chant the Gayatri Mantra to express our unconditional Love to God, and ask Him
to, at His will of course, always care for His own well-being, just as He
always does of ours.

We have been chanting together,
every two months, for two-and-a-half years now. So far, devotees from over 30
countries have joined in. Over 1,000 of you recieve these emails directly, and
due to the message being passed by devotees and by God, Himself, directly
(via miracles and dreams); the numbers keep growing, which cause strongher
vibrations, and a heart-felt, united messsage of Love...

The next 'Unity of Faiths' festival
shall be held on July 8th at Southall Park in London, UK:



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