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General: Shri Shirdi Sai Speaks-29th June/ My visit to the sacred Mansarovar lake
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From: luistovarcarrillo  (Original message) Sent: 29/06/2012 14:17

Shri Shirdi Sai Speaks-29th June/ My visit to the sacred Mansarovar lake

Shri Shirdi Sai Speaks-29th June/ My visit to the sacred Mansarovar lake

Posted: 28 Jun 2012 11:27 PM PDT

Om Sai Ram
Picture of the day
My very first darshan of the sacred Mansarovar
When all the 14 vans stopped for the holy darshan, it was the most exciting moment for all of us..
For all those who do not know about the sacred Mansarovar lake, As per Hindu theology, Lake Manasarovar is a personification of purity, and one who drinks water from the lake will go to the Abode of Lord Shiva after death. He is believed to be cleansed of all his sins committed over even a hundred lifetimes.
Like Mount Kailash, Lake Manasarovar is a place of pilgrimage, attracting religious people from India, Nepal, Tibet and the neighboring countries
My Saakshaat Pranams to this sacred Mansarovar Lake

Manasasarovar lake has long been viewed by the pilgrims as being nearby to the sources of four of the greatest rivers of Asia, namely the Brahmaputra, Karnali, Indus and Sutlej.
According to the Hindu religion, the lake was first created in the mind of the Lord Brahma after which it manifested on Earth. Hence, in Sanskrit it is called "Manas sarovara", which is a combination of the words manas (mind) and sarovara (lake).
The lake, in Hindu religious belief, is also supposed to be the summer abode of the Hamsa goose. Considered to be sacred, the Hamsa is an important element in the symbology of the subcontinent, representing wisdom and beauty
Buddhists also associate the lake with the legendary lake known as Anavatapta in Sanskrit and Anotatta in Pali, where Queen Maya is believed to have conceived Buddha

The lake is very popular in Buddhist literature and associated with many teachings and stories in Buddhism. Lord Buddha, it is reported, stayed and meditated near this lake on several occasions.

As per Jainism Kailash Mansarovar is associated with first Tirthankar Lord Shree Rushabhdev. Ashtapad mountain which is near to the Kailash mountain is a place where Lord Rushabhdevji attained Nirvana (Moksh) with crores of his disciples.

I have also heard that 33 crore devi and devtaas come here to bathe, specially on the full moon day..
The lake has a few monasteries on its shores, the most notable of which is the ancient Chiu Gompa Monastery built on a steep hill, looking as if it has been carved right out of the rock.
It was a divine bliss to do the homam/ Yagya at the banks of the sacred Mansarovar lake. It felt as if all my prayers and Mantras were actually being heard by my creator..My heart and my soul was in perfect connection with the positive energy around me. And no matter how much I write about it but I still will not be able to describe my true feelings in words..

I was lucky to be there on the full moon day which was 4th of June 2012.. We saw stars that actually came down and disaapeared in Mansarovar..I was at the shore till about 2am and the divine bliss and the energy was amazing..

Something that I had never seen or experience before happened when I wanted to click the picture of the orangish red full moon at mansarovar but to my surprise, even though my camera was still but the moon was dancing in my camera. It jumped everywhere on my screen and this was something that my friends and I had never witnessed..Prayers and Mantras were the only thing that came out from our hearts and souls at that time..
Above all the things, the touch of the holy water of the sacred mansarovar lake touched our hearts.. I know, I was crying cos I could feel the positive vibes to an extent where I could literally feel that my prayers are being heard..
My Humble pranams to all the positive energy and the divine bliss around me at the sacred Mansarovar lake

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