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De: luistovarcarrillo  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 02/01/2012 04:40
HAPPY NEW YEAR - Updates & Photos
from Prasanthi Nilayam


The saibabaofindia.com team would like to wish you all a very Happy New Year! May 2012 enter your lives bringing you all the best of health, wealth, prosperity, love and happiness. May all your spiritual & worldly resolutions and wishes come true in 2012.


Shirdi Sai Baba & Sathya Sai Baba

 Happy New Year: Sri Sathya Sai Baba Greeting cards & Wallpapers - click here

Announcement by Prof. Anil Kumar


Text & photo source - copyrights: Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust - sssbpt.org  - Radiosai.org  Prasanthi Diary -  theprasanthireporter.org  | Web layout - Photo graphic design : saibabaofindia.com  "SBOI" | - We gratefully acknowledge the publishers Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust &  Sri Sathya Sai Media Foundation


Yet another Bond of Love as Alumni assembled in Prasanthi

The Story of �The Eternal Bond of Love� that was on display on the New Year Eve, with the Primary School Alumni paying their offerings,  crossed over to the next day with the senior folks, alumni from Sri Sathya Sai Educational Institutions, celebrating The New Year in the Divine Presence this evening in Prasanthi Nilayam.

Assembled in hundreds the alumni echoed, �Bhagawan! Our life is nothing, but full of Your Stories�, opening the floodgates of their Love Tale with their Swami painting the evening with their rich experiences at His Lotus Feet....read more with images from today's event



Scintillating Band Display On New Year Morning�

After two days of depression owing to tropical cyclonic storm Thane, Prasanthi woke up on the New Year morning with bright luminous Sun revisiting the township spreading warmth all around. Spicing up the occasion, illustrious Brass Band from Prasanthi Nilayam played some scintillating tunes rejoicing on the Advent of the New Year.


Led by former Band Master and Institute Faculty Shyam Sharma, the troupe played some thematic numbers, that included I am Man�, Fire Works�, Love Story, based on Andy William�s famous number Where do I begin?, Tempest�, Easwaramma Priya Thanaya�, Hungarian Dance and Shiva Shankara. The Band Troupe that has a rich legacy of Divine guidance has always been an exceptional outfit maintaining high standards. Playing to its reputation, playing for half-an-hour, the Band Troupe incited audience applause for excellence.


Even as bhajans continued, students from the Senior Hostel presented a New Year Cake at Bhagawan�s Lotus Feet that was followed by New Year Greeting Cards, handmade ones, by the Tiny Tots from Sri Sathya Sai Primary School.


After half-an-hour bhanjans Mangala Arathi was offered at 10:00 hrs. Special Prasadam was distributed to the entire assemblage of devotees.

Alumni of Sri Sathya Sai Institute Of Higher Learning will present a special offering at Bhagawan�s Lotus Feet on this New Year evening.



Gratitude Offering by Primary School Alumni today�


Nostalgic golden memories of Primary School days came forth as former students of Sri Sathya Sai Primary School assembled commemorating 30 golden years of their alma mater this evening in Prasanthi Nilayam.

The programme commenced at 1715 hrs., with offerings and salutations at Multifaceted Sai, Who has been invariably donning different roles, as Father, Mother, Friend, Guru and God for different students.



Beginning with an introduction, by Ms. Anamika Aravind, on the inception of the school way back in 1980�s, the programme had a bouquet of songs interspersed two detailed accounts of reminiscences, one each from boys� and girls� wing.

The first speaker was Ms. Sai Geetha MN (1983-1993) who took the audience down the memory lane with wonderful tales from many students. A physicist by profession, with proven academic brilliance, Ms. Sai Geetha began ruminating on the vastness of the galaxy that numbers in millions and billions, wondering how the Creator of this wonderful creation donned the garb of a human that remains an incomprehensible mystery  to human minds.  Narrating how students would do things to earn a smile from Bhagawan, Sai Geetha shared her own secret of academic excellence of winning almost eight gold medals, to Bhagawan Who performed her �Aksharabhyasam� introducing her into the world of letters.



The second speaker was Mr. Partish Dubey (1978-1995) who began with the inception and wonderful tales from the school days at Ootacamund, Ooty, which was later shifted to Prasanthi Nilayam.  Narrating tales galore, the speaker wondered whether they could ever repay Bhagawan for all that He has done for them. Ending his inspiring reminiscence, Sri Partish made a special mention of teachers, paying gratitude to them,  for their dedicated loving service that often helped the little ones  in internalizing Bhagawan.



Songs for the evening included �At Your Feet Dear Lord We Pray��, �O Maa�Sai Maa��, �Why Fear When I Am Here�� Teri Hain Zameen Tere Aasmaan��, �Sai Mata Bindalam��, �We Have A Great Big Wonderful  Lord�� etc.



A commemorative book �Voices from three decades� was also released at His Lotus Feet on the occasion. The book contains collective childhood experiences of students at the Primary School, in the form of poems, articles, anecdotes and life changing interactions with Bhagawan.



Bhajans by alumni continued before Mangala Arathi offering at 1945 hrs.



The clock is ticking away the final moments of 2011 and we are almost into the waiting arms of 2012. On the New Year morning Brass Band of Prasanthi Nilayam campus will make a humble offering at Bhagawan�s Lotus Feet followed by Men Alumni programme in the evening.



Important Announcement by Prof. Anil Kumar for
31st December Program in Prasanthi Nilayam

Listen to Prof. Anil Kumar  click here - audio file

or read the announcement text given below.

"... (0:00 - 2:05 of the Audio In English) Now I have great pleasure ..in making another important announcment..for the first time..for the first time, please note...for the first time, the alumni of sri sathya sai primary school will have their meet and a special program in the evening tomorrow the 31st Saturday at 5:15, we happily recall the moments when Bhagawan appreciates them and how he speaks very high of the children of Sri Sathya Sai Primary School and we will be too happy to know, these children are very well settled in their life, their children are studying in our schools now and it is also so nice to note, Sri Sathya Sai Primary School completed 30 years since inception.

A wonderful school indeed!!!!! I am also sharing with you a statement made by Bhagawan (Anil sir spoke in Telugu) English Translation "it is impossible to get into school, into primary school, even for ministers", that is the standard for Sri Sathya Sai Primary School, Bhagawan really appreciates their English pronunciation, the diction, and the content and often they display here, in the Sai Kulwant Hall. Let us await for the event tomorrow in the evening at 5:15 in the Sai Kulwant Hall in the Divine presence of our most beloved Bhagawan. As usual we will have veda chanting from 4:30 to 5:15...."


2012 is The Year for Truth to Reappear

he clock is ticking away the final moments of 2011 and we are almost into the waiting arms of 2012. What does 2012 hold for us and how do we welcome the New? � How do we reflect on the past while embracing the �Coming of the New� and what should be intent�resolution�prayer on this New Year? 2012 is The Year For Truth To Reappear�writes Ms. Jullie Chaudhuri�Read on�
Archive 2011 -Update & Photos Prasanthi Nilayam

On this New Year evening, The Lord who is beyond Time, Lord of Timelessness was ushered into the Sai Kulwant Hall in a regal procession that was apt for The Divinity! The entrance gate at the western end, leading from Yajur Mandiram, had a huge arch with wordings "Om Sai Kalaatheethaaya Namaha!",

New Year 2011 Photos from Prasanthi

Source & credits: copyrights-Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust,sssbpt.org
Picture graphic layout - Saibabaofindia.com "SBOI"

 hailing the attributeless, timeless Divinity! Festive demenour that Prasanthi wore from the Christmas days continued in the Sai Kulwant Hall as the South African decorations stayed on, while the dais wore a new look with the alumni putting up a spectacular display of decorations adorning the seat of The Divine! This was a session earmarked for the alumni of SSSIHL, an annual affair the folks eagerly await, to come back to the portal!

The New Year dawned and the waiting for the evening, for the first glance of The Lord found its fulfilment at 1910 hrs. when Bhagawan was ushered into the Sai Kulwant Hall by a host of procession by the alumni comprising of flag bearers and Vedam Boys; while Parasols and Venchamarams (yak tail fans) added on to the colour spectacle granting the procession a religious flavour, in the backdrop there were sound bytes of soulful tunes of a welcome song.

Arriving on to the Verandah and blessing the cake for the occasion by the students, Bhagawan moved on stage for a round of applause from the capacity audience. The entire front block was occupied by Aluimni , turned up in sizeable numbers along with family members.

On the stage, Bhagawan lit the lamp before cutting a special cake by the Alumni. Assuming the Seat of The Divine, Bhagawan blessed the organisers for the commencement of the proceedings.

New Year 2011 Photos from Prasanthi

Source & credits: copyrights-Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust,sssbpt.org
Picture graphic layout - Saibabaofindia.com "SBOI"

A musical offering was in the offing and announcements in Telugu and English followed. The programme got off with the Alumni Brass Band presenting an interesting musical piece, a Ganesha Stuthi , that had adaptation from one of the popular numbers.

Children of Sai they are, they would often sing Love Songs to Mother Sai during their college days. Evoking nostalgic memoirs of those golden past, they erupted with the beauty of a song, "Oh Sai Maa...Priyamaina Maa...." so meaningful for the occasion!


The Lord who played all 'games' with His students... for His students, watching them growing and glowing, came in for adoration as lavish praise was heaped unto Him when intermittent commentary pushed the session forward. Some more numbers followed including a Qawwali before they switched over to bhajans as commanded by Bhagawan. All the songs were tuned to the theme of Love, "The Bond Of Love" between Mother Sai and Her Children, "Prema Bandham!"
n this New Year evening, The Lord who is beyond Time, Lord of Timelessness was ushered into the Sai Kulwant Hall in a regal procession, apt for The Divinity! The entrance gate at the rear western end, leading from Yajur Mandiram, there was a huge arch with wordings, "Om Sai Kalaatheethaaya Namaha!", hailing the attributeless, timeless Divinity!

Source & credits: copyrights-Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust,sssbpt.org
Picture graphic layout - Saibabaofindia.com "SBOI"

Bhajans continued for the next twenty minutes and the �White Army� took over with blessed prasadam going for distribution. Bhagawan accepted Mangala Arathi at 2040 hrs. In between Bhagawan blessed one of the alumni with a materialised golden chain.

At 2045 hrs. Bhagawan left for Yajur Mandiram not before blessing the assembly with Abhayahastha.

Earlier, upon emerging from Yajur Mandiram at 1900 hrs., Bhagawan went into Poornachandra Auditorium granting darshan to the thousands assembled there.



 Sai Baba Happy New Year Greeting Cards

Click here for only: SHIRDI SAI BABA DESIGN

Also: Sai Baba theme Chinese Happy New Year greeting cards

 New Year wallpapers - click here
2012-happy-new-year SAI-BABA-HAPPY-NEW-YEAR Happy_New_Year_Sri_Shirdi_Sai_Baba-blessings
happy-new-year-shirdi-sai-baba happy-new-year-sathya-sai-baba-2012
happy-new-year-sathya-sai-baba-2012 sri-satya-sai-baba--happy-new-year aug-oct2010/GREETING-CARD-HAPPY-NEW-YEAR-SAI-BABA-WALLPAPER
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every-moment-is-new-sri-sathya-sai-baba sai-baba-happy-new-year-bright-rainbow-colours-sairam om-sri-sathya-sai-baba-happy-new-year







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 Feliz a�o nuevo 2011- Sai Baba




Also: Wallpaper download: " Happy New Year in various languages"

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