I firmly believe that when I sit down with my lap top to compose the Shri Shirdi Sai Speaks mails --even though I have absolutely no idea what I am going to include along with the Message from the Teachings of Shirdi Sai--Its Baba himself who actually showers His kind grace on us everyday and blesses us with the darshan of sacred sites and pictures of the most beautiful and ancient temples . Its amazing to acknowledge His leela every single day when from no where I come across a temple which makes me believe in His presence. These beautiful temples have their own sacred stories assuring me that we human beings will come and go from this earth but the Devotion and His Divinity is there to stay forever..... I have a kind request to all of you who read these mails that if you ever get lucky and are able to visit these temples in reality- Plz do offer my Humble Pranams at these temples and thank the lord on my behalf for making us all feel his presence and His leelas around us..
Sai bhakt,
Deepa H
or to see all the sacred shivlings in a photo album in a single glance go to
Quote of BABA:
Unfathomable is the play of God, the pace of logic falls there Incomprehensible incidents of God,only the unique devotee alone knows.
My humble Pranams to Sahasralinga which is a pilgrimage place in the Sirsi Taluk in the district of Uttara Kannada of Karnataka state in India. It is in the river Shalmala and is famous for being the location where around a thousand lingas which are carved on the rocks in the river bank.Each lingam here has a carving of Nandi facing it. In fact, the name Sahasralinga means thousand-lingas in Kannada
Every year on the day of 'Shivaratri' hundreds of people visit this place to worship Lord Shiva. When the water level is not high enough you can actually see all those carvings at Sahasralinga in Karnataka
The Best time to visit these sacred shivlings at Sahasralinga in Karnataka would be winter and early summer
Sahasralinga is on the way to Yellapur from Sirsi at about 17kms from Sirsi. After Bhairumbe you will have to get down at a bus-stop called Hul Gol bus-stop and walk towards Hulgol and from the main road it is around 2kms distance.
May we always find ourselves as close as the sacred Nandi is to Lord Shiva at Sahasralinga in Karnataka
Lets all pray together for our near and dear ones at this sacred site of Sahasralinga in Karnataka. May the light of faith and devotion never die in our hearts and may it always shine for years , decades and centuries to come..
My Saakshaat Pranams to the sacred shivling at the Baba Bhoot Nath MahaKaleshwar Mandir
May this huge shivling with the Naga [snake] statue in the sacred Shiva temple at Belur near Halebid in Karnataka shower its kind blessings and grace on us and make our lives sacred and enlightened
My Humble Pranams at the sacred Halebid temple with a beautiful Shiva Linga
May Lord Shiva forgive us for our mistakes and ignorance and shower his kind blessings and grace on us and our families..
Lord will protect him who possesses faith and patience.