Swami Vivekananda as a freemason:
Details of Swami Vivekananda becoming a Freemason is mentioned in pages 117 and 118 of the book ‘The life of Swami Vivekananda – Volume I’ written by his eastern and western disciples and Hindi book Yug Nayak Vivekananda page no 80 Volume 1
On February 19, 1884, Narendranath Datta joined the Anchor and Hope Lodge (No. 234), which is now the Grand Lodge of India No.1.
W.C. Banerjee and Nimaichandra Basu, friends of Narendranath’s father Vishwanath Datta were active members of the Lodge.
After joining the Masonic Lodge, Narendranath Datta passed their test on April 5, 1884 and was raised to the degree of ‘Master Mason’ on May 20 of the same year.
When Swami Vivekananda was facing difficult times in Chicago in 1894, Mr. G.C. Connor, a Freemason gave letters of introduction to certain Freemasons in Chicago to treat the Swami cordially