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Artistas SI/SI: Annika Smidt
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From: Danzando7  (Original message) Sent: 12/04/2010 20:15

F: May I use your graphics for my tag group?
A: As long as you dont make provit with them in any way (or use them for something commercial) you are allowed to use them if you put my name and my homepage URL (
www.apfelkeks.de) on the tags/ tubes/ cards or whatever you make of them. If you use them to make websets please also add a linking piece to my homepage. you are allowed to add all kinds of animation if you want to. you do not have to send me samples, eventhough I would be reaaaally happy if you do (I am always happy if you send me things you used my pics for ^^...my mailadress in that case is apfelkeks@web.de) ^^.



1) No usar las imágenes con fines comerciales.

2) Colocar el copyright: © Annika Smidt , y la dirección de su sitio www.apfelkeks.de y si es en una página web donde serán incluidas corresponde también el enlace.

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