Doctor; Whenever we hear to mention them, we feel a reaction which he(she) makes us set to think, our mind in a second
moves very far without moving
the feet of the ground. Doctor; Not only they are those,
who were burning hot its eyelashes with the books assimilating every day, professional knowledge, but in another case; we have that Doctor who was born to deliver its every without waiting for reward
and spraying us with magic rain drops,
without being a God one makes have faith, want to love
clean and pure and purely. Doctor; There it is, this special person, that with only two arms and a heart, it turns into octopus to come to me and to give me a bit of its heat to the affectionate and divine being. Doctor; Many beautiful, flattering and quite fully deserved words they came to your ears(hearing), but alone I wish you to know, all that I love you!!!. César Martínez 7:21 PM 5/15/2012