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 Taggy Me 
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 ● IBBBT Page 3 
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Instructions for How to Join
Treehouse Treasures @ Gabitos

First you need to register.
This is what you'll need:

Display Name (if you find that the display name that you have entered is already in use, you can create a name using the Character Map. As an example, if you try to register with the display name "Sky", and Sky is taken, you could try Sk¥ or §ky or SҜy, etc. In Windows XP, the Character Map is in Start>All Programs>Accessories>System Tools.
**Go to the bottom of this page for an alphabetic list of some characters that you can try as a substitute for a normal letter.

A valid Email address (you will receive a confirmation email to validate your account, so make sure you enter your email address spelled correctly).


Now, go to the Sign Up page: https://www.gabitos.com/index.php?mode=regform

Enter the display name, email address and password, then click Sign Up.

You'll see "Se ha registrao exitosamente!
En unos instantes le llegara un e-mail a su casilla de correo electronico con el que podra validar el registro."

Translated as "It has been successfully registered!
In a few moments you will receive an e-mail to your email box with which you can validate the registration."

Go to your email account and validate the registration.

You'll then see" La validacion se realizo con exito
Ya puede iniciar sesion con su cuenta. Cuando lo haga, recuerde entrar luego a "Configuracion y Perfil", donde podra lienar sus datos personales y cambiar la contrasena cuando lo desee."

Translated as "Validation was successful
You can now log in with your account. When you do, remember to enter "Settings and Profile", where you can edit your personal data and change the password at any time."

Go to Configuration And Profile https://www.gabitos.com/userprofile.php

Enter whatever information you would like to share with the group. If you don't want to show your email address on your profile, make sure to uncheck that box. I have tried to see member profiles while not signed in and I'm unable (you need to be a member of the group to view a profile).

Country of origin: I have chosen Estados Unidos (United States) for myself, because I'm not sure if it will change the language of the page text or not. I see all text at the group in English except for in the message editor where the buttons are still in spanish.

Upload a picture for your profile if you like (for myself, I've used the avatar that you're all used to seeing).

Once you get all sorted, come back to TT and click Join Now in the menu.  Then you can pop over to the General message board and start a new thread to say hello.

I'm so happy you've decided to join us!

**Alphabetic List of Special Characters to use as substitute for a normal letter**
Below you will find a small sample of special characters that you can use.  For more, please go to Facebook Text ASCII Art Icons.

Letter A

∂ Ǽ Δ А λ д Λª a ã ð ẫ å æ ª ǻ ǽ à æ ą ά α á à ã Ά Ά Α Ā A Â À Á Ã Ä

NEW: You can also use this cool CrAzyTeXt GeNeRaToR to create the characters for you!

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