I Love It! Will You Taggy Me?
Have you seen a tag of mine and you just can't live without it? If so, then you can request one for yourself.

Requesting: (1) Copy the tag with my name that you'd like to request (using the copy method for your browser). (2) Go to the Will You Taggy Me? message thread. (3) Reply to the message and paste the copied tag into it. (4) Tell me the name that you'd like on your tag (it can be your name or the name of a friend). (5) If you would like to customize your tag as to size or color, etc., then include those details in your request. I can't make any promises that I will be able to customize a tag, but it doesn't hurt to ask, and I will do my best. If I am unable to customize it, then you will get a tag with the standard settings.
Please note: Not every tag that I post is made by me, so naturally it has to be one that I've made. The tags that I post in the PSP Challenges, when I am posting my results, are made by me; but I will oftentimes post tags made by others when I am commenting in the message thread. If you mistakenly choose a tag made by someone else, I will let you know .
Also, I can re-make most of my tags although there may be a few that I can not as I made them long ago, and I either don't have any notes for that tag or I can't understand my notes . I take much better notes for re-making my tags now LOL. Feel free to request any tag of mine, and I'll either deliver it to you or let you know that I'm unable to re-make it.
Delivery: I will upload your finished tag to the Tag Drop Off album. Please let me know you have picked up your tag by leaving a note for me. At Gabitos, you can leave a note in the picture album like you can at Fotki. Click the Comment Picture button and a message editor will open where you can compose a message. Or if you prefer, you can leave a note on the message thread where you made the request.

I won't impose any limits on the offer at this time, but if I receive too many requests for me to comfortably handle, then I will probably set a limit as to how many per week you can request.