Candy Cane Sucker
It's been a while since I followed a tutorial and after looking at a few Christmas tutorials, I decided to start with something simpler, and this tutorial looked simple.

I followed the tutorial as written except for a few changes. Instead of contracting the selection for the sucker by 20, I contracted by 25 to create a wider/thicker sucker. I applied a different bevel to the sucker (bevel=2, width=10, smoothness=25, depth=7, ambience=-20, shininess=35, color=white, angle=135, intensity=35, elevation=60). I applied a different drop shadow (3,3,20,4).
For my text, I used CAC Lasko Even Weight, size 72, stroke=1. After typing my text, I resized by 50% smart size. Although using size 36 looks similar, I thought the text looked more defined when starting with a large size text and then resizing.
If you give this challenge a play, I'd love to see your creations!  |