Hey, everyone!
I have two groups that I`m trying to move from Yuku, so my time is split between the two. While I am working on construction of the group, you are free to jump in and post on the General board. Later I will be creating more specific boards as the group grows, like a message board for tag offers, etc.
I`ve added a new message board for PSP Tutorial Sites and I`ll be creating a separate message for each tutorial site and i will add a text or banner link to the site. If I have done any of the tutorials from the site, I will post my results. This will be a good way for me to familiarize myself with which tutorial sites are still available or have gone poof.
I have also added a PSP Supplies message board and have added the first message about Animation Shop. Mar`s Design Tutorials has a download link for AS for anyone who may not have it. My PSP8 came bundled with AS but I think I remember other PSPers saying that AS was not bundled in the later versions. So now you can get it if you don`t have it. I don`t know what I would do with myself if I didn`t have AS!
I`m going through my computer folders to delete old stuff that I won`t be using anymore and I found a shockwave flash clock that can be added to a page or message. I was thinking of adding a page with our locations so we could tell what time it is where another member is. If you like this idea and would like me to add a clock for your timezone, then just let me know.
I`ve got a lot of work to do, but if you have any questions or can think of something that you`d like me to add here, please let me know.