When I first created this group it was public.
But then I made the group private so that we were able to have conversations of a more personal nature. I don`t really like to discuss my life with my friends when it`s on display for the visiting world to read, ya know?
Today I remembered how I always enjoyed finding a group that was public that allowed you to see what was happening within the group as to the activities and personalities of its members. I used to have a number of Yuku groups on my list to visit and many of them shut their doors. I wasn`t a member of the groups so I don`t know what caused the decision to go private. I feel it`s a loss when a group is private. I so enjoyed my time visiting at Animation Lessons the other day (a public teaching group).
I have always loved to help and to share whatever I find with my friends and whomever likes the group enough to come and visit. There will be people who will come and snag your resources or whatever you have to publicly share and will never give you a thank you for it. And for a very brief time, I closed my heart and I didn`t want to share with those folks and only share with my friends. I, myself, have gleaned from other people`s websites many, many, many times and I have never taken the time to say a thank you (except in my heart). And I have always appreciated the people who share so freely what they do.
So, I`m opening both of my groups up again. Sharing is caring. So if people find something they like or can use, I don`t want to shut them out anymore. I didn`t like being shut out when I was a visitor, so I won`t do it to the visitors here.
The reason I am mentioning this to you is to give you the heads-up that whatever you post on a message board here is public now, so if you don`t want visitors to read it, then it`s best to not post it. In the future, if I am still the person who will be creating a space for us and I am able to make some forums public and some private, then I would create a private forum for personal sharing. But for now, all is public. |