De: timber (Missatge original) |
Enviat: 30/07/2017 19:38 |
Create a mailbox for yourself so that members can leave a note just for you in your mailbox.
Start a new message with your name as the Subject. You can add decorative characters to the subject to make it stand out or you can leave it plain like mine.
Note: Do not use an apostrophe in the Subject as it will cause an error. Substitute the left quote symbol for the apostrophe. The left quote is on the key to the left of the #1 key.
Add table code, backgrounds, a welcome graphic, a personal name graphic, or whatever you like to the first message. It's your mailbox, you can make it how you like.
If you ever want to change your mailbox, you can create a new mailbox and then let me know to delete your old one.
If you want to add nested tables to your mailbox, I would like to provide some links for you but I don't have those at my fingertips right now, I would have to research it.
But for something quick you can go to Emma's Home. She has linkable triple backgrounds (triple back sets, triple treasures, and triple colors) that you can get the html code for.
Note: The code for the outermost table would need to be adjusted; she gives HTML to adjust it, but it didn't work for me. So I would recommend omitting the outtermost table (the one that spreads across the whole background like a table cloth and just use the inner tables).
You are free to create a test thread to practice on to get the table layout that you'd like before creating your final mailbox. Any test thread that you add can be deleted by me when you are finished, so just let me know if you need a delete. |