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General: Tutorial Challenge: Blackout Scene Text by timber (Animated)
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From: timber  (Original message) Sent: 05/06/2018 03:55
Click here for the Blackout Scene Text Tutorial

Click the header to go to the tutorial.

If you have any questions about this tutorial, please ask them on this thread.

And don't forget to show off your results when finished!

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From: SilentEyez Sent: 05/06/2018 09:40
Oooh, this was too cute! I had fun trying this one out, however, the script did not work for me. Had to resort to go old fashioned "long process" lol j/k! It was not so bad ;) I even made an alternate version and added a Sayclub dollie! 
And here is the dollie (I have a collection of them from different websites - it is a habit of me to be collecting stuff lol).

Starting from animation frame 6, the dollies foot is cut off so I decided to fix that little problem. I selected frame 5 and cropped to part of her foot (just below the black around her ankle) and I used that to paste it into all of the frame in which her foot is cut off. It does take a while but it looks better this way. The fishy at top is cut off too but there is no way I would "fix" that lol Plus, where I placed the dollie, the fishy is perfectly on the edge of the name and so it works out.

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From: justjam Sent: 05/06/2018 23:00
Here is my try.
I am not sure why mine is so dark.  Anyway, I could not get the script to work at first.
I had to fix the spaces in my "gaps" and after that, when I got to step 8 (running the script), I got an error.  It said "Command could not complete because there is no selection".
I went back over the tut and couldn't find where I was supposed to have a selection.    I selected the text with selection, select float, selection defloat and then ran the script.  It worked like a charm. I am not sure where I messed up.
I'll try this one again for sure and timber, the script sure did save some time and steps!  Thanks for the awesome tut. 

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From: timber Sent: 05/06/2018 23:22
Thanks so much for giving this tutorial a play, Karla!   Your feedback was very helpful .  It's good to know that the script did not work for you.  I took a look at the script and I found that I had used one of my Bound Scripts inside the script , so unless you have the same Bound Script that I have then the script will not work .

I have re-written the script and re-uploaded the supplies folder with the new script, so it would be very helpful for me if you would download the new zip folder here and give the tutorial another play using the corrected script.  Would you mind doing that for me please?

Now... to your tutorial results... I love the added animated dolly!   I hadn't thought of doing that, but it looks great .  And I can see you have that attention to detail to fix the flipper on her foot.  I have done the same with other animations that have been cut off, so I understand completely what you've done with that, and well done to you.

Thank you for sharing the doll that you used!  I recognize it as a Sayclub doll and that is one of the dolls that I collect.  I have a bunch of those uploaded to a Photobucket account here if you'd like to take a look.  You and I have the same habit of collecting stuff!


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From: timber Sent: 05/06/2018 23:28
Thanks so much for giving this tutorial a play, Judy!   Boy, you two girls are so fast, I was trying to fix the script and get my message posted before you ran into the same trouble with the script.

Judy, will you re-download the tutorial supplies zip folder and exchange the script that you have with the newly written one and give the script another try and see if it works?  It would be helpful to figure out why it's not working for you.  If no one can use the script successfully then the whole tutorial is kind of a bust LOL.

When you re-do the tutorial make sure that you are on the right layer when you run the script and make sure that your text is converted to a raster layer.  Give that a try please and let me know how it goes, thanks!


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From: justjam Sent: 06/06/2018 00:33
Okie dokie!  Here is my try with the new script.
It works fine now timber!  No problems at all.  Thanks for all your time working on this tut for us! 
I love these results and enjoyed trying this one.

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From: timber Sent: 06/06/2018 01:36
Oh, whew... that's great to hear, Judy!  Thank you for giving that a test for me .  It's been quite a while since I needed anyone to test a tutorial for me, so I appreciate you doing that before anyone else tries the tutorial and can't get the script to work .  Your underwater name looks great!

Using a script sure does take all the hard work out of making a tag, huh?  I script nearly every tag that I make more than once and I love using them.

I forgot to mention that after you finalize the white raster name layer, it's a good idea to drag a copy of it off the layer palette and save it as a png so that you can use it later for making more of these tags using a different background.  The same script can be used although it would need to be edited, but that might be a good lesson to teach how to edit a script.

These particular backgrounds are from Cyworld and I have a bunch of them uploaded to my Photobucket account here if you'd like to take a look at the different categories of backgrounds.  Expand the Background album to see the sub-albums of categories.


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From: SilentEyez Sent: 06/06/2018 04:03
Oooh, nice results Judy!  
Timber, I will certainly give it another go  And I will take a peek at your albums for sure! I had to start from scratch with all of my PSP creating. And I feel helpless not having all of my resources with me. And my scripts! Grrrr, I had several that I loved to use for my creations. I wonder if I would be able to recreate them *hmmm* 

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From: justjam Sent: 09/06/2018 03:55
Thanks timber, for the tip on saving a copy of the white name layer to use in other tags.  I guess you'll have to write another tut to teach us how to edit the script.  
No rush.  LOL, I know you're busy, but when you write one, I'll sure try it out. 

Reply  Message 10 of 10 on the subject 
From: classiasassia Sent: 05/11/2021 22:14

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