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General: Color Palette Challenge: Seafoam, Sand & Shell #3885
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From: timber  (Original message) Sent: 16/07/2018 02:13
Color Palette Challenge


For this Color Palette Challenge I will be featuring color palette #3885 from Color Palettes.  The challenge is to take this color palette and make a tag with at least three of the colors from the palette, but if you can use all five, then that would be awesome.

I have used the palette to create this text tag using all five colors.


I will explain how I used the color palette for my tag, but I won't go into all the details of the animation as I will be creating a separate thread to address how I created the noisy motion trail.
  1. I started with a new image 200x200.
  2. I used the Custom Selection Tool to select 40-pixel-wide vertical selections then filled each selection with each color from the palette to create a 5-color stripe pattern.
  3. Then I applied Simple Quick Tile filter to create the pattern for the text fill.
  4. I selected my text and pasted the Quick Tile pattern into the selection.
  5. For my stroke, I used a gradient that I created from the color palette with the Style set to Sunburst.
  6. I set the Blend Mode of the stroke layer to Multiply.
I used Fontdinerdotcom Luvable Font.

Have fun with this one; I can't wait to see your results.

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From: justjam Sent: 16/07/2018 22:11
I love your tag, timber!  I love the colors, animation and texture.  I couldn't come up with a text tag that I liked at all, so I decided to use a tut that I had been wanting to do.
I hope that is ok.  I did use all the colors.  My name is done with the aqua and light aqua.  I used #F3F3F6 for the background. For the border, I used #DA7015 and #E3DCD5.
Here are my results and the tut I used by Vix is HERE.

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From: timber Sent: 17/07/2018 20:47
greatjob_ohphotoshoot_jam Awww... what a sweet  little mermaid.  I'm glad you didn't create a text tag, Judy, because this is a color palette challenge (not a text or font challenge).  I created a text tag because I wanted to make a tag with an animated trail.  You could have created a pattern with the palette or colorized a portion of something in your tag.  A color palette challenge is kind of a random challenge; it's open to interpretation.

After saying that I do have to say that I love  how your text looks  LOL.  Those aqua colors are sooo pretty on your tag.  I may have to play with those colors for a text tag .

I have also done the Text Twinkle tutorial, so I will post a challenge for it.  I looked in my folder for that tut and I have an additional three tags that I never finished, so I may have to get those done.

Thanks  for giving this challenge a play.  I enjoyed seeing your results!

Reply  Message 4 of 6 on the subject 
From: SilentEyez Sent: 09/08/2021 10:00

Here is what I came up with ♥
I used all 5 colors.
I added a bit of Coconut Ice to my blue text.
And there is A LOT of blend modes and blurs lol
Added a bit of Constellation and noise too.
I got the tube from Les Tubes de Isa.
The fonts I used are Moonrising and MF Yellow Butterflies ("vibes").


Reply  Message 5 of 6 on the subject 
From: timber Sent: 09/08/2021 17:02

Oh, wow, Karla, I love your results with this color palette!  The text has just a hint of glass to draw the eye.  All the colors are so serene, I love the misted tube and the gentle noise you added to the frame, well done!

Thanks for giving this palette a play and for showing your results and sharing your tag settings!

Reply  Message 6 of 6 on the subject 
From: SilentEyez Sent: 09/08/2021 17:55
Thank you, Timber! I had done different versions of it with adding noise to foamy water on shore, then I changed it to Constellation. At first I liked it but then I did not lol The glass on text was not the first choice either. I was going to make it plain but when I tested out the glass, oh boy! lol

And my result is a SNAGGIE (forgot to put that in previous post)

Love your little summer taggy :)

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