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PSP Supplies: Glitter Tiles
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Reply Delete message  Message 1 of 29 on the subject 
From: timber  (Original message) Sent: 18/08/2017 20:08
Animated Glitter Tiles

Post links to sites with glitter tiles for download.  I will edit this first message to include your shares.  Thanks for sharing!  If you find any broken links, then please let me know so I can find a valid link or remove it from the list.

Auburn Angel's Glitter Index: If a box pops up with "Authentication Required", click Cancel, and then navigate as normal.
Autumn, Birthday, Black & White, Blue, Butterfly, Celestial, Diamond, Easter, Green & Teal, Metallic, Patriotic, Pink & Purple, Red, Silver & Gold (and Copper), Sports Fans 1 & 2, St. Patrick, Valentine 2006, Valentine, Victorian, Water, Winter Holiday

designbyAylana Bring On The Glitter Index: Most of these glitters are available through the Wayback Machine links, but not all.
Aqua/Seafoam, Black, Blue Christmas Multi, Clear, Confetti, Crystal Shards, Glitter Lines, Gold, Green, Hearts, Just a Bit of Glitz, Miscellaneous, Molten Lava, Neutral/Beige, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Star Spangled, Stardust, Swirlycues, Velvet Embers, White/Silver

Dollz Mania Free Glitter: Assorted multi- and solid-colored glitter mostly with sparkles.

Glitter Candy Box Glitter Fills: Assorted sizes of pixel glitters and Xenofex Constellation glitters.

GlitterEyez Glitter Fills by Karla: Assorted glitter fills in many sizes.
Cheetah, Chevron, Chocolate Truffles, Colorfur 2, Constellation 1, Constellation 2, Constellation 3, Cotton Candy, Forbidden, Frostie, Galaxia, Hard Candy, Jolly Candy, Hypnotize, Ice Kiss, Le Disco, Rock Candy, Royals, Screen Fills, Sheetah, Snowdaze, Sparkle Candy, Sugar Wafer, Tye Dye, Zig Zag, plus more!

Hultshome.dk: Click Sparkles in the menu.

Lala Land's Glitter Fillz (Photobucket): Collection of assorted glitters separated into color categories.

Random Girly Graphics Unique Animated Glitter Backgrounds and Tiles: Some very interesting glitters here and well worth taking a look.

Seira55's Glitter Fills: Miscellaneous assortment of multi-colored and single-colored 60x30px glitters and a couple of 100x100px Christmas glitters.

Glitter Tutorials: EZ Animated Glitter Tiles by Whisper, Glitter Name by DaisyEvilprincess, Glitter Text Tutorial by DreamerzDesigns, How to Glitter Your Fonts by Bemy, How to Tri-Glitter Your Fonts by Bemy, How to Glitter Your Graphics by Auburn Angel, How We Use Sparkles/Glitters for Text Fill by Hult

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Reply Delete message  Message 15 of 29 on the subject 
From: timber Sent: 08/07/2018 02:52
Thanks so much for sharing your glitters here, Karla!  I snagged!

Will you be uploading them to a page at your website, so that I can share a link to them if I'm asked where I got the glitter from?  I looked at in the Backgrounds, Freebies, and Graphics pages, but I couldn't see any link for the page where you share these glitters.

Reply Delete message  Message 16 of 29 on the subject 
From: SilentEyez Sent: 08/07/2018 03:11
Yw! I am happy to share my creations and anything I find that I think will be useful. My gfills (just a few) are shared at my other website, http://sd.silentears.net/ (my dollie website). Right now, I am working on getting stuff setup for a new website, GlitterEYEZ (as in glitterIZE), to add all of my fills and anything glitter related When it is ready (which will be a while lol), I will be sure to share the link *woot!*

 photo karla6.gif

Reply Delete message  Message 17 of 29 on the subject 
From: timber Sent: 11/07/2018 21:50

I look forward  to seeing your new GlitterEYEZ site, Karla.  I know how long it takes to get everything sorted and uploaded  and all the pages made and links added, etc.  Good luck  with that endeavor.

You have different glitter fills at your Silent Devotion site, but not the ones that you posted previews of in Message 11 (colorfur2, hard candy, ice kiss, rock candy, royals, snowdaze), so I will just refer anyone to this thread so they can use your download links from Message 14 until you have them uploaded to a page at one of your websites.

Reply Delete message  Message 18 of 29 on the subject 
From: SilentEyez Sent: 11/07/2018 23:04
No problem! I wanted to share different ones with this group as well as those that were already posted at SD :-D If you would like a sneak peek, I can link you to some of the ones I have at GE ;-) You will find those that were already shared here (and at SD) plus other sets :-)

Reply Delete message  Message 19 of 29 on the subject 
From: timber Sent: 12/07/2018 06:05
Yes, please!

Reply Delete message  Message 20 of 29 on the subject 
From: SilentEyez Sent: 12/07/2018 09:16
Here ya go! ;-)

Reply Delete message  Message 21 of 29 on the subject 
From: timber Sent: 13/07/2018 20:51
Awesome, thanks so much  for sharing, Karla!   Last night I was having a play with the Constellation1 glitters to create a glittery thank you, but I got called away and couldn't finish, but I will definitely be playing with these.  The colors are beautiful.

Reply Delete message  Message 22 of 29 on the subject 
From: SilentEyez Sent: 22/07/2018 13:50
I am superrrrrrrrrrrrr happy that you had the chance to check them out and hope you were able to finally play around with some of the glitters by now :-D I have been working on things at GE - seems like I am not making much progress, even though I am making a lot of effort *sigh* I just want to get things done already and OPEN. Been wanting that since I thought up my website lol 

Reply Delete message  Message 23 of 29 on the subject 
From: SilentEyez Sent: 22/07/2018 14:27
Sharing links to some cute glitterfills :-)

This one is not "glitterfills" but OMG, such AWESOME galactic animations (not for those that have a fear of universe/galaxy/spacey stuff - it kind of scares me to a point but these are pretty)! 

Reply Delete message  Message 24 of 29 on the subject 
From: SilentEyez Sent: 24/07/2018 04:57
Well, I tried getting all of my old website friends to let me know if they have any of their gfills, pixel fills, sparkle fills - any fills they have made or collected. Some did not have access to their PB accounts and others lost files in changing of laptops and all throughout the years. One friend did link me to this PB. Hope it helps :-) 

Here's one I should have linked before. Totally forgot :-D

Reply Delete message  Message 25 of 29 on the subject 
From: SilentEyez Sent: 27/07/2018 13:18

font used: WaterBrushROB
Like the gfill in the glitter sig above? Click the sig to go see my newest Constellation fills! ♥ I really hope you will enjoy them ^-^ Feel free to save them - if you would prefer to save as a zip file, do not hesitate to let me know (I can zip them up if needed). 

 photo 06-04.gif

Reply Delete message  Message 26 of 29 on the subject 
From: justjam Sent: 27/07/2018 16:22
These are awesome, Karla.  Thanks for sharing.    I snagged 'em!

Reply Delete message  Message 27 of 29 on the subject 
From: SilentEyez Sent: 28/07/2018 04:06
You are very welcome! ^-^ Glad you snagged them ^-~

Reply  Message 28 of 29 on the subject 
From: SilentEyez Sent: 31/07/2018 09:33
Animated glitter(fills):

http://www.rayesdesign.com/index.html (GLITTERS in menu & also has SMILIES stuff!)

Found these websites with animated glitter bg/tiles and whatnot.



Reply  Message 29 of 29 on the subject 
From: timber Sent: 15/07/2021 01:09
Maui Kahu's PSP World - Lots of glitter tiles linked at the bottom of the page.

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