I was browsing NoFlutter's beautiful art works last night and I found this cute
Gothic Lolita Ninja Chibi that looked easy enough to tube because of the white outline. Well, it wasn't as easy as I thought, but with a little elbow grease
I managed to tube it to my satisfaction.
I have uploaded the tube to the
Files and Documents in .pspimage format, but the ".pspimage" extension has been changed to ".pspi". So if you download the tube, then go to the end of the
File name box and add ".pspimage" to the end of the file name, and in the
Save as type box select "All files". That should save the tube as a PSP file that you can easily open in PSP.
The PSP file has multiple layers including the original image by NoFlutter, the tube with the white outline, the tubed image, and some skull decorations from the image that you can use to decorate whatever you make. Feel free to convert your file to PNG format if you like, but make sure to hide the white outline layer if you don't want the outlined image in your PNG.