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General: Tutorial Challenge: Unique by Diane (Old School)
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Da: timber  (Messaggio originale) Inviato: 05/09/2018 01:24

I'm working on this new tutorial, and because of the trouble with my head, I'm not understanding some of the steps.  So if anyone wants to give this tut a play and maybe explain some of the steps that may not be fully explained, I would appreciate it.

The tag sample below is by the tutorial writer.

I'll replace the tutorial tag sample and add my notes here when I have my tag made LOL.

Have fun with this one; I look forward to seeing your results!

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Da: justjam Inviato: 05/09/2018 06:08
Sorry timber, I have started this twice and it loses me.  It's not your head that is the cause of your confusion.    It gave me fits and I gave up.    I like the looks of the tag but, it is too confusing for me. 

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Da: justjam Inviato: 05/09/2018 15:41
I gave up too soon.    I'm going to go for it again.  I'll let you know how it goes. 

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Da: justjam Inviato: 05/09/2018 22:11
Ok, I have tried this a dozen times and this is the closest I can get.  Hope it is helpful.  I don't really like the results but I was more interested in completing the tut.  If I do it again, I will choose a different tube and gradient. 
Above are my results and below are the instructions for what I did.
Open new image 700 x 700.

Create text as vector using American Captain font size 200 bold-no stroke fill white.

Center in canvas-selections from vector object.

Convert layer to raster

Keep selected

Create new raster layer above white text layer.  Fill this layer with a gradient to match your tube.

Keep selected

Copy and paste your tube as new layer above your gradient-filled text layer.  Move the tube where you want it.  

Copy and paste your tube again as a new layer and arrange it so it looks good in your selected text.

Go to selections-invert and then delete the part of the tube outside of your selected text.  Repeat this process on each of your tube layers.


Go to your top tube layer and merge down so that your tubes are now on one layer.

Change the blend mode of your tube-filled text layer to screen.

Here I hid the white text layer and moved it to bottom.

Duplicate the tube-filled text layer and move one above the other on your canvas.

Select the top tube-filled layer and duplicate it.  On the lowest newly duplicated tube-filled layer, apply gaussian blur with radius of 10.

Repeat this with your tube-filled text layer that is below the first one on your canvas.

Now, you should have 2 tube-filled text layers, each with a gaussian blurred version beneath it.

Go to your uppermost tube-filled text layer and duplicate it again.  On the tube-filled layer below it, apply the VM plugin to this layer.  Change the blend mode to the uppermost tube-filled text layer to screen.

Select the bottom tube-filled text layer on your canvas, duplicate this layer. On the layer below it, apply the VM plugin and change the blend mode of the layer above it to screen.

Highlight the top layer of your layer palette and paste your tube as a new layer.

Positon it as you want.

The tut has you then duplicate this tube layer and apply the VM plugin to the lower of the two tube layers.
Add your credits and signature.
I am still not sure if I did this is done correctly. 
I applied a drop shadow of 1, 1, 25, 2 black to my tube, name and each tube-filled "Unique text" layer.  The font for my name is a  font called Narziss Swirls.

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Da: Barb M Inviato: 02/04/2021 12:38
seems straight forward to me, i dont get why the duplicate tube tho,  but  i did duplicate and then i blurred the bottom one, here's  2 I made for friends 

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Da: timber Inviato: 07/04/2021 20:33
Wonderful work, Barb!   Thank you for posting your tutorial results, I enjoyed seeing them!

Thank you for including your notes in regards to the tutorial.  I still want to do this tutorial myself, so the extra input is helpful .  I look forward to seeing more of your work!

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Da: SilentEyez Inviato: 04/08/2021 10:38

So...yeah. I was stumped. The instructions being mostly "assuming" (and I believe there are some unnecessary steps): assuming you are familiar with PSP and know how to make/do stuff. I kept going back and forth and nope, it is unclear how she got from one point to the next. That is when I kicked in my "I assume how to do things". 

I did follow the first part, which is the typing text in white color (which I later deleted) and creating a layer for the gradient. And also did the separate tube layer (I just copy pasted tube onto one layer, making sure they were lined up). Did the removing of excess tube so that it is within the text.

 The tube layer was set to HARD LIGHT and it was then merged with the gradient text layer. 

I duplicated the layer.

I added the VM EXPERIMENTAL > EVERY PICTURES TELLS A STORY plugin to the bottom layer.

I then moved the top layer to the side a bit, just enough to show the bottom layer*s effect ("the letters"). 

I changed the plugin effect layer to negative by going to Adjust > Negative Image. That is because the colors and tube I am working with are light colors.

Merge layers.

Duplicate the layer.

Move the duplicated layer in canvas (NOT in Layers palette) accordingly. 

Merge layers.

Gaussian Blur the bottom layer.

Add tube as a new layer and place it where it looks best. Add a drop shadow.


Added a bevel+glass effect (or coarse, lol). 

I duplicated bevel+glass name and added the Curlicues effect: Effects > Distortion Effects > Curlicues. I used one of the settings from VixPSP*s Curly Whirly tutorial. Changed blend mode to Overlay.

Added a drop shadow to top bevel+glass name layer.

Once everything was set and done, merged all layers and enhanced the color: Adjust > Hue and Saturation > Automatic Saturation Enhancement > More colorful, Strong, Skintones present.

Saved as PNG.

*NOTE* It looks MORE complicated in my layers palette. I just summed up the steps to make it clearer. I have like a gazillion layers in mine and kept saving as I worked (in case my program decided to crash). Also, it may not be EXACTLY how I did it but I did try my best to share my steps.

I am not very satisfied with my result. May have to use a darker gradient (to make something similar to the one in tutorial) and maybe not "shrink" my tube too small (for the text part). 

Font used for name:
Turkeye @ 92 pt

Rispondi  Messaggio 8 di 16 di questo argomento 
Da: SilentEyez Inviato: 04/08/2021 10:45
P.S. I just noticed she also added the plugin effect to her main tube layer. I assume she duplicated the layer and added it to the bottom layer. Maybe changed the opacity. Hm, I guess I can try that NEXT time.

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Da: SilentEyez Inviato: 04/08/2021 11:47

Back with another attempt, this time I did not follow the tutorial but tried to duplicate my steps + tweaked settings and whatnot, from the first try. I kind of like it but not feeling the look of my name*s design... maybe should have just gone simpler *ack* lol

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Da: SilentEyez Inviato: 04/08/2021 12:30

One more try before I call it a "night/day" (I have stayed up ALL night long, it is 7:26 AM) lol
So, here you can see that I have done things differently again. I don*t know but it looks like MAYBE I am getting close?? I will post my notes later in the day (or night), since I have got to get myself to bed lol But one quick piece of info: I used Autumn Chant for the script font ;)

Have a great day/evening all

Rispondi  Messaggio 11 di 16 di questo argomento 
Da: timber Inviato: 04/08/2021 17:00
Now that my head is doing better (it's more in tut mode than before), I will see about giving this tutorial another play .

Thanks so much, Karla, for posting all you results and notes!   Having all these examples makes it much easier for me to get a grasp on the instructions.  It's interesting how each of your tags is unique even though you used the same tube.  Love all your results!

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Da: justjam Inviato: 04/08/2021 17:12
Great results, Karla.  I remember this tut!  It gave me fits.    Maybe I should try it again....or not  LOL
I'll look at it and decide.

Rispondi  Messaggio 13 di 16 di questo argomento 
Da: SilentEyez Inviato: 04/08/2021 23:36
Thank you Timber and Judy! The 3rd try went better lol Since my laptop restarted on its own this afternoon *grrr* my files closed too. But I did save it, let me see what I can get from it...


Okay, so I was able to gather this info from looking at the layers I have in the saved file. And making a new one as I tried the steps anew lol

1. Type text in white, as Vector.

2. Add other Vector text layer in gradient color (this layer will be on top of white text).

3. Add tube(s) and crop the excess part. Set blend mode to Screen (or whichever blend mode looks best with what you are working with).

4. Merge GRADIENT and TUBE layers. Duplicate and add the VM plugin to the duplicated layer, then change blend mode** to whatever suits best (I do not have the exact info for the one in my 3rd result).

5. To white text layer, add the VM plugin indicated. To make it easier, set it to top of all layers, then move it off to side (I moved it to the left).

6. Send that layer back to bottom, make adjustments if you are not satisfied with the amount shown off the side. 

7. You can adjust the blend mode from step #4** if you needed.
8. Add a drop shadow to the WHITE text layer. 

9. Duplicate the TUBE/GRADIENT layer (NOT the copy).

10. Add Gaussian Blur 5.00 to the new duplicated layer. *I duplicated this layer because I wanted the blur a little more noticeable, then merged them. I also enhanced the color.* Move drop shadow layer below this one (it will give the drop shadow a nice gradient look).

You can merge ALL layers once done and satisfied with the look. Duplicate and arrange it so you have your top and bottom (in canvas) texts.

That should be it for this part.


The main tube was added and duplicated. Adding drop shadow to duplicated layer (top) and a Gaussian Blur to the main layer (bottom).

I duplicated the Gaussian Blurred layer because I wanted it to show more, as well + color enhancement.

That should be it for this part.


For the finishing touch, I typed the script text as Vector, white. 

I duplicated the layer and added a drop shadow to the bottom layer.

A Gaussian Blur was added to the duplicated text (top). This is what added the "glow" look. (duplicate this layer if you want more "glow" to it and you can change the blend mode to Dodge or other mode to that suits best.

To the original white text, I added a 75% noise effect.

And this was my result:

Font: Autumn Chant @ 48 pt
Tube: downloaded @ Tubes de Isa

Rispondi  Messaggio 14 di 16 di questo argomento 
Da: timber Inviato: 05/08/2021 01:18

Wow, I love your latest tag, Karla!   The word art is perfect for that tube.  Did you colorize the bubble gum bubble?   It's teal, so I thought you might have made it your fave color LOL.

Thanks so much for taking the time to include your detailed tag notes!   I'm sure I'll refer to them when I take a stab at this tut challenge.  I enjoyed seeing all your results, great work!

Rispondi  Messaggio 15 di 16 di questo argomento 
Da: SilentEyez Inviato: 05/08/2021 05:50
Timber, I did not want to let this one go without trying to figure it out (or something close) LOL 

I like that I was able to try out a different plugin - they are like hidden treasures to me :D 

As for the bubble gum, I did not colorize it - but I think when I color enhance the graphic, it made it pop more 

Judy, I want to compliment your tag (sorry I did not do that sooner, the darn tut had me all whacky lol). Great choice of tube and colors ♥ 

Thank you ladies! Hopefully, my notes will be of good use/help :) 

Rispondi  Messaggio 16 di 16 di questo argomento 
Da: ClevelandWolfe Inviato: 16/09/2022 06:45
Diane (Old School) is hosting a tutorial challenge for you to use the awesome graphics she created for her old school site. Must you visit here management dissertation help and learn more new tips for study. The challenge is set up so that you can learn more about the different components of WordPress and how they work together, as well as working through a series of tutorials.

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