I did a few things differently than the tutorial. In the tutorial, you duplicate the tube and then apply Mura's Copies to it with the Wall Paper setting. This layer is then duplicated and sent to the bottom of the Layer palette (the mask is applied to this layer). For my tag I did these steps a little differently. I duplicated the tube twice and applied two different Wall Paper settings to the two different tube layers. One of the Wall Paper layers is sent to the bottom and the mask is applied, and the second Wall Paper layer is used inside the frame. For the layer
within my frame, I used the Wall Paper (rotate) setting and then I believe I mirrored the layer.
For the bottom Wall Paper layer, I first applied an Art Media Effect>Brush Strokes (Soft Blur Preset: Softness=1, Strokes Length=15 Density=26, Brush Bristles=256 Width=6 Opacity=0, Lighting Angle=311 Color=black), and then I applied the mask. Instead of using the Texture Effects>Weave, I used Penta Color Dots. I think the look is pretty much the same.
For my text, I have multiple layers with different settings to make the text stand away from the background while blending in at the same time. My notes can be pretty detailed, so I will omit those here unless anyone is interested; just ask and I'll share that info. The font I used is
Easy Street EPS.