Okay, that's no problem. Here at Gabitos Groups you are provided with image storage, so you can upload images from your computer to insert into your messages.
The albums are in the Picture Gallery
1) Picture Gallery Page: Click
Create album.
2a) Create Album Page: Give your album a title. For this purpose you can title it "Daphne" or "Dapne's Tags", something like that. The album title isn't set in stone because you can modify it anytime you want.
2b) Add a description if you like.
2c) Click
Browse to add a thumbnail cover for the album.
2d) Choose an album color.
2e) Allow or dis-allow others to upload pictures to your album.
2f) Click
3) Create Album Page: Click
Create album to create the album, or
Modify Information if you want to modify the album cover, title, etc.
4) Album Created Successfully Page: Click
Upload pictures to the album to upload images to the newly created album.
5) Upload Pictures Page: Click
Choose pictures and navigate to the picture(s) you would like to upload. After uploading, click
6) To insert one of the images from the album, click the image thumbnail. Below the tag will be the URL for the image. Click in the URL box to highlight the URL, then copy (ctrl+c). Use this URL in the message editor using the screenshot I posted in the message above where I explained how to insert an image.
Go ahead and give that a try and let me know if you have any questions.