It is so nice to see you all here. I've been missing you all.
Thank you all so much for the mention of me in your posts.
It is nice to know that you all remember me.
I have very little time at the library today. Yahoo is going to delete all attachments
on Dec 14th from groups. I have to download everything by them. Not sure I'm going
to make. Now that I have flash drives I'm downloading onto them. Thanks Timber
I was thinking that I need to copy all to another and I just haven't taken the time but
I must. The pain of lossing all the tubes that I have saved since 2005...has got me
all in a mental tither, and I don't want to gothrough this again. I lost so much with the
death of my computer so mnay year ago.
Sharon God bless you, and all in California!!
My heart goes out to you. Fire is one of my great fears. Been in one years ago.
Take Care. Be safe.
Judy, Happy puppy days, oh how I remember them. Give jojo a big hug from me.
I have a dog... Becca she is about 6 years old now. Great dog. Thanks for the offer
of help with psp.. I will be needing that soon. I am trying to get filters to work in
the 32 bit 2019 psp program, since I can not get any to work in 64. see you soon.
Hello Timber... so sorry to hear that you have not been well. We do seem to miss each
other through the years. But you are always in my mind and my heart. Looking
forward to meeting you hear one day.
Hello Karla...hope you get to go to the talent show and all the other evernts. Sounds
so fun. Thei holiday will be very uneventful for me, all kids will be gone and or
spening most of thier time with in-laws.
I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgivng Day.
Hugs, Jossie