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Reply Delete message  Message 1 of 510 on the subject 
From: timber  (Original message) Sent: 21/08/2019 19:38

If you`d like to say hello or that you`re checking in , then go ahead and do it here .


Page webset, layout, and HTML by timber
Emoticons from Kolobok and LivePencil

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Reply  Message 421 of 510 on the subject 
From: moonshdw Sent: 07/09/2020 00:21

Reply  Message 422 of 510 on the subject 
From: SharonK Sent: 10/09/2020 20:42
Checking in to see how everyone is.  We are ok.  Today is smokey and gray with temp of 68F.  This is what it looked like yesterday at 9 am

This is from all the fires in CA.  Stay safe.

Reply Delete message  Message 423 of 510 on the subject 
From: Daphne70 Sent: 10/09/2020 23:44
I am just following suit like Sharon and giving my day details... I am feeeling more like doing something with my psp today ... so hope I can come upt with something ..

Reply Delete message  Message 424 of 510 on the subject 
From: Daphne70 Sent: 10/09/2020 23:50
Just thought I would pop the latest graphic tutorial from one of my groups .. It is a great group and the lady does some wonderful tuts .. 

Reply  Message 425 of 510 on the subject 
From: SharonK Sent: 12/09/2020 01:25

Reply  Message 426 of 510 on the subject 
From: justjam Sent: 12/09/2020 19:59
Hello ladies!  Sharon, I am so glad you are safe from the fires.  It is horrible what you all are going through.  You are all in my prayers.  Stay safe!    
I hope that all of you are safe and are able to avoid the Coronavirus as well.
I had my flu shot today and in a couple of weeks, I will take my second pneumonia shot.  Hopefully, this will help keep me well.
Have a great weekend!  

Reply  Message 427 of 510 on the subject 
From: moonshdw Sent: 12/09/2020 23:01

Reply  Message 428 of 510 on the subject 
From: Daphne70 Sent: 14/09/2020 01:54
Hello everyone,  I do hope you are all staying safe ...  trying to put together my new Xmas Calendars as I have them printed up as pressies for Xmas...   We are having a very  nice day here in Sydney  sunny and 22 degrees celcius... hope everyone else is having nice weather too. 

Reply  Message 429 of 510 on the subject 
From: timber Sent: 14/09/2020 22:41
Just a quick check in to let you all know that I'm okay.  There are fires going on all around me but I'm luckily in a sweet spot where I am only experiencing some haziness in the sky, some smoke smell and a little ash.  My thoughts go out to all those affected by the fires.

OMG, Sharon, you are so close to them, I'm so glad to hear you are safe and hanging in there.  I heard about the orange skies but we didn't have those here at the bottom of the bay.  Our skies were yellow and everything had a yellow hue to it.  It was quite eerie to see.

These times are so crazy that I can't actually believe that I'm alive and living it.  It really blows my mind sometimes LOL.  Stay safe, as always, and big hugs from me to you wherever you are! ♥

Reply  Message 430 of 510 on the subject 
From: Daphne70 Sent: 15/09/2020 02:05
Hi Timber and Sharon and anyone else in a fire area ,  please stay safe as I know just how scary that can be .

Reply  Message 431 of 510 on the subject 
From: moonshdw Sent: 15/09/2020 23:00

Reply  Message 432 of 510 on the subject 
From: SharonK Sent: 19/09/2020 00:48
Thanks everyone for the prayers.  All fire are either out or under control.  No smoke in the air today.  So far still safe.  
Prayers to all.

Reply  Message 433 of 510 on the subject 
From: timber Sent: 28/09/2020 17:41
Hey, everyone! ♥

I'm still busy working on my project but I wanted to say hello.

Reply  Message 434 of 510 on the subject 
From: SharonK Sent: 28/09/2020 18:50
Good Monday 2 all--It's hot today, it's only 11:47 am and 85F.  Anything over 75F is to hot for me.  I hope everyone is well and safe.
Timber, good luck with your project

Reply  Message 435 of 510 on the subject 
From: Daphne70 Sent: 03/10/2020 02:33
Hi everyone,  Hope your all doing well .. I was looking for a font like the one in the patriotic tutorial but cant seem to find a font with Australian flag,  so I played around with the aussie flag and used the Image filled text tut from Text tutorials and then animated it ... just my first go at it .. will need to playmore with it 

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