You may print this out for your own personal use, but please do not rewrite, translate, e-mail out, offer any part of this on any other site, add to a CD, or claim this as your own. Your finished result is yours to do with as you please, including making tags and/or snags for others. You may offer your results wherever you wish, but you may not sell for profit. This tutorial was written by timber on April 24, 2009.
I wrote this tutorial using PSP8. To complete this tutorial you should have a comfortable working knowledge of the Tools, Materials and Layer palettes, as well as the Menu options and working with plugin filters.
For this tutorial, you will need:
Paint Shop Pro Penta Jeans Filter (Garbage Collections)
Here are a few example frames to show you how this technique looks when using a solid color, a gradient, or a pattern as the fill for the frame (the second pattern example has been blurred before applying the Jeans filter).

1. I'm going to assume that you will be adding this frame to an already existing image inside the borders of the canvas.
Add a new raster layer and name it "Frame". Layers>New Raster Layer
Move this layer to the top of the Layer palette. Layers>Arrange>Bring to Top |
2. Select all. Selections>Select All |
3. Load the Flood Fill Tool and fill the selection with your material (solid color, gradient, or pattern). For my example I will be using the Foreground-Background Gradient (Angle=45, Repeats=2, Invert unchecked, Style=Linear). My foreground color is a light green, and my background color is a dark green. Normally I would choose these two colors from a tube or other image on my canvas. |
4. Apply the Penta Jeans filter with these settings. These are the settings that I have used for all of my examples but you may adjust these settings as you like.
5. Contract the selection by 5 pixels. Selections>Modify>Contract |
6. Invert the selection. Selections>Invert |
7. Fill the selection with the same material that you used in step #3. |
8. Mirror the selection Image>Mirror |
9. Apply the same Jeans settings from step #4. |
10. Mirror the selection. |
11. Select none. Selections>Select None |
12. Sharpen. Adjust>Sharpness>Sharpen
Sharpen a second time. |
13. Select all. |
14. Contract the selection by 11 pixels. |
15. Delete the selection. Edit>Clear
Note: If you only want the herringbone pattern as your frame, then you can stop here and deselect. Otherwise, keep the selection active and continue. |
16. Fill the selection with white (color=#FFFFFF). |
17. Contract the selection by 2 pixels. |
18. Delete the selection. |
19. On your Flood Fill Tool, reduce the opacity to 50. This allows the image below to show through a bit.

Fill the selection with black (color=#000000) or another very dark color of your choice.
20. Contract the selection by 2 pixels. |
21. Delete the selection. |
Create the Frame Shadow |
22. Add a new raster layer and name it "Shadow". |
23. Fill the selection with the same color and tool settings from step #19. |
24. Contract the selection by 2 pixels. Note: If you're creating a frame on a small canvas like my example frames, then contract by 1 pixel (rather than 2). |
25. Delete the selection. |
26. Select none. |
27. Move the Shadow layer down below the Frame layer. Layers>Arrange>Move Down |
28. Apply a gaussian blur of radius=2 (or 3). Set the radius to whatever you think looks best. Adjust>Blur>Gaussian Blur |
Tag Examples |
I have used this frame technique on this tag below using the foreground-background gradient as explained in the tutorial.
For this tag, I've used the background image as a pattern. Instead of using the Flood Fill tool to fill the selections in steps #3 and #7, I've copied the selection from the background image layer and then pasted it into the selection on the Frame layer.
I can't wait to see what frames you create!
See member results HERE |