Vector Text Node Edit Mini Tut

This is the tag I made using this node edit technique.
Open a new canvas. I started with 400x400. My font is Elegance, stroke 2 size 60.
Create your text as vector. Go to Objects, align, center in canvas.
Go to your layer palette and click on the + (plus sign) before the vector layer. Your name will show as a layer under Vector 1.

Right click on your name layer and select convert text to curves as character shapes.
Now a + (plus sign) appears before your name. When you click on this plus sign, you will see each letter of your name as a new layer.

Click on the first letter of your name and then click the pen tool. Nodes will show up all around the first letter of your name.

You can pull or drag one or more nodes to change the shape of your letter. Repeat selecting each letter and pulling or moving the nodes. When you are finished editing the nodes, you can collapse all the + layers to one vector layer and convert to raster.
You can now add a bevel, dropshadow or use your imagination!
I added a drop shadow v2, h2, opacity 40, blur 4, color black. I used Eye Candy 4000-glass-glass tubing (which I believe is a standard setting for this plugin.)

There are lots of possibilities. You can add also add textures, patterns or graphics.
I'd love to see your results! You can post them with the other member results HERE
This original tutorial was written by justjam on February 18, 2012. Any similarity to any other tutorial is coincidental. Please do not claim it as your own, pass it around in groups or post to any other location. You may print out a version for you own use. |