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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 12/02/2015 01:57
Maps of The Orion Zone
& Beyond

by Gary A. David
Copyright © 2000-20011 by Gary A. David.
Email: garydavid52@hotmail.com

Arizona Orion Correlation (left) and constellation reversed 180 degrees (right).

The belt stars correspond to Third, Second, and First Mesas. The distance between Betatakin and Canyon de Chelly is stretched about 12 miles in relation to the constellation; the distance between Walnut Canyon and Homolovi is stretched about 10 miles--not bad, considering it's over 110 miles between Betatakin in the north and Homolovi in the south.

Solstice relationships between villages.  Read more about the Arizona Orion Correlation in my book The Orion Zone.

Aries, Taurus, Orion, and Canis Major correlations in the American Southwest.

Arizona-New Mexico-California map with Star Hexagon.
 Read more in my new book The Kivas of Heaven.

The red dot at the center of the Flower of Life is called the Tuuwanasavi, literally "sand-middle." It is is conceptualized as the Center-place,
the spiritual heart of the Hopi cosmos. This sandy plain is actually located about 4 miles south-southwest of the village of Oraibi on Third Mesa.
In the ancient Egyptian cosmogony, a similar spot corresponds to the Primordial Mound rising from the Ocean of Creation, where the temple at Heliopolis was later constructed. This axis mundi housed the conically shaped, meteoric benben stone, upon which the Bennu bird (phoenix) perched.
The inner rectangle (above) is comprised of four loci: (1) Betatakin / Keet Seel (Navajo National Monument), (2) Canyon de Chelly National Monument (which jointly form the base of the Orion projection on the Arizona desert and run along the northeastern escarpment of Black Mesa), (3) Sunset Crater National Monument (a volcano that erupted in 1064 AD), and (4) a point about 18 miles south of Homolovi Ruins State Park, which is located on the right arm of the terrestrial Orion as it reaches southward toward the ancient Hohokam territory in the Phoenix Basin. It's too bad that the Flower of Life doesn't pass through Las Vegas, as it would likely improve the luck of those taking advantage of Vegas vacation packages!

Overlaid on the hexagon / cube and the Flower of Life is Solomon's Seal (Star of David), composed of two interlocking equilateral triangles.

Winter solstice sunrise lines (parallel) extend from the Arizona Orion Correlation to both Roswell and Trinity Site in New Mexico.
A summer solstice sunrise line extends from First Mesa, Arizona, through Canyon de Chelly and terminates at the Dulce site.
 Read more in my new book The Kivas of Heaven.

Canis Major (Great Dog) superimposed on a Google Earth shot of New Mexico.
Sirius, the brightest star in the heavens, corresponds to Chaco Canyon, the largest Ancestral Puebloan ruin site in the American Southwest.

Gary David's books contend that the Chichimecs (literally "Sons of the Dog") lived in Chaco Canyon and perhaps constructed the pueblos there,
before they migrated southward in the 13th century AD to become the Aztecs in the Valley of Mexico.
 Read more in my new book The Kivas of Heaven. It's a great read the next time you're at all inclusive resorts in Jamaica!

About 45 miles south of Ajo, Arizona, on the U.S.-Mexico border is Vertex 17 of the Becker-Hagens "Earthstar" Planetary Grid System.
This grid point is one of 62 major vertices of the mercator-based hexakis icosahedron projected on the Earth globe. With 120 faces, 180 edges,
and 62 vertices, the hexakis icosahedron can be conceptualized as a giant earth-crystal. Coordinates for Cerro Cubabi: 31.72° N, 112°.80W.
Two great circles enclose the Arizona Orion Correlation: an orange “Yang” great circle and a lime-green “Balance” great circle.
This respectively represents Orion's characteristic male, or yang, energy and the Hopi ceremonial cycle that functions to keep the Earth in balance.

Articles by Prof. Bethe Hagens.

This Golden Mean spiral starts at the Throat chakra located at Grand Falls, arcs through the San Francisco Peaks (home of the kachinas, or katsinam), sweeps by the Hopi villages of Oraibi, Shungopovi, and Walpi (the Belt), intersects Orion's right hand, circles into the Hyades horns, and passes through Gamma Tauri.
This Golden Mean spiral starts at the Sipapuni (Hopi "Place of Emergence"), arcs through Oraibi (oldest continuously inhabited community on the continent, settled c. A.D. 1100), swings through the Third Eye chakra of Orion at Walnut Canyon, then continues its sweep through the middle of the horns of Taurus.

For more on the Golden Mean Spiral, read "Spiral Gate: The Arc of the Covenant"

The Arizona Orion Correlation's upper part is oriented southwest. The left arm extends from Bellatrix/Wupatki Ruin toward Grand Canyon. It passes Hopi Point on the South Rim, and terminates within the canyon near a butte named Osiris Temple. It celestially corresponds to Pi 3 Orionis.
The Sipapuni (Sípàapuni), or Hopi "Place of Emergence," is a travertine (limestone) dome located on the north bank of the Little Colorado River.
Specifically, it corresponds to Pi 5 Orionis. However, the possible exoplanet status of Pi 3 Orionis and the wormhole nature of the Sipapuni
jointly represent the general function of Grand Canyon in Hopi cosmology. The Hopi perhaps see the Sipapuni as the most sacred spot on Earth.

Looking towrd the southeast, we see the location of the ancestral Hopi ruin site of Wupatki National Monument (corresponding to Bellatrix,
left shoulder of the Ari-zona Orion Correlation). The San Francisco Peaks, home of the Hopi kachinas from July until December, are a few miles
to the south. The Hopi Mesas are over 50 miles northeast of Wupatki. The Sipapuni is located on the Little Colorado River 3.5 miles upstream
from its confluence with the Colorado River. Osiris Temple (corresponding to Pi 3 Orionis) is downstream on the north bank of the Colorado River.
The ancient Egyptians associated Osiris with Orion. Today some people believe that a "Lost City of the Dead," was once located in Grand Canyon. It was reputedly found in 1909 by G.E. Kincaid on an expedition for the Smithsonian Institution. He described it as being filled with ancient Egyptian artifacts, mummies, and hieroglyphics as well as some Asian artifacts. Other people believe the complex is still there, waiting to be rediscovered.

1. Base Chakra = Mesa Verde, the Sun (Orion) Temple in southwestern Colorado.
2. Sacral Chakra = Burnt Corn Ruins near the village of Pinon, Arizona (corresponding to the Orion Nebula).
3. Solar Plexus (Navel) Chakra = Second Mesa and the Hopi village of Shongopovi.
4. The Heart Chakra = Kachina Points, a mesa southwest of Oraibi (also called Monument Point).
5. Throat Chakra = Grand Falls on the Little Colorado River.
6. Third Eye (Pineal) Chakra = Walnut Canyon Ruins in the foothills of the San Francisco Peaks.
7. Crown Chakra = Tuzigoot Ruins and the red rock country of Sedona in Verde Valley.

Orion Correlation and adjacent constellations projected upon the American Southwest.

Crown:            Alexandria (Pharos Lighthouse)   29° 53’ E
Third Eye:       Great Pyramid, Giza, Egypt   31° 09’ E
Throat:            Napta Playa, southern Egypt   30° 42’ E
Heart:              Rwenzori Mountains, Uganda  29° 57’ E
Solar Plexus:  Great Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe   30° 56’ E
Sacral:            Mapungubwe, South Africa   29° 22’ E
Root:               Boomplaas, South Africa   30° 24’ E

Prime Meridian: about 30° east longitude. Distance between Giza and Boomplaas: over 3,800 miles! 

For a description of Napta Playa, the world’s oldest astronomical observatory, see Thomas G. Brophy, The Origin Map.

The Zulu sangoma (shaman) Credo Mutwa states that creatures from a certain star in Orion built an ancient subterranean city of copper in the Rwenzori Mts. ("Mountains of the Moon"), located on the border between Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Great Zimbabwe in southern Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia) is 320 miles south of the Zambezi River, 1270 – 1550 AD, population c. 18,000. At this eponymous site the roofless oval structure of the "Great Enclosure" is 800 ft long. Its mortar-less granite walls are 30 ft. high and 20 ft. thick at the base. Small monoliths on top of the eastern arc of the Great Enclosure align with three stars in the constellation Orion: Bellatrix, Alnilam, and Saiph shortly before sunrise on winter solstice.

Mapungubwe on the Limpopo River in northern South Africa, 900 – 1300 AD, population c. 5,000.

For a description of Boomplaas (“Tree Farm”) Petroglyph Site in Mpumalanga Provence of South Africa, see Appendix 1 by Rob Milne in my book Eye of the Phoenix.

               Read a chapter about South Africa in my new book The Kivas of Heaven.

This possible Orion Correlation is located in the Mexican states of Tabasco and Chiapas. Tortuguero corresponds to Alnitak. (The Great Pyramid at Giza and Hopi First Mesa in Arizona also mirror this belt star.) Chilapa corresponds to Alnilam (the middle belt star), and Tepetitán corresponds to Mintaka. Comalcalco corresponds to Betelgeuse, but perhaps only symbolically so. This Maya city that burgeoned between 700 and 900 AD is unique because its pyramids are constructed of kiln-fired bricks. Moreover, many of the mud bricks had been inscribed with Mayan glyphs, but over 500 of them contain various foreign scripts, such as Phoenician, Egyptian, Libyan, Tifinagh, Chinese, Burmese, and even Ogam.

Jmetic Lubton, which corresponds to Saiph, was a ceremonial city with a carved sculpture of what in Tzotzil means “Our Mother Tired Rock.” The famous Maya site of Palenque corresponds to Rigel. However, even if that apex of the constellation is moved north to coincide with the actual site, we still have Tila/Orion Nebula at the center of the three Mayan hearthstones.

According to National Geographic photographer Stephen Alvarez, the Maya hold a ceremony at Tila dedicated to a black earth god, perhaps Ek Chuuah or God M/L. “Every June [solstice?] thousands and thousands of people crowd into the Chiapas town of Tila to see the Black Christ which hangs in the Catholic church in town. The town more than triples in size during the pilgrimage. Maya scholars have told me that the Black Christ is an embodiment of a Maya earth lord and that the blending of Catholic and Maya traditions is a prime example of syncretic religion.”

                The stele known as Monument 6 at Tortuguero, Mexico, contains the only known reference carved in stone
                                                  of the end of the 13th Baktun--that is, December 21, 2012 !
                                                         Read more in my new book The Kivas of Heaven.


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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/06/2013 12:55

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/02/2015 01:58


My thanks to Taylor Morgeson for discovering another Secret in Plain Sight after watching my videos. Taylor is teaching music theory and finishing up his thesis at the University of North Texas (UNT) in Denton.

First of all, Denton is at 33°13’N latitude. The numbers 33 and 13 are obviously both very important to freemasons.

Taylor says that if you draw a line from the center of the fountain in the linear complex in front of the UNT Administration building…

Denton line

…to the golden boy atop the Manitoba Legislative Building in Winnipeg, the bearing is 0.00°, perfectly true North.

Denton Winnipeg

I profiled the Manitoba Legislative Building (MLB) in my Jerusalem Part 2 video because it is a freemasonic replica of Solomon’s Temple. Frank Albo has written a book called “The Hermetic Code” about the MLB and he also gives tours of the building when he’s in his home town:

Winnipeg manitoba

Manitoba Legislative Building

Perhaps the MLB inspired the soon to be Dr. Albo to get his PhD in Architectural History, which is what he is working on now at Cambridge. Frank also became a freemason to see what else he could discover.

Winnipeg is the center of North America. The MLB is thus its geodetic center.


Image source

Taylor Morgeson also points out that if you draw a triangle connecting the MLB with UNT and Phoenix Arizona (which is also on the 33rd parallel) the angle at the top of the triangle on Google Maps measures 33°. I verified this in SketchUp.

Denton Phoenix Winnipeg Map

I noticed that the triangle looks like a Pythagorean 3:4:5 triangle under the spherical projection of Google Earth. This is close but not exact because the lines are actually sections of great circles whose centers are at the center of the Earth.

GE denton

Taylor tells me there’s another very interesting building at UNT’s College of Music called the Winspear Auditorium, part of the Murchison Performing Arts Center whose axis is also oriented North-South:

Winspear Auditorium

Here’s what it looks like inside…

Murchison 1

Image courtesy Craig D. Blackmon under the Creative Common Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license

…and outside:

[iframe width=”555″ height=”666″ src=”http://www.panoramio.com/photo/35658338″]

This building seems to be a temple of the pentagon/pentagram. A temple of music and of life, that’s beautiful.

I used the line tool in Google Earth to measure the distance from the pentagonal window on the north side of the Winspear Auditorium to the south door of the MLB in Winnipeg.

This distance is 6,055,555 feet.

Please see my post on The Snowflake and the Flower to understand the significance of the above distance.

Here’s a video Taylor made of his alma mater. Check out “The Sustaining Arch” and how it aligns with the jet of water from the fountain and the tower on the top of the UNT Administration building. This line continues all the way to the MLB.


Respuesta  Mensaje 3 de 4 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/02/2015 03:33


If you watched my New York Part 1 video, you might remember how I was led by the linear element within the Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir to the Temple of Isis (originally from Dendur Egypt) within the Met.

Met obelisk path

After watching my NY videos Grant Chamberlin sent me a few photos he took within Central Park. Here’s one of the Gate Houses on the reservoir. Note the year on the building is 1864. See my 864 post to get the universe’s little joke, but I digress.


Image courtesy Grant Chamberlin

The line running through the reservoir leads directly to UN headquarters:

Met UN

In the NY Part 2 video I analyzed the mural inside the UN Security Council chamber. I’d like to draw your attention to the phoenix at the center of this highly symbolic mural.

Phoenix mural

The UN flag has an earth divided into 33 sectors, the number of the highest degree in Scottish freemasonry. Here’s my post on 33.


The Coat of Arms for the state of Israel is also cyan in color. It features 13 leaves on each branch with the menorah at the top of a step pyramid of sorts.


There is an amazing correlation between the menorah, the freemasons, and the days of the week that youtube user bobzimmerfan pointed out:

Order Days

Watch his video to see how he came to this startling conclusion:


On the subject of globalization there was a article published in the Economist way back in 1988 extolling the virtues of a one world currency called The Phoenix, whose symbol appears to be a circle with a line drawn through it.

Due to the law of free will they have to put their game plan in plain sight in order to obtain your consent.

“The maxim is “Qui tacet consentire”: the maxim of the law is “Silence gives consent”. If therefore you wish to construe what my silence betokened, you must construe that I consented.”—Thomas More


Title of article: Get Ready for the Phoenix; Source: Economist; 01/9/88, Vol. 306, pp 9-10

Here is a quote from this article:

The phoenix zone would impose tight constraints on national governments.  There would be no such thing, for instance, as a national monetary policy.  The world phoenix supply would be fixed by a new central bank, descended perhaps from the IMF…Pencil in the phoenix for around 2018, and welcome it when it comes.

Notice the Fleur de lys on the phoenix’s head in the above cover image?

The second chapter of the Song of Solomon, the most important of ancient Kabbalistic texts, begins with, “I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys.” Originally, the fleur-de lis was a common Jewish symbol. Not only are lilies frequently mentioned in the Songs of David, but early Jewish coinage also featured similar lilies. The great Kabbalistic book, the Zohar, begins with an exposition of the mystical significance of the lily, which it describes as being the symbol of the “Jewish congregation.” Source

The NWO plans for a one world currency and ultimate one world government are absolutely chilling in my humble opinion. Would you rather be controlled by the all seeing eye at the top of the tower/pyramid…

Eye of sauron

…or move toward decentralization with local communities governing themselves, printing their own non-debt based currencies, creating their own non-fractional reserve banks, growing most of their own food, creating their own renewable energy, and staying interconnected to the larger world through the Internet? The path to preserve our humanity, our uniqueness, and the diversity of culture is clear: it opposes the globalists’ agenda of control.

What kind of a world do you want to live in? Be mindful of what you consent to before it is too late.

The original House of the Phoenix was located in Heliopolis Egypt. Philip Coppens wrote a great article about this entitled Heliopolis: Egypt’s Radiance.

Cleopatra’s Needle just outside the Met originally came from Heliopolis.


Image courtesy Grant Chamberlin

Now that I’ve set the stage you will better appreciate the following geomancy.

Manhattan Geomancy

I’ve often wondered why Cleopatra’s needle is where it is just outside the Met. This alignment explains it:


Cort Lindahl originally drew a line from Cleopatra’s needle to the Museum of Jewish Heritage and noticed that the orientation of the museum aligns with the axis. I took a close look at this line and am detailing the items along the line connecting the dots.

The line starts at Cleopatra’s needle:


Incidentally in my New York Part 1 video, I mention how the glass atrium in the Met looks like a Templar flag. I was amazed but not too surprised when Grant sent me a photo of what this atrium looks like from the ground: a pyramid.


Image courtesy Grant Chamberlin

The path passes directly over the Grand Masonic Lodge of NY at 71 W 23rd Street. I notice it bisects the garden of the Caroline building across the street (not sure of the significance?)


The path also goes over Rockefeller Center, and directly over the fountain in Bryant Park, the most densely occupied urban park in the world, which was restored by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. The park was originally called Reservoir Square because it fronted the Croton Distributing Reservoir which fed what is now called the Jacqueline Kennedy Onasis Reservoir in Central Park.


The line passes right in front of the Bank of America Tower at One Bryant Park, currently the second tallest building in Manhattan. This US$1 billion solar monument is 365m tall (1200 feet) with a spire measuring 77m atop a building housing 55 stories (it’s got that repetitive digit thing too). It’s one of the “greenest” buildings in the world (recalling the green-skinned Osiris perhaps).


The alignment passes right in front of the One World Trade Center building which is currently under construction. Notice how the building is oriented parallel to this alignment. Cort Lindahl noticed this first and was also amazed.

Freedom Tower

The Freedom Tower as it is also known will be the tallest building in the US at 1776 feet when completed in 2013. July 4th, 1776 is of course date the Declaration of Independence was signed, which also “happens” to be Aphelion, the day the Sun is farthest away from us.

The building’s form is two obelisks meeting as above, so below on top of a cube. The floor plan at the midpoint of the shaft is an octagram star (solar symbol).

Errata: I mistakenly said the Bavarian Illuminati was formed on July 4th, 1776 in my Red Ice interview, but this actually happened on May 1st, 1776 (Beltane fire festival).

By the way the US constitution was ratified on June 21, 1788 which “happens” to be summer solstice. But I digress.

The alignment terminates directly in the center of the Museum of Jewish Heritage at 36 Battery Place at the tip of Manhattan. Freemasons are steeped in the Kabbalah and obsessed with ancient Egypt.


The Core Exhibition is housed in a remarkable six-sided building —symbolic of the six points of the Star of David and the six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust.

The Museum of Jewish Heritage building is a step pyramid…

Museum of Jewish Heritage

Image courtesy Gryffindor under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

…which reminds me of the step pyramid in Laguna Niguel California at 33°33’N which I blogged about here.

Chet Holifield Federal Building

The above Chet Holifield Federal Building was designed by William Pereira, the same architect who designed the Transamerica Pyramid. The Ziggurat’s primary tenants are the United States Department of Homeland Security and the Internal Revenue Service.


Thinking about all the phoenixes I’d been discovering in Manhattan I drew a line from the Museum of Jewish Heritage to City Hall in Phoenix Arizona and another from the Museum of Jewish Heritage to the oldest standing obelisk in the world in Heliopolis Egypt (where the House of the Phoenix once stood).

I discovered these paths align beautifully with the hexagonal structure as shown:


A patent for the city was issued in 1874 by President Ulysses S. Grant, and in 1881 it was incorporated as the City of Phoenix.

“After the USA civil war, once General and then President Ulysses S. Grant, a 33rd degree Freemason, wanted to move the Capital of the USA to Phoenix, Arizona” -Source

Phoenix Arizona sprawls over 33°N. The Phoenix metropolitan area is called the Valley of the Sun. Heliopolis means City of the Sun.

800px Phoenix1885 AerialMap HiRes

San Francisco

San Francisco is said to have risen from the ashes of the 1906 earthquake and subsequent fire:

Flag of San Francisco

That’s right, the flag on top of SF City Hall depicts another firebird.

If you watched my San Francisco episode you will recall the Ennead I discovered there with the Transamerica Pyramid on the vertex corresponding to Osiris; Columbus Ave and the street grid form two of the edges and Treasure Island in the Bay forms another edge (the creator god Atum points true north of course):

Ennead SF

The Ennead (Greek ἐννεάς, meaning a collection of nine things) was a group of nine deities in Egyptian mythology. The Ennead were worshipped at Heliopolis and consisted of the god Atum, his children Shu and Tefnut, their children Geb and Nut and their children Osiris, Isis, Set and Nephthys.

The Ennead were worshipped for more than 3000 years, making them the longest lived theology in human history. And it seems that there is an elite still worshipping these gods today.

I highly recommend tuning into Henrik Palmgren’s Series on Zionism and Multiculturalism on Red Ice Radio.

I want to make it clear that I am not against any groups of people no matter their faith, membership in secret societies, ethnicity, or any other categories you care to assign. I’m pointing out connections and leave it to you, dear reader, to draw your own conclusions. I urge you to keep an open mind and use your own power of discernment to navigate the flood of information that keeps pouring in.

In the words of Depeche Mode:

People are people so why should it be

You and I should get along so awfully

So we’re different colours

And we’re different creeds

And different people have different needs

It’s obvious you hate me

Though I’ve done nothing wrong

I never even met you

So what could I have done

I can’t understand

What makes a man

Hate another man

Help me understand

People are people so why should it be

You and I should get along so awfully

Help me understand

Now you’re punching and you’re kicking

And you’re shouting at me

I’m relying on your common decency

So far it hasn’t surfaced

But I’m sure it exists

It just takes a while to travel

From your head to your fist

I can’t understand

What makes a man

Hate another man

Help me understand

©2012 SIPS Productions Inc. – All Rights Reserved.


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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/02/2015 16:51

Hearts of Charleston and Bath

After giving my first interview about Secrets in Plain Sight the floodgates burst open and hundreds have been contacting me with mostly very interesting theories and raw data about secrets in plain sight people are noticing in their own environments. I am thankful for this and consider this one of the best things about making the videos.

I also want to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to all the people who have kindly donated money to support my research. You have my sincere gratitude for this show of support in both informational and financial terms. I feel re-energized that I am on the right track in my research and after a slow start to my video series, things are looking up as more people are discovering Secrets in Plain Sight every day.

In the course of this exposure I was fortunate to connect with John Kale in regards to Charleston, South Carolina and Daniel Tatman in regards to Bath, UK. Both gentlemen have been interviewed multiple times on Red Ice Radio. John Kale is going to interview me soon on his Cosmic Gnostic Radio, and I had a very interesting private conversation with Daniel Tatman on the phone.

I noticed a synchronicity in both cities. See if you can spot it too:

Charleston South Carolina USA

Charleston sc

Bath UK

Bath uk

What struck me was how both cities have a similar shape. Charleston’s shape is defined by its location at the confluence of the Ashley and Cooper Rivers as they empty into the Atlantic ocean and Bath’s shape is defined by the river Avon.

To me both look like the human heart.

Heart diagram

I mentioned this synchronicity to both researchers and both were amazed. Daniel Tatman says he’s perceived this heart correlation to Bath before and will actually be making this connection in his forthcoming book on the Bath Mysteries. Notice how the Pulmonic valve matches the three roads entering the “circus” of Bath (which is what they say in the UK for traffic circle). The symbolism in the Circus will blow your mind (he shared some small pieces of it with me on the phone) and I eagerly look forward to reading more about Bath when Dan’s book comes out.

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