258. 1 Reyes 10:14: El peso del ORO que Salomón tenía de renta cada año, era seiscientos sesenta y seis talentos de ORO;
2011. Apocalipsis 13:18: Aquí hay sabiduría. El que tiene entendimiento, cuente el número de la bestia, pues es número de HOMBRE. Y su número es seiscientos sesenta y seis.
Although perhaps not immediately obvious, phi and the golden section also appear in the Bible. Also see the Theology page.
The Ark of the Covenant is uses Fibonacci numbers, approximating a Golden Rectangle
In Exodus 25:10, God commands Moses to build the Ark of the Covenant, in which to hold His Covenant with the Israelites, the Ten Commandments, saying,
“Have them make a chest of acacia wood- two and a half cubits long, a cubit and a half wide, and a cubit and a half high.”
The ratio of 2.5 to 1.5 is 1.666…, which is as close to phi (1.618 …) as you can come with such simple numbers and is certainly not visibly different to the eye. The Ark of the Covenant is thus constructed using the Golden Section, or Divine Proportion. This ratio is also the same as 5 to 3, numbers from the Fibonacci series.
In Exodus 27:1-2, we find that the altar God commands Moses to build is based on a variation of the same 5 by 3 theme:
“Build an altar of acacia wood, three cubits high; it is to be square, five cubits long and five cubits wide.”
Note: A cubit is the measure of the forearm below the elbow.
Noah’s Ark uses Fibonacci Numbers in its Dimensions
In Genesis 6:15, God commands Noah to build an ark saying,
“And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits.”
Thus the end of the ark, at 50 by 30 cubits, is also in the ratio of 5 to 3, or 1.666…, again a close approximation of phi not visibly different to the naked eye. Noah’s ark was built in the same proportion as ten arks of the covenant placed side by side.
The Number 666 is related to Phi
Revelation 13:18 says the following:
“This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is a man’s number. His number is 666.”
This beast, regarded by some as the Anti-Christ described by John, is thus related to the number 666, one of the greatest mysteries of the Bible.Curiously enough, if you take the sine of 666º, you get -0.80901699, which is one-half of negative phi, or perhaps what one might call the “anti-phi.” You can also get -0.80901699 by taking the cosine of 216º, and 216 is 6 x 6 x 6.
The trigonometric relationship of sine 666º to phi is based on an isosceles triangle with a base of phi and sides of 1. When this triangle is enclosed in a circle with a radius of 1, we see that the lower line, which has an angle of 306º on the first rotation and 666º on the second rotation, has a sine equal to one-half negative phi.
In this we see the unity of phi divided into positive and negative, analogous perhaps to light and darkness or good and evil. Could this “sine” be a “sign” as well?
In addition, 666 degrees is 54 degrees short of the complete second circle and when dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 54 degrees you get 6.66… The other side of a 54 degree angle in a right angle is 36 degrees and 36 divided by 54 is .666.
Phi appears throughout creation, and in every physical proportion of the human body. In that sense it is the number of mankind, as the mysterious passage of Revelationperhaps reveals.
The colors of the Tabernacle are based on a phi relationship
The PhiBar program produces the colors that the Bible says God gave to Moses for the construction of the Tabernacle.
As it says in Exodus 26:1, “Make the tabernacle with ten curtains of finely twisted linen and blue, purple and scarlet yarn, with cherubim worked into them by a skilled craftsman.”
Set the primary color of the PhiBar program to blue, the secondary color of the PhiBar to purple and it reveals the Phi color to be scarlet.
This reference to the combination blue, purple and scarlet in the construction of the tabernacle appears 24 times in Exodus 25 through 39, describing the colors to be used in the curtains, waistbands, breastpieces, sashes and garments.
Insights on the Ark of the Covenant and 666 contributed by Robert Bartlett. Insights on the Altar in Exodus 27 contributed by Sir Hemlock. Insights on the Tabernacle colors contributed by J.D. Ahmanson.
12:1 Habló Jehová a Moisés, diciendo: 12:2 Habla a los hijos de Israel y diles: La mujer cuando conciba y dé a luz varón, será inmunda siete días;
conforme a los días de su menstruación será inmunda. 12:3 Y al octavo día se circuncidará al niño. 12:4 Mas ella permanecerá treinta y tres días purificándose de su sangre;
ninguna cosa santa tocará, ni vendrá al santuario, hasta cuando sean cumplidos los días de su purificación. 12:5 Y si diere a luz hija, será inmunda dos semanas, conforme a su separación,
y sesenta y seis días estará purificándose de su sangre. 12:6 Cuando los días de su purificación fueren cumplidos,
por hijo o por hija, traerá un cordero de un año para holocausto, y un palomino o una tórtola para expiación,
a la puerta del tabernáculo de reunión, al sacerdote; 12:7 y él los ofrecerá delante de Jehová, y hará expiación por ella,
y será limpia del flujo de su sangre. Esta es la ley para la que diere a luz hijo o hija.
The total gematria of Gen 1:1 and John 1:1 is ONE big triangle! In this big triangle there are THREE different triangles (666, 703 & 2701). Altogether there are FOUR different triangles (666, 703, 2701, 6328). Isn't this another PI code?
The total gematria of Gen 1:1 and John 1:1 is ONE big triangle! In this big triangle there are THREE different triangles (666, 703 & 2701). Altogether there are FOUR different triangles (666, 703, 2701, 6328). Isn't this another PI code?
¿Sabia usted que "la estrella de seis puntas" simbolizan a la relación sexual? ¿Porque en Genesis 1:1 y Juan 1:1 en la gematria esta codificada la misma? ¿Sabia usted que el 1 de NISSAN es la fiesta de la Boda? ¿Todo esto es casualidad o causalidad? ¿Todavia usted es un mistico que cree que en la Biblia todo es misterio?
En Juan 1:12 2:12 hay una antitipologia a la semana de la creación de Genesis 1. Osea que todos estos versiculos estan unidos en forma esóterica con Genesis 1 confirmando que Cristo es el novio y Maria Magdalena es la novia de la boda de Cana, siendo esta una tipologia al casamiento entre Cristo y los 144000 que son la novia. Recordemos que Maria Magdalena es simbolo de los 144000 neolevitas o mejor dicho que son el antitipo a los antiguos sacerdotes y levitas del antiguo testamento. Lo increible que toda esto tiene fuerte connotación lunar con la FIESTA DE LA PURIFICACIÓN DEL SANTUARIO en ROSH HASHANAH el primero de Nissan en la fiesta de la Boda que tambien es en la fiesta en la cual nacio, se bautizo y sera ungido como rey Nuestro Señor.
En el libro de Juan (Yojanán),comenzando en Juan 1:19 hasta Juan 2:1 reseñaremos acontecimientos que sucedieron durante siete días de tiempo.
Juan 1:19 = Día Primero
Juan 1:29 = Día Segundo
Juan 1:35 = Día Tercero
Juan 1:43 = Día Cuarto
Después del cuarto día, el Mesías (Mashíaj) judío Yeshúa/Jesús marcha a Galilea. Galilea es la palabra 1551 de Strong en el Diccionario hebreo. La palabra Galilea en hebreo significa "un círculo." Un círculo es sinónimo del cielo. Estos cuatro días son un cuadro/anteproyecto espiritual dado a nosotros por el Di-s de Israel de que el Mesías (Mashíaj) judío Yeshúa/Jesús vendría a la tierra, después de haber estado en el cielo/círculo (Olam Habá) 4.000 años desde la creación de Adán en el Huerto del Edén (Gan Edén).
Juan 2:1 describe una boda en Caná de Galilea en el tercer día. Este tercer día (después de los cuatro días previos) es el séptimo día. En este día, hay una boda.
Esto es un cuadro/anteproyecto dado a nosotros por el Di-s de Israel de que después de los 6.000 años de tiempo (el final del Olam Hazé), Él entrará en la plenitud del matrimonio con Su pueblo, cuando el Mesías (Mashíaj) judío Yeshúa/Jesús gobernará y reinará con Su Novia durante la Edad Mesiánica (Atid Lavó). En el pensamiento tradicional judío (casa de Judá), la Fiesta de las Trompetas (Rosh HaShaná) es el día de la plenitud del matrimonio del Di-s de Israel con Su pueblo.
19 Y este fue el testimonio de Juan, cuando los judíos enviaron donde él desde Jerusalén sacerdotes y levitas a preguntarle: "¿Quién eres tú?" (Primer dia) 20 El confesó, y no negó; confesó: "Yo no soy el Cristo." 21 Y le preguntaron: "¿Qué, pues? ¿Eres tú Elías?" El dijo: "No lo soy." - "¿Eres tú el profeta?" Respondió: "No." 22 Entonces le dijeron: "¿Quién eres, pues, para que demos respuesta a los que nos han enviado? ¿Qué dices de ti mismo?" 23 Dijo él: "Yo soy = voz del que clama en el desierto:Rectificad el camino del Señor, = como dijo el profeta Isaías." 24 Los enviados eran fariseos. 25 Y le preguntaron: "¿Por qué, pues, bautizas, si no eres tú el Cristo ni Elías ni el profeta?" 26 Juan les respondió: "Yo bautizo con agua, pero en medio de vosotros está uno a quien no conocéis, 27 que viene detrás de mí, a quien yo no soy digno de desatarle la correa de su sandalia." 28 Esto ocurrió en Betania, al otro lado del Jordán, donde estaba Juan bautizando. 29 Al día siguiente ve a Jesús venir hacia él y dice: "He ahí el Cordero de Dios, que quita el pecado del mundo. (Segundo dia)
31 Y yo no le conocía, pero he venido a bautizar en agua para que él sea manifestado a Israel." 32 Y Juan dio testimonio diciendo: "He visto al Espíritu que bajaba como una paloma del cielo y se quedaba sobre él. 33 Y yo no le conocía pero el que me envió a bautizar con agua, me dijo: "Aquel sobre quien veas que baja el Espíritu y se queda sobre él, ése es el que bautiza con Espíritu Santo." 34 Y yo le he visto y doy testimonio de que éste es el Elegido de Dios." 35 Al día siguiente, Juan se encontraba de nuevo allí con dos de sus discípulos. (Tercer dia)
36 Fijándose en Jesús que pasaba, dice: "He ahí el Cordero de Dios." 37 Los dos discípulos le oyeron hablar así y siguieron a Jesús. 38 Jesús se volvió, y al ver que le seguían les dice: "¿Qué buscáis?" Ellos le respondieron: "Rabbí - que quiere decir, "Maestro" - ¿dónde vives?" 39 Les respondió: "Venid y lo veréis." Fueron, pues, vieron dónde vivía y se quedaron con él aquel día. Era más o menos la hora décima. (El diez esotericamente esta conectado con el tres ya que octavo equivale a primero, noveno equivale a segundo y decimo a tercero) 40 Andrés, el hermano de Simón Pedro, era uno de los dos que habían oído a Juan y habían seguido a Jesús. (Se describe uno de los discipulos pero no el otro que sin lugar es MARIA MAGDALENA simbolo de los 144000. El tercer dia esta unido en forma esoterica con los 144000.) 41 Este se encuentra primeramente con su hermano Simón y le dice: "Hemos encontrado al Mesías" - que quiere decir, Cristo. 42 Y le llevó donde Jesús. Jesús, fijando su mirada en él, le dijo: "Tú eres Simón, el hijo de Juan; tú te llamarás Cefas" - que quiere decir, "Piedra". 43 Al día siguiente, Jesús quiso partir para Galilea. Se encuentra con Felipe y le dice: "Sígueme." (Cuarto dia)44 Felipe era de Betsaida, de la ciudad de Andrés y Pedro. 45 Felipe se encuentra con Natanael y le dice: "Ese del que escribió Moisés en la Ley, y también los profetas, lo hemos encontrado: Jesús el hijo de José, el de Nazaret." 46 Le respondió Natanael: "¿De Nazaret puede haber cosa buena?" Le dice Felipe: "Ven y lo verás." 47 Vio Jesús que se acercaba Natanael y dijo de él: "Ahí tenéis a un israelita de verdad, en quien no hay engaño." 48 Le dice Natanael: "¿De qué me conoces?" Le respondió Jesús: "Antes de que Felipe te llamara, cuando estabas debajo de la higuera, te vi." 49 Le respondió Natanael: "Rabbí, tú eres el Hijo de Dios, tú eres el Rey de Israel." 50 Jesús le contestó: "¿Por haberte dicho que te vi debajo de la higuera, crees? Has de ver cosas mayores." 51 Y le añadió: "En verdad, en verdad os digo: veréis el cielo abierto y a los ángeles de Dios subir y bajar sobre el Hijo del hombre." 30 Este es por quien yo dije: Detrás de mí viene un hombre, que se ha puesto delante de mí, porque existía antes que yo.
1 Tres días después se celebraba una boda en Caná de Galilea y estaba allí la madre de Jesús. (Tres dias despues de cuatro equivale exactamente al septimo dia. Este hecho es el antitipo al septimo día de Genesis 1 en el cual Dios reposo o dejo de crear. Este es simbolo del casamiento del novio, quien es Jesucristo, con la novia que es Israel o los 144000. La tipologia calsa perfectamente para que Cristo haya sido el novio. Comparar con Apocalipsis 21 cuando Cristo se casa con la novia. Recordemos que la mujer pura esta relacionada fuertemente en fuerte esoterica con el shabbat. Recuerden que el septimo mandamiento (septimo dia) es el que equivale a no fornicar. TERCER DIA TAMBIEN ES UNA REFERENCIA AL PLANETA MARTE, PRIMER DIA ES DOMINGO, SEGUNDO DIA ES LUNES Y TERCER DIA ES MARTES. UN OBVIO NEXO CON EL TERCER DIA DE LA CREACION, OSEA LOS ARBOLES Y LOS FRUTOS, OSEA UNA REFERENCIA AL LINAJE Y TERCER DIA DE LA RESURRECCION, OSEA DE CRISTO FRENTE A MARIA MAGDALENA EN JUAN 20) 2 Fue invitado también a la boda Jesús con sus discípulos. (Sin ninguna duda que entre los discipulos estaba Maria Magdalena ver Juan 1:40. ) 3 Y, como faltara vino, porque se había acabado el vino de la boda, le dice a Jesús su madre: "No tienen vino." 4 Jesús le responde: "¿Qué tengo yo contigo, mujer? Todavía no ha llegado mi hora." 5 Dice su madre a los sirvientes: = "Haced lo que él os diga." = (Observen que Cristo toma la iniciativa en la boda para servir a los invitados. ¿Eso no es competencia del novio?) 6 Había allí seis tinajas de piedra, puestas para las purificaciones de los judíos, de dos o tres medidas cada una. 7 Les dice Jesús: "Llenad las tinajas de agua." Y las llenaron hasta arriba. 8 "Sacadlo ahora, les dice, y llevadlo al maestresala." Ellos lo llevaron. 9 Cuando el maestresala probó el agua convertida en vino, como ignoraba de dónde era (los sirvientes, los que habían sacado el agua, sí que lo sabían), llama el maestresala al novio (Claramente el maestresala no savia que Cristo, el novio, habia transformado el agua en vino) 10 y le dice: "Todos sirven primero el vino bueno y cuando ya están bebidos, el inferior. Pero tú has guardado el vino bueno hasta ahora." 11 Así, en Caná de Galilea, dio Jesús comienzo a sus señales. Y manifestó su gloria, y creyeron en él sus discípulos. 12 Después bajó a Cafarnaúm con su madre y sus hermanos y sus discípulos, pero no se quedaron allí muchos días.
The total gematria of Gen 1:1 and John 1:1 is ONE big triangle! In this big triangle there are THREE different triangles (666, 703 & 2701). Altogether there are FOUR different triangles (666, 703, 2701, 6328). Isn't this another PI code?
¿Sabia usted que "la estrella de seis puntas" simbolizan a la relación sexual? ¿Porque en Genesis 1:1 y Juan 1:1 en la gematria esta codificada la misma? ¿Sabia usted que el 1 de NISSAN es la fiesta de la Boda? ¿Todo esto es casualidad o causalidad? ¿Todavia usted es un mistico que cree que en la Biblia todo es misterio?
En Juan 1:12 2:12 hay una antitipologia a la semana de la creación de Genesis 1. Osea que todos estos versiculos estan unidos en forma esóterica con Genesis 1 confirmando que Cristo es el novio y Maria Magdalena es la novia de la boda de Cana, siendo esta una tipologia al casamiento entre Cristo y los 144000 que son la novia. Recordemos que Maria Magdalena es simbolo de los 144000 neolevitas o mejor dicho que son el antitipo a los antiguos sacerdotes y levitas del antiguo testamento. Lo increible que toda esto tiene fuerte connotación lunar con la FIESTA DE LA PURIFICACIÓN DEL SANTUARIO en ROSH HASHANAH el primero de Nissan en la fiesta de la Boda que tambien es en la fiesta en la cual nacio, se bautizo y sera ungido como rey Nuestro Señor.
En el libro de Juan (Yojanán),comenzando en Juan 1:19 hasta Juan 2:1 reseñaremos acontecimientos que sucedieron durante siete días de tiempo.
Juan 1:19 = Día Primero
Juan 1:29 = Día Segundo
Juan 1:35 = Día Tercero
Juan 1:43 = Día Cuarto
Después del cuarto día, el Mesías (Mashíaj) judío Yeshúa/Jesús marcha a Galilea. Galilea es la palabra 1551 de Strong en el Diccionario hebreo. La palabra Galilea en hebreo significa "un círculo." Un círculo es sinónimo del cielo. Estos cuatro días son un cuadro/anteproyecto espiritual dado a nosotros por el Di-s de Israel de que el Mesías (Mashíaj) judío Yeshúa/Jesús vendría a la tierra, después de haber estado en el cielo/círculo (Olam Habá) 4.000 años desde la creación de Adán en el Huerto del Edén (Gan Edén).
Juan 2:1 describe una boda en Caná de Galilea en el tercer día. Este tercer día (después de los cuatro días previos) es el séptimo día. En este día, hay una boda.
Esto es un cuadro/anteproyecto dado a nosotros por el Di-s de Israel de que después de los 6.000 años de tiempo (el final del Olam Hazé), Él entrará en la plenitud del matrimonio con Su pueblo, cuando el Mesías (Mashíaj) judío Yeshúa/Jesús gobernará y reinará con Su Novia durante la Edad Mesiánica (Atid Lavó). En el pensamiento tradicional judío (casa de Judá), la Fiesta de las Trompetas (Rosh HaShaná) es el día de la plenitud del matrimonio del Di-s de Israel con Su pueblo.
19 Y este fue el testimonio de Juan, cuando los judíos enviaron donde él desde Jerusalén sacerdotes y levitas a preguntarle: "¿Quién eres tú?" (Primer dia) 20 El confesó, y no negó; confesó: "Yo no soy el Cristo." 21 Y le preguntaron: "¿Qué, pues? ¿Eres tú Elías?" El dijo: "No lo soy." - "¿Eres tú el profeta?" Respondió: "No." 22 Entonces le dijeron: "¿Quién eres, pues, para que demos respuesta a los que nos han enviado? ¿Qué dices de ti mismo?" 23 Dijo él: "Yo soy = voz del que clama en el desierto:Rectificad el camino del Señor, = como dijo el profeta Isaías." 24 Los enviados eran fariseos. 25 Y le preguntaron: "¿Por qué, pues, bautizas, si no eres tú el Cristo ni Elías ni el profeta?" 26 Juan les respondió: "Yo bautizo con agua, pero en medio de vosotros está uno a quien no conocéis, 27 que viene detrás de mí, a quien yo no soy digno de desatarle la correa de su sandalia." 28 Esto ocurrió en Betania, al otro lado del Jordán, donde estaba Juan bautizando. 29 Al día siguiente ve a Jesús venir hacia él y dice: "He ahí el Cordero de Dios, que quita el pecado del mundo. (Segundo dia)
31 Y yo no le conocía, pero he venido a bautizar en agua para que él sea manifestado a Israel." 32 Y Juan dio testimonio diciendo: "He visto al Espíritu que bajaba como una paloma del cielo y se quedaba sobre él. 33 Y yo no le conocía pero el que me envió a bautizar con agua, me dijo: "Aquel sobre quien veas que baja el Espíritu y se queda sobre él, ése es el que bautiza con Espíritu Santo." 34 Y yo le he visto y doy testimonio de que éste es el Elegido de Dios." 35 Al día siguiente, Juan se encontraba de nuevo allí con dos de sus discípulos. (Tercer dia)
36 Fijándose en Jesús que pasaba, dice: "He ahí el Cordero de Dios." 37 Los dos discípulos le oyeron hablar así y siguieron a Jesús. 38 Jesús se volvió, y al ver que le seguían les dice: "¿Qué buscáis?" Ellos le respondieron: "Rabbí - que quiere decir, "Maestro" - ¿dónde vives?" 39 Les respondió: "Venid y lo veréis." Fueron, pues, vieron dónde vivía y se quedaron con él aquel día. Era más o menos la hora décima. (El diez esotericamente esta conectado con el tres ya que octavo equivale a primero, noveno equivale a segundo y decimo a tercero) 40 Andrés, el hermano de Simón Pedro, era uno de los dos que habían oído a Juan y habían seguido a Jesús. (Se describe uno de los discipulos pero no el otro que sin lugar es MARIA MAGDALENA simbolo de los 144000. El tercer dia esta unido en forma esoterica con los 144000.) 41 Este se encuentra primeramente con su hermano Simón y le dice: "Hemos encontrado al Mesías" - que quiere decir, Cristo. 42 Y le llevó donde Jesús. Jesús, fijando su mirada en él, le dijo: "Tú eres Simón, el hijo de Juan; tú te llamarás Cefas" - que quiere decir, "Piedra". 43 Al día siguiente, Jesús quiso partir para Galilea. Se encuentra con Felipe y le dice: "Sígueme." (Cuarto dia)44 Felipe era de Betsaida, de la ciudad de Andrés y Pedro. 45 Felipe se encuentra con Natanael y le dice: "Ese del que escribió Moisés en la Ley, y también los profetas, lo hemos encontrado: Jesús el hijo de José, el de Nazaret." 46 Le respondió Natanael: "¿De Nazaret puede haber cosa buena?" Le dice Felipe: "Ven y lo verás." 47 Vio Jesús que se acercaba Natanael y dijo de él: "Ahí tenéis a un israelita de verdad, en quien no hay engaño." 48 Le dice Natanael: "¿De qué me conoces?" Le respondió Jesús: "Antes de que Felipe te llamara, cuando estabas debajo de la higuera, te vi." 49 Le respondió Natanael: "Rabbí, tú eres el Hijo de Dios, tú eres el Rey de Israel." 50 Jesús le contestó: "¿Por haberte dicho que te vi debajo de la higuera, crees? Has de ver cosas mayores." 51 Y le añadió: "En verdad, en verdad os digo: veréis el cielo abierto y a los ángeles de Dios subir y bajar sobre el Hijo del hombre." 30 Este es por quien yo dije: Detrás de mí viene un hombre, que se ha puesto delante de mí, porque existía antes que yo.
1 Tres días después se celebraba una boda en Caná de Galilea y estaba allí la madre de Jesús. (Tres dias despues de cuatro equivale exactamente al septimo dia. Este hecho es el antitipo al septimo día de Genesis 1 en el cual Dios reposo o dejo de crear. Este es simbolo del casamiento del novio, quien es Jesucristo, con la novia que es Israel o los 144000. La tipologia calsa perfectamente para que Cristo haya sido el novio. Comparar con Apocalipsis 21 cuando Cristo se casa con la novia. Recordemos que la mujer pura esta relacionada fuertemente en fuerte esoterica con el shabbat. Recuerden que el septimo mandamiento (septimo dia) es el que equivale a no fornicar. TERCER DIA TAMBIEN ES UNA REFERENCIA AL PLANETA MARTE, PRIMER DIA ES DOMINGO, SEGUNDO DIA ES LUNES Y TERCER DIA ES MARTES. UN OBVIO NEXO CON EL TERCER DIA DE LA CREACION, OSEA LOS ARBOLES Y LOS FRUTOS, OSEA UNA REFERENCIA AL LINAJE Y TERCER DIA DE LA RESURRECCION, OSEA DE CRISTO FRENTE A MARIA MAGDALENA EN JUAN 20) 2 Fue invitado también a la boda Jesús con sus discípulos. (Sin ninguna duda que entre los discipulos estaba Maria Magdalena ver Juan 1:40. ) 3 Y, como faltara vino, porque se había acabado el vino de la boda, le dice a Jesús su madre: "No tienen vino." 4 Jesús le responde: "¿Qué tengo yo contigo, mujer? Todavía no ha llegado mi hora." 5 Dice su madre a los sirvientes: = "Haced lo que él os diga." = (Observen que Cristo toma la iniciativa en la boda para servir a los invitados. ¿Eso no es competencia del novio?) 6 Había allí seis tinajas de piedra, puestas para las purificaciones de los judíos, de dos o tres medidas cada una. 7 Les dice Jesús: "Llenad las tinajas de agua." Y las llenaron hasta arriba. 8 "Sacadlo ahora, les dice, y llevadlo al maestresala." Ellos lo llevaron. 9 Cuando el maestresala probó el agua convertida en vino, como ignoraba de dónde era (los sirvientes, los que habían sacado el agua, sí que lo sabían), llama el maestresala al novio (Claramente el maestresala no savia que Cristo, el novio, habia transformado el agua en vino) 10 y le dice: "Todos sirven primero el vino bueno y cuando ya están bebidos, el inferior. Pero tú has guardado el vino bueno hasta ahora." 11 Así, en Caná de Galilea, dio Jesús comienzo a sus señales. Y manifestó su gloria, y creyeron en él sus discípulos. 12 Después bajó a Cafarnaúm con su madre y sus hermanos y sus discípulos, pero no se quedaron allí muchos días.
En el calendario lunar se calculan los años según los ciclos de la luna en lugar de los del sol como se hace en el calendario occidental. En dicho calendario lunar, cada mes lunar corresponde a una lunación, que comprende el período entre dos momentos en que la luna se halla exactamente en la misma fase lunar. Cada mes lunar comprende 29.53 días solares.
Aunque cada día del mes lunar correspondería a una fase lunar, las fases de la luna a las que se conoce con un nombre concreto son la Luna Nueva, Cuarto Creciente, Luna Llena y Cuarto Menguante. Estas fases lunares se asocian a diferentes porcentajes de iluminación o ángulos de fase que van del 0% en la luna nueva, 50% en los cuartos y 100% en la luna llena.
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Fase lunar
Porcentaje iluminado
Luna Nueva
En la fase lunar de Luna Nueva la visibilidad es del 0%
Cuarto Creciente
En la fase lunar de Cuarto Creciente la visibilidad es del 50%
Luna Llena
En la fase lunar de Luna Llena la visibilidad es del 100%
Cuarto Menguante
En la fase lunar de Cuarto Menguante la visibilidad es del 50%
I have to admit, the most disturbing connection upon doing the research for this article was finding this site. Extensive research by the author of the site gives me time to wander its content and read. At first other material was what led me to the site, but upon finding this…I was shocked.
Freemasons today don’t mind admitting that the Compass and Square symbol is also a disguise version of the Hexagram shape, if you put two horizontal lines across the points of the compass and square. So why did the Freemasons in the past, need to disguise its shape? Although in the last 200 years the Hexagram has gained reasonable respectability as the Star of David in Judaism, in pre-Christian times it was used by Pagan religions. So back in medieval times it would have been seen as a pagan symbol which would warranted a visit by the Inquisition, for anyone who dared to displayed it.
The Hexagram consists of 6 sides, 6 points and 6 smaller triangles, thus 666. Before Revelation in the Bible was written, 666 stood for the Triple Goddesses as 6 was a sacred number, and is still as holy number in Hinduism and Buddhism.
So the story of the Beast 666 in Book of Revelations was an attack on Goddess worship as 666 was also used to represent the Triple Babylonian Goddess Ishtar whom Revelation called, “The Great Whore Of Babylon”. Hex is also associated with Witchcraft as it is another name for a Witch’s spell and in German a Hexen is a Witch.
222,222,444,666,1110,1776 SIGUEN LA SECUENCIA DE FIBONACCI
Alli observamos que en todos los numeros se tiene como factor el numero seis/six/sex/sexto dia, osea el equivalente a la estrella de seis puntas. Incluso tambien el mismo numero 37 matematicamente equivale a una estrella de 6 puntas. KAVALISTICAMENTE LA INDEPENDENCIA DE EEUU ESTA EN FUNCION A LA UNION ENTRE CRISTO Y MAGDALENA. EN OTRO PANEL YA HEMOS DEMOSTRADO QUE EEUU SE INDEPENDIZO EN EL VERDADERO PENTECOSTES/SHAVUOT a los 1746 años (FUSION DEL SOL/666 Y LUNA/1080) DE LA RESURRECCION DE CRISTO.
Sabemos que la serie de Fibonacci esta interrelacionada matematicamente con el Numero de Oro=1.618033..., numero con el cual YHWH DISEÑO EL UNIVERSO. Sabemos tambien la interrelacion de la letra S con la Serpiente/Snake/$/ Serpent/ Sabiduria / So-phi-a / Sabado / Numero de Oro PHI / Numero 33.
1. Génesis 4:1:Conoció Adán a su mujer Eva, la cual concibió y dio a luz a Caín, y dijo: Por voluntad de Jehová he adquirido varón.
2. Génesis 4:17: Y conoció Caín a su mujer, la cual concibió y dio a luz a Enoc; y edificó una ciudad, y llamó el nombre de la ciudad del nombre de su hijo, Enoc.
3. Génesis 4:25: Y conoció de nuevo Adán a su mujer, la cual dio a luz un hijo, y llamó su nombre Set: Porque Dios (dijo ella) me ha sustituido otro hijo en lugar de Abel, a quien mató Caín.
Serpent wisdom from the Bible, Genesis Chapter 3, King James version:
Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked.
Note: They did not die. Instead, they learned something. Who told the truth and who lied?
Eve Offering The Apple To Adam In The Garden Of Eden And The Serpent by Lucas Cranach the Elder (c.1520)
The apple Eve passed to Adam represents knowledge, the basis of serpent wisdom. Steve Jobs well understood the power of one of these symbols.
Steve Jobs’ Apple designed by Jonathan Mak
He also knew the power of number. Here is the original advertisement for the computer that started Jobs’ trajectory from a kid in a garage to running the the largest company in the world by market capitalization at the end of his lifetime. The Apple-1 had a very interesting price point.
Apple-1 price point
Apple’s new Campus-2 corporate headquarters is under construction in Cupertino, California. It just happens to be 8604 km from Stonehenge (see center of image). I noticed the architectural plan’s resonance with a 7-pointed star and overlaid an alchemical diagram representing the process of turning lead, or in this case silicon, into gold. Apple’s stock just split 7-for-1.
Apple Campus 2’s sacred geometry
Another symbol from Genesis is one that photographer Richard Avedon capitalized on in 1981. Nastassja Kinski was emblazoned on many a teenager’s wall and imagination in the 80s, myself included.
I find that sixes and serpent wisdom go together quite often.
The distance from Serpent Mound, Ohio to the Louvre Pyramid is 6600.66 km (discovered by Asplund).
“The Egyptian creator deity, Cneph, was represented as a serpent with an egg thrusting from his mouth, similar to the Ohio Serpent Mound.” -Source
In SIPS Volume 1, I showed how the Louvre Pyramid deconstructs into a total of 666 rhombi, large and small.
“Why was the Great Pyramid called ‘House of the Serpent?’ Because, according to Bushby, ancient Egyptian priests maintained that, “a serpent lies coiled in the Great Pyramid.” -Source
I noticed that it is almost exactly the same distance again, 6600 km, from the tip of the Louvre Pyramid to the center of Connaught Place, at the top of the Indian capital’s pyramid. Lutyens’ Delhi is based on sextile geometry.
If you look at the site plan you see that New Delhi was built right next to a serpentine railroad and river. Sixes and snakes again.
New Delhi Site Plan
In Taking Measure I showed how there are some very interesting azimuths emanating from the center of the India Gate hexagon.
India Gate hexagon in New Delhi
Come to think of it, I have seen that rounded hexagon before: the mysterious hexagon with an edge length of 8640 miles on the north pole of Saturn.
NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI/Hampton University
I have seen another rounded hexagon in Canberra, the capital of Australia (and many more). City Hill is the site of Australian Capital Territory’s Legislative Assembly and Supreme Court.
City Hill Canberra
I compared Canberra and New Delhi in Taking Measure because their templates have many similarities. They both remind me of this famous crop circle, said to encode many mathematical concepts.
Barbury Castle Crop Circle from 1991
What I didn’t comment on in the book are the bodies of water. Canberra’s Lake Burley Griffin is quite serpentine, don’t you think? It even has a protruding tongue! The water volume is reported as 33,000,000 cubic meters with a surface area of 6.6 square kilometers.
Jan Thulstrup discovered that the Parliamentary Triangle has a perimeter of 8640 m. 864 is a member of The Cosmic Sequence.
I noticed that Canberra’s “land axis” has a bearing of 216° true north. 216 = 6 x 6 x 6. Canberra’s serpent wisdom includes the relationship of 6/5 in the City Hill hexagon to the Russell defense pentacle.
Connecting the dots, the azimuth from Canberra’s Parliament House to New Delhi’s Connaught Place is 303.33° true north.
Following the trail of synchronicity, a Parisian with the last name Hapax messaged me and asked if I wanted photos he took at Cergy. I have read the late Philip Coppens’ eye-opening article on Cergy called Mitterand’s Great—Unknown—Work and so have been interested in Cergy since then. I wrote about Cergy in my 2011 post on 666.
Hapax photographed this unusual spiral platform on the shore of the lake he called the escargot. It doesn’t seem to serve any practical purpose. It has been said that the spiral snail shell is the specific sign of French freemasonry, called the cochlea, because it embodies the golden ratio.
Spiral platform on shore of lake at Cergy
However, the following plaque is mounted on the stone wall of this spiral platform. I think it is a “smoking gun.”
Plaque on spiral platform at Cergy, photo by HAPAX
Why would this tedious metrological information be posted unless the complex was consciously planned to encode something with measurements or occupy an important point on the Earth in relation to other sites? Why did the architects of Cergy post this plaque on site but offer no explanatory information as to why it is there? You can see that the “English” and “French” systems of measure are given equal importance in red and blue, respectively.
Some secrets in plain sight do not require human awareness to be created. That is certainly true in some cases like this one (from my previous post):
However, Cergy is a different story. There appears to be an elite that is aware of Earth measure and numerology. Speaking of, take a look at this speech by Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the IMF. What do you make of her mention of the “lunar new year” and “the magic 7″? I’m not sure about the editor’s conclusions but there is no denying that numerology and astronomy are unusually important to this member of the global financial elite. She talks in riddles that only those with cochlea to hear will comprehend.
Take a look at my analysis of Cergy’s site plan. Look at how they managed to squeeze in a lake, separated from a serpentine river by a narrow border of land. The lake has two artificial islands, one in the form of a circular mound and the other a small stone pyramid.
Cergy-Pontoise, France
A line drawn from the altar stone of Stonehenge to the rondpoint of Notre Dame of Paris passes directly over the center of the officially titled, “Astronomical Island” in this city of hidden symbolism. See?
Signage at Cergy
The distance from Stonehenge to the Astronomical Island is 365242 meters, echoing the solar year of 365.242 days. The island is bare by the way, having just a few trees. No astronomical equipment. The bridge doesn’t even lead there.
Cergy vista – photo by HAPAX
Where that first measurement from Stonehenge leaves off, the next one begins. The distance from the Astronomical Island to the rondpoint of Notre Dame is 30303 meters.
This next one is also a mind-blower: I measured the distance from the Astronomical Island at Cergy to Parliament House in Canberra and it is 55,555,555 feet or 666,666,666 inches. My hunch is that the Astronomical Island is an origin point for geodetic measurements.
Speaking of origins, the pyramid in the lake is related to the Egyptian creation myth of Atum. He arose on a mound that emerged from the primeval waters. He later lived in or became a pyramid that also emerged from the waters. The myth fits the artificial reality of Cergy.
I have a theory that 6 represents Osiris, as Osiris is the oldest root of this tree: Osiris, Cronus, Saturn, Chronos, and most recently Father Time.
Europe’s largest clock is at the terminus of Cergy’s minor axis.
“Réalisée par l’horloger Huchez, la double horloge de 10 mètres de diamètre (333 fois plus grande qu’une montre-bracelet ordinaire!), qui évoque les gares du début du siècle, est la plus grande d’Europe.”
Google translates this into English as follows:
“Made by the watchmaker Huchez, double clock 10 meters in diameter (333 times greater than ordinary wristwatch!), Which evokes the stations of the early century, is the largest in Europe.”
Ever wonder who Notre Dame or “our lady” really is? This sculpture at the entrance of Notre Dame might give us a hint.
Rebecca Kennison CC BY-SA 2.5
Could she be serpent wisdom? The divine feminine creative power is called kundalini shakti in Delhi.
“In any discussion of serpent wisdom we cannot fail to also mention the ancient Hindu Kundalini practice. Kundalini means simply “coiled serpent” and in the Indian system the ida and pingala energy (through serpent channels) are raised up and down the spine to raise the consciousness of the adept.” -Philip Gardiner
Correspondingly, a serpent climbing a rod is the ancient and modern symbol of medicine.
The Star of Life is the symbol of medicine
“Pythagoras” and “Pythia” are words related to pythons. Their consciousnesses were clearly elevated.
Funny how Delphi and Delhi are such similar words as well, perhaps that is just a coincidence if there even is such a thing.
Pythia, or Priestess of the Oracle of Delphi by John Collier (1891)
The name Cergy is also a clue. Coppens pointed out that “Cergy” is the mirror of “Y grec,” which is how the French call the letter Y. It works sort of like this:
“Y grec” or “Greek Y” is also known as the Pythagorean Y that I discussed in SIPS Volume 1. The Y is like the forked tongue of a serpent. It symbolizes the choice we all have to do evil or live, another mirror-choice.
We have inherited the culture of those who wanted to control us. Tradition told us that serpent wisdom is evil and there is something wrong with gaining knowledge ourselves. It is time to see this clearly for what it is and make a new, and hopefully rational, choice.
Why is the Astronomical Island called that? I wonder if it might refer to Ophiucus, the serpent bearer. This 13th sign of the zodiac was suppressed when the solar cult gained dominance.
Kepler’s depiction of Ophiucus
Compare Ophiucus with Lilith who was reborn in the 80s in the form of Nastassja Kinski and the Serpent:
Lilith by John Collier (1892)
The Hebrew term Lilith is translated variously as “night creature”, “night monster”, “night hag”, or “screech owl” and is identified as a female demon. In Jewish folklore, Lilith was Adam’s first wife, whom God created at the same time as Adam. The literal First Lady as it were.
This contrasts with his second wife Eve, who was created from one of Adam’s ribs, a subservient role. The lunar serpent wisdom was suppressed and twisted by a misogynist patriarchy who sought to eclipse the old ways with a Sun/Son cult. I wonder if Ophiucus was really Lilith but it’s been so long that we have largely lost the plot?
…and this is an excerpt from my write up about the image:
We reach sexual maturity around 13 years of age and women have on average 13 menstrual (or Moon) cycles a year. Human biology therefore harmonizes with a 13 month calendar so our 12 month calendar keeps us off balance. The suppression of the feminine is correlated with the solar calendar and a cultural fear of the number 13, called triskaidekaphobia. This phobia manifests in the common architectural practice of skipping the 13th floor in multi-level buildings, the irrational fear of Friday the 13th, and the fact that 13 witches are said to make a coven. I say bring back the 13 moon calendar and restore balance to the force!
We seem to do a lot of things backwards such as celebrating New Year’s in the dead of winter and marking off a new day in the middle of the night.
The major axis of Cergy points not to central Paris but to a site on the outskirts called Project Balard. In fact Cergy points directly to what has been called, “The French Pentagon” because it is the new 1.08 billion Euro armed forces headquarters. The French Army, Navy and Air Force will all be led from a “pentagon” that is actually a hexagon. 5 and 6 all over again.
The French Pentagon is actually a Hexagon
“The idea of a central hexagon that would point out in six different directions to form small islands of buildings…came to me at the end,” said its architect Nicolas Michelin.
The design of Project Balard is especially resonant with the shape of France which has long been compared to a hexagon. I made this graphic:
The woman on the flag of the French Republic is none other than Isis/Lilith, her spine aglow with serpent wisdom. How you see the goddess of nature is a choice that is up to you.
Dendera Light, birthplace of Isis – Twthmoses CC BY 2.5
Before I discuss New Jerusalems, let us step back and first examine Jerusalem itself. Solomon’s Temple was located somewhere on Jerusalem’s temple mount. However, there is debate as to the exact location of the “holy of holies” where the Ark of the Covenant was kept. Was the holy of holies located on the Foundation Stone inside the Dome of the Rock or was it located elsewhere on the temple mount?
In 1977 Dr. Asher Kaufman published a paper, ‘New Light upon Zion: the Plan and Precise Location of the Second Temple’ that located the most sacred place in Judaism about 100 yards north of the Dome of the Rock under a small dome formerly known as the Dome of the Tablets that I covered in SIPS Volume 1.
Dome of the Tablets from SIPS Volume 1
The late John Michell discovered what he termed The Messianic Axis in Jerusalem that corroborated the Kaufman theory.
The ark of the covenant held the 10 commandments, which actually sound a lot like spell 125 from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, but that’s another story.
Here is what the Messianic Axis looks like along with Michell’s 5×12 sacred geometric overlay. Richard Heath shows in his book Sacred Number and the Origins of Civilization that the X’s mark the holiest places in Christianity and Judaism. I have shown how the 6:5 proportions of these X’s have a double-layered encoding in the metrology of Cubits. Curious how all these stories occurred along a line.
Michell’s sacred geometry of Jerusalem
Jan Thulstrup noticed that the dome of St Peter’s Basilica has an inner radius of 20.736 meters. The cubit that measures Jerusalem is 20.736 inches in length. This coincidence is entirely fitting for the holiest places in Christendom. Rome is a New Jerusalem.
The name Peter means rock. Speaking of domes and rocks, the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is 3333.3 km from La Place de la Nation in Paris.
The Tuileries Gardens in Paris shares Jerusalem’s 5×12 proportions. The Historical Axis of Paris exhibits the same pattern as the Messianic Axis of Jerusalem. The Sun King not only had but also built a messianic complex. Paris is a New Jerusalem.
Putting these patterns together, here is what emerges:
The Rond-Point des Champs-Élysées is 3652422 yards from the center of Jerusalem. The tropical year is 365.2422 days. The Rond-Point has 6 fountains arranged in a Star of David pattern. The heading from Jerusalem to Paris is 314° true north, recalling π. None of this is an accident but if it were, how amazing! What are the chances?
New Jerusalems are not an original idea. The Book of Revelation introduces the heavenly, or as we might see it now, a higher-dimensional template of New Jerusalem:
And I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. -Rev 21:2
Also later in Chapter 21 New Jerusalem’s cube-it dimensions are given:
And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal. -Verse 16
12 thousand cubed is 1728 billion cubic furlongs. Michell calculated that the 5×12 rectangle in Jerusalem’s long side measures 1728 cubits. The cubits measure 6/5 feet cubed, or 1.728 feet. Therefore the heavenly new Jerusalem of the Bible is dimensioned using the template from the real Jerusalem or maybe it is the other way around.
I showed in SIPS Volume 1 how DC is a New Jerusalem.
New York’s Central Park is proportioned by double 5×12 rectangles which just so happen to also correspond to the proportions of the dollar bill with 98% accuracy.
Urban Asplund measured the distance from the Round Fountain in the Tuileries, which corresponds to the holy of holies inside Solomon’s Temple, and discovered that it is exactly 6666.6 km to the center of Buckingham Fountain in Grant Park, Chicago.
Look at how both complexes are fronted by water, with the sinuous Seine running through Paris and the Chicago River and Lake Michigan in Chicago. Both complexes feature fountains with sprays of water.
In Revelation Chapter 22, John of Patmos’ described New Jerusalem as having a “pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God.”
La Jérusalem nouvelle. Le Fleuve de Vie. c1047
Could this water of life proceeding out of his seat refer to the spinal Kundalini energy discussed in Serpent Wisdom?
Grant Park has the same 5×12 proportions. Amazingly, Buckingham Fountain is the official eastern terminus of US Historic Route 66.
The western terminus of Route 66 is the end of the Santa Monica Pier, which I discussed in SIPS Volume 2 (watch to learn how it connects to Baalbek, Century City and Hollywood). The distance from the end of the pier, the official “end of the trail” of Route 66 to the Dome of the Tablets in Jerusalem is 6600 nautical miles.
Route 66 snakes its way from Chicago to LA, over 2000 miles, all the way. Highways are like rivers. I see Route 66 symbolizing the water of life flowing to the Pacific ocean.
With all the repeating 6’s in the measures of these New Jerusalems I should point out a few more. The distance from the Round Fountain in the Tuileries Gardens to the obelisk in La Place de la Concorde is 666 meters. It’s like the template in microcosm.
The Kaaba in Mecca is 666.6 nautical miles from the Western Wall of the Temple Mount. These are the official two most sacred spots in Islam and Judaism, respectively. Clearly these encoded distances transcend any one particular religious tradition. Perhaps there is something or someone deeper, patterning the world.
“Sacred Sites” from Quantification
Kevin McMahon posted this graphic on Facebook today. He also discovered that it is 777.7 miles from Grant Park Buckingham Fountain to the entrance of the IPG at a heading of 314° true north.
If you saw SIPS Volume 1, you might recall that Stonehenge has its station stones which describe a 5×12 rectangle.
from SIPS Volume 1
Stonehenge is also 33.33° from Solomon’s Temple.
Perhaps Stonehenge was the template for Jerusalem? Food for thought.
Asplund made the following connections. I call it the “Esoteric Metro”. All four sites are in an alignment and thus in a sense, they all resonate as New Jerusalems.
Some massive integration is going on lately. Here are two more stations in the esoteric metro. The two paths from Ellora and Carnac converging on the Freemason Emblem Building at the International Peace Garden meet at a 45° angle. The IPG is located at 100°3’33.33″W.
Did you know the highest concentration of lightning on Earth (20,000 strikes per night) occurs in a specific location? This happens over a spot called Aguas Muertas where the Catatumbo River empties into Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela.
So bright and reliable is the lightning that this location has been called the Maracaibo Lighthouse for hundreds of years.
The phenomenon is characterized by almost continuous lightning, mostly within the clouds, which is produced in a large vertical development of clouds that form electric arcs between 2 and 10 km in height (or more).
Wouldn’t it be amazing if people could harness that raw power? It might light up the planet in terms of providing for our electrical needs.
An average bolt of negative lightning carries an electric current of 30,000 amperes, and transfers 15 coulombs of electric charge and 500 megajoules of energy. Large bolts of lightning can carry up to 120,000 amperes and 350 coulombs of charge. -Source
Doing the math, I calculate that a single large bolt apparently provides the energy of 11,666,666,666 joules.
The Lighthouse of Maracaibo is 6666 miles from Heliopolis, which is in turn 3333 miles from the highest point on Earth. That is some serious Earthupuncture! It reminds me of moxybustion. The City of the Sun sure seems to be sited well for accumulating earth energy. It was built long before Jerusalem existed. In fact all that remains of Heliopolis above ground is this one granite needle.
The sacred geometry of Jerusalem (1728 cubits of 1.728 feet each) is encoded in our very units of measure, a secret in plain sight. One cubic foot = 1728 cubic inches.
The Earth’s diameter is 7920 miles. 7920 inches = 1 furlong. 17280 furlongs = 2160 miles. The Moon’s diameter is 2160 miles. We are living in the ‘heavenly’ New Jerusalem…
The etymology of the word template has its roots in the word temple. You can imagine how geometry etched in plaster, stone or metal might have guided ancient temple construction. The temple plates became known as templates.
If you walk through a temple such as a church or mosque its template is typically pretty obvious if you stop to think about it, being that its plan is based on longstanding religious tradition. The meaning of older templates might not be so clear if the tradition has been broken or we have somehow lost the plot with the passage of time.
Modern building templates tend to respond to the practical needs of their owners, occupants or in some cases, the egos of their architects, rather than embodying celestial order as above, so below. However, there are many notable exceptions.
Lately I have been studying Asian architecture and urban design, and have noticed similarities between Angkor Wat and the Forbidden City.
The have roughly the same proportions and, similar but slightly different dimensions. Angkor Wat is ~888×1111 meters, not including its moat. The Forbidden City is ~888×1111 meters including its moat.
This comparison visually reminded me of a stereogram art piece I made back in 2010 called “Chasing Isis”.
Chasing Isis (object array stereogram)
Try staring unfocused at the pair of images until a third image appears in between the two images in your mind’s eye. Find this image in your perception and then slowly bring it into focus. When you see it clearly, it will be an unmistakeable Eureka! You will perceive an extra dimension of depth. I find stereograms like this a wonderful analogy for higher dimensions and the unseen realms that remain secretly hidden in plain sight until you perceive them.
Once you’ve got it, try moving your head very slightly from side to side to accentuate the parallax effect. I’ve written many articles about stereograms in my “Beyond Photoshop” column in Photoshop User magazine (I’ve written 62 articles there since 2007).
Taking a closer look at Angkor Wat, I see that the center of the sanctuary is located by the apex of a triangle whose slope angles measure 51°51′. The proportions of the island are 6:5 and at that scale, the faces of the “pyramid” have the proportion of 5.555 and the distance from the apex to the base of the island is 3.141, recalling π.
Angkor Wat geometric analysis
The ancient Egyptian template for the Great Pyramid also encodes π and 51°51′.
“Thirteen Moons” from Quantification
The Forbidden City uses a different template that appears to me to be based on the 3-4-5 triangle and its squares. The 3-4-5 triangle has the slope angle of 53°8′ and the apex of two back-to-back triangles locates the Hall of Preserving Harmony at the center of the Forbidden City.
The template shows that the dimensions of the squares are 3, 4, and 5 units. At this scale the gap between the apex of the “pyramid” and the 3×3 square measures .333 units and the gap between the intersections of the arcs and the 4×4 square measures .33 units. That’s a lot of Threes!
The Forbidden City template
There are numerous geometric correlations between this template and the Forbidden City. Take a closer look.
Forbidden City geometric analysis
Where have I seen squares measuring 3, 4, and 5 units on edge before? Oh yes, that’s Euclid’s 47th proposition. You remember, a squared plus b squared equals c squared?
Pythagoras’ triangle
I know, really boring right? Well Euclid’s propositions can actually be quite entertaining or frustrating as the case may be. I couldn’t figure out Level 20 but sure had some geeky fun getting there.
Gary Osborn, Nicolas Poussin and John Michell taught me that the humble 3-4-5 triangle encodes the true proportions of the Earth and Moon…
The larger implications of Euclid’s Proposition 47
…and the tilt of the Earth.
The 3-4-5 triangle encodes the Earth’s obliquity
There is also this equation:
I’ve also shown how the 3-4-5 triangle and the golden rectangle encode the location of Dendera, the birthplace of Isis…
“Birthplace of Isis” from Quantification
…and correlates with magic squares and their planetary associations:
“3-4-5 Magic”
Freemason writers such as Frank Higgins accorded the 3-4-5 triangle Egyptian significance by correlating it with Osiris, Isis and Horus. The squares planetary associations match the gods. Osiris = Saturn, Isis = Jupiter and Horus = Mars.
The 3-4-5 triangle is another ancient Egyptian template.
This just in…Urban Asplund says the dimension 888x1111m shared at Angkor Wat and the Forbidden City is suspiciously close to π squared times 100,000. In fact it is 99.98% the same. That is interesting not only because of π in Angkor Wat’s template but also because it measures 3141 km from Angkor Wat, Cambodia to Ellora, India. Here is how it looks when we connect the dots and continue hacking the world matrix:
Angkor Wat Greater Pyramid
The distance from the Forbidden City to Angkor Wat is 99% equal to the distance from Ellora to Angkor Wat, so we essentially have an isosceles triangle draped on the spherical geometry of the Earth. Mount Everest is on the base of this “greater pyramid”.
A.F: Con la ayuda de la Gematria ha podido descifrar aspectos oscuros del Apocalipsis. ¿Puede aclararnos su interpretación del conocido verso «Yo soy el Alfa y el Omega»? M.S: El valor de Alfa es 1, mientras el de Omega es 800. Sumados dan 801, un «anagrama» de 1080, y número que suma «peristera», la palabra griega que significa «paloma», símbolo del Espíritu Santo. El número 1080, además, es la Gematria tanto del Espíritu Santo como del Espíritu de la Tierra (el aspecto «femenino» o «inmanente» de lo divino). Las letras del alfabeto, desde Alfa a Omega, contienen todas las posibles permutaciones y combinaciones de la «Palabra de Dios». La letra A ( el uno) representa el principio creativo masculino, mientras el Omega tiene la forma de un útero.
15. Apocalipsis 1:8: Yo soy el ALFA y la Omega, principio y fin, dice el Señor, el que es y que era y que ha de venir, el Todopoderoso.
18. Apocalipsis 21:6: Y me dijo: Hecho está. Yo soy el ALFA y la Omega, el principio y el fin. Al que tuviere sed, yo le daré gratuitamente de la fuente del agua de la vida.
19. Apocalipsis 22:13: Yo soy el ALFA y la Omega, el principio y el fin, el primero y el último.
En los textos griegos el número 666 es expresado mediante las letras, cxV’ o 600, 60, 6. La calidad profética de esas palabras ha excitado la imaginación de los lectores de todas épocas. El significado que transportan no es fácil de entender, ya que el lenguaje místico de la numerología ha permanecido aletargado mucho tiempo. Sin embargo, a través de las investigaciones sobre el canon del Templo es posible adquirir algún conocimiento de su vocabulario y gramática.
666 es un número de energía positiva, que emana del núcleo a los satélites. El 6 es el número de la creación física, del cosmos, y el 666, la trinidad de seises, representa el lado activo de este número al ser el 3 el primer símbolo numérico de la energía positiva. Como fuerza elemental, el 666 representa el sol y la influencia de la radiación solar. Es el poder generador del varón, la fecundación, la forma modificadora de la materia, el yang de los orientales. Cada situación en la natjraleza contiene de algún modo el 666 por cuanto expresa el lado activo y dinámico del proceso.
La fuerza del número 666 es expresada por los chinos con el símbolo del dragón, contenido en el primer hexagrama del I Ching. Para los habituados a la cultura que pone en contacto directo el hombre con el cosmos, esta figura debía resultarles sospechosa, tanto más para la iglesia, modelada según las convenciones romanas de la fórmula y la jerarquización. Por ello, si bien en principio el dragón oriental no es más que el equivalente de la “bestia” anunciada en el Apocalipsis, las dos figuras han divergido ampliamente en el desarrollo de la segunda en el seno de la cultura cristiana. La bestia pasó a ser considerada sólo en sus poderes maléficos, y el 666 llegó a ser excluido y asociado a los poderes infernales, al demonio en suma. De ser un principio vital, fecundador y activo pasó a representar el mal, la perversidad y, paradójicamente en una cultura que condenaba las supersticiones, un símbolo de mal agüero.
Observemos la presencia del 6 y su múltiplo el 12 en las siguientes medidas atronómicas, expresadas en unidades más “naturales” que las métricas:
Diámetro del Sol: 864.000 millas (12 ´ 12 ´ 6000)
Diámetro de la Luna: 2160 millas (6 ´ 6 ´ 60)
Diámetro de la Tierra: 7920 millas (12 ´ 660)
Circunferencia media de la Tierra: 24.883,2 millas (12 ´ 12 ´ 12 ´ 12 ´ 1,2)
Velocidad de la T. alrededor del Sol: 66.600 millas/h
Distancia entre la Tierra y la Luna: 6 ´ 60 ´ 660 millas o 60 Radio terrestre
El 666 ha sido relacionado abundantemente con la Ciudad Santa descrita por san Juan en su Revelación o Apocalipsis. En el plano descrito por el mismo autor (Cap. 25), el perímetro cuadrado de la Nueva Jerusalén es 6 millas, y la circunferencia del círculo que contiene dicho cuadrado es 6,666 millas. El área de este círculo es 33.300.000 codos cuadrados, y el área del círculo más reducido contenido en el cuadrado es 6.660.000 YM2. Combinando más círculos y cuadrados los expertos en metrología antigua han obtenido la cifra 666 en centenares de ocasiones.
No es ocioso señalar aquí que el correlato el 666 es el 1080, número lunar, asociado a la recepción de energía y al yin (¡ambos números relacionados en proporción áurea!). La suma de ambos es el 1746, y los dos tienen respectivas numerologías extensas y ricas, difícilmente estudiables por separado, por lo que la centralización de los estudios cristianos en el 666 queda forzosamente incompleta si no se le ve formando parte de un sistema más amplio en el que figuran los otros dos números en un papel igualmente destacado. Igualmente importante en el sistema es el 2368, el número de Jesucristo, contenido en las palabras kai o ariqmoV autou cxV’, “y su número es seiscientos sesenta y seis”, que, computada completa, da precisamente un valor de 2368... Por tanto, el hombre aludido por san Juan sería el mismo Jesucristo, principio activo, que “no vino a traer paz sino espada” (Mt 10-34).
This post picks up where my last post left off when I was talking about the Devil at the center of Rockefeller Plaza. I trust you know this quote:
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. -Revelation 13:18
A score is twenty so the number of the beast is 666.
Right across the street from Rockefeller Center in NYC is 666 Fifth Avenue:
Image courtesy Americasroof under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license.
666 Fifth Ave was built by the Tishman family in 1957. There is an Isamu Noguchi sculpture in the lobby called Landscape of the Cloud.
In 1989 Ronald and Nancy Reagan retired to 666 St. Cloud Road in the Bel-Air district of Los Angeles. Nancy had the street number changed to 668. Ronald Wilson Reagan has 6 letters in each of the 3 names, making 666 by concatenation.
Here’s another interesting bible quote that resonates with the above cloud imagery. It’s also significant as the only mention of Lucifer in the bible:
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. -Isaiah 14:12-14
Chad Stuemke’s brilliant analysis of the city of Detroit reveals that Isamu Noguchi’s fountain at the center of Hart Plaza is read literally as a stargate.
Noguchi also rang some designer bells for me because he is most famous for this table:
Only now do I understand the Noguchi table is a masterful design expressing as above, so below.
Tishman Realty eventually sold 666 Fifth Ave (which has the 6/5 thing going for it too) to Sumitomo, bought it back, and sold it again (now as Tishman Speyer Properties) for $1.8 billion in 2006.
$1.8 billion is the highest price ever paid for an individual building in Manhattan. -Source
The deal turned heads since the building at 483 ft is not even on the list of tallest buildings in New York City. However it is considered a trophy building because of its location on Fifth Avenue across from Rockefeller Center. -Source
In the year 2000 Jerry Speyer (a close friend of David Rockefeller), of Tishman Speyer Properties bought 14 buildings in Rockefeller Center from Mitsubishi for $1.85 billion.
That was quite a deal compared to the price of 666 Fifth Avenue. Think about that. 14 buildings and 8 million square feet of prime Manhattan real estate for the price of this rather unassuming “trophy.”
666 Fifth Avenue used to have three 6′s displayed at the top of the building and its penthouse was occupied by the Top of the Sixes restaurant (long gone now). Today the building has the Citgroup logo on its top as Citigroup is the building’s largest tenant.
Image courtesy David Shankbone under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Generic license.
Traveling from sea to shining sea, the number 666 reminds me of 666 Filbert Street, the address of the Peter and Paul Church in San Francisco which is known as “The Italian Cathedral of the West.”
Image courtesy P-Schmidt22 under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license.
Incidentally Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio posed for photographs on the steps of this church after their civil ceremony in 1954. DiMaggio was married to his first wife inside this church but because he divorced his first wife but didn’t get an annulment he wasn’t allowed inside with Marilyn. -Source
666 Filbert is featured on the front page of the Transamerica Pyramid’s website (probably for several reasons). I have a lot to say about the Transamerica Pyramid in my San Francisco episode.
Speaking of pyramids, I analyzed the structure of the Louvre Pyramid in my Paris Part 1 video and discovered it has 666 symbolic rhombi in its design (not panes of glass as is commonly and incorrectly reported).
Louvre Pyramid
The Washington Monument is 6666″ in height and 666″ x 666″ at the base. Really.
Frank Albo discovered that not only is the Manitoba Legislative Building a replica of Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem but its central space measures 66.6 feet x 66.6 feet. I discuss this building in my Jerusalem Part 2 video.
Inside the Manitoba Legislative Building’s “cleansing room” measuring 66.6′ x 66.6′
This talk of Solomon’s temple and 666 reminds me of another bible quote:
Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold. -1 Kings 10:14
King Solomon with the Temple plans
Solomon (or Sol-Amun) received 666 talents of gold each year. A talent weighs 60 pounds so I just did the math and in today’s gold prices, Solomon raked in approximately $1.11 billion.
Independent researchers have valued the current assets of the Rockefeller family as high as $110 billion. -Source
There are those pesky repeating ones again. The universe is clearly playing games with me, as in 110-111.
Speaking of games, J.K. Rowling plays many games and encodes many secrets in her books. I read Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone to my son a few months ago.
ISBN 155192398X
In Chapter 13 (of course) Hermione pulls out a book she “got from the library weeks ago for some light reading” to discover that Nicolas Flamel was the creator of the philosopher’s stone which can transform lead into gold and keep one alive forever. And…
“Flamel celebrated his six hundred and sixty-fifth birthday last year.” -Hermione
What age will that make him this year…anyone?
I should do another post on Harry Potter because there is so much to comment on but for now just consider his lightning scar…could it be “the mark of the beast”? Food for thought.
In reality, the birthplace of Nicolas Flamel was La Pontoise, France. -Source
Cergy-Pontoise is a new town built in the 1960′s consisting of 12 communes built next to the original settlement of La Pontoise.
Cergy-Pontoise has an area of 77.7 square kilometers. -Source
The place is loaded with secrets in plain sight and deserves it own post (or even a book), but I’ll really have to restrain myself and just point out a few things that relate to the current post.
Cergy was officially laid out with a Major Axis and a Minor Axis (this is even shown in the town’s signage). The point where the axes meet is called the Place of the columns Hubert Renaud which was designed by the famous architect Ricardo Bofill.
“Its origin is a tower, known as the “Tour Belvédère”, which is a phenomenal structure, rising to a height of 36 metres. Originally, the now square tower – with sides of 3.6 metres each – was going to be circular. It sits in the centre of a semi-circle of buildings, and at the centre of a ring of 360 paving stones, each 36 centimetres big. At its foot, the axis commences, cutting its way through an opening between the two semi-circular buildings, the passage having a width of 3.6 metres. The number 36 is obviously key in the overall design.” -Philip Coppens’ article “Mitterrand’s Great – Unknown – Work“
The ancient Egyptians recognized 36 constellations. They divided the year into 36 decans, or 10 day weeks, plus a festival of 5 or 6 days at the end of the year, recalling 6/5. The French tried to bring back this method of reckoning time with the French Republican Calendar but it didn’t survive when the political pendulum swung back the other way.
Denderah Zodiac, now suspended in the Louvre
The sum of the numbers 1 through 36 is…wait for it…666.
The highest number on a roulette wheel is 36. This gives new meaning to gambling when you understand the numerology doesn’t it?
“The urge to gamble is so universal, and its practice so pleasurable that I assume it must be evil.” -Heywood Broun
Image courtesy Toni Lozano under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.
As I mentioned in my Red Ice interview, Cergy’s major axis points to the French Pentagon. What I didn’t tell you is that Cergy’s minor axis points to the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, 810 miles from the North Pole. This seems a bit overkill when we already have local community seed savers unless someone (maybe from the French Pentagon?) is planning for a global disaster. Chilling plans.
Svalbad Seed Vault main entrance – image courtesy of Mari Tefre
I feel that 666 is somehow related to all nine repeating series of 3 digits such as the 77.7 square kilometers of Cergy-Pontoise, the London Eye’s 444′ height or the fact that 555′ = 6660″. Recall from my videos and posts that the Millennium Tower in Portsmouth, St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, and the Washington Monument in DC all use this latter measure in their designs.
In Babylonian sexagesimal (base 60) 111 = 666 in base 10.
This reminds me of the magic square of the Sun. Every row and column adds up to 111. I mentioned this in my Esoteric Astronomy video by the way. Everything is so interconnected.
Computing the total of the rows or columns leads to 666. Speaking of computation, the original Apple-1 computer sold for a very interesting price:
Wozniak is said to have chosen the price $666 and Jobs appended 66 cents to the total making it the digits entirely repetitive. Both have denied any significance to the price however. I beg to differ.
His resignation letter suggests that his liver transplant hasn’t worked out. Jobs’ synchromystic resonance with Prometheus (who had his liver eaten out) is undeniable. See my Ellipses post for more on Prometheus and this god’s correlations with Lucifer.
15 years ago Jobs returned to the nearly bankrupt company he founded to transform the decaying Apple into the world’s most valuable company. Did Jobs as high priest in the Cult of Mac sell his soul to the devil?
Who gave Eve the Apple that she took a bite out of (Apple Computer’s corporate logo)? How better to represent the light bearer than with a rainbow (Apple’s old logo from the 80s-90s)? The logo in the 1976 advertisement above features Isaac Newton sitting under the tree that dropped the famous apple on his head. Newton is said to have been enlightened by this event which occurred in the year 1666.
Newton was the first to split light into a rainbow using a prism and there is so much more to Newton than scientists would have you believe as I mention in my Stonehenge episode, and later in this post.
Steve Wozniak, one of the founders of Apple Computer is a sworn member of the Scottish freemasons. Wozniak describes his impetus for joining the Freemasons as being able to spend more time with his wife at the time, Alice. Alice belonged to the Order of the Eastern Star, [which allows female members and is] associated with the Masons. -Source
If you look closely you can see the word F-A-T-A-L along the inner pentagonal edges. This reminds me of the archetype of the femme fatale.
Salome by Franz von Stuck
The inverted pentagram design reminds me of the broken inverted pentagram in the streets over the White House…
…and the Devil Tarot card:
The World Wide Web that I’m presently looking at with an Apple computer was invented at CERN. The English letter W is equivalent to the Hebrew letter Waw:
So www is equivalent to 666 in terms of gematria and position within the Hebrew alphabet. Makes you think twice about www.domain.com.
Whose domain is the world wide web?
The name Cergy is the mirror of Ygrec. The French call the letter Y “y-grec”, meaning the Greek or Pythagorean Y which symbolizes the choice between good or evil. Note how the Phoenician equivalent of waw is a Y.
The CERN logo also seems to suggest 666 doesn’t it. Are you freaked out yet? There’s much more to CERN that I’ll post about later. Dan Brown tuned into this too in Angels & Demons.
Among other things, scientists at CERN are working on anti-gravity.
In the January 5, 2007 issue of Science (page 74), the report “Atom Interferometer Measurement of the Newtonian Constant of Gravity” (J. B. Fixler, G. T. Foster, J. M. McGuirk, and M. A. Kasevich) describes a new more accurate measurement of Newton’s gravitational constant.
According to the abstract: “Here, we report a value of G = 6.693 × 10^−11 cubic meters per kilogram second squared, with a standard error of the mean of ±0.027 × 10^−11.”
G = 6.666 x 10^-11 cubic meters per kilogram second squared is within the tolerance of error. Perhaps this is the true value of Newton’s gravitational constant?
I think Newton would be pleased with the latest scientific results. Newton couldn’t calculate G precisely due to the state of science in his day. The first test to determine G was conducted by Cavendish 111 years after Newton’s Principia was published.
Recall from my Great Pyramid video that Newton was both an alchemist and Grandmaster of the Priory of Sion who invented the first temperature scale that went from 0 to 33 degrees. Perhaps Newton’s G is the another meaning to the iconic freemasonic symbol? The Scottish freemasons do have 33 degrees after all.
Speaking of Sion, the Pope’s claim to authority literally comes from the Donation of Constantine, a Roman imperial decree by which the emperor Constantine supposedly transferred authority over Rome and the western part of the Roman Empire to the Pope.
During the Middle Ages, the document was often cited in support of the Roman Church’s claims to spiritual and earthly authority.