Ever since its discovery atop a hill in Germany in 1999, a bronze and gold artefact dubbed the ‘Nebra disc’, has baffled both archaeologists and historians alike as to its authenticity. Despite numerous court hearings to prove that this supposed Bronze Age relic is not a hoax, researchers are still adamant about defining what they believe it means. The general consensus is that it is representative of important stars, although opinions differ vastly as to which stars are purportedly shown… except for a cluster of ‘dots’ that all seem to be in agreement with.
The cluster seems to represent the Pleiades.
One of the more recent opinions expressed by an archaeologist in an entry on ‘Online Spiegel’( 21 February 2006) is that in BC1600, the year the disc supposedly dates back to, the people living in the Sachsen-Anhalt area where it was found, used the disc to orientate themselves as to the seasons… an astronomical clock as it were.
Be that as it may, Wayne Herschel, author of ‘The Hidden Records’ has reason to believe there is a lot more at play here. For him the disc is yet another piece of the cosmic puzzle he proposes in his star map theory that seems to fit with almost all ancient civilisations.
On first examining it, Wayne could not help thinking: Would the Orion, Pleiades and Sun-like-star cosmic pattern that seems to be included in most ancient cultures appear on this disc also? Would Orion come into play, as the cosmic signpost theme as it appears in so many of the other star maps in his book?
Of course if this is the case, it will also put Germany onto the map as once hosting an advanced culture just like the ancient Egyptians and other ancient civilisations.
From his interpretation, Wayne agrees with other researchers who say the disc maps out the Pleiades among its 32 stars, but he takes this finding to new as yet unexplored heights.