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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensagem original) Enviado: 24/01/2012 19:53

5. Lactantius declaró (De Morte 44) que el emperador vio a Cristo en un sueño en donde le ordenó que pintara en los escudos de su ejército “Chi-Rho” (primeras dos letras de la palabra Cristo en griego: Χριστός -ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ- (khristos)) las cuales forman el monograma cristiano;



7. El Labarum o Chi-Rho según In Vita Constantini de Eusebio, se afirma que antes de la batalla vio una cruz sobre el sol con la inscripción “Bajo este signo vencerás”, esa noche Cristo se le apareció y le dijo que pintara la cruz (llamado Labarum) en los escudos de sus soldados (Vita 1: 27-32); la autenticidad de Vita (335 o 338) es generalmente admitida;



[Nota del Traductor: Pueden observarse otros ejemplos del Monograma de Cristo, Crismón o Labarum en el Museo Pio Cristiano, del Vaticano. El cual es generalmente representado junto con las letras griegas Alpha (A) y Omega (minúscula ώ o mayúscula Ω, según la propia descripción que Jesucristo hace de sí mismo (Apocalipsis XXII,13)]

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Resposta  Mensagem 43 de 57 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/12/2012 05:59
That coin on the right shows what Eusebius described in his Vita Constantini…..
After his victory, Constantine commissioned a painting of himself and his sons standing on top of a serpent pierced by a weapon. The painting was displayed to the public in front of the Emperor's palace......

And besides this, he caused to be painted on a lofty tablet, and set up in the front of the portico of his palace, so as to be visible to all, a representation of the salutary sign placed above his head, and below it that hateful and savage adversary of mankind, who by means of the tyranny of the ungodly had wasted the Church of God, falling headlong, under the form of a dragon, to the abyss of destruction. For the sacred oracles in the books of God’s prophets have described him as a dragon and a crooked serpent, and for this reason the emperor thus publicly displayed a painted resemblance of the dragon beneath his own and his children’s feet, stricken through with a dart, and cast headlong into the depths of the sea.

In this manner he intended to represent the secret adversary of the human race, and to indicate that he was consigned to the gulf of perdition by virtue of the salutary trophy placed above his head. This allegory, then, was thus conveyed by means of the colors of a picture: and I am filled with wonder at the intellectual greatness of the emperor, who as if by divine inspiration thus expressed what the prophets had foretold concerning this monster, saying that “God would bring his great and strong and terrible sword against the dragon, the flying serpent; and would destroy the dragon that was in the sea.

http://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/npnf201 ... i.iii.html

Nic, read up on Constantine and the Cult of St Michael,
……… Constantine associated himself with St. Michael, the commander of the celestial host, as he had previously associated himself with other supernatural beings, such as Sol Invictus and Apollo.

With the defeat of Licinius and the unification of the eastern and western portions of the empire under Constantine, Michael's cult began its westward migration in the fourth and fifth centuries.
http://www.ni.rs/byzantium/doc/zbornik6 ... Graham.pdf

I like this coin but you have to blow it up really big to see the chi rho beneath the bird, it is dated 246-222 BC


This is one of my favourites…..see the design on his helmet.


http://forumancientcoins.com/Articles/C ... Ch_Rho.htm

Resposta  Mensagem 44 de 57 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/12/2012 06:21

Can you find the battle standard in this drawing? The

sea shell armor is interesting. The Crista was a battle standard and was similar

to the tribal standards of Israel. As I recall TD, wrote one of the best summaries

of the Crista info. on Pax Chi Rho.

"The Battle of Anghiari (1505) is a lost painting by Leonardo da Vinci at times referred to as "The Lost Leonardo", which some commentators believe to be still hidden beneath later frescoes in the Hall of Five Hundred (Salone dei Cinquecento) in the Palazzo Vecchio, Florence. Its central scene depicted three men riding raging war-horses engaged in a battle for possession of a standard.

Many preparatory studies by Leonardo still exist. The composition of the central section is best known through a drawing by Peter Paul Rubens in the Louvre, Paris. This work, dating from 1603 and known as The Battle of the Standard, was based on an engraving of 1553 by Lorenzo Zacchia, which was taken from the painting itself or possibly derived from a cartoon by Leonardo. Rubens succeeded in portraying the fury, the intense emotions and the sense of power that were presumably present in the original painting. Similarities have been noted between this Battle of Anghiari and the Hippopotamus Hunt painted by Rubens in 1616."

From the Borderlands - mjastudio.com

Resposta  Mensagem 45 de 57 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/12/2012 16:04
Busqueda para CIRO

1. 2 Crónicas 36:22: Mas al primer año de CIRO rey de los persas, para que se cumpliese la palabra de Jehová por boca de Jeremías, Jehová despertó el espíritu de CIRO rey de los persas, el cual hizo pregonar de palabra y también por escrito, por todo su reino, diciendo:
2. 2 Crónicas 36:23: Así dice CIRO, rey de los persas: Jehová, el Dios de los cielos, me ha dado todos los reinos de la tierra; y él me ha encargado que le edifique casa en Jerusalén, que está en Judá. Quien haya entre vosotros de todo su pueblo, sea Jehová su Dios sea con él, y suba.
3. Esdras 1:1: En el primer año de CIRO rey de Persia, para que se cumpliese la palabra de Jehová por boca de Jeremías, despertó Jehová el espíritu de CIRO rey de Persia, el cual hizo pregonar de palabra y también por escrito por todo su reino, diciendo:
4. Esdras 1:2: Así ha dicho CIRO rey de Persia: Jehová el Dios de los cielos me ha dado todos los reinos de la tierra, y me ha mandado que le edifique casa en Jerusalén, que está en Judá.
5. Esdras 1:7: Y el rey CIRO sacó los utensilios de la casa de Jehová, que Nabucodonosor había sacado de Jerusalén, y los había puesto en la casa de sus dioses.
6. Esdras 1:8: Los sacó, pues, CIRO rey de Persia, por mano de Mitrídates tesorero, el cual los dio por cuenta a Sesbasar príncipe de Judá.
7. Esdras 3:7: Y dieron dinero a los albañiles y carpinteros; asimismo comida, bebida y aceite a los sidonios y tirios para que trajesen madera de cedro desde el Líbano por mar a Jope, conforme a la voluntad de CIRO rey de Persia acerca de esto.
8. Esdras 4:3: Zorobabel, Jesúa, y los demás jefes de casas paternas de Israel dijeron: No nos conviene edificar con vosotros casa a nuestro Dios, sino que nosotros solos la edificaremos a Jehová Dios de Israel, como nos mandó el rey CIRO, rey de Persia.
9. Esdras 4:5: Sobornaron además contra ellos a los consejeros para frustrar sus propósitos, todo el tiempo de CIRO rey de Persia y hasta el reinado de Darío rey de Persia.
10. Esdras 5:13: Pero en el año primero de CIRO rey de Babilonia, el mismo rey CIRO dio orden para que esta casa de Dios fuese reedificada.
11. Esdras 5:14: También los utensilios de oro y de plata de la casa de Dios, que Nabucodonosor había sacado del templo que estaba en Jerusalén y los había llevado al templo de Babilonia, el rey CIRO los sacó del templo de Babilonia, y fueron entregados a Sesbasar, a quien había puesto por gobernador;
12. Esdras 5:17: Y ahora, si al rey parece bien, búsquese en la casa de los tesoros del rey que está allí en Babilonia, si es así que por el rey CIRO había sido dada la orden para reedificar esta casa de Dios en Jerusalén, y se nos envíe a decir la voluntad del rey sobre esto.
13. Esdras 6:3: En el año primero del rey CIRO, el mismo rey CIRO dio orden acerca de la casa de Dios, la cual estaba en Jerusalén, para que fuese la casa reedificada como lugar para ofrecer sacrificios, y que sus paredes fuesen firmes; su altura de sesenta codos, y de sesenta codos su anchura;
14. Esdras 6:14: Y los ancianos de los judíos edificaban y prosperaban, conforme a la profecía del profeta Hageo y de Zacarías hijo de Iddo. Edificaron, pues, y terminaron, por orden del Dios de Israel, y por mandato de CIRO, de Darío, y de Artajerjes rey de Persia.
15. Isaías 44:28: que dice de CIRO: Es mi pastor, y cumplirá todo lo que yo quiero, al decir a Jerusalén: Serás edificada; y al templo: Serás fundado.
16. Isaías 45:1: Así dice Jehová a su ungido, a CIRO, al cual tomé yo por su mano derecha, para sujetar naciones delante de él y desatar lomos de reyes; para abrir delante de él puertas, y las puertas no se cerrarán:
17. Jeremías 23:38: Mas si dijereis: Profecía de Jehová; por eso Jehová dice así: Porque dijisteis esta palabra, Profecía de Jehová, habiendo yo enviado a deCIROs: No digáis: Profecía de Jehová,
18. Jeremías 35:15: Y envié a vosotros todos mis siervos los profetas, desde temprano y sin cesar, para deCIROs: Volveos ahora cada uno de vuestro mal camino, y enmendad vuestras obras, y no vayáis tras dioses ajenos para servirles, y viviréis en la tierra que di a vosotros y a vuestros padres; mas no inclinasteis vuestro oído, ni me oísteis.
19. Jeremías 44:4: Y envié a vosotros todos mis siervos los profetas, desde temprano y sin cesar, para deCIROs: No hagáis esta cosa abominable que yo aborrezco.
20. Daniel 1:21: Y continuó Daniel hasta el año primero del rey CIRO.
21. Daniel 6:28: Y este Daniel prosperó durante el reinado de Darío y durante el reinado de CIRO el persa.
22. Daniel 10:1: En el año tercero de CIRO rey de Persia fue revelada palabra a Daniel, llamado Beltsasar; y la palabra era verdadera, y el conflicto grande; pero él comprendió la palabra, y tuvo inteligencia en la visión.
23. Juan 16:12: Aún tengo muchas cosas que deCIROs, pero ahora no las podéis sobrellevar.
24. Gálatas 4:16: ¿Me he hecho, pues, vuestro enemigo, por deCIROs la verdad?
25. 1 Tesalonicenses 4:1: Por lo demás, hermanos, os rogamos y exhortamos en el Señor Jesús, que de la manera que aprendisteis de nosotros cómo os conviene conduCIROs y agradar a Dios, así abundéis más y más.

Resposta  Mensagem 46 de 57 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/12/2012 03:28

Brighid, also called Brigantia, Briginda, Brigidu, and Bridget, was the supreme Goddess of the Gaelic Brigantes (1). Her name means "High One", "Fire Arrow", and "Exalted One", and she is linked to the Dagda and the Tuatha dé Danaan. On Dagda's arrival to Ireland, it is said that he was a son of the Triple Goddess Brighid, however the myth was later edited. In later myths he is said to have married Brighid as the Triple Goddess, then he is said to have married only one wife with three names, Breg, Meng, and Meabel (literally 'Lie, Guile and Disgrace'), who gave birth to three daughters, all named Bridget. (2)

Some say that Brighid was born exactly at sunrise, and that a great tower of flame reached from the top of her head all the way into the heavens, signaling the birth of a holy babe. This flame was tended by the Daughters of the Flame, the nine who are Ingheau Anndagha. They lived within the fence of Brighid's shrine and could be looked upon by no man to insure that the purity and sanctity of the fire would be protected. It was through these sacred women that the wisdom of Brighid was spread through to the people. The women of the village brought the Daughters food, and in return they would learn how to heal with herbs and learn of Brighid's healing springs. It is said that the water of these springs could cure a leper or to help an impotent man join his wife in bringing children into their family. (1)

As a Goddess of the Flame, it was Brighid who taught the blacksmith how to mold metal with the flames of the forge and how to best tend their fires. It is also said that she brought the written word to the Gaelic peoples, and in Her wisdom sounds were turned into written marks. Poets called upon her to speak sweetly inside their heads so they might be inspired. (1)

There is a tale of the man dying of leprosy, asked Brighid if he might die owning a crow, a richness he hadn't known since birth. But Brighid offered a greater gift, and healed the man's long ill body with a touch of well water from Her own fingertips. The man kneeled down to Her in promises of everlasting gratitude at this great gift. Two more men with leprosy heard rumors of the leper healed by Brighid's sacred water. They traveled far to Her sacred well to ask of Brighid's help. By the well of the healing waters, she asked one man to bathe the other until his skin was healed right before his eyes, and the man doing the washing would still have the disease. Turning to the man who had just been healed, She asked him to bathe his companion so he may be healed too. The cured man, now repulsed by the disease, refused to bathe the man who cured him. Upon his refusal, he was at once stricken with leprosy and his friend was healed. Thus Brighid taught compassion. (1)

Brighid's sacred day, Imbolc, is the mid-point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. Imbolc means "in the belly", and is also known as the Festival of the Waxing Light, Bride Day, Brighid's Day, Oilmelc (meaning "ewe's milk"), Groundhog Day, Badger's Day, and Candlemas. Imbolc is usually celebrated in early February, and coincides with the birthing time of spring lambs. Signs of upcoming spring become more and more visible, trees begin to bud and flowers begin to bloom. In ancient Ireland, this day marked the first day of spring, and the first stirrings in the womb of the Earth Mother were celebrated as farmers started their preparations for spring sowing. Seed from the previous year's crop was mingled wit h the new. Water from wells dedicated to Brighid or Bride was sprinkled on the house and its occupants, farm buildings, livestock, and fields to invoke the blessings of the Great Mother. Many customs associated with Brighid continue to this day, such as picking rushes and weaving them into sun wheels (also called Brighid's Crosses). It is at this time in the mythic cycle of the Goddess that She transforms from the hag who transformed herself into spirit at Yule, conceives Herself anew, and mysteriously changes into Brighid in the form of a young girl dressed in white. (5)

When the Christians came to Ireland, instead of banning the worship of pagan deities, they incorporated them into their belief system. Brighid became St. Brigid, patron saint of Ireland, babies, blacksmiths, farmers, children born out of wedlock, midwives, nuns, poets, travelers, and scholars. In Christian paintings she is represented by the abess or head-mother usually holding a lamp or candle, often with a cow nearby. (4)


With Christianity, her flame was then cared for by Catholic nuns instead of priestesses. In 1220 CE, a bishop became angered at the "no-males" policy of the Abbey of St. Brigid. He insisted that nuns were subordinate to priests and that they must open their abbey for inspection by a priest. When the Brigidine nuns refused and asked that another Abbess or female official perform the inspections, the bishop was furious. He then decreed that the keeping of the Eternal Flame was pagan, and ordered it to be extinguished. (3) The fire pit where the original fire was is still present in the yard of St Brigit's Cathedral in Kildare. Imbolc is still celebrated in Ireland as St. Brigid's day on Feb 1st. Traditionally, a young girl dressed in white and wearing a crown of rushes was escorted from house to house by a group of other girls. She would give a blessing for a penny, an egg, or sugar cakes. (5) As of Feb 1st 2006, Brighid's flame has been relit in the town square of Kildare atop a sculpture of oak leaves. The oak leaves hearken to the towns name in old Irish Cill Dara meaning "Church of the Oak", and Brighid's connection to old Druidic practices of Ireland.

OK OK Candlemas then.
Ooops there's that flame again.

See The Chymical wedding of Christian Rosenkreuz
Read about the damsel who turns into a hag bears the grail and then turns back into a damsel again.
Just like Bridget. (from which the word Bride is derived)
A tale straight from the Troubadours. Or as Otto Rahn called them the Minnesingers. One of these being Guiot_de_Provins or Kyot as he's sometimes known.

Remember this

Constantine I was a pagan until his deathbed. There is NOTHING Christian about any of this, despite the Jesuit onslaught we appear to be getting. So who comprised Constantine's army? Christians?

All from Philippe de Cherisey, member of a group calling themselves Order de la Rose Croix Veritas.

“Rennes-les-Bains is located precisely on the Zero Meridian, which connects Saint-Sulpice in Paris,"....... "the parish of Rennes-les-Bains guards the heart of Roseline". -
Au Pays de la Reine Blanche (part of the Dossiers Secret)


"My dear Roseline, who died on 6 August 1967, the Feast of the Transfiguration, while leaving the Zero Meridian by car." (p. 108).
The words of Philippe de Cherisey (Amedee himself), the man who brought Nicolas Poussin and Les Bergers d'Arcadie to our story. The ONLY reason Poussin is in our story at all.

And finally I'll leave the last words to another member of the Order de la Rose Croix Veritas Order of the True Rose Cross


"“Douze palais étaient enfermés dans une seule en-ceinte”, avec l’allusion (en se rapportant à Pline) que ces monuments étaient dédiés au Soleil, telle est la désigna-tion du zodiaque faite à la page 84. La page 246 determine le centre de ce zodiaque et la page 241 donne les dimensions pour tracer sur la carte ces deux circonfé-rences: 15 et 16 centimètres de rayon. Le genial auteur ne manque pas d’ajouter que “cette meule devait moudre le blé (I’or) d’une manière parfaite”.

Le signe du Belier est désigné par Abel, gardien des troupeaux donneurs de lame, c’est-à-dire de l’N, symbole du Nord pour tous et que l’on retrouve deux fois dans le mot RENNES du titre de la carte. Page 43, l’auteur insiste sur la distinction de Ia chaîne avec la trame (trame de lame, trame de l’N) car Ia chaîne correspond aux lignes verticales ↑↓, tracées à partir des lettres N de Ia carte alors que la trame signifie la ligne inverse.

Une information très subtilement dispensée aux pages 227 et 231 permet de situer le signe du Bélier (Abel) vers le confluent de Ia Sals et du Rialsès, exactement au Roc-Nègre, l’Ariès de Nègre ou Bélier Noir, selon l’inscription gravée sur une pierre tombale!

Avant d’aller plus avant, résumons ce qui précède et dissipons les malentendus qui peuvent s’être glissés dans l’esprit du lecteur:

1) Par codage astronomique, l’abbé Boudet indique douze dépôts et leur position correspond pour chacun à un palais du Zodiaque, celui-ci débutant vers Blanchefort, à 0º du Bélier sur Roc-Nègre.
2) Par codage cartographique, une erreur determine au confluent Blanque-Sals la mine de Jais du Serbaïrou.
3) Par codage du tarot, l’éclair par du Cap de l’Homme pour se terminer au Cardou.

Ce codage est parfait. Rennes-les-Bains, avec une circonférence (p. 225) de 16 à 18 km, fait figure d’une banque ayant douze coffres qui s’ouvrent chacun avec un numéro particulier. Ceci n’implique d’ailleurs pas que certains coffres détiennent encore un dépôt.

Le croquis qui accompagne mon texte indique le codage des pierres tombales qui existaient au cimetière de Rennes-le-Chàteau avant Ia publication du livre Boudet et qui donnaient des indications similaires. La pierre horizontale mentionnait les douze caches par l’inter-médiaire des 14 lettres de notre devise latine transcrite en lettres grecques: ET IN ARCADIA EGO. La pierre verticale marquait le lieu exact où l’UNE des douze caches se trouve. Le code était: M.D.SEPT = 1507. L’unité de mesure utilsée était le M, Ie mille, d’une valeur de 1852 mètres. L’abbé Boudet declare page 84: 1500 appartements dans le labyrinthe aux multiples détours, construit par Mesraïm, dédiés au Soleil. Le lecteur désormais habitué aux jeux de mots de l’abbé Boudet a sans doute déjà déduit: M... puis:1500... et 7 (chiffre du soleil), soit le code: 1507. Curieusement, on peut lire sur cette dalle: D’ARLES DAME... “Dame d’Arles” fait penser alors à Ia denomination donnée par Maurice Magre pour designer les arènes de cette ville: Qui parle d’arènes sous-entend Ie jeu du Taureau, dérivé de l’ancien culte du boeuf Apis. Or Apis,c’est aussi l’abeille dont le bourdonnement serait détesté, comme l’afflrme l’abbé Boudet page 122 à propos du lever et du coucher du SOLEIL.

L’abbé Boudet a pu donner dans l’astronomie, la mythologie, la Bible et d’autres méthodes plus ou moins admises, exactement comme il traitait du "Cromleck de Rennes-les-Bains" qui demeure conjectural. Il a pu nous induire en erreur. Mais le lecteur éclairé comprend maintenant qu’une certaine imagerie ne doit être retenue que comme élément dans Ia construction de son oeuvre."

Pierre Plantard de Saint Clair in his introduction to the reprint of:

La Vraie Langue Celtique et le Cromleck de Rennes Les Bains.

Face it. This isn't rocket science is it? But then it isn't science is it? It's about what one chooses to believe.


just returned to wish you a belated Happy Imbolc - marked by the sun at 15 degrees Aquarius
Celebrated at Lime Tree Farm at the former home of the Parisii
ImageThe documentary nobody wants to address
My forum Cromleck de Rennes is almost ready.

Resposta  Mensagem 47 de 57 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/12/2012 13:59
I just got back from Hawass King Tut exhibit at the Houston Museum
to my surprise I found out that the
Meandros or pattern on the Rennes Chateau floor

has an Egyptian hieroglyph related to it

it is the letter H or another meaning is House

Amiens Cathedral has the design too ...Greek yes but Egyptian also

Another pattern on here at the Amiens
has a Egyptian heiroglyph
that would be
it is the letter N ... or the symbol for Water

Its hard to see the wood floor below the altar
if anybody has a better picture please share
from what I can tell its triangular
forming an X

Everything is Connected and there are no

Resposta  Mensagem 48 de 57 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/12/2012 04:44


XP - Alpha and Omega - In hoc signo vinces - The Roman Curia symbol - the hourglass above



Borromean rings gyroscope - the hourglass inside


Fire melts water


Spiral of time into Chaos - bi -cycle - second cycle of time



Ouroborus end of hourglass time


Masonic grave - Scythe - the arrow -spirals 96 surrounding the all seeing eye and and the hourglass on the center


Then, embossed onto the gate itself, we noticed another Masonic symbol: the winged hourglass, an emblem of fleeting time, and the temporary nature of our short lives. But unlike the angelic wings we usually see with this symbol, we noted that these wings were distinctly bat-like, emphasizing the demonic and infernal themes at Rennes-le-Chateau.

Marble Hall - Surrey House Masonic symbolism -handshake inside the Ouroborus - bird -language of, the snake 8 spiral knot, the feahtered hourglass

marble house surrey house hourglass.JPG
marble house surrey house hourglass.JPG [ 56.52 KiB | Viewed 1687 times ]


Resposta  Mensagem 49 de 57 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 08/01/2013 03:21
BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 08/01/2013 00:14

Interesante punto de partida

X-Men: The Official Game (PS2, Xbox, GC, PC)
X-Men: The Official Game (PS2, Xbox, GC, PC)

X-Men TOG tomará como base argumental la última película y alargará hasta The Last Stand. De este modo servirá de puente, y nos narrará los hechos momentos después del final de X-Men 2, donde Jean Grey se sacrificaba para salvar a su equipo y los hombres de Xavier conseguían con la ayuda de Magneto pararle los pies a William Striker, que quería acabar con todos los mutantes del mundo construyendo una réplica de Cerebro.

Resposta  Mensagem 50 de 57 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/01/2013 08:17
Proof Positive - The Ultimate Key to 2012

So you want to see some evidence to some of this stuff? Okay. Here is the ultimate key to unlock the mysteries associated with all these supernatural and unbelievable allegations.

Symbolism Revealed!

Have you heard of the Talisman? Have you heard of the "Ascended Masters"? Have you heard of the anticipation of "Apotheosis" (restoration to "god status")? Have you heard of "The Key of Solomon"? Have you heard of the matching symbolism in the Egyptian pyramids on the Gila plateau? Have you seen the symbol of the "Chi Ro" (wikipedia that term)? Do you know that the "Chi Ro" symbol is the "double cross"? Do you realized this symbol is all over the Vatican and on the British flag? Have you heard of the 7 Hills of Rome? Do you know that Washington D.C. has Satanic symbolism that matches perfectly with all the other ancient Egyptian mysteries? Have you heard they eventually plan to have UFO's land in Washington D.C? Do you realized that Washington D.C. is a LANDING STRIP?

Do you know they are coming?

Enter Wayne Herschel

I present to you the work of Wayne Herschel (thanks Angela). Wayne's research is entitled "The Lost Symbol of Ra" and is in two parts on You Tube right now. I present to you Part Two only. If you want to see the origins and speculation of Mr. Herschel in part one, then you can find it on the same page. But the real "meat and potatoes" is all in "part two" and it leaves out some confusing connections to the "cross" that are unnecessary to make the "Jesus" point in all this data.



Without even realizing it, Wayne has basically proven all the allegations Tribulation-Now has made over the last year. With the help of the Holy Spirit, and some dedicated research and the works of awesome "email list" subscribers (too numerous to mention - special kudos to ALL OF YOU IN JESUS NAME), Mr. Herschel, has "connected all the dots". These dots even explain why "Constantine" adopted the cross into his pagan version of Christianity. Constantine didn't see the cross, he saw the CHI RO! The "Chi Ro" is a symbolic depiction of the "double cross" and the "double cross" (which is in the symbolism of Washington D.C and the Vatican) is THE STAR SYSTEM OF ORION and PLEIADES!

They are coming.
They are coming for us.



Lost Symbol of Ra Video Snap Shots

Here below I am including some video snapshots of the Lost Symbol of Ra video of Mr. Herschel. I will briefly narrate some pointers below each snap-shot.

Here you see the introductory summary slide of The Lost Symbol of Ra video. Here you see the lying stories of Dan Brown that are laced with truths and pointers for the Illuminati Brotherhood to see the symbolism worldwide. You also see what looks like a big orange circle with a fiery star inside. This is actually in the Washington D.C. capital building. It is the ceiling mural of George Washington's Masonic "Apotheosis" as an "ascended master" into the Heavens, thus achieving "god" status and being "restored". Get it?

You also see, just to the right, The Key of Solomon. The Key of Solomon has double-cross "chi ro" symbolism that correlates precisely to the star system ORION. The other star symbols in the Key of Solomon correlate to the star system "Pleiades". To the far right you see the ULTIMATE Satanic "obelisk" ... the Washington Monument. This monument, with the appropriate measurements, extends 33 degrees off the horizon. And the star system Orion also extends 33 degrees off the horizon when measured on specific dates from Australia (which is a known location for Star Gate portals).

Here you see the star system Orion. Look closely to see the light colored reddish lines that show the "double cross" chi ro symbolism associated with this star system. This is a key element in this Luciferian "approach".

Here Wayne explains the origins and Satanic symbolism of the obelisk and the x-mas tree with the Star Sirius on the top. I'm sorry Jesus for all the Christmas Trees I put in my home (tears in my eyes).

Here Wayne shows three documents. One from ancient Egypt, the center is the Masonic Lodge mural and the right is the Key of Solomon. All three, separated by thousands of years, depict this Star Sirius shining down.

Here Mr. Herschel shows a close up of the Key of Solomon from the British Library. Note the double cross pattern. This is the star system Orion. This is also the Chi Ro worn by the Pope(s) probably without many of their complete understanding. Note the double cross depiction of the Orion star system in the upper left corner of the right symbol. This aligns perfectly with the location of the star system from earth astrologically.

Here Wayne shows the actual Orion star system shown from a telescope and the "chi ro" symbol worn by the papacy and how they align perfectly. He goes on to show that Roman symbolism also included the Chi Ro symbol.

Here Wayne shows the sign of the double cross / crosses over history and how they correlate to Solomon's Key and Orion. He goes on in great detail to demonstrate the Solomon's Key diagram and now they align perfectly with the star systems of Orion and Pleiades. It is utterly horrific. You should watch and SAVE this video as it will save souls for Jesus some day.

He goes on to point out that on "September 15th" that Orion is located on the "Eastern Horizon" at the same time as Pleiades is located on the "Western Horizon". WHAT IS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THIS DATE? I don't know other than the alignment. Could it be their "arrival date"? But what year? Why do the "two witnesses" lie dead and people give gifts on the pagan x-mas fake holiday on the Winter Solstice?

Furthermore, this picture shows the 33 degree alignment with the horizon of the earth on September 15th when seen from Australia - the location of a major "star gate". Do your homework and email me please.

Here he shows the Dan Brown secrets of St. Peter pointing to the various symbols. Dan Brown released his book "The Lost Symbol" on Sept. 15th. He also shows the correlation to Orion here.

Here you see the 7 Hills of Rome and how they align perfectly with the Pleiades Star System. This location is a STAR MAP just like the Key of Solomon. He points out that on Sol Invinctus, December 25th, the Pope looks directly down the alignment from the Vatican past the obelisk in the Vatican court yard and "waves" to the Orion and Pleiades star systems.

He further goes on to explain that Mars also has blocks and pyramids that depict the same symbolism. Cydonia Mars! They align perfectly with these star systems. Not a coincidence.

Here you see his demonstration of many symbolic monotliths and geological symbols pointing to the same star systems welcoming their "buddies" to earth. Stonehenge, Tikal, Mars, Egypt, even in Iran.

And here he shows Washington D.C. correlation as a "landing strip" for "them" to arrive. It correlates perfectly to the symbolism in the monoliths on Mars.


If you haven't seen enough to convince you that Jesus Christ is your only hope of salvation, then you must read more articles here on Tribulation-Now. Read "The Escape Route", read "Star Gate of Praise", read the Aliens, Demons, Time Travel and God series, read them all and BELIEVE THAT YOUR ONLY HOPE IS JESUS CHRIST.

Jesus Christ is the ONLY BEGOTTEN SON of the God of all Creation. He is the only way to SALVATION from this total onslaught of humanity. Please understand this is NOT about what happens here on earth for those who are saved by the blood of the Lamb. This is a fight for your SOUL. These "things" are coming for YOUR BLOOD. These "alien demons" intend to murder you and take your soul. Do NOT LET THAT HAPPEN.





and most of all ...




You should see "all" the symbolic and literal references in the Bible to these "reptilian" things.
For example, did you know the "Pale" horse is actually the word "chlorus" in Greek which means "greenish"?
And in Rev 13:11 the beast (s) come "out of the earth" and have "two horns" and speak like a "dragon".


Alien Demon Agenda (Interim Part 1-2) here:

The Alien Demon Agenda (Part 2) here:

and the "Alien Demon Agenda (Part 3) Apotheosis here:

Resposta  Mensagem 51 de 57 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 13/02/2013 18:00

El alfa y el Omega

Resposta  Mensagem 52 de 57 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/07/2013 22:03


The labarum (Greek: λάβαρον) was a vexillum (military standard) that displayed the “Chi-Rho” symbol ☧, formed from the first two Greek letters of the word “Christ” (Greek: ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ, or Χριστός) — Chi (χ) and Rho (ρ). It was first used by the Roman emperor Constantine I. Since the vexillum consisted of a flag suspended from the crossbar of a cross, it was ideally suited to symbolize the crucifixion of Christ. Later usage has sometimes regarded the terms “labarum” and “Chi-Rho” as synonyms.


Beyond its derivation from Latin labarum, the etymology of the word is unclear. Some derive it from Latin /labāre/ ‘to totter, to waver’ (in the sense of the “waving” of a flag in the breeze) or laureum [vexillum] (“laurel standard”).
On the evening of October 27, 312, with his army preparing for the Battle of the Milvian Bridge, the emperor Constantine I claimed to have had a vision which led him to believe he was fighting under the protection of the Christian God.
Lactantius states that, in the night before the battle, Constantine was commanded in a dream to “delineate the heavenly sign on the shields of his soldiers”. He obeyed and marked the shields with a sign “denoting Christ”. Lactantius describes that sign as a “staurogram”, or a Latin cross with its upper end rounded in a P-like fashion, rather than the better known Chi-Rho sign described by Eusebius of Caesarea. Thus, it had both the form of a cross and the monogram of Christ’s name from the formed letters “X” and “P”, the first letters of Christ’s name in Greek.
At first he was unsure of the meaning of the apparition, but the following night he had a dream in which Christ explained to him that he should use the sign against his enemies. Eusebius then continues to describe the labarum, the military standard used by Constantine in his later wars against Licinius, showing the Chi-Rho sign.
Those two accounts can hardly be reconciled with each other, though they have been merged in popular notion into Constantine seeing the Chi-Rho sign on the evening before the battle.

The vision has been interpreted in a solar context (e.g. as a solar halo phenomenon), which would have been reshaped to fit with the Christian beliefs of the later Constantine.

An alternate explanation of the intersecting celestial symbol has been advanced by George Latura, which claims that Plato’s visible god in Timaeus is in fact the intersection of the Milky Way and the Zodiacal Light, a rare apparition important to pagan beliefs that Christian bishops reinvented as a Christian symbol.

As with his predecessors, sun symbolism – interpreted as representing Sol Invictus (the Unconquered Sun) or Helios, Apollo or Mithras – is inscribed on his coinage.

Timaeus is one of Plato’s dialogues, which has several speakers. Socrates, Critias, Hermocrates….Critias proceeds to tell the story of Solon’s journey to Egypt where he hears the story of Atlantis, and how Athens used to be a ideal state which subsequently waged war against Atlantis.


Resposta  Mensagem 53 de 57 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/10/2013 02:33


XP - Alpha and Omega - In hoc signo vinces - The Roman Curia symbol - the hourglass above



Borromean rings gyroscope - the hourglass inside


Fire melts water


Spiral of time into Chaos - bi -cycle - second cycle of time



Ouroborus end of hourglass time


Masonic grave - Scythe - the arrow -spirals 96 surrounding the all seeing eye and and the hourglass on the center


Then, embossed onto the gate itself, we noticed another Masonic symbol: the winged hourglass, an emblem of fleeting time, and the temporary nature of our short lives. But unlike the angelic wings we usually see with this symbol, we noted that these wings were distinctly bat-like, emphasizing the demonic and infernal themes at Rennes-le-Chateau.

Marble Hall - Surrey House Masonic symbolism -handshake inside the Ouroborus - bird -language of, the snake 8 spiral knot, the feahtered hourglass

marble house surrey house hourglass.JPG
marble house surrey house hourglass.JPG [ 56.52 KiB | Viewed 4647 times ]



Last edited by indigomerovingian on 28 May 2012 1:19 am, edited 6 times in total.

Resposta  Mensagem 54 de 57 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 07/03/2014 21:13
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/05/2015 15:39

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/05/2015 15:40

Resposta  Mensagem 57 de 57 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/05/2015 15:43

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Chi-Rho Youth Group
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Chi Rho Alpha & Omega #2
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Paideia Chi-Rho
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WCU Catholic Campus Ministry
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The Chi Rho is one of the
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Chi Rho
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of the Chi-Rho monogram.
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Chi Rho Symbol
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The Chi Rho with a wreath
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Rush Chi-Rho.
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