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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 13/08/2011 00:16
El paralelo Pi

La Gran Piramide de Keops

Se dice que hay una relación entre las medidas de la altura de la Gran Pirámide y su lado que es exactamente igual al número Pi, el famoso 3,14159265... etc. Número irracional con infinitos números decimales no periódicos. El lado mide 231 metros, la altura 147 m (la arista 220 m), la relación es Pi = 2 x lado / altura. Los egipcios que la construyeron debieron conocer Pi.

El mundo se puede cuadricular en meridianos y paralelos. Los meridianos son círculos máximos (de radio igual al terrestre) y van de polo a polo. Los paralelos como su nombre indican son círculos menores paralelos al ecuador y perpendiculares al eje de La Tierra. Cada punto de La Tierra gira alrededor de su eje siguiendo su paralelo. En el Ecuador, este giro tiene de radio el radio terrestre, pero conforme aumenta la latitud el radio de giro va siendo menor hasta ser cero en los polos. Los paralelos van disminuyendo su diámetro. En unos puntos determinados hay una relación entre el radio terrestre y el diámetro del paralelo igual a Pi, al igual que ocurre en la pirámide de Keops.

Esto arranca de la primera definición de metro como la diezmillonésima parte del cuadrante del meridiano de París. Por tanto del Ecuador al Polo hay exactamente 10.000 km (diez millones de metros). De ahí se puede calcular el radio terrestre, si 40.000 km es la circunferencia que es igual a 2*Pi*Rt, el radio terrestre medio es de 6.366.197,72 metros

Los divisores de 10.000 del cuadrante son sacando factores primos 10.000=2^4*5^4 es decir es divisible por 2,4,5,8,10,16,20,25 etc. Un paralelo que tuviera de radio esa división: 10.000 /divisor = 5000, 2500, 2000, 1250, 1000, 625, 500, 400 etc. estaría relacionado con el radio terrestre a través de Pi.
Para el caso de 2, el diámetro es de 10.000, radio de 5000, la relación sería Pi=2*Dp/Rt
Donde Dp es el diámetro del paralelo y Rt el radio terrestre. El ángulo del paralelo se puede calcular, teniendo del radio del paralelo Rp=5000 de cateto contiguo, y el radio terrestre de hipotenusa. El coseno es Cos A=5000 / 6366.19772. Y el ángulo A= ARCos (5000/6366)= 38º14.5’.
Para el caso de 4 el diámetro es de 5000, radio de 2500, la relación sería Pi=4*Dp/Rt.
Para el caso de 5 el diámetro es de 4000, radio de 2000, la relación sería Pi=5*Dp/Rt
Para el caso de 8 el diámetro es de 2500, radio de 1250, la relación sería Pi=8*Dp/Rt etc.
Pero para todos estos casos, el radio del paralelo es tan pequeño que todos están cada vez más cerca del polo dentro del circulo polar. Así:
Para el caso de 4, el ángulo A=ARCos(2500/6366)= 66.9º ya dentro del circulo polar y por tanto en zona inhabitable.
Por lo tanto sólo para el caso de 2, el paralelo hallado pasara por zonas habitables. Así al paralelo 38º14’33’’le he llamado el paralelo Pi. Tiene 10000 km de diámetro y la relación con Pi y el radio terrestre es:
Pi = 2 x Dp / Rt, muy parecida a la de la pirámide de Keops.

Mirando un mapamundi, el Paralelo Pi pasa por Abanilla (Murcia), Elche, Lisboa, Las Azores, Washington D.C., Charleston (Virginia occidental), Colorado Springs, Sacramento y San Francisco en California, Cruza el Pacifico y Japón por la isla de Honshu, pasa por la divisoria entre las dos coreas (el famoso paralelo 38), Norte de China, Repúblicas exsovieticas de Turkmenistan, Tayikistán, Uzbekistan, Mar Caspio, Norte de Irán, Turquía, Atenas, Calabria (la punta de la península italiana), Palermo (Sicilia) y Mar Mediterráneo.
Lógicamente todo esto también se cumple en hemisferio sur, en este caso siguen la misma ruta que en la novela de Julio Verne Los Hijos del Capitán Grand pero un grado más al sur. Es decir En el hemisferio Sur pasa por entre Bahía blanca y Mar del Plata en Argentina, Temuco en Chile, el Pacífico, la isla Norte de Nueva Zelanda, Melbourne en Australia, Isla San Pablo en el centro del Indico y pasa al Atlántico por debajo de Africa.
El paralelo Pi pasa por zonas frías especialmente el del hemisferio sur. Es curioso pero quizás el punto más cálido sea Abanilla o Elche donde pueden vivir las palmeras datileras, en el resto suele nevar en invierno.

El Paralelo Pi tiene 10.000 km de diámetro.
Para calcular el ángulo, la hipotenusa vale el radio terrestre Rt=6.366,19772 km
y el cateto contiguo vale 5.000 (es el radio del paralelo de diametro 10.000).


A petición popular voy a tratar de traducir al cristiano lo que dice aquí:
Si tenemos una circunferencia, por definición Pi es la razón entre su longitud y su diámetro. Pi= C/D ó lo que es lo mismo C=2 x Pi x R siendo R el radio.
Un cuadrante (la cuarta parte de la circunferencia) de longitud L, será L=C/4 es decir L=Pi*R/2. El Paralelo Pi de diámetro igual a la longitud del cuadrante L=Dp luego Dp=Pi*R/2 despejando Pi= 2*Dp/R con lo que se demuestra que hay una relación entre el diámetro del paralelo y el radio de la circunferencia igual a Pi y es clavada a la de la Gran Pirámide de Keops.
¿Cuál es este paralelo? Para hallar el ángulo: haciendo un triángulo rectángulo (ver foto), el cateto contiguo es el radio del paralelo, la hipotenusa es el radio de la circunferencia Cos A= cateto contiguo / hipotenusa.
Cos A=Rp/R como Rp =Dp/2 entonces Cos A= Dp / (2*R) pero Dp era Dp=Pi*R/2 entonces Cos A= Pi*R/(2*2*R) simplificando R se va, queda CosA= Pi/4, hallando la inversa del coseno, A= ArcCos (Pi/4)=38º14’33”

El Paralelo Pi es el paralelo 38º14’33’’
Y cumple la relación Pi =2 x Dp / R

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Respuesta  Mensaje 2 de 47 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 13/08/2011 00:19
Washington, DC
A secret satanic plot revealed?

Pierre Charles L'Enfant
There is no question that the intersections of Massachusetts Ave., Rhode Island Ave., Connecticut Ave., Vermont Ave. and K Street NW form a five-pointed star. It is also true that many of the city’s architects in the nineteenth and early twentieth century were freemasons. From these two facts, and a plethora of imaginative conjecture, many writers have concluded that the city was intentionally planned to promote an occult agenda.
The theories have ranged from the simple observation that the Mall bears a superficial resemblance to a masonic lodge room, to the complex ascribing of masonic significance to the position of monuments and the number of street blocks between buildings.
Does the street design of Washington, DC prove that there’s a masonic or occult conspiracy?
To even pose such a question a number of assumptions have to be made. One has to assume that the pentagram is a uniquely evil symbol; assume that it is highly valued by freemasons; assume that they believe that its physical presence can have a real impact on the world’s affairs; assume that freemasons are responsible for intentionally including it in Washington’s street plan; and assume that this will promote certain masonic, if not evil, goals.
None of these assumptions bear scrutiny. First, the pentagram is not an exclusively satanic symbol nor does it have any particular masonic significance. Second, Freemasonry, promoting rationalism and freedom from superstition, ascribes no power to symbols themselves. It is not a part of Freemasonry to view the drawing of symbols, no matter how large, as an act of consolidating or controlling power. Third, none of the men responsible for the street plan have been shown to have been freemasons. Although freemason George Washington commissioned Pierre Charles L'Enfant and approved the streetplan of Andrew Ellicott and Benjamin Bannaker, they were not freemasons.
The first of these unfounded theories seems to have appeared in 1989 with Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh’s The Temple and the Lodge in which, without documentation, they assert that George Washington and Thomas Jefferson interfered with Pierre L'Enfant’s work to impose a pair of octagonal shapes around the Capitol and the White House.
The claims took an anti-masonic turn the following year1. and many professional anti-masons quickly became promoters.2. The assumptions required to believe that the position of a number of streets and buildings reveal a secret political or occult agenda have no foundation.
Detail from an engraving on paper March 1792 by Thackara and Vallance, Philadelphia, Geography and Map Division, Library of Congress. Note the incomplete five point star shaped street plan immediately north of the White House.
The correspondence and papers of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Pierre L'Enfant are clear that although L'Enfant had been hired by Washington, it was with Jefferson that he discussed the details. "The L'Enfant Plan in 1791 was not a complete architectural concept. Jefferson, who had sketched out a very preliminary plan that year, established the fundamental relationship between the executive and legislative headquarters and the public spaces connecting them." 3."Jefferson took an intense interest.... He even sketched out street sections for guidance of the city commissioners."4. It wasn't until September 9, 1791 that L'Enfant received his first letter from Commissioners Daniel Carroll, Dr. David Stuart and Thomas Johnson5.
The geometric plans of L'Enfant’s radial city, influenced by André LeNotre’s design of Versailles6. and Christopher Wren’s unexecuted plans for London..." featured two focal points: the Capitol, and the President’s House. About them as hubs, broad avenues radiate outward like spokes of a wheel, superimposed over the regular north and south grid pattern."7. The expansive axial boulevards and Gregorian/Paladian architecture was intended as a monument to the "Virtuous Citizen in the New Republic." L'Enfant’s sense of grandeur and Ellicott’s goal of monumentality aside, the deciding factor in the positioning of major buildings was the topography.8.
Andrew Ellicott
"But the next year, in 1792, when Andrew Ellicott, city surveyor, prepared the official plan derived from that of L'Enfant but with major modifications, it was embellished with suggestive building plans of considerable monumentality." " He also clearly places three public buildings on the Mall, enlarges the "President’s House" complex as defined by L'Enfant, and also enlarges on the group which later became the municiple center. One can only conjecture that Jefferson’s advise was obtained for these architectural additions since L'Enfant was already in official disgrace and Thornton [Dr. William Thornton, 1793-1802] was not yet in the picture."9. Note that the "major modification" were not to the the streetplan but to the design of specific buildings.
As Secretary of State, Jefferson was responsible for the design of the Federal City in Washington, D.C. Although over-enthusiastic American freemasons in the past have claimed Jefferson as their own, there is no documentation to suggest he was a freemason and he does not appear on any creditable and properly researched list today.
Benjamin Bannaker 12.
Major Pierre Charles L'Enfant (b. Aug. 2, 1754, d. June 14, 1852) drew up the "Plan of the City of Washington," between March 1791 and his resignation in February 1792. Although anti-masons such as Ron Campbell have claimed L'Enfant was a freemason, there is no published information establishing this.10. His obituary, published in the June 25, 1825 edition of the National Intelligencer did not mention he was a freemason.
Major Andrew Ellicott (b. 1754/01/24, d. 1820), a highly accomplished surveyor, was directed by Jefferson to perform the survey of the District of Columbia. Ellicott and his assistant, Benjamin Bannaker (b. 1731/11/09, d. 1806/09/25), began work in the spring of 1791. The following year Washington asked Ellicott to finish L'Enfant’s plan for the city. In less than one month Ellicott found himself at odds with the Commissioners and resigned from the project. Neither Ellicott nor Bannaker have any masonic record.11. An April 28, 1791 newspaper account of the dedication ceremony of the cornerstone marker at Jones Point mentions Ellicott as determining the marker’s location but does not identify him as being a Freemason.
Drawing lines on a map of Washington, DC proves nothing other than the physical existence of streets and buildings. A map of
Sandusky, Ohio, on the other hand, might be more revealing.

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