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رسائل 21 من 109 في الفقرة |
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رسائل 22 من 109 في الفقرة |
Genes empaquetados y Geometría Sagrada: música y matemáticas
La Geometría Sagrada es un arte arcaico conocido y utilizado, verbigracia, por los constructores de las pirámides o de las catedrales góticas; y una ciencia muy actual basada en principios matemáticos que muestran la relación entre todas las partes de la Creación.
Su estudio evidencia, como ya se ha reiterado en otras entradas del Blog, que todo es suma de partes y forma parte de una suma superior, aunque cada parte es, a su vez, el Todo. Y que el Omniverso, en su globalidad e integridad, es generado por una Consciencia que se manifiesta a sí misma en la realidad física a través de un cianotipo geométrico, ilustrado por el denominado «cianotipo del merkaba». Superponiendo, por ejemplo, su representación gráfica sobre el planeta Tierra, se comprueba que la mayoría de las pirámides están localizadas a 19.47º sobre y debajo del ecuador, exactamente donde los puntos de la estructura gráfica del merkaba se intersectan con la superficie terrestre. Si se hace lo mismo sobre el Sol, se constata igualmente que las manchas solares de alta intensidad están localizadas justo al norte y al sur del ecuador y que la mayoría de las erupciones de su masa coronaria también se localizan a 19.47º por encima y debajo del ecuador. Y repitiendo el experimento en el vecino planeta rojo, la famosa Cara de Marte está también ubicada a 19,47 grados al norte de su ecuador. Estas semejanzas y otras muchas ejemplifican lo que numerosos investigadores creen: todos los astros del sistema solar de Ors están construidos con base en idénticos principios y patrones geométricos. Correspondencias matemáticas que se sustentan en el hecho de que Ors, la Vía Láctea, el Universo y el multidimensional Omniverso han sido construidos por alguna forma de inteligencia de colosal escala. Esta manera de analizar la realidad, recogida en saberes ancestrales, resulta sorprendentemente ajustada a lo que, poco a poco, se va descubriendo en múltiples ámbitos de investigación. Así, lo que hasta fecha muy reciente era sólo fruto de la superstición o de extravagantes teorías esotéricas a las que la ciencia no hacía caso alguno, es objeto ahora de estudio en los centros tecnológicos más avanzados. Un exponente reciente se acaba de publicar en la revista Nature a propósito de los "genes empaquetados". Se trata de los resultados de un estudio acometido por científicos del Centro de Regulación Genómica de Barcelona (CRG) acerca de cómo se empaqueta la cadena de ADN, cómo puede ser diferente en cada ser vivo y cómo, finalmente, influye en que seamos como somos. Sus conclusiones evidencian que somos como somos no sólo por los genes -contenido-, sino por cómo se empaquetan -forma, geometría- en el interior de la célula. Si se pudiese desplegar de forma lineal la secuencia de genes -el código que determina cómo son los seres vivos- mediría más de dos metros. Pero para caber en el interior de la célula se encuentra empaquetada y comprimida. En ello interviene una importante pieza, la cromatina. Los investigadores del CRG han visto que el empaquetamiento no siempre es igual; y que, según como sea, las instrucciones genéticas acaban "traduciéndose" de modo diferente. Es decir, que las instrucciones escritas en el lenguaje del ADN no se traducen en proteínas como un texto lineal, sino que tendrá lugar de forma diversa en fución de cómo estén empaquetados. Estas conclusiones casan a la perfección con otros avances científicos en el campo de los códigos genéticos, considerados como vehículos de reproducción y continuidad, que ponen al descubierto que su codificación no reside en átomos concretos —en el carbono, oxígeno, nitrógeno e hidrógeno contenidos en la composición molecular del ADN o sustancia de los genes—, sino en la forma helicoidal en la que se disponen. Es decir, ¡en su geometría más que en su contenido!. La hélice del código genético es el resultado de una serie de proporciones geométricas fijas. La disposición de la existencia corporal se determina por sus formas, no por sus sustancias. ¿Sorprendente?. Pues también en otros muchos campos se llega a la misma conclusión de que las cosas son como son no sólo por sus contenidos, sino por su geometría interna. Por ejemplo, sucede con las plantas y el proceso de fotosíntesis. Éste obedece a que el carbono, el hidrógeno, el nitrógeno y el magnesio de las moléculas de la clorofila se disponen de acuerdo con un diseño geométrico dozavado, similar a una flor de doce pétalos que brotaran de un núcleo central. Si tomamos los mismos componentes y los disponemos de una manera distinta, ya no serían capaces de transformar en sustancia viva las radiaciones del Sol. Abundan casos similares. Tantos como para que no pueda hablarse de coincidencias o casualidades, sino de leyes y principios internos de una realidad subyacente y unitaria que no es material, sino vibratoria y ondular y cuyas manifestaciones sustantivas no son partículas cuánticas, sino geometría. A este respecto, conviene recordar que los astrónomos de la antigüedad vieron en la geometría la capacidad para explicar el sentido de la Creación y la usaron para designar, mediante notación angular, el movimiento y la posición de los cuerpos celestes. En esto se adelantaron enormemente a una ciencia moderna en continua expansión: la heliobiología. Es una rama novísima que, estudiando la posición angular de la Luna y los planetas, deduce las radiaciones electromagnéticas y cósmicas que influyen en la Tierra y en la manera en la que las fluctuaciones de estas energías determinan los procesos biológicos. De este modo, la ciencia justifica arcaicas creencias en la influencia de los arquetipos y acerca de cómo la geometría y los números describen energías fundamentales y causales. Analizamos el mundo material que nos rodea a través de los cinco sentidos, pero están supeditados a las frecuencias vibratorias. En última instancia, el contenido de nuestra experiencia procede de una arquitectura inmaterial y abstracta que está compuesta por ondas armónicas de energía, nodos de relaciones y formas melódicas que brotan de la proporción geométrica. Vibración y ondas manifestadas en una ordenación de geometría y sonido, formas y números, música y matemáticas.
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رسائل 23 من 109 في الفقرة |

Article by Ralph Miller
Since I wrote the first article about the DaVinci Code, I have received emails from readers who have suggested that there is more information contained within Leonardo DaVinci's drawing "Proportions of the Human Figure". I have continued researching the subject myself as well. In order to give some more of the information, I decided to write this second installment. I would also like to thank those who have sent me these ideas.
There seems to be a connection between all things. In other words, the nature of reality itself, or at least what we would consider consensual reality or 3D, seems to be holographic in nature. Each part of nature contains clues that unlock the puzzle of all the rest of reality, or to the whole of creation. DaVinci's drawing contains incredible information that shows the connection between humans and all of reality. There is a geometry hidden within the human body that reflects the geometry in everything else.
During an Ayahuasca journey, many people experience a perception of everything as part of an extraordinary mathematical equation. They see themselves in mathematical form. From nature around them to even their thoughts and emotions, everything is somehow represented as part of a beautiful mathematical geometry. Ayahuasca unlocks or awakens the visionary brain. The visionary brain completes the human ability to perceive. It unlocks the capacity of a greater seat of understanding that is located in the heart.
This expanded perception of reality cannot be simply intellectualized. We are used to conceptualizing ideas with our 'thinking' minds, and this is far too elaborate and complicated to grasp at that level. There is however, an expanded state of consciousness that elicits a 'knowing'. Knowing is quite different from 'understanding.' This knowing relies on a perception and trust that comes from the heart. It is very strange, because as soon as you trust … is as quick as you know.
Somehow 'knowing' is the feminine counterpart of masculine 'understanding'. We have had generations of conditioning around understanding, to the point where much of the art of knowing has gone dormant. This is all changing now. We are moving through a transition as humans. We are moving back to remembering our feminine selves.
The first DaVinci Code article showed step-by-step how a perfect six-pointed star could be constructed within the human figure. Some suggest that the six-pointed star also represents two three-dimensional tetrahedrons. A tetrahedron is a four-sided solid, where each side is an equilateral triangle. The two interlocking tetrahedrons together form a solid called a star tetrahedron.
Click on the image below to launch a slideshow explaining the concepts here. Once in the slideshow, you can hover over the right side of the image and click to navigate to the next image.
The star tetrahedron also represents what some believe to be the human energy field, also called the Merkaba. I don't think any of us can be certain that the human energy field looks like this, but there are some very synchronistic relationships that are revealed.
If you place a star tetrahedron inside of a sphere, with one of the apexes of the tetrahedron at the 'North' pole and one at the 'South' pole of the sphere, then the other six apexes of the star will touch or intersect the sphere at 19.47° above and below the "equator" of the sphere.
Consider the fact that the earth is a thin solid crust that is rotating at great speed around what is basically a liquid magma center. The result is an upwelling of great force that occurs at 19.47° North and South, that seemingly comes from nowhere. In any case the result is that a large amount of volcanic activity occurs at those latitudes. It is theorized that these forces are hyper-dimensional in nature and cascade into three-dimensional reality resulting in volcanoes.
Mauna Loa
19°, 28' N of equator |
Mauna Kea
19°, 36' N of equator |
Mexico City |
Mexico |
19°, 23' N of equator |
Dzibalchen |
19°, 28' N of equator |
Georgetown |
Grand Cayman |
19°, 18' N of equator |
Mount Emi Koussi |
Chad |
19°, 47' N of equator |
Mount Kalsubai |
India |
19°, 33' N of equator |
Xiangkhoang |
Laos |
19°, 17' N of equator |
Potosi |
Bolivia |
19°, 13' S of equator |
Yasur, Tanna Island |
Vanuatu |
19°, 31' S of equator |
Mount Samuel |
Australia |
19°, 13' S of equator |
Gweru |
Zimbabwe |
19°, 31' S of equator |
Many of the sacred sites of ancient civilizations are also located at or very near to 19.47° North or South of the earth's equator including the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan, Mexico (19°, 36' N of equator).
Further, volcanic activity is pronounced at 19.47° on other bodies in our solar system, including:
The Sun |
Sunspot activity and the region of peak temperatures is limited to 19.5° North and South. |
Venus |
The presumably active major volcano complexes Alpha and Beta Regio are near 19.5°. |
Mars |
The vast Olympus Mons shield cone volcano is at 19.5°. |
Jupiter |
The red spot is at 19.5°. |
Neptune |
In 1986 Voyager II discovered a similar spot at 19.5°. |
Another synchronicity that occurs in DaVinci's drawing is that you can take the two-dimensional six-pointed 'Star of David' and if you interpret it as a view of a three-dimensional object it is a perfect dipyramid. The pyramids that were constructed by the Egyptians were not 3-sided tetrahedrons but were 4-sided pyramids, because they had a square base, plus four triangular sides. A dipyramid is simply two pyramids stuck together at their base.
If you rotate the dipyramid represented by the Star of David in DaVinci's drawing, by an amount equal to 36.26° (90° minus 19.47° divided by 2) the dipyramid will move into a perfect right-angle, two-dimensional view. The pyramids of Egypt were not quite perfect pyramids, as they were constructed slightly squatty. But even so, there is definitely a connection. Remember they are located at 19.5° North latitude!
Click on the image below to launch a slideshow explaining the concepts here. Once in the slideshow, you can hover over the right side of the image and click to navigate to the next image.
The ayahuasca journeys unfold reality into an extraordinary fractal mathematical representation. There is such a vast amount of information that is encoded into us already; it is simply a matter of unlocking the brain in order to perceive it. Somehow there is a connection between the dimensions of the human body to the earth; to the location of volcanoes; to the location of sacred sites; and to even to the pyramids themselves.
Incredible! To review, you have a perfect six-pointed Star of David in DaVinci's drawing, which can be extended into a three-dimensional star tetrahedron, unfolding a story about unknown hyper-dimensional physical forces occurring at 19.47° North and South. The two-dimensional Star of David can also be represented as a three-dimensional dipyramid, that when rotated by 35.26° which happens to be a mathematical factor of 19.47°, will return back to a two-dimensional representation of a dipyramid. Half of the dipyramid is a perfect equilateral pyramid.
The divine nature of man is hidden inside of reality itself, and the true nature of reality is hidden within humans. In our modern world we have developed myopia to such a degree, that we have collectively distorted our perception of where we really are and who we really are. But, many are making the journey back. A journey of remembering.
© Ralph Miller 2004
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رسائل 24 من 109 في الفقرة |
It is most important to understand what a Tetrahedron first. Put quite simply a Tetrahedron is a Triangular Pyramid where each of the four sides is an equilateral triangle. Take a quick look at the figures shown in Wikpedia here - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetrahedron
When a Tetrahedron is placed inside a Sphere, the three base points opposite the vertex will always touch the sphere at a latitude of 19.47°
It is considered to be the primary geometric structure of matter. It was also an important alchemical and Hermetic symbol because of its function as the prime bonding pattern of matter. It was also well known to Qabbalists and Rosicrucians. It could even be the main reason for the Holy Trinity. It has certainly appeared in a number of crop circles, the most impressive of these being the Barbury Castle 1991 circles.
We have seen how ancient spiritual sites in England have attracted most crop circles and it looks like there was some additional purpose in this which is not at all obvious unless somebody like Freddy Silva spends years looking for such signs.
He has found that lines drawn between crop circles and ancient stone circles from Oldbury to Windmill Hill and Avebury, produce a number of triangles, which contain either angles of 19.47 or 32.72 degrees. The latter is found by dividing 360 degrees by 11.
Silva points out that there are magnetic anomalies on the Earth, Venus, and Mars at 19.47 degrees (Hawaiian volcanoes, Mars Olympus Mons). Also Solar flares are most active and dramatic at 19.47 degrees on the Sun's surface, and both the Dark Spot on Neptune, and the Red Spot on Jupiter are at 19.47 degrees.
The 'Face on Mars' is also apparently on this very same latitude.
I am puzzled though. If there is something special about this latitude, why is it mainly confined to one hemisphere, and one spot? I mean, you only have to spin the tetrahedron for it to circumscribe a circle at this latitude.
A Double Tetrahedron, that is, one placed over the other and placed inside a sphere so that each has an apex at one of the poles and the base of each tetrahedron is at 19.47 degrees, then this will form a hexagonal shape.
Now just look at this image of one of Saturn's Poles:-
As we study more crop circles, just bear this in mind, as it gives us a better understanding of what someone is trying to show us.
div.itemactions a, div.ritemactions div.addthis_toolbox a { text-decoration: none !important; border: 0 !important; -moz-box-shadow: none !important; -webkit-box-shadow: none !important; box-shadow: none !important;; padding: 0px !important; background: none !important; }
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رسائل 25 من 109 في الفقرة |
Hyper-dimensional physics in English crop pictures: extra-terrestrial support for quantum gravity and the theories of Richard Hoagland?
Most of the fifty or so paranormal crop pictures from last summer in 2008 dealt with solar or lunar eclipses (see www.cropcircleconnector.com/2008/), a highly accurate value for pi as 3.141592654 (see barbury2008a), or an end to the Mayan Long Count calendar on December 23, 2012 (see aveburymanor2008a). Two important crop pictures from last summer, however, remain incompletely explained.
Two incompletely explained crop pictures from the summer of 2008
The first of those appeared at Secklendorf, Germany on June 23, 2008 (see Secklendorf2008atml). Around the outside it showed various planetary configurations for Earth, Venus or Mars, leading up an end of the Mayan Long Count calendar on December 21-23, 2012. Then on the inside it showed a strange three-dimensional prism shape to represent "planet Venus":

The second of those appeared at Oliver's Castle, England on August 16, 2008 (see oliverscastle2008a). Around the outside it showed various full cycles or half cycles of Venus, leading up to an end of the Mayan Sun-Venus calendar on March 28, 2013. Then on the inside it showed the same strange, three-dimensional prism shape, again to represent "planet Venus".
Such a three-dimensional prism might in principle be meant to represent "bright Venus", shining brilliantly in the morning sky in early August of 2008, when it rose from behind the Sun. Yet further study suggests a more precise interpretation, in terms of the symbols for hyper-dimensional physics used by Richard Hoagland and colleagues:

Symbols for hyper-dimensional physics
According to Hoagland's novel theory of physics, every planet in our solar system (and the Sun) may contain a hyper-dimensional flow of energy within itself, that takes the shape of a double tetrahedron when viewed from around the equator, or the shape of a hexagon when viewed from above the north pole. How closely do Hoagland's models match the two prism shapes shown at Secklendorf or Oliver's Castle in the summer of 2008? Almost perfectly, as evidenced by the detailed comparisons provided below:

The double tetrahedron is sometimes called a star tetrahedron or stella octangula (see Star Tetrahedron). Furthermore, the details of its geometry when inscribed within a sphere seem particularly interesting:
"If a tetrahedron is placed inside of a sphere, with one vertex located on the north or south pole, then the resulting latitude of its other three vertices will equal arcsin (1 / 3) or 19.47 degrees. Such tetrahedral geometry, when studied on a solar or planetary scale, seems to reveal an internal flow of energy at the centers of large astronomical objects, out of higher dimensions into our three-dimensional space" (see geometry or esp_marte_4 or planets).
An outward flow of energy at latitude 19.5 degrees
Now as an important corollary to Hoagland's model, every planet in our solar system (or the Sun) should show three foci of outward energy flow at latitudes of 19.5 degrees above or below the equator, or else at the north and south poles, where those two imaginary tetrahedra intercept a spherical surface.
That notable corollary seems to have been shown twice in crops last summer: first in partial form at Reinshof in Germany on June 23, 2008 (see Reinsdorf2008a, and then in complete form at All Cannings in England on June 30, 2008 (see allcannings2008a):

Reinshof of June 23 seems to be telling us that "energy is flowing outward from inside of planets or the Sun". Then All Cannings of June 30 seems to be telling us that such an outward flow of energy may lie at three particular foci on any planetary surface, separated in longitude by 120 degrees. The overall diameter of three expanded circles as shown at All Cannings was found on further analysis to match latitudes of plus or minus 20 degrees, thereby providing a reasonable match to arcsin (1 / 3) = 19.47 degrees from Hoagland's model.
No other plausible interpretations of those four new crop pictures: Secklendorf of June 23, Reinshof of June 23, All Cannings of June 30, or Oliver's Castle of August 16, come to mind at present. Are we perhaps being shown specialized topics in planetary physics, from an extra-terrestrial science textbook?
What do other Earth scientists think?
Apart from any considerations of crop pictures, what do other scientists on Earth today think of Hoagland's theories? The vast majority seem to be either not knowledgeable, or else overwhelmingly sceptical! Indeed, before studying those four new crop pictures, I had never heard of Hoagland's proposals either.
"Richard Hoagland and Thomas Bearden have proposed a new form of physics that they call hyper-dimensional. They believe that their new model represents the original form of Maxwell's equations for electromagnetism. They also argue that large amounts of energy, originating from unseen dimensions, may be emitted at latitudes 19.5° south or north of the equator, on the Sun or various planets in our solar system" (see Richard C Hoagland or Interplanetary Day After or halexandria).
"Hyper-dimensional physics is a hypothesis that energy may be stored in higher space time dimensions than the three which we seemingly inhabit. Richard Hoagland believes that such energy may be focussed on points located at the intersection between a sphere and a tetrahedron: namely at three points on any planet of latitude 19.5°, plus one point of latitude 90° (north pole). His hypothesis has not been published in any peer-reviewed journals, and remains unknown today to most mainstream physicists" ( see Hyperdimensional Physics).
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A central vortex at Oliver's Castle in 2008
Yet does anybody really care what modern academics think? Or whether some new theory may or may not be deemed acceptable for their stuffy, dust-bound, library journals? The last word surely belongs to those mysterious crop artists, who seem to be trying to teach us advanced extra-terrestrial physics in English fields, although few people on Earth are currently listening. Here for example is part of a field report on Oliver's Castle by Janet Ossebaard, one of the more experienced investigators:
"The centre of Oliver's Castle showed a stunning swirl where its three central tracks joined together. What struck me was the way the crop had been swirled around the centre. This was not necessary, since that crop could more simply have been pushed straight ahead, then twisted into a central bundle. Yet the outer right side of those tracks flowed left as they reached the central point, thereby creating a river-like flow of three streams, meeting and swirling into each other as for a clockwise vortex." (see
What could such a stunning, unexpected detail of the fallen crop be meant to represent, other than one of Hoagland's energy vortexes? Or an outward flow of energy into our three-dimensional space from higher dimensions? So much for crop pictures and pure theorizing. Let us examine next how Hoagland's model might account for certain unexplained aspects of our solar system, on its largest bodies Jupiter, Saturn or the Sun.
A Great Red Spot on Jupiter plus two new ones
Planet Jupiter has shown a Great Red Spot in its southern hemisphere for hundreds of years, that remains almost entirely unexplained. Within the past few years, its single red spot has even been joined by two new ones:

The mean latitude of 22 degrees South for that Red Spot seems to provide a reasonable fit to Hoagland's theoretical latitude of 19.5 degrees for outward energy flow, especially if the oblateness of Jupiter (due to fast rotation) might change that latitude of intersection slightly. Its north or south equatorial belts lie likewise at latitudes of +18 or -18 degrees (see /Great_red_spot#Great_Red_Spot or 24778267).
A mysterious hexagon and aurora at the north pole of Saturn
Planet Saturn seems anomalous enough already with its rings. Yet in recent years it has been shown to possess two more amazing and almost incomprehensible features: (i) a stable "hexagon" of atmospheric features at its north pole, and (ii) a newly glowing "aurora" of outward energy flow surrounding that hexagon (see cassini or Mysterious-glowing-aurora-Saturn-confounds-scientistsl). The strange hexagonal shape at Saturn's north pole seems to match Hoagland's double tetrahedral model as seen from above:
Furthermore, the new aurora seen at Saturn's north pole matches one of the energy vertices from his predicted tetrahedron:
For a video interview with Richard Hoagland concerning these features, see "Saturn's Hexagon Explained" on saturn-hexagon-explained.
Some people have offered a more conventional explanation for such strange observations: not in terms of hyper-dimensional physics, but in terms of standard fluid dynamics. Thus water or ethylene glycol, when placed into a fast spinning bucket, may sometimes produce triangular, square, pentagonal or hexagonal shapes, depending the height of the fluid and its speed of rotation: see Physical Review Letters 96, 174502, 2006, "Polygons on a fluid rotating surface" by T.R. Jansson et al.
The major problem with any conventional explanation, when applied to the north pole of Saturn, would be the instable and transient nature of such fluid dynamic structures, in contrast to the apparent long-term stability of the Saturn hexagon as observed.
A tetrahedron of energy flow within our Sun?
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رسائل 27 من 109 في الفقرة |
So much for Jupiter and Saturn. How about our Sun? Seventeen years ago at Barbary Castle on July 17, 1991, one of the most remarkable early crop pictures appeared. It showed a "double ring" symbol for our Sun, superimposed onto a single triangle (or tetrahedron) with three small circles attached (see barbry91):

Barbary Castle appeared just six days after a total solar eclipse on July 11, 1991, consistent with its solar symbolism (see astropix.com). Furthermore, a similar double ring symbol for "Sun" appeared at Avebury Manor on July 22, 2008, to tell us about solar events in late 2012 (see aveburymanor2008b).
Could there be an outward flow of energy within our Sun, corresponding to the single tetrahedron shown at Barbary Castle in 1991, or to Hoagland's double tetrahedron? In fact, every new 11-year solar cycle begins with a burst of new sunspots or magnetic field variations at solar latitudes close to +20 or -20 degrees:
Those initial energy flows seem to match predicted latitudes of +19.5 or -19.5 degrees from the double tetrahedral model. In the later years of any cycle, they move closer to the equator (see Educational or science.nasa.gov).
Returning now briefly to the crop picture (see above), what might those other three small circles from Barbary Castle 1991 be meant to signify? Its "hexagonal swirl" could be just a double tetrahedron as seen from above. The symbolic meaning of its "ratchet spiral" seems less clear, but could mean perhaps that some internal energy is quantized as one approaches the vortex centre. For other examples of tetrahedral geometry in crops, see universe2. For another example of that ratchet spiral at Barbary Castle in 2008, see barbury.
Hyper-dimensional physics and quantum gravity
It seems easy to understand why most modern academics have taken no notice of Richard Hoagland's model (except to discredit it). His model was based originally on very questionable kinds of evidence, concerning putative archaeological features from a long-forgotten human civilization, once supposedly based on Mars (see youtube.com or au.youtube.com or au.youtube.com).
Regardless of where Hoagland derived his ideas, could they still have some merit perhaps, in relation to modern theories of quantum gravity? In some of those theories, the basic building block of space-time is assumed to be a four-dimensional tetrahedron or "pentachoron". Such a geometric shape will project into our normal three-dimensional space as a series of five single tetrahedra, or perhaps even as Hoagland's double tetrahedron (see Polytopes or http://teamikaria.com/wiki/Pentachoron).
We saw the three-dimensional projection of a tesseract or four-dimensional cube in crops at North Down on August 19, 2007 (see northdown2007). Could those crop artists be showing us in 2008 the three-dimensional projection of a four-dimensional tetrahedron? Tetrahedral symmetry appears for quantum electricity in many kinds of atom, for example the carbon orbitals in methane CH4. Tetrahedral deformations are well known in some atomic nuclei (see tetrahedron).
With regard to quantum gravity, one leading theory states: "Quantum gravity divides space-time into tiny triangular sections known as simplexes. The 3-simplex is usually called a tetrahedron. The 4-simplex as a basic building block is usually called a pentachoron. Each individual simplex remains geometrically flat, yet many simplexes may be joined together in a variety of ways, so as to create a variety of curved space times (see /Causal-dynamical-triangulation or Causal_dynamical_triangulation).
In summary, if the underlying structure of space-time on a large planetary scale (as well as a small quantum scale) is really that of a pentachoron or 4-simplex, then the projection of that pentachoron into our three-dimensional space might well resemble Hoagland's double tetrahedron, and thereby explain the anomalous planetary or solar data as observed.
What do we see at latitude 19.5 degrees on Earth?
Many people have speculated about various geological features found close to latitudes of +19.5 or -19.5 on Earth (see planets). But more interesting perhaps are certain archeological features that lie close to latitude 19.5 degrees North on Earth, namely the great pyramid complexes of Teotihuacan and Edzna in ancient Mexico (see www.world-mysteries.com or www.dartmouth.edu):
Why should those archaeological features be of relevance here? Simply because Mayan calendars, Mayan binary codes, or symbols for the legendary Quetzalcoatl constitute an important part of modern crop pictures (see http://cropcirclemeanings.blogspot.com). Could the same race of people who once built Teotihuacan at a chosen latitude of 19.5 degrees, now be sending us messages in crops, about a latitude of 19.5 degrees from hyper-dimensional physics?
A change of energy flow as we approach the year 2012?
What will happen to Earth and our solar system in the year 2012, when the Mayan Long Count calendar ends on December 21 or 23? Nobody today really knows. Could it be related somehow to the four crop pictures that they just showed in 2008 at Secklendorf, Reinshof, All Cannings or Oliver's Castle, concerning hyper-dimensional physics?
As of 2008, we seem to be seeing slightly altered flows of energy all through our solar system: (a) fewer sunspots or less solar wind than normal (see solarwind or www.earthfiles.com), (b) two new red spots on Jupiter (see apod.nasa.gov), (c) a glowing hexagonal aurora on Saturn (see cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.com), or (d) increased levels of green nightglow on Venus (see query.nytimes.com). We may wish to keep a close eye on such phenomena are we approach the year 2012:
"Strange things will happen to the Sun, Moon and stars".(Luke 21, 25).
Indeed, might our current understanding of solar or planetary physics be as incomplete as that of early 20th-century scientists, who did not yet understand how stars can burn for billions of years using radioactive fusion? And might those mysterious crop artists---benevolent extra-terrestrials of some kind---be intent on helping us to understand? For sure, they are not far away! See a recent series of UFO reports on www.earthfiles.com or www.earthfiles.com.
Harold Stryderight
PS We will need increased membership for Crop Circle Connector in the years 2009-2012, in order to meet greatly increased public demand for free and open access to those pictures, as they appear fifty times each summer in England or (mainly) Europe. If you would like to support this important effort, please see www.cropcircleconnector.com/anasazi/ml.html.
PSS Many thanks to Andreas Muller for the line drawings as used here.
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رسائل 28 من 109 في الفقرة |
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رسائل 29 من 109 في الفقرة |
Crop circles and other puzzlesPost by antonius on Nov 26, 2007, 10:00am u guys remember this glyph? ![[image] [image]](http://www.zetetique.ldh.org/images/crop/cropETb.jpg) apparently there are some things mathmaticly encoded in this thing. it has 59 horizontal scanlines, and along the diameter of the disk there are 33 lines of code. now: 33-59=26 = all the letters on the alphabet, the total number of words in the disk messege. 26 words make up 151 ascii chars. 33*59=1947 = date of rosswell crash 33%59=19.47 = a number apparently the hallmark of tetrahydral geometry. 33.33 = rosswell lat. 33.33x3.14= 104 rosswell long. 33*151=4983 = the distance in miles between the rosswell site and the crop circle location. 151*8=1208 total bits of information on the disk = distance in miles between 33.33 lat. and crop circle lat. the thing that stands out to me is the number 1947, because of richard hoaglands stuff on mars. according to him the structures at cydonia must be artifical because of the way they relate to eachother geometricly. ![[image] [image]](http://www.enterprisemission.com/images/hyper/cyd-geom.jpg) accroding to hoagland the whole geometry has a 19.47 redundantly present and this indicates that the messege is saying something about tetrahydral geometry. if one puts a double tetrahydron in sphere, the points will touch on 19.47 degrees and on every planet in the solar system there are some heavy things going on. on earth we have the hawaian mega volcano, and on the other side it hits a very active part of india. on mars there is olympus mons, the biggest shield volcano in the solar system, and i believe the cydonia regoin itself is on 19.47. on jupiter there is the giant storm, and on neptune there is the big dark spot. according to hoagland these spots are actualy places where energy flows from another dimention, into this one as the result of what happens to a rotating sphere in other dimentions. http://www.enterprisemission.com/hyper1.htmlbut back to mars for a moment. heres an image of cydonia overlayed on a map of avebury: ![[image] [image]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/darklis_ruthven/mars_cydonia_mappie.jpg) ![[image] [image]](http://secretebase.free.fr/planetes/mars/cydonia/avebury2.jpg) ![[image] [image]](http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/cydonia/index.htm) and with that im back at the guy from the cropcircle thing, who claims that cydonia has another place related to it. apparently there is a place on earth called cydonia in the middle east. i forgot most of that stuff, but he claims that the alien grey's are realy the watchers/angels from the bible and that the face on mars is a cherubim and that cydonia on earth was ruled by a 'king of tyr', wich for some reason made me think of solomon. thats where i get lost due to not knowing enuff about religious myth etc. anyways this is coming from these videos: david flynn talking about the cropcircle and how the aliens buisness relates to religious concepts: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1809393878728948984richard hoagland briefing the UN on how the geometry of cydonia relates to hyperdimentional physics and contending that mars has at one time been populated, possibly by an older human civilisation: part1: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=448275978150137064part2: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2421726518674646334
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رسائل 30 من 109 في الفقرة |
In the "select a sum" menu, the first three words of the Bible (913 + 203 + 86) have a gematria sum of 1202, the 10th points on the surface of a stella octangula, (12 × 10² +2) = 1202. The sum of the factors of 2701 (37 × 73) is 110, the 3rd points on the surface of a stella octangula (12 × 3² +2) = 110. Also note that 913 – 203 + 86 – 401 + 395 – 407 + 296 = 679, the 7th stella octangula n(2n² –1). The stella octangula is a three-dimensional version of a two-dimensional hexagram. If rotated just right in a shadow, it becomes a perfect Star of David. Two tetrahedrons fused into each other and offset 180 degrees, it is the only polyhedron that is perfectly inscribed in a cube. Here is an example of a stella octangula inscribed in a cube:
Figurate numbers extend beyond the first verse. For instance, the total gematria value of the first eight words is 3003, the number 3003 being the 77th triangle number, (77² +77)/2 = 3003. From the second verse (Gen. 1:2) are the words, "And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." The total gematria value of this sentence is 1369 (37 × 37), a squared star number. One can also think of 1369 as the compound figurate shape of a hexagram of hexagrams. Genesis 1:4, the 4th verse of the Bible, has a gematria total of 1776 (37 × 48).
Just as He gave exact measurements for the Tabernacle, God also gave precise specifications for garments that the Levite priests wore. While ministering to God in holy office, the chief priest wore an ephod in finely embroidered blue, purple and red. Over his heart, he wore the Breastplate of Judgment as a memorial before God. The names of the twelve tribes of Israel were engraved in carbuncle, topaz, sardius, diamond, sapphire, emerald, amethyst, agate, ligure, jasper, onyx and beryl (Ex. 28:17-20). Set in gold filigree, the gems were in four rows and three columns. Below are the order and gematria value for each name.
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رسائل 31 من 109 في الفقرة |
Volcanic Smoke, Mayan Contact
by Goro (for supertorchritual.com & goroadachi.com) May 13, 2010
In the 'Year We Make Contact'...

Apr 15 Volcanic ash shuts air space across Europe Apr 16 Volcano Ash Paralyzes Northern Europe's Airways Apr 17 Volcanic ash: Europe flights grounded for third day Apr 17 Volcanic Ash Forces Obama to Cancel Poland Trip Apr 18 Europe's airlines and airports question flight bans Apr 18 Poland buries president as ash cloud threatens Apr 19 Europe moves toward opening some air space Apr 20 U.K. Airports See Trans-Atlantic Flights Return Apr 21 Europe's skies returning to normal
Volcano means... Contact.

As do Olympics:
[Contact via video of Hitler giving speech at Berlin Olympics in film Contact]
and volcano.

Hence, the Alignment.

 [Video of 'Vulcan' in Turin]
The god of volcanoes and blacksmiths as well as alchemy, Vulcan is often identified with Tubal-Cain of the Genesis bloodline of Cain theoretically carrying the 'angelic' essence or genes of the Anunnaki/Nephilim/Watchers/Fallen Ones or Lucifer which morphs into the 'Grail bloodline' popularly associated with Jesus and Mary Magdalene. The stuff of The Da Vinci Code...

Leonardo da Vinci's birthday April 15 coincided with the start of the Iceland volcano chaos. He's also liked to Turin...
 Was Turin Shroud faked by Leonardo da Vinci?
The Shroud of Turin went on display for the first time in a decade five days before April 15/volcano.
 Apr 10 Turin Shroud goes on display
Pope Benedict XVI was there on May 2nd...
 May 2 Pope Benedict views Turin shroud
...paying respects to 'Lucifer' - a name originally referring to Venus the Morning Star traditionally symbolized by the pentagram often associated with the Baphomet (inverted pentagram) or a mysterious Templar 'head' sometimes identified with the Turin Shroud.
 [image source]

These are interlocking events arising from the underlying idea that...
2010 is the 'Year of Lucifer'.

'Second sun' born at end of 2010: The Year We Make Contact - dubbed 'Lucifer' by Arthur C. Clarke.
Lucifer is the pentagram which explains the torrent of pentagrams and (geometrically related) 'V's found encoded in key world events notably earthquakes (see 'Contact via Earthquakes') since last year.

All roads lead (back) to Rome/Pope. It was the deadly quake near Rome last spring (Apr 6, 2009) that set in place the pentagonal template for the 'Lucifer Birthquakes' ('Big Ones'), i.e. Haiti on January 12 (6th deadliest quake in recorded history), Chile on February 27 (7th strongest quake ever measured), etc. all of which we saw coming (see here, here & here) as part of a 2005-2010 echo pattern inherently anticipating 'repeats' of Sumatra, Pope Shift, Deep Impact, 7/7, Katrina, etc. Sure enough the Big Ones came through the pentagonal stargate, immediately followed by a major 'Pope Shit' echo starting in March 2010...
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رسائل 32 من 109 في الفقرة |
Ok. La "Puerta del Hombre" sería la constelación de Orión (que tiene la forma esquemática de una figura humana) y la fecha es el 20 de junio (solsticio).
  Y la "Puerta de Dios" sería el centro de la Galaxia (el Dios Hunab-ku de los Maya) que desde la Tierra se ve entre Sagitario, Ofiuco y Escorpio (cuya estrella más brillante es Antares) y el Sol pasa por encima cada 19 de junio.
Y en esta vista más amplia vemos las dos "puertas" a la vez.
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رسائل 33 من 109 في الفقرة |
Stargate Cipher 2012
Athens Olympics, Contact, Life On Mars, Holy Grail, Ultra Technology & Mayan Calendar
By Goro Adachi Oct 23, 2004
© Goro Adachi
...continued from Page 2:
Eye In the Sky
The notion of 'stargate' technology coming from the Nazis, as implied in Contact and the 'super torch ritual', is probably closer to reality than the 'alien' scenario. This would at least partially explain the cartoonish appearance of the alien crop glyph. The 'ET' is in effect a puppet covering for someone else... someone foreign and mysterious but more earthly. The 'aliens' from the Third Reich.

As explained in Endgame II (Oct 16, '02), the sudden appearance of the glyph coincided with the US release of 'The Hunt for Zero Point' by Nick Cook, aviation editor of Jane's Defence Weekly in Britain. I wrote:
...the alien crop formation was reportedly created on/around August 14, 2002 in England (the land of Nick Cook, the author of the book). Due to geography, U.S. time is as much as 8 hours behind Britain. So, the August 14 of Britain was necessarily overlapping the August 13 of the U.S.
In other words, for all intents and purposes, the 'alien warning' and The Hunt for Zero Point appeared simultaneously!
The book is all about the rumored existence of 'stargate'/antigravity technology which Cook traces back to Nazi Germany. Here is from the book's inside flap:
The atomic bomb was not the only project to occupy government scientists during the 1940s. Antigravity technology, originally spearheaded by scientists in Nazi Germany, was another high priority, on that still may be in effect today. Now, for the first time, an acclaimed journalist with unprecedented access to key sources in the intelligence and military communities reveals suppressed evidence that tells the story of a quest for a discovery that could prove as powerful as the atomic bomb. [...]
The ideal shape for a gravity-defying vehicle happens to be a perfect disk, making antigravity tests a possible explanation for numerous UFO sightings during the past fifty years.
Chronicling the origins of antigravity research in the world's most advanced research facility, which was operated by the Third Reich during World War II, The Hunt for Zero Point traces American involvement in the project, beginning with the recruitment of former Nazi scientists after the war, and reveals the United States' suppression of Germany's attempts to harness hitherto unacknowledged forms of propulsion, which would have devastated the world's petroleum industry overnight.
Has it been proven that the Nazis mastered antigravity? Not quite. But Cook does plausibly argue that there was a machine kept extremely secret by the Nazis which may well have been the Holy Grail technology - not just an antigravity machine, but possibly a time machine... a bona fide 'stargate'. The project went by two codenames: Chronos and Laternentrager ('lantern holder'). The machine itself was called Die Glocke or 'the Bell'. I postulated this might be relevant to the Crabwood formation's 'bell' reference...
Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. EELRIJUE. There is GOOD out there. We OPpose DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING (BELL)
In the original ASCII computer code (in which this message was encoded), 'Bell' is actually '007', which brings to mind the 007 (James Bond) movies. The 1995 installment, 'GoldenEye', is particularly interesting in that it features the Arecibo telescope. We learn:
The telescope was used in the filming of two notable movies: as the villain's antenna in the James Bond movie GoldenEye and as the real antenna in the movie Contact.
Perhaps the alien's creepy, distinct eye - unusual for a 'grey'-type alien - was a hint. Together with an allusion to phi - or the Golden Ratio - the GoldenEye connection actually becomes quite plausible. The phi link here is this: the glyph's appearance on/around August 14 marked the phi point - i.e. 1.618:1 ratio - of the year 2002 as did the opening day of the Athens Games (2004 is a leap year).
 Eye + Golden Ratio + '007' = 'GoldenEye'
There is even a potential connection with Tesla because 'GoldenEye' in the movie refers to a secret satellite-based electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapon system capable of destroying any electronic device. This sounds like Tesla's 'Death Ray' weapon but in a more 'Star Wars'-type context. Incidentally the American Star Wars/SDI program was initiated by Ronald Reagan whose last name evokes 'ray gun'. His death in June was one of the year's biggest US events and his funeral (June 11) was a big part of the 'super torch ritual' commemorating the passing of the 'kingship' to Schwarzenegger. We covered all that...
Another possibility here is the GoldenEye link being a hint as to how the crop glyph was created. Assuming that 'stargate' technology does exist somewhere today, we can easily envision those few with access to it, probably in the dark world of the military-industrial complex, having some 'fun' creating elegant crop circles with a special satellite. It's not that fetched an idea at this point.
Under the flashy 'alien contact' storyline is therefore hidden the 'real' message all about super-advanced secret technology, or 'Ultra-Tech'. This is supported by the strange fact that the glyph was a close replica of a graphic found on the 'Watcher' website (first mentioned in Endgame II) on which is discussed familiar issues such as Mars/Cydonia, fallen angels (Lucifer), and the Antichrist (though with more Christian overtones overall). The graphic says 'Ultra-Tech'...

The main brain behind the Watcher website is David Flynn who recently published his own book Cydonia: The Secret Chronicles of Mars, now endorsed by Hoagland. I have communicated with him and having read each other's book we agreed that our findings (mine being The Time Rivers) are pieces of the same grand puzzle.
 David Flynn left, Hoagland right
He informed me that the 'Ultra-Tech' logo design (done by his brother) alludes to the rumored story of the US military-industrial complex secretly back-engineering alien technologies recovered from the legendary Roswell UFO crash. As noted earlier, 'flying saucers' are associated with antigravity and often theorized to have been advanced vehicles developed by the Nazis. I for one cannot discount the possibility that the whole UFO/alien mythology is in fact a contextually modulated story about the hidden Nazi legacy.
So the 'Ultra-Tech' graphic brings us right back to the 'stargate' theme, further corroborated by the existence of another version of the graphic showing a rotating tetrahedron instead of a computer circuit. Recall that tetrahedral geometry is the key to 'stargate'/hyperdimensional physics as deriving from Hoagland's Cydonia investigation - most prominently expressed by the latitude pinpointed by a circumscribed tetrahedron, 19.5 degrees, or to be more accurate, 19.47 degrees.

Curiously, the Roswell crash took place in '1947' - which is even the year of Schwarzenegger's birth. In fact these two events came in the same month... July.
http://www.goroadachi.com/etemenanki/sc2012-3.htm |
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رسائل 34 من 109 في الفقرة |
There is more to this hyperdimensional aspect of the glyph, as I found out when I contacted David Flynn recently via email to check if I got the story of the Ultra-Tech logo correct. I did, but after being told about my article he informed me that he had done his own investigation into the glyph and promptly sent me a collection of graphics, originally created for his presentation at Roswell July 4th this year. These were exciting discoveries very much in line with my own findings and decidedly hyperdimensional...

David noted there were 59 horizontal lines in the rectangular frame and 33 lines of spiraled ASCII codes along the bisected disc which together pointed to 1947 and 19.47 because: 59 x 33 = 1947, and 33% of 59 = 19.47!
He also found pi (= 3.14159...) deeply embedded in the puzzle. The glyph's bisected circle was a hint since pi is a mathematical constant representing the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. Going beyond this, David discovered that the Roswell crash site itself was a pi-encoded geographical position, as shown in these illustrations:

This even correlates with Contact because Sagan's novel includes an important development involving pi:
In a kind of postscript, Ellie, acting upon a suggestion by the senders of the message, programs a supercomputer to compute the digits of π [= pi] to record lengths, and to analyze the stream of numbers for a non-random pattern. Far from the decimal point, she finds that a special pattern does exist far earlier than statistically likely. It is an unmistakably intelligent artifact, "the artist's signature," woven into the fabric of space.
It's also an important point that the Roswell UFO crash came on/around July 4, Independence Day. We have the 1996 alien movie involving Roswell titled 'Independence Day'. The holiday's most prominent symbol is the Statue of Liberty which is also a memorable symbol used in the film. The same director who did 'ID4' is behind The Day After Tomorrow released earlier this year, reiterating the Lady Liberty/torch connection - see graphics below - and the weather/hurricane connection... (after all ,the film is all about the weather going crazy).
(There is also a 1949 book called 'Sixth Column' published also under the name 'The Day After Tomorrow'. The story involves electro-gravitic 'ultra technology'!)
Lady Liberty is of course the world's most famous torch-bearer - a big part of the 'super torch ritual' anchored by the 'light-bearer' star Venus. Tellingly, this year's 'Lady Liberty day' (i.e. Independence Day) was specifically designed to interact with the Athens Games, the climax of the torch ritual, in that:
On July 4 (the 'torch' day), Greece's national soccer team won the European Championship in a historic upset.
The Tour de France (another major sporting event) began on July 4. (The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France.) As per tradition the race ended in Paris, the city of Isis-Venus ('Par-Isis'). Paris as a character in Greek mythology is analogous to a torch.
On July 4 the cornerstone of 'Freedom Tower' was laid at Ground Zero, the site of the WTC towers. 1) The new tower is designed to reflect the basic shape of the Statue of Liberty. 2) A 'tower' is representative of Mary Magdalene (= Isis-Venus), an alter ego of Lady Liberty, as 'Magdalene' ('Magdala') denotes 'tower'. 3) The name 'Tour de France' can mean 'Tower of France', practically synonymous with 'Freedom Tower'. 4) The Pentagon, another structure attacked on 9/11, signifies Sirius-Venus-Lady Liberty (traditionally symbolized by a pentagram). 5) 2001 was 225 years after the birth of the United States (1776), '225' being the orbital period (in earth days) of Venus around the Sun and matching the opening day of the Athens Games (225 days after 1/1/04).

Common to both Athens and Paris is the notion of the prime meridian (chief longitudinal line). Paris has the historically and Gnostically important Zero Meridian/'Rose Line', and the Mars rover Opportunity carrying the 'Athena' payload landed in Meridiani Planum ('Meridian Plane') near the Martian Meridian in January 2004. This becomes important combined with the following...
Just a month after its rare union with the Sun, Venus crossed the Galactic Meridian (i.e. longitude 0°/180°) on Independence Day and at the hyperdimensional latitude of -19.5°!

The crossing occurred just as Venus was making a U-turn, changing its (apparent) direction from retrograde to direct. This was indeed yet another manifestation of the 'Tour/Tower de France' theme since 'tower', as well as 'tour', etymologically derives from a root word denoting 'spinning' or 'turning'! It also relates back to the twister theme.
 Apparent path of Venus as it crossed Galactic Meridian near Aldebaran (meridian not shown).
All together, Independence Day 2004 featured no less than four 'Tour de France' manifestations: 1) start of the Tour de France race, 2) Freedom Tower's cornerstone laid, 3) Statue of Liberty, a form of Venus and a gift from France, highlighted by the holiday celebrations, and 4) Venus making a 'hyperdimensional turn' at the Galactic Meridian. Another 'Tour de France' manifestation worth noting is the Eiffel Tower in Paris, where the Tour race traditionally ends (Champs Elysees). It is the 'tower' of France, if not of the entire world, standing in the Champ de Mars, or 'Field of Mars', hence underscoring the Martian Meridian association.
Another key point here is the fact that the Meridian crossing was closely marked by the position of Aldebaran, a bright star in Taurus known also as... the 'Torch-Bearer'! It's also called 'Bull's or God's Eye', conjuring up the (Golden) 'Eye' theme again.
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