7/7/7: Solar Resurrection Day
July 7, 2007 by Goro (goroadachi.com)
What's the deal with '7/7/7'? Well, it's all about Solar Resurrection... again.
So the Sun is thus doubly 'dead' on 7/7/07, signifying a moment of transition from life to death and back to life. It's Resurrection in the 'Valley of the Sun', like the nickname of the capital of Arizona, Phoenix.

The Sun also 'dies' on the winter solstice when the Sun is at its lowest point in the sky. In 2006 it was commemorated by the space shuttle Discovery STS-116 landing in Florida, the 'Sunshine State' (12/22/06).
From a galactic perspective, the Sun crossed the Galactic Equator on the winter solstice and the Galactic Meridian on December 8-9, exactly when Discovery STS-116 was launched.
- Dec 09 - Discovery STS-116 launch: The Sun crossing the Galactic Meridian - Dec 22 - Discovery STS-116 landing: The Sun crossing the Galactic Equator

 [image by Gary Palmer via spaceweather.com]
The Galactic solstice-Sun alignment is closely associated with the end date of the Mayan calendar, winter solstice 2012, when Sunspot Cycle 24 is projected to peak. The Galactic Meridian alignment coincided with the release of Mel Gibson's 'Apolcalypto', all about the end of the Mayan civilization.

The Sun was strangely active as well...

The Sun would cross the Galactic Meridian again on June 7-8 on the opposite side of the sky/ecliptic.

It coincided with the Venus Transit (= 'Grail/Messianic conception') in 2004 and the launch of Atlantis STS-117 this year.
Atlantis returned only a day after the summer solstice, when the Sun 'died' for the Southern Hemisphere.

It was another death/life Resurrection moment - acknowledged or foreshadowed by the shuttles' solstice axis expressing 'coming out of the egg' (back to life) via the STS-116 mission patch and such.

And it was Prince William, a 'Once and Future King' (Arthur) figure, 'reborn' on his summer-solstice birthday. Atlantis landed at Edwards AFB to highlight Paris, where his mother Princess Diana died in 1997. Edwards is aligned with the 'Tower Axis' (Eiffel Tower, Champ de Mars) extended from Paris.

On the 'Tower Axis' is also found the crash site of NASA's Genesis (9/8/04). It went to the Sun and came back with solar wind samples. The crash therefore signifies the Sun hitting the bottom, again expressing the phoenix death/resurrection theme.

The astronomical/astrological symbol of the Sun looks like this:

It also signifies the 'Monad' - known to the Greek philosophers as 'The First', 'The Seed', 'The Essence', 'The Builder', and 'The Foundation'. Or in other words... Genesis.
Within weeks of the Genesis crash, U2 released the first single 'Vertigo' off their new album 'How to Dismantle An Atomic Bomb'. 'Vertigo' is the name of the company which provided the helicopters that were supposed to catch Genesis midair (see picture above). One of those helicopters was also named 'Vertigo'. |
7/7/7: Solar Resurrection Day
July 7, 2007 by Goro (goroadachi.com)
What's the deal with '7/7/7'? Well, it's all about Solar Resurrection... again.
So the Sun is thus doubly 'dead' on 7/7/07, signifying a moment of transition from life to death and back to life. It's Resurrection in the 'Valley of the Sun', like the nickname of the capital of Arizona, Phoenix.

The Sun also 'dies' on the winter solstice when the Sun is at its lowest point in the sky. In 2006 it was commemorated by the space shuttle Discovery STS-116 landing in Florida, the 'Sunshine State' (12/22/06).
From a galactic perspective, the Sun crossed the Galactic Equator on the winter solstice and the Galactic Meridian on December 8-9, exactly when Discovery STS-116 was launched.
- Dec 09 - Discovery STS-116 launch: The Sun crossing the Galactic Meridian - Dec 22 - Discovery STS-116 landing: The Sun crossing the Galactic Equator

 [image by Gary Palmer via spaceweather.com]
The Galactic solstice-Sun alignment is closely associated with the end date of the Mayan calendar, winter solstice 2012, when Sunspot Cycle 24 is projected to peak. The Galactic Meridian alignment coincided with the release of Mel Gibson's 'Apolcalypto', all about the end of the Mayan civilization.

The Sun was strangely active as well...

The Sun would cross the Galactic Meridian again on June 7-8 on the opposite side of the sky/ecliptic.

It coincided with the Venus Transit (= 'Grail/Messianic conception') in 2004 and the launch of Atlantis STS-117 this year.
Atlantis returned only a day after the summer solstice, when the Sun 'died' for the Southern Hemisphere.

It was another death/life Resurrection moment - acknowledged or foreshadowed by the shuttles' solstice axis expressing 'coming out of the egg' (back to life) via the STS-116 mission patch and such.

And it was Prince William, a 'Once and Future King' (Arthur) figure, 'reborn' on his summer-solstice birthday. Atlantis landed at Edwards AFB to highlight Paris, where his mother Princess Diana died in 1997. Edwards is aligned with the 'Tower Axis' (Eiffel Tower, Champ de Mars) extended from Paris.

On the 'Tower Axis' is also found the crash site of NASA's Genesis (9/8/04). It went to the Sun and came back with solar wind samples. The crash therefore signifies the Sun hitting the bottom, again expressing the phoenix death/resurrection theme.

The astronomical/astrological symbol of the Sun looks like this:

It also signifies the 'Monad' - known to the Greek philosophers as 'The First', 'The Seed', 'The Essence', 'The Builder', and 'The Foundation'. Or in other words... Genesis.
Within weeks of the Genesis crash, U2 released the first single 'Vertigo' off their new album 'How to Dismantle An Atomic Bomb'. 'Vertigo' is the name of the company which provided the helicopters that were supposed to catch Genesis midair (see picture above). One of those helicopters was also named 'Vertigo'.
The connection is reinforced by the lyrics of 'Vertigo' alluding to the progressive rock/pop band 'Genesis'. Their last big hit was 'I can't Dance' from their 1991 album 'We Can't Dance' which is referenced in the second verse of 'Vertigo':
The night is full of holes Those bullets rip the sky Of ink with gold They twinkle as the boys play rock and roll They know that they can't dance At least they know
http://www.goroadachi.com/etemenanki/777-solarresurrection.htm |
Transits in the Horns of the Bull
Currently, the transit pairs that occur at the south node transit lie in the sidereal sign of Taurus. This is where the June 2004 / June 2012 pair will occur--in the horns of the bull. The following pair (Dec 2117 / Dec 2125), which occurs at the north node transit, will be seen in the opposite side of the zodiak, in the sidereal sign of Scorpio (in the constellation Ophiuchus).
In the Horns of the Bull The two retrograde paths of Venus at the times of the 2004 / 2012 Venus transits
The 2004 Venus transit occurs at 22° 51' sidereal Taurus * The 2012 Venus transit occurs at 20° 35' sidereal Taurus *
* Sidereal longitudes are based on the Galactic Ayanamsa. The sidereal signs (not tropical signs) are shown in the above illustration. To learn of the difference between the sidereal and tropical zodiaks, their intimate relationship, and the Galactic Ayanamsa, please explore the Sidereal Astrology WEB page.
To view a star map of the entire heavens visit "The Sidereal Heavens: Under the Stars"
The retrogrades of 2004 and 2012 occur in the second half of sidereal Taurus--in the "horns of the bull." El Nath is the north horn and Al Hecka is the south horn. The 2004 / 2012 retrogrades begin just under Auriga (the charioteer) and under the auspices of Capella, the messenger of light, and just under Al Nath, the north horn. The retrogrades complete over Aldebaran and Hyades. Aldebaran is the "Eye of the Bull" marking the center (~15°) of sidereal Taurus. The "Gate of Man" of the Holy Cross is also shown. It lies at 5° sidereal Gemini, at the feet of the Twins, Pollux and Castor. The Twins stand upon the galactic equator.
Although the Venus-Sun conjunction lies in sidereal Taurus, the theme of the 1.6 year Venus synodic cycle beginning on June 8, 2004 is defined by the star alignments looking from the Sun toward Venus, Earth (and Pluto) (the sidereal heliocentric view), all residing in the sidereal sign of Scorpio and in the constellation of Ophiuchus. Each Earth-Venus synodic theme is presented in the Lunar Planner in which it occurs (links in the Synodic Cycles Chart above).
Return of the Goddess
When Venus lies directly in front of the Sun and in line with Earth, the resonances of Venus are highly focused (emblazoned) upon the Earth--inspiring a new level of "intuitive awareness" to permeate Earth and spread in and through human consciousness. This specific transit pair (2004-2012), because it coincides with the Holy Cross, strongly supports the reintegration and emergence of the Divine Feminine principle in our world--which desperately awaits the guidance and balance of the Goddess. The Venus Synodic Cycle becomes extra significant when a Venus Transit occurs.
The Psychophysiology of Venus
The astrophysical resonances of Venus govern the heart bio-energy centre (chakra), and the thymus, which is the neurological control center for the immune system. The heart chakra is our centre of intuitive knowing, harmony, magnetic attraction, that which we value, love, romance, and sexual rapture. It is where we find our capacity for compassion and appreciation of beauty. The heart chakra and thymus resonate to the emotional tone of fear and judgment. It is fear that shuts the heart down and causes all immune related problems. We defend our fear with judgment. Like the thyroid (governed by Mercury) is reflexed to the liver, the thymus is reflexed to the spleen. All immune disorders are fear related. The astrophysical resonances of Venus govern heart musculature and firing, lungs, bronchiole, and breasts. All asthmatic and breathing conditions, a sunken chest, and breast problems are fear / judgment originating.
Venus (and the heart chakra), when mature and clear, expresses love in art and beauty, with a wonderful capacity for unconditional acceptance of all conditions--true, non-judgmental love. The unconditionally open heart receives and expresses love that is harmoniously balanced. Mature Venus is open to new experience, is courageous, optimistic, and aware of soul intent and purpose--as the unconditionally open heart is where soul fully radiates its light. Mature Venus is also sociable, fashionable, artistic, good willed, benevolent, diplomatic, and magnetically sensuous. Venus is also of wealth and resources and plays a prominent role in financial matters and the flow of money.
Afflicted Venus expresses as all fears and phobias, breathing allergies, and catarrhal problems. The poisoned heart is bitter and vengeful--closed to life in a way that manifests as an inability to integrate and accept experience; with an inability to receive, or to give love. Afflicted Venus negates in jealousy the beauty, abundance, luxury and luck of others--projecting disdain and negativity instead. The poisoned heart is hesitant and insecure, has little self-confidence, and lacks the ability to trust in self or to trust others. Fear to open our hearts leaves us stuck in the head, unwilling to feel, touch, or breath in life--hiding in fear and expressing mentalized judgments with an incessant need to control our reality. The loss of our intuitive ability leads us to blindly follow dogmas and gurus in submission to propaganda and systems of belief, whether our own or those of others.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars lie in that order in our soular system (a system for the evolving soul), Mercury is of logistical thinking, Venus of intuitive awareness, We must integrate the resonances of Mercury and Venus in our lives before we can express through the creative forces of Mars in balance--this being a fundamental lesson for souls on Earth. Until that occurs, our expression of Mars remains awry. Expressing from Mercury alone is mentalized judgment, without heart. Expressing from Venus alone is blind heart. Synthesized Mercury and Venus express as Intuitive Knowing. When we express integrated heart and mind (Intuitive Knowing) through Mars we demonstrate Creative Wisdom in Physical Manifestation.
Venus Harmonics
This chart shows the astrophysical resonances of Venus translated to light (color), sound, and brain wave frequencies. To learn about "planetary harmonics" and how to understand this chart visit the Planetary Harmonics WEB page. There you can also learn how to adjust the pitch of a musical scale to the resonances of Venus.
* * *
All calculations and illustrations on this WEB page are made by Nick Anthony Fiorenza using Carina's "Voyager" astronomical software; Time Cycles Resaerch astrological software; Adobe design tools, and of course this was all:

Copyright © 2003 - 2012 Nick Anthony Fiorenza, All Rights Reserved
* * *
Related Venus Articles
E-Motions of the Heart: Venus Elongations & the Crescent Moon
The Venus Express Mission
Reference and Further Information
NOAA animation of the June 8, 2004 Venus transit as captured by the NOAA Solar X-ray Imager. The NOAA Space Environment Center in Boulder, Co. used the NOAA GOES-12 satellite space weather instrumentation to observe the transit of Venus in front of the sun. The GOES observation, using its Solar X-ray Imager, is unique because it records the sun's 2 million degree, outer atmosphere in X-rays. Image Credit: NOAA
For high-res MPEG animations of this image, and other photos, see The NASA Picture Gallery of the Venus Transit http://science.nasa.gov/spaceweather/venustransit/gallery_08jun04_page12.htm
For more photos of the June 8, 2004 transit see the European Southern Observatory's VT-2004 Central Display http://www.vt-2004.org/photos/
Other Technical Information on the Venus Transit: Fred Espenak, NASA/GSFC http://sunearth.gsfc.nasa.gov/eclipse/transit/venus0412.html
Interesting Historical Information: The 1882 Transit of Venus - W.P. Koorts http://www.saao.ac.za/~wpk/tov1882/tovwell.html
* * *
What is 19.47? in Sacred Templar Geometry
Gravity is a disease of the EArth due to her lack thereof the sun's radiant energy. And just as disease is a symptom of an underlying cause, there too goes gravity manifesting as an effect of a greater causal factor. So, we must look at all the angles and points using these coordinates to isolate the intention of an overall message, so that we might see what relationship we share.
When I saw the equation; L2=EM if (cv) [(hv) (1/2mv2)] =L2, I didn't hear someone say it, nor did I see that written. It took months to align these symbols to a picture in my mind. Then as I labeled it with the correct symbols for understanding, more pictures in my head would surface to be analysed. An ongoing process, as if the acknowledgment of the information downloaded once became conscious, more would move through the subconscious to be acquired.
What I saw and had to work out was an image spinning counter clockwise.....when it stopped, one hand like that on a clock, the larger one was pointing at 120 degrees longitude. The other, the small one was fixed at 45 degrees NW latitude. Just that portion of the image spoke volumes, which took months of synchronicity and confirmation searching through piles of old books......(the artifact in the rubble of time) before I could move on to the next step.....
And gravity = time is what I now assume to be the anomaly.....a figure of speech that relates the relationship of effects resultant of one causal factor converging on expression through an index of refraction.
I found asymmetry in these coordinates.........the true point of origin did not strike the harmonic of light or sound. Instead, I found a second or new point in the degree of refraction where the energy became greater than the mass, shifting the ratios of energy and matter to our current construct.........a contained rest energy creating the wobble, bipolarity the dissention between electro-weak and magnetic-strong fields, a ferric domain in the iron core (planetary and physiological), dissention in the water..A left handed H20 and a right handed H20........dispersing magnetic tides that exhibit equatorial waters purged magnetically of particulate matter, giving one a greater depth in view of the bottom (if there is one) and the further from this point saturation and accumulation of heavy metals, dense waters without end.
In an overall picture I was shone as a comparison the perfect sphere and a line drawn from one point on its periphery, then with a linear magnetic velocity was drawn to the very center. NO line emerged from this center point, rather perfect concentric rings not in number of 6 for the 3 primary and 3 secondary color, rather there were 8, the center which was black and the outer periphery which was white. There was no need to differentiate color in dark bands of light........this was the L2.
This linear magnetic velocity is the light's full potential and when sound, which lies at the density of matter is equaled, a relationship shared in kinetic and potential energy through the mass, then the result is the concentric angular momentum responding to the linear peripheral energy trigger, so (q) = (p) as one and the same, and time is no longer an issue of debate, for there is no measure in between the lightning and thunder, and here sound and light become one in the aether. Here the line is the same as the curve, no motion, just in the stillness of the aether's moment.
Gravity is always attracting, a symptom of a ferric domain, where the mass at the core becomes a stronger but temporary magnet. In my imagination this gave the impression or implication of an incident angle for the linear velocity of light (kinetic potential) that did not equal its reflection, the core or nuclear mass where the energy potentials shift the angular momentum and the light is refracted......it is in this angle of refraction, an index where gravity draws on the contained rest of the mass, and time results to measure the distance in between. This is where Planck's work enters in and the photoelectric effect. The photoelectric effect is the result of the obstruction in the m-shell of the iron atom, (isotopic bleeds emitting radiation) a radiate anomalous energy or the refraction of light. Planck measured the radiate energy thermodynamically and gave it a number.....6.6256 x 10 to the NEGATIVE 34th power.....it is spinning backwards..........moving counter clockwise.
Going back to the L2=Em if cv x hv x kinetic energy =, so I used Balmer's analysis of hydrogen (the only true bipolar sphere, as there is no neutron at its center) to isolate the differential, or deficit in light's kinetic and potential energy dependent on the mass......... all that remained was .6256 x 10 to the NEGATIVE 3rd power. This isolates the area between 19.5 degrees latitude and 19.47 degrees.
There is obstruction in the 3rd concentric ring whether it be an atom or a planet. And Earth the 3rd rock from the sun has a rainbow of spectral color that outlines both the need and the promise. But her tilt has set our universal circuit and its ballast mislaid, creating time and gravity in lieu of her alignment to the sun, where an incident angle does not equal its reflection.
We are riding on the wrong frequency that prevents us from seeing the light. The 120 degree longitude is not only the stabilizer for time and refraction, but it has the momentum of 60 degrees required to shift us clockwise and in link the true point of origin at Earth's center or core where all on the periphery becomes equidistant no matter where you stand on her surface.
We are seeing the effects of Earth and Sun recalibrating energy to matter ratios.....seismic and volcanic activity, extreme weather patterns, human behavior out of control..........the latter the most convincing sign to beware of in the end of time revelations. It is happening now, but will be complete in 2012. It will be a new beginning in the true light........when the sun aligns 90 degrees perpendicular to the convex surface of Earth running to the core where it is reversed in concentric harmony of sound making two convex and two concave inversions.......the only way to come out the same way you went in.........where every when and where are one.
There is blessing as Mars draws magnetically near, and the iron comet's traverse our planetary spaces infusing the necessary energy or strikes to shift our current domain. The fire dragon our sun flares out seemingly grasping the energetic comets sailing by, extracting energy to fracture the temporary but stronger magnetic core Earth has acquired through time. That energy will permeate the water dragon's domain, filling the air dragon's slumber with a new spark for humanity to gain strength and it will fullfill the Earth dragon's need to tend all that grows on her surface.
We are not forsaken and all of these are the signs we should be looking for. Keep your eyes to the skies because there is more yet for our minds to imagine.
The secret societies stole the truth as in time they lost the point as to why they were concealing it. Even though they conceal it from us, they themselves have not entered into it.....perhaps out of fear. Sorry for them as fear is an illusion. The only difference it would have made had they shared it, would have been to maintain some dignity.
- Blanche McLanahan.
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What is 19.47? in Sacred Templar Geometry. Gravity is a disease of the EArth due to her lack thereof the sun's radiant energy. And just as disease is a symptom ...
At 19.47 latitude, there is a string of volcanoes in Hawaii. But more interestingly: look hereIt talks about the Sacred Templar Geometry __________________________________________________ __________ Okay this is not a theory of mine as I am not going to put it up yet. But here is some of the things I found out... It may be more than coincidence that the Roswell Crash was in 1947 and Nassim Haramein has valid reason to believe that Latitude 19.47 is an extremely important number. __________________________________________________ ___________ Cydonia and the pyramids, rests at 19.47' from the equator. On Earth, pyramids are exact at 19.47' north of the equator on the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico. Hawaian pyramids are at 19.47' north of the equator as well. The earth is 21,600 nautical miles around. This measurement is based on the ratio of 360 x 60 first used by the Phoenicians and still in use by modern ocean and flight navigators. The number 6,480 is exactly 1/4th of the total 25,920 years it takes earth to complete one circuit through the signs of the zodiac. 6,480 years is unique because it marks the duration between a series of global cataclysms left in earth's historic and geologic record. When the earth's circumference, 21,600 is divided by 33.33 the number 6,480 appears in a variation: 21,600 / 33.33 = 648.06480648064... 648.06480648064..divided by 19.47, the number suggested by the year of the Roswell crash itself (1947)...produces a modification of 33.33: 648.064806480 / 19.47 = 33.28 ...Latitude 33.28° This latitude, 33.28° multiplied by PI (3.141592653589...) results in a longitude 104.56° ... pinpointing the exact coordinates of the disc impact site near Roswell NM. Additionally the number 2012 can be calculated with a form of the number of the exact Roswell crash site latitude, 33.28° and the year of the Roswell event itself, 1947: 19.47 x 3.328 = 64.80 Between July 1947 and March 2012 there are 64.80 years. Warning- The Alien Agenda Revealed by Art Green FieldA three dimentional sphere with a 3D pyramid inside it with it's tip aligned to North or South (both ways would create The Star of David) where the base of the pyramid touches the sphere this is latitude 19.47. More stuff here: http://www.angelfire.com/jazz/louxsie/cydonrant.htmlAnd here: http://www.angelfire.com/jazz/louxsie/cydonrant.htmlIf I have left anything out...please feel free to add form the other thread concerning the vortex , and 19.47 theory 
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What is 19.47? in Sacred Templar Geometry. Gravity is a disease of the EArth due to her lack thereof the sun's radiant energy. And just as disease is a symptom ...
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10 publicaciones - 5 autores - 23 Nov. 2009
Some important facts about 19.47 degrees in our solar system and here on earth. Do people realize we have this energy field in us and that it ...
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48 publicaciones - 7 autores - 23 Nov. 2009
Some important facts about 19.47 degrees in our solar system and here on earth. Do people realize we have this energy field in us and that it ...
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11 Nov 2011 – Can anyone explain to me how 11:11 relates to 19.5 (19.47) I'm watching this series now... "NASA Kennedy Obama Connection to 2012 ...
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25 publicaciones - 7 autores - 29 Mayo 2008
19.47 latitude volcanoe. My claim is that you can come to what I speculate (that's right I didn't say theorize but speculate) by simply investigating ...
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The result is an upwelling of great force that occurs at 19.47° North and South, that seemingly comes from nowhere. In any case the result is that a large amount ...
es.naruto.wikia.com/.../Archivo:HorribleSubs-Naruto-Shippuuden-27...En caché
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HorribleSubs-Naruto-Shippuuden-270-720p.mkv snapshot 01.08 2012.07.19 19.47.29-1024x576.jpg. Editar · Historial · Discusión0. 3.819páginas en el wiki ...
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5 Jul 2009 – At 19.47 latitude, there is a string of volcanoes in Hawaii, which also hosts the most active volcanoes activity on earth. In Mexico, at the 19.47 ...
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With Jay Leno, Rickey Minor, Jane Fonda, Ian Somerhalder.

On the dollar bill, the great seal of the United States of America displays 12 levels of pyramid from the 1776 foundation level. A perfect 33% of an hour has 19 minutes and 47 seconds (.33 X 60 = 19.8, .8 x 60 = 47). Accordingly, each level of pyramid represents a generation of 19.47 years.
12 x 19.47 = 233.64 years
If you use May 1st, 1776 as the start date of the countdown; you begin to see temporal destiny unfold before your eyes… In 1776, there were 31 days in January, 29 days in February, 31 days in March and 30 days in April. The sum of days for these months is 121, making May 1st the 122nd day of 1776.
5/1/1776 = day 122
122 / 365 = 0.33 = 33% of 1776
May 1st, 1776 was chosen for more than one reason as a founding date. So now we may calculate the exact end date for the capstone to crown the pyramid…
1776.33 + 233.64 = 2009.97
0.97 X 365 = 354.05 day of 2009
365 – 354 = 11 days before the end of 12/31/09
The 233.64 year countdown from 1776.33 (May 1st or 33%) completes the day of December 20th of 2009!!
Therefore I present you with the Omega Point of the Great Seal Countdown: The Winter Solstice of this year!!
That’s right- 12/21/2009
Exactly 3 years to the day of the ominous and fateful 12/21/2012 -which we also know is a Winter Solstice.
A 3-year period?
It seems 12/21 of this year will be a fateful day, but what does it hold in store for the world?!
I submit to you that this day may be reserved for a King’s Coronation…
I think that would be an always changing number, not a constant. We're always moving around! On the Sun: sunspot activity and the region of peak temperatures is limited to 19.5 degreees north and south. On Venus: the presumably active major volcano complexes Alpha and Beta Regio are near 19.5 degrees. On Earth: Mauna Loa, Hawaii (19 degrees 28 minutes N, 155 degrees 37 minutes W) The largest shield volcano is at 19.6 degrees north. This is Mauna-Kea volcano on the island of Hawaii. Mexico City, Mexico (19 degrees 23 minutes N, 99 degrees 10 minutes W) The Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan is at 19.6 degrees north. Dzibalchen, (Yucatan), Mexico (19 degrees 28 minutes N, 89 degrees 46 minutes W) Georgetown, Grand Cayman Island (19 degrees 18 minutes N, 81 degrees 26 minutes W) Mount Emi Koussi, Chad, Africa (19 degrees 47 minutes N, 18 degrees 34 minutes E) Mount Kalsubai, (near Bombay), India (19 degrees 33 minutes N, 73 degrees 43 minutes E) Mountain near Xiangkhoang, Laos (19 degrees 17 minutes N, 103 degrees 17 minutes E) Mountain near Potosi, Bolivia (19 degrees 13 minutes S, 66 degrees 22 minutes W) Yasur Volcano, Tanna Island, Vanuatu (South Pacific Ocean) (19 degrees 31 minutes S, 169 degrees 25 minutes E) Mount Samuel, Northwest Territory, Australia (19 degrees 13 minutes S, 134 degrees 8 minutes E) Gweru, Zimbabwe, Africa (19 degrees 31 minutes S, 29 degrees 49 minutes E) On Mars: the "vast" Olympus Mons shield cone volcano is at 19.5 degrees. On Jupiter: the "red spot" which is an obvious vortex is at 19.5 degrees. On Neptune: in 1986 Voyager II discovered a similar spot at 19.5 degrees north. Based on Richard Dannelley's book, Sedona: Beyond the Vortex and Bruce Rawles Why '19.5 degrees' is Significant 19.5 degrees is the angle that's been found by researchers (Richard C. Hoagland, Stanley McDaniel, Erol Torun, Horace W. Crater, etc.) to be repeatedly encoded in the structures of Cydonia. It is viewed as a definite 'signal in the noise' - some kind of a 'message' left there by some intelligence. 19.5 is called t, the 'tetrahedral constant', because of its significance in tetrahedral geometry (a tetrahedron is a pyramid shape composed of four equilateral triangular sides): the apexes of a tetrahedron when placed within a circumscribing sphere, one of the tetrahedron's apexes touching the north pole, the other three apexes touch the surface of the sphere at 19.5 degrees south latitude. Why this number would be important to the builders of the Martian structures is not clear (though Hoagland is theorizing that it has to do with what he calls "hyperdimensional physics"). Nile Time-Map & tetrahedral geometry -- 19.5 degrees http://prophetic.simplenet.com/elysium/nile-timemap.htm The emphasis on 19.5 degrees is not confined to the Martian structures. It has been found to be associated with various ancient structures here on earth - Giza pyramids, Avebury (the largest stone circle in the world, near Stonehenge), Pyramids of the Sun and Moon at Teotihuacan, etc. It is also worth noting that the Egyptian hieroglyph for Sirius, the brightest star in the sky which was extremely important to ancient Egyptians, is an equilateral triangle which can be viewed as a 2-dimensional representation of a tetrahedron; and in the Egyptian translation, it means a doorway... a sort of 'stargate'. Curiously, it has also been observed that 19.5 degrees is closely linked, for some reason, with the NASA space missions (for example, Mars Pathfinder landed at 19.5 degrees lat. of Mars on July 4, '97). In fact, not only did Pathfinder landed at 19.5 N, the longitude of the landing site was approximately 33 W - which is the very number of the longitude of the apex of the Great Bend of the Nile (33 E)! Now, this strongly insists on the relevance of the Nile numbers, and someone behind the scenes is well aware of it. As we move on, the number, 19.5, will also be very important in my Nile Time-map theory. Perhaps, as the Nile-Mars connection bridged by '19.5' appears to suggest, Mars was somehow involved during the 'Prometheus / Pandora period'. http://www.vortexmaps.com/planets.php
Re: Vortex, 19.47 theory/ Sacred Geometry
Ive always loved the symbolic correlation with the Roswell event in 1947.  What does Bruce Cathie have to say on the maths of 19.47? He is someone who would be able to provide deep insights possibly with some new reflections.. We have many Kiwis on Avalon, anyone well read on all the Cathie material? I have The Harmonic Conquest Of Space and Bridge To Infinity on my shelf but haven't got to them yet, I know he has several other books too.   Then there is the vortex research of Ivan Sanderson which may be another puzzle piece; http://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?t=17724 |
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