Malcolm: I seem to remember posting along these lines in MSN, but so long ago, it will be new to our latest members and visitors.
From "Solomon, Falcon of Sheba" by Ralph Ellis, beginning on page 126:
"While it would appear that the mother of Jesus was following in these ancient Egyptian traditions, there is another section of the New Testament evidence that again points towards Egypt....
....Mary Magdalene has been given some bad press in the Bible, and this was probably due to a strong priestly desire to distance her from Jesus - it was too embarassing to admit that she was Jesus' wife, let alone contemplate the possibility that she was his sister too. But some of this bad press may actually have been derived from a subtle and deliberate mistranslation of a particular verse in the gospel of Luke:
And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils. Luke 8:2
But this is not the only possible translation of this vers; it could also be taken to read:
And a certain woman who had worshipped blinding (strong) winds, Mary, named (after the) Seven Tower out of which went god (winds).
The word for 'healed' (theraputae) can mean 'worshipped' and the term for 'evil spirits' (ponerous pneuma) could easily become 'blinding winds'. The reason for Mary, in her guise as a much later 'Queen of Sheba', being associated with whirlwinds (the jinn of the Koran) will be given later. The term for 'devils' (daemons) can be a reference to 'god' or even the jinn whirlwinds once more - in fact, the latter are still called dust-devils to this day.
More important, however, is the fact that Mary Magdalene can be seen as being associated with both a tower and the number seven. The name Magdalene can be literally translated from the Greek as meaning 'tower' and, as we have already seen, this association between the terms 'tower' and 'seven' is present in a famous Biblical quotation:
Behold, therefore I am against thee, and against they rivers, and I will make the land of Egypt utterly waste and desolate, from the Tower of Seven even unto the border of Ethiopia. Ezekiel 29:10
Just to review the explanations from chapter III, both of these words have been directly transliterated out of the original Egyptian: the Magdalene 'tower' has been taken from the Egyptian word maktal or magdjal (glyphs) meaning 'tower', while the number seven has been derived from the Egyptian word sefekh (glyphs) meaning 'seven'.
So, Ezekiel's 'Tower of Seven' is none other than the Egyptian 'Magdal of Sefekh', the same title that is now being associated with Mary Magdalene. The Tower of Sefekh was historically seen to be a prime symbol of Egypt and because of this notoriety it has already been identified with the Great Pyramid (the Great Tower) of Egypt. The number seven is also translatable as Sheba, as this is one of the prime Hebrew meanings for this word.
Malcolm: To understand where 'Seven' comes from, we need to go back to page 57 of Ellis's book:
"If the great entrance door to the Great Pyramid was unbolted and opened on the seventh day, and if the door itself was considered to be the 'Great Door of Heaven' - the divine portal that led into the nether world of the Djuat, the land of the gods and the dead - then it is axiomatic that sefekh, the Egyptian term for unbolting a door and the number seven, would have become intimately associated with the Egyptian word seba, meaning the Great Door of Heaven. The Seba (glyphs) would have been s-sefekh (glyphs) (unbolted) on the Sefekh (glyphs) (seventh or Shabbeth) day. This is indeed what is found, and in the translation from the Egyptian into Hebrew, the word for the number 'seven' became associated more with seba than with sefekh - hence the word for 'seven' in Hebrew is seba, not sefekh.
But the original use of the word sefekh (glyphs) , as a term for unbolting the Great Door, was not entirely lost even within the Hebrew language; and I can confidently assert this because the association of this word with the Great Pyramid was retained in the Biblical book of Ezekiel:
Behold, therefore I am against thee, and against they rivers, and I will make the land of Egypt utterly waste and desolate, from the tower of Syene even unto the border with Ethiopia. Ezekiel 29:10.
By the era of Ezekiel, the Israelites had been away from Egypt for hundreds of years, and their former homeland had now become the scapegoat for each and every misfortune that the Israelites encountered. This verse is one of many oaths against the newly despised land of Egypt.
It may not be immediately apparent what the quote is trying to say, because some daft translator has interpreted the 'tower' as being called Syene. The Gideon Bible has taken this obfuscation one step further by saying that the land was laid waste 'from Migdol to Aswan'! What a tangled web we weave....
The truth of the matter is that the Gideon Bible's city of 'Migdol' was not a town but a 'tower', just as the King James Bible correctly translates - migdol (Hebrew letters) means tower in Hebrew. The problem with the King James' version of this verse is that the word Syene is very badly transliterated into the English. The usual Hebrew pronunciation for this word is actually 'Seven' (Hebrew letters) or 'Sheven' (Hebrew letters). (Note the mixing of the 's' and 'sh' consonants once more.)
The tower in question is, of course, not really the 'Tower of Seven'; it is more correctly translated as the 'Tower of Sefekh' - but the verse is using he Hebrew version of this word, which is 'Seven'. As I mentioned previously, the Hebrew letter 'kh' (Hebrew letter) has simply become confused with and exchanged for the similar-lookiing letter 'n' (Hebrew letter).
This, however, does not fully explain this verse n the book of Ezekiel. We have still not deciphered which 'tower' in Egypt would have been closely associated with the word sefekh, meaning to unbolt a door, and which 'tower' would also be closely identified with the number seven. The answer is not only obvious, but also inescapable - the 'tower' to which Ezekiel was referring was a 'tower' that apparently defined the whold character of the land of Egypt.
It was a shibboleth, or symbol, that every enlightened reader was immediately supposed to understand to be a reference to Egypt, and so it is axiomatic that this 'tower' was none other than the Great Pyramid of Giza itself. In reality, Ezekiel was trying to say:
Behold, therefore I am against Egypt, and against Egypt's rivers, and I will make the land of Egypt utterly waste and desolate from the Great Pyramid even unto the border of Ethiopia.
If the term sefekh referred to the Great Pyramid and if, in turn, the term seba was related to the doorway of the Great Pyramid - which is still the largest building on the planet - then the terms sefekh and Seba would have been as Egyptian as apple pie is American. In this case, the name Seba (Sheba) would have been a positive reference to the land of Lower Egypt and likewise, the Queen of Sheba is likely to have been a queen or princess of Egypt."
Malcolm: She was. She was Queen ETIYE - named in the Kebra Nagast as Eteye Azeb - who was the favourite wife and queen of King Solomon/YmnHtp III.
Ezequiel 29:1 En el año décimo, en el mes décimo, a los doce días del mes, vino a mí palabra de Jehová, diciendo: 29:2 Hijo de hombre, pon tu rostro contra Faraón rey de Egipto, y profetiza contra él y contra todo Egipto. 29:3 Habla, y di: Así ha dicho Jehová el Señor: He aquí yo estoy contra ti, Faraón rey de Egipto, el gran dragón que yace en medio de sus ríos, el cual dijo: Mío es el Nilo, pues yo lo hice. 29:4 Yo, pues, pondré garfios en tus quijadas, y pegaré los peces de tus ríos a tus escamas, y te sacaré de en medio de tus ríos, y todos los peces de tus ríos saldrán pegados a tus escamas. 29:5 Y te dejaré en el desierto a ti y a todos los peces de tus ríos; sobre la faz del campo caerás; no serás recogido, ni serás juntado; a las fieras de la tierra y a las aves del cielo te he dado por comida. 29:6 Y sabrán todos los moradores de Egipto que yo soy Jehová, por cuanto fueron báculo de caña a la casa de Israel. 29:7 Cuando te tomaron con la mano, te quebraste, y les rompiste todo el hombro; y cuando se apoyaron en ti, te quebraste, y les rompiste sus lomos enteramente. 29:8 Por tanto, así ha dicho Jehová el Señor: He aquí que yo traigo contra ti espada, y cortaré de ti hombres y bestias. 29:9 Y la tierra de Egipto será asolada y desierta, y sabrán que yo soy Jehová; por cuanto dijo: El Nilo es mío, y yo lo hice. 29:10 Por tanto, he aquí yo estoy contra ti, y contra tus ríos; y pondré la tierra de Egipto en desolación, en la soledad del desierto, desde Migdol hasta Sevene, hasta el límite de Etiopía. 29:11 No pasará por ella pie de hombre, ni pie de animal pasará por ella, ni será habitada, por cuarenta años. 29:12 Y pondré a la tierra de Egipto en soledad entre las tierras asoladas, y sus ciudades entre las ciudades destruidas estarán desoladas por cuarenta años; y esparciré a Egipto entre las naciones, y lo dispersaré por las tierras. 29:13 Porque así ha dicho Jehová el Señor: Al fin de cuarenta años recogeré a Egipto de entre los pueblos entre los cuales fueren esparcidos; 29:14 y volveré a traer los cautivos de Egipto, y los llevaré a la tierra de Patros, a la tierra de su origen; y allí serán un reino despreciable. 29:15 En comparación con los otros reinos será humilde; nunca más se alzará sobre las naciones; porque yo los disminuiré, para que no vuelvan a tener dominio sobre las naciones. 29:16 Y no será ya más para la casa de Israel apoyo de confianza, que les haga recordar el pecado de mirar en pos de ellos; y sabrán que yo soy Jehová el Señor. 29:17 Aconteció en el año veintisiete en el mes primero, el día primero del mes, que vino a mí palabra de Jehová, diciendo: 29:18 Hijo de hombre, Nabucodonosor rey de Babilonia hizo a su ejército prestar un arduo servicio contra Tiro. Toda cabeza ha quedado calva, y toda espalda desollada; y ni para él ni para su ejército hubo paga de Tiro, por el servicio que prestó contra ella. 29:19 Por tanto, así ha dicho Jehová el Señor; He aquí que yo doy a Nabucodonosor, rey de Babilonia, la tierra de Egipto; y él tomará sus riquezas, y recogerá sus despojos, y arrebatará botín, y habrá paga para su ejército. 29:20 Por su trabajo con que sirvió contra ella le he dado la tierra de Egipto; porque trabajaron para mí, dice Jehová el Señor. 29:21 En aquel tiempo haré retoñar el poder de la casa de Israel. Y abriré tu boca en medio de ellos, y sabrán que yo soy Jehová.
http://wheresjesus.multiply.com/journal/item/1276 |
Map of Mars by Flammarion   Flammarion Observatory look at the tower does it look like the Magdala tower of Sauniere smaller than Flammarion's but very similiar style  Viking satellite is said to have taken pictures of Mars Pyramid and the Sphinx like Face there is a possible connection to the Pleiades....
Very similar style! That`s the Templar style as far as I know.  Templar castle in Ponferrada, Spain.  Templar castle built on Rhodes, Greece.
No not a catalogue Sheila but Flammarion had a tower Emma Calve had a tower Sauniere had a tower Renne makes a great point here the Templars like their towers and for good reason and the Temple church in london has a Tower  Also the Templars had the Tower in Paris  Magdal eder means watchtower  Here is the rook on a chess board of black and white like the tiles on Saunieres floors his tower looks like a rook The head of the World Chess Federation believes chess was handed down by possibly extraterrestrials or a Atlantian civilization The Templar church in London has the two riders on one horse just like the Knight stone at Sauniere Museum  _________________ Everything is Connected and there are no coincidences
 Chartres has the zodiac in the stained glass windows and over an arch Blanche of Castile's father started the first Spanish University She could read and encouraged her children in their studies  She passed on the sacred knowledge Girona has a Torre Magdala
Thanks Nic I had never seen it before Thanks so much for explaining what was going on there Here is from Andrews article  From Andrews article Standing with my back to the Tour Magdela, facing the Grotto, I read my compass. What little colour I had left quickly dissipated. It read 22 degrees (south of west). What were the odds? The Tower of the Magdalene (Tour Magdela) is reached by two sets of 11 steps (22). An anomalous floor tile points up a spiral stair case with 22 steps where a single window points unambiguously at a grotto whose ancient place name is 'Grotte du Fournet - dite de la Magdeleine', which translates as 'The Burial Site of the Mary Magdalene', and which is offset from the window by 22 degrees. 22, of course, is the feast day of Mary Magdalene. Mr. Egypt confirmed my compass reading, and agreed with my theory that Abbe Sauniere had simply commemorated his discovery by encoding the number 22 in his restorations, namely the Tour Magdela. http://andrewgough.co.uk/fear.html _________________ Everything is Connected and there are no coincidences
A video of the Tour Magdala at Rennes It is where Sauniere collapsed before he died It held the Library and his books the floor does have the look of Rennes les Bains The Star of Isis http://youtu.be/_p-8DpSridwBoth are based on the number 8 and it is found at Bugarach and it is found on the Devils Armchair the alignment of 'the Historical Axis of Paris' (the Champs-Elysees) with the Sun. This is an important time-marker the Egyptian goddess 'Isis', and Paris is traditionally an 'Isis city' (Paris is 'Par-Isis', or 'near Isis', Angled 26 degrees north of west, the world-famous boulevard is designed to align with sunset on August 6. While sunset is not sunrise, a setting Sun is still positioned on the horizon; and the idea of opposite/antipodal is a key theme anyway. It also take place on 8/8There is the number 8 we take into account an optical phenomenon known as atmospheric refraction. This is the bending of light rays passing through the atmosphere, much like the bending of light passing through a lens. This effect is most noticeable near the horizon - where celestial objects like the Sun appear higher in the sky than they actually are. the staircase at the Arch is spiral just like Tour Magdala  the Tower card is 16 and that would be 8 +8
roscoe wrote:
Shasta wrote:
Perhaps we can get Sheila to remind us what Reindeer is in French.
Perhaps you should be asking Renne instead?
Well 15,000 BCE to 7,000 BCE is called l'Age du Renne by the French. Although some have given it another name. THE MAGDALENIAN Largely due to finding a woman from the period in the Vézère valley in the Dordogne. IN A GRAVE THAT IS PENTAGONAL Did you know that Saunière was seven years old when Darwin wrote On the Origin of Species? Have a nice day.
That is interesting Roscoe I didn't know it was a pentagonal grave Richard was very kind to give me these gorgeous pictures at the 13th century church of St Jean in a little village called Molieres, in the Dordogne What a coincidence Merci Richard  As you can see there is a pentacle on the front door as you enter  Roman Green Man (c. 1st or 2nd Century CE) in Musée de Vésone, Périgueux, Dordogne, France "Green Men" are to be found in great numbers in churches in France, where they may well have originated under the influence of the huge amount of Roman sculpture still extant in the medieval period, especially in Aquitaine. It is possible that they made their way to England by way of the Norman, Angevin and Aquitaine nobles who became the patrons of ecclesiastical art , or by the many exchanges of bishops and monks within Christendom. Roman architecture sometimes features ornate leaf masks, which are usually taken as showing the close interdependence between man and nature, and as describing the deities of Pan, Bacchus, Dionysus or Silvanus, and the mystery religions that grew up around them. A leaf-clad statue of Dionysus in Naples, Italy, dating back to about 420 BCE, is often considered one of the first Green Men images. http://www.greenmanenigma.com/history.htmlEarly medieval Christianity adopted much of the symbolism of the Dionysian rites and mystery religions, and many of its architectural techniques were borrowed from Roman and Byzantine models. At the same time, another parallel influence in Western Europe was the Celtic “cult of the head” (the particular reverence the Celts had for portrayals of the human head, based on the belief that the head is the repository of the soul), and also the Celtic veneration of sacred trees. For example, many of the Green Man images that began to appear in the intricately illustrated Christian manuscripts of Ireland, such as the 8th Century “Book of Kells”, exhibit direct influences from Roman and Egyptian art, and some of these styles spread rapidly from there to much of the rest of Western Europe. the god of Nature never really died out
Mary Called Magdalene
Interest in the Mary "called Magdalene" in the canonical Christian Gospels of the Greek New Testament has blossomed in the last decades. Who was this Mary, this "other Mary" who was so devoted to Jesus that her presence is reported in all four Gospels at the cross and at the tomb. Who was she, and why was she called "the Magdalene" (h Magdalhnh in Greek). This distinctive epithet of Mary Magdalene is found in all four of the canonical Gospels and in the Gnostic Gospel of Philip discovered at Nag Hammadi in 1945.
Until recently the traditional reply asserts that this "other Mary" was a prostitute from Magdala, a small fishing town located on the western shore to the Sea of Galilee, a town that the Hebrew Talmud says was "destroyed for prostitution." It seems incredible that the most beloved and loyal disciple of Jesus should be said to be from a town with a reputation for loose morals! I would like to discuss here the actual source of Mary Magdalene's extraordinary epithet.
The Aramaic word Magdala means "tower" or "fortress." In Hebrew, the word is spelled mgdl and migdol. The title "Magdalene" implies greatness, exaltation, elevation, and pre-eminence. And in fact, on seven of the eight lists in the New Testament that mention women who followed Jesus, Mary "the Magdalene" is mentioned first. In Matthew 28 we read that on the morning after the Sabbath Mary Magdalene and the "other Mary" went to see the sepulcher. Who is "First Lady" here? Clearly it is Mary Magdalene who has pre-eminence in the early community whose stories are recorded in the Gospels.
For several historical reasons, I do not believe that Mary was from the town of Magdala. In the period of Greek and Roman hegemony in Galilee, the town now known as "Magdala" was called "Taricheae," a Greek name meaning "place of dried fish." According to Josephus, writing in his books about Jewish history, the town was strongly influenced by Hellenistic culture and mores and even sported a hippodrome for chariot races during Biblical times, until its total destruction by the Romans in AD 67. A new town was later built over the ruins of Taricheae, and was called "Magdala Nunnayah," a name mean "Tower of the Fishes" in Aramaic. But during the lifetime of the woman named Mary who anointed Jesus at a banquet and Bethany and later met him resurrected in the Garden on Easter morning, the town was called Taricheae. This is attested in numerous Roman and Jewish records, including several mentions in Josephus.
It appears probable that in trying to discover the source of Mary's distinctive epithet, enthusiastic converts went looking for a town for Mary to have been born in. Not realizing the first century history of the town of Magdala Nunnayah, they decided that she must have come from this town in Galilee which was destroyed for "prostitution." In Jewish tradition, "prostitution" was often ascribed to communities that worshipped foreign gods and was synonymous with "idolatry." But Greek and Latin speaking converts would not have understood that the town they knew as "Magdala" had a history of adopting Hellenistic mores during the period of Greek hegemony over the region, beginning in about 300 BC, prompting the Jews to attribute "prostitution" to the town's reputation prior to its destruction.
Adding to the confusion of the meaning of Magdalene's title is the conflation of Mary Magdalene with the Mary who anointed Jesus at the banquet at the house of Simon in Bethany, just a few days before the Crucifixion. All four Gospels of the New Testament tell the story of the anointing of Jesus by a woman, a literal re-enactment of nuptial rites of ancient pagan fertility cults of "Sacred Marriage" celebrated throughout the Mediterranean Basin. Only Luke transplants this story from Bethany, located on the prophetically significant Mount of Olives, to an unnamed town in Galilee, calling the woman who anointed Jesus "a sinner from the town." Luke does not use the word for prostitute in his indictment of the woman, but her loose hair, with which she dries her tears from his feet, implied that her sin was one of loose behavior. Ignoring the testimony of the other three Gospels, the Church has allowed Mary Magdalene to be slandered as a prostitute for nearly two millennia, thereby stealing her power and silencing her voice. In 1969 the Roman Catholic calendar of Saints' feast days was revised, separating Mary of Bethany from Mary "Magdalene"--thereby splitting the role of the anointing woman in two.
It is my personal conviction that the woman who anointed Jesus at the banquet at Bethany and "wiped his feet with her hair"--Mary of Bethany in John 12--was the same woman who went to anoint his corpse on Easter morning and met him resurrected--Mary Magdalene in John 20. In ancient mythologies of the hieros gamos, it is the Bride who anoints the Bridegroom King, and it is again the Bride who meets him three days later resurrected in the garden. A similar archetypal story celebrating the eternal return of the Life Force is ubiquitous throughout the Middle East in the cults of Inanna, Ishtar, Isis, Aphrodite, Cybele. In the Gospels, Jesus and Mary Magdalene incarnate this "never-ending story" on the physical/historical plane.
Ignoring for a moment the syncretism of these pagan cults, I suggest we look to the Hebrew Bible for the source of Mary Magdalene's distinctive honorific. In about 700 BC, the Hebrew prophet Micah recorded an amazing prophecy for the "Magdal-eder" (Micah 4:8-11).
The Hebrew word Magdal-eder literally means "Tower of the Flock" and refers to a hill near Bethlehem often used as a vantage point by shepherds to survey the surrounding fields. In this prophecy of Micah, the "Magdal-eder" is equated with the Daughter of Sion, the people of Israel, personified as "Jerusalem." This prophecy sums up the fate of Mary Magdalene in four short lines and was, I am convinced, the passage that inspired the person who coined her epithet.
"And you, O Magdal-eder ("Watchtower of the Flock")
Stronghold of the Daughter of Sion,
Unto you shall the former dominion be restored,
the kingdom of Daughter Jerusalem.
Now why do you cry?
Have you no king? Has your counselor perished,
that you cry aloud like a woman in labor?....
For now you shall go out and dwell in the open fields.
To Babylon shall you go,
and from there you shall be rescued....
Now also many nations are gathered against you.
They defile you (call you "unclean").
This prophecy of the "Magdal-eder" provides the image of a woman, the personification of the nation of Israel, crying over her deceased king and counselor (rabbi, teacher), and then sent, defiled and defamed, into foreign exile, eventually to be rescued. Perhaps that time is now! The scenario is repeated in John's Gospel, chapter 20, when Mary is crying at the tomb and Jesus asks her, "Woman, why are you crying." The Greek word gune can mean either "woman" or "wife." Was Jesus actually addressing his WIFE in this familiar passage? When she finally recognizes him, Mary calls him "Rabboni"--a term that expresses greater intimacy and tenderness than the traditional "Rabbi," and then she embraces him. Saint Jerome's translation of the Greek sentence, "Do not touch me," does not convey the true meaning of the the original text. It actually says something closer to, "Do not keep clinging to me" or "embracing me." The Greek word haptou can mean anything from barely touching someone to having sexual relations. Why could Jerome not have chosen a Latin verb that would have conveyed the greater intimacy implied by the Greek. Instead, we've received a tradition of an untouchable "phantom" Jesus rather than that of Jesus who was a husband and lover.
One further argument supports Mary Magdalene as Bride of the Archetypal Bridegroom. In Hebrew and in Greek, each alphabet letter has a numeric value. In coining the Greek phrase "H Magdalhnh," the architects of the New Testament gave this "other Mary" a title whose numeric value (153) reflects powerful associations with the Feminine principle and the Goddesses of the ancient world. The subject of symbolic numbers encoded by gematria into the Christian Gospels is discussed at length in my 2003 book Magdalene's Lost Legacy. Magdalene's sacred number 153 is associated with the vesica piscis -- () or yoni--a symbol universally associated with the Feminine. Ancient Greeks called the vesica piscis the "matrix," the "doorway to life," the "bridal chamber" and even the "Holy of Holies." There is no mistaking the sexual associations of this shape and its feminine nature, deliberately coined into the significant epithet of the Mary called "the Magdalene."
How can we fail to recognize the Lost Bride of the Christian revelation, crying over her deceased Bridegroom and sent, defiled and defamed, into foreign exile? How can we fail to do all in our power to reclaim her true story? Justice and chivalry require that we honor this woman in the role to which the canonical Gospels themselves attest--as the beloved Queen of the messianic King of Israel.
On July 4 (the 'torch' day), Greece's national soccer team won the European Championship in a historic upset.
The Tour de France (another major sporting event) began on July 4. (The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France.) As per tradition the race ended in Paris, the city of Isis-Venus ('Par-Isis'). Paris as a character in Greek mythology is analogous to a torch.
On July 4 the cornerstone of 'Freedom Tower' was laid at Ground Zero, the site of the WTC towers. 1) The new tower is designed to reflect the basic shape of the Statue of Liberty. 2) A 'tower' is representative of Mary Magdalene (= Isis-Venus), an alter ego of Lady Liberty, as 'Magdalene' ('Magdala') denotes 'tower'. 3) The name 'Tour de France' can mean 'Tower of France', practically synonymous with 'Freedom Tower'. 4) The Pentagon, another structure attacked on 9/11, signifies Sirius-Venus-Lady Liberty (traditionally symbolized by a pentagram). 5) 2001 was 225 years after the birth of the United States (1776), '225' being the orbital period (in earth days) of Venus around the Sun and matching the opening day of the Athens Games (225 days after 1/1/04).
Common to both Athens and Paris is the notion of the prime meridian (chief longitudinal line). Paris has the historically and Gnostically important Zero Meridian/'Rose Line', and the Mars rover Opportunity carrying the 'Athena' payload landed in Meridiani Planum ('Meridian Plane') near the Martian Meridian in January 2004. This becomes important combined with the following...
Just a month after its rare union with the Sun, Venus crossed the Galactic Meridian (i.e. longitude 0°/180°) on Independence Day and at the hyperdimensional latitude of -19.5°!
The crossing occurred just as Venus was making a U-turn, changing its (apparent) direction from retrograde to direct. This was indeed yet another manifestation of the 'Tour/Tower de France' theme since 'tower', as well as 'tour', etymologically derives from a root word denoting 'spinning' or 'turning'! It also relates back to the twister theme.
Apparent path of Venus as it crossed Galactic Meridian near Aldebaran (meridian not shown).
All together, Independence Day 2004 featured no less than four 'Tour de France' manifestations: 1) start of the Tour de France race, 2) Freedom Tower's cornerstone laid, 3) Statue of Liberty, a form of Venus and a gift from France, highlighted by the holiday celebrations, and 4) Venus making a 'hyperdimensional turn' at the Galactic Meridian. Another 'Tour de France' manifestation worth noting is the Eiffel Tower in Paris, where the Tour race traditionally ends (Champs Elysees). It is the 'tower' of France, if not of the entire world, standing in the Champ de Mars, or 'Field of Mars', hence underscoring the Martian Meridian association.
Another key point here is the fact that the Meridian crossing was closely marked by the position of Aldebaran, a bright star in Taurus known also as... the 'Torch-Bearer'! It's also called 'Bull's or God's Eye', conjuring up the (Golden) 'Eye' theme again.
As already noted, GoldenEye refers to a 'Star Wars'-type satellite weapon relatable to Reagan whose recent death event coincided with the Transit of Venus and concluded on June 11 with the 'passing of the torch' ritual involving Schwarzenegger. Well, it just happens that Venus was crossing the Galactic Meridian on that very day too! I wrote elsewhere:
...the recent Transit of Venus... coincided with the week-long funerary proceedings following Ronald Reagan's passing. The transit took place on June 8 at the edge of the Milky Way and very close to the Galactic Meridian (i.e. longitude 0°/180°).
Few days later on June 11 Venus actually crossed the Meridian, coinciding with the funeral/burying of Reagan down on earth which also simultaneously signaled the 'rise of Schwarzenegger'.
Back to the July 4 crossing, I noticed that it took place at a V-shaped region of Taurus known as the Hyades. As pointed out by Jane B. Sellers and later by Robert Bauval (The Orion Mystery, pp.147ff), it was associated with the Egyptian god Seth (or Set), the embodiment of evil/chaos and Horus' archenemy. In their epic battle, Horus lost his left eye and Seth his testicles.
In this context the left eye of the Crabwood alien was perhaps an allusion to Seth. Indeed, Seth was considered a 'foreigner' or 'alien', and the name Seth - also spelt 'Set' - brings to mind SETI, Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence...
The fact that only the right side of the face was highlighted alludes to the double-face model of the Face on Mars in which the right side represents the head of the beast (leonine). Now check out the following, written by me back on October 24, '03:
In the first Endgame article, I discussed what appeared to be a 'leak' by an 'insider' posted on the former message board of Richard Hoagland's Enterprise website. [...] The post by 'KBS' included only a series of numbers that was hyperlinked to a webpage displaying the 2002 'alien disk' crop glyph. Soon another poster there (perhaps the same 'insider')... found the following encoded message: 'HaPPy AnNiVerSaRy, HoAglAnd'.
...The key: the message was posted on August 27 ('02) . And with the mention of 'anniversary', meaning 'returning with the year at a stated time', it became clear... that it was pointing ahead to the August 27 of the following year, 2003 - the exact date of [Mars' historic close approach to Earth]! Since Hoagland is [the famous 'Mars/Cydonia guy'], there was no question that this was the intended message.
...The alien crop glyph, to which the coded message was hyperlinked, was created on Aug. 14 (= Aug. 27 Gregorian); and the message itself was posted on Aug. 27 (= Aug. 14 Julian) and pointed ahead to the Aug. 27 of 2003. [...]
...On [or very near] the predicted 'Hoagland anniversary' day (8/27/03), Richard Hoagland [published] his new paper on his website [featuring] a new picture of the 'Face on Mars' taken by the Odyssey spacecraft...
Hoagland begins the paper by stating:
This startling new image of the well-known "Face on Mars" (above [right]) may ultimately be regarded as one of the most important photographs of the entire Space Program. For, after almost 30 years of acrid controversy and debate, a "whole new side" to this perplexing Martian mystery - and the profound social and scientific questions it continues to present - has now literally dawned...
He goes on to discuss how the lighting of the rising sun reflected on the eastern side of the 'Face' reveals a new mystery, an inexplicable amount of reflectivity. The paper is all about the brightly lit right half of the Face.
This 'beast' revelation closely coincided with the 'rise of Schwarzenegger' whose political ascension began on August 6 ('03). His designated role in the 'super torch ritual' is an 'Antichrist' or... 'Beast' which is symbolically coherent. But Arnie is also a form of Horus, contradicting his Seth/Beast connection. It would still make coherent sense, however, if - as likely - the 'rise of the Terminator' signifies the 'rise of a false Horus', i.e. Seth.
At any rate, it cannot be missed that the 'light bearer' star (Venus) illuminating the Hyades (= Seth) on the torch/light day (July 4, '04) was a reproduction of sunlight illuminating the beast side of the Face. A direct comparison (using the glyph) below reveals an intriguing resemblance.
Even the glyph's angle relative to the grooves in the field corresponds to the angle made by the Galactic (shown) and Ecliptic (not shown but basically horizontal) grid systems.
Finally, interactions between Seth and Horus (such as their great battle) can be epitomized by the pictorial theme showing them in the 'act of churning/drilling' which, combined with Seth being the god of wind and storm, brings back the twister theme.
The act of churning had another version in which the Nile twin gods do the 'drilling' instead of Seth and Horus. The interchangeability is also evident in the close link found between the Horus-Seth battle and the 'Winding Waterway', an Egyptian term for the Milky Way and its earthly counterpart the Nile. From Pyramid Texts 594-6:
Horus has cried out because of his Eye, Seth has cried out because of his testicles, and there leaps up the Eye of Horus, who had fallen on yonder side of the Winding Waterway, so that it may protect itself from Seth. Thoth saw it on yonder side of the Winding Waterway when the Eye of Horus leapt up on yonder side of the Winding Waterway and fell on Thoth's wing on yonder side of the Winding Waterway. O you gods who cross over on the wing of Thoth to yonder side of the Winding Waterway, to the eastern side of the sky, in order to dispute with Seth about this Eye of Horus: I will cross with you upon the wing of Thoth to yonder side of the Winding Waterway, to the eastern side of the sky, and I will dispute with Seth about this Eye of Horus. [emphasis added]
In my book The Time Rivers I argue that the 'Winding Waterway' is a more specific reference to the Nile's huge, anomalous bend in Sudan. The Nile being an unusually straight river flowing directly northward - the first hint that it's an intelligently designed river - the big bend, where the water suddenly turns around and flows southward, is very notable. It is the only section of the Nile that clearly 'winds' - hence a 'Winding Waterway'. And here '19.5' emerges again: the bend's northern peak precisely pinpoints the tetrahedral latitude of 19.5 (or 19.47) degrees north!
The Nile bend even pinpoints longitude 33.0 degrees east... '33' being the other important hyperdimensional, as well as ritualistic/Masonic, number. (The Nile is a 'hyperdimensional river'.) You may recall that the the alien glyph's disk contained exactly 33 lines... The frame contained 59 lines; 33% of 59 is - as David Flynn pointed out - exactly 19.47...
The Time River Theory is not yet widely known - I call it the 'Nile denial'. But it is a major piece of the grand cosmic 'puzzle'. It's an 'alien message' so big and unexpected that it had been overlooked all this time.
While this article puts emphasis more on the Nazi/ultra-tech aspect of the 'alien message', the involvement of Cydonia, the Nile, and such make it plain that we are ultimately dealing with a cosmic design that is truly 'out of this world'. These are quiet whispers of a higher intelligence...
Mystery, Babylon the Great
By Goro Adachi October 25, 2001

Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters... And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH... And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, thees shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire... and the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.
(Revelation 17:1-18)

And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven... And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen... And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached onto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities... Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire... And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning. Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come. And the merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls... The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing... For in one hour so great riches is come nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off, And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city! ... And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.
(Revelation 18:1-24)
Gate of the God
Is New York City -- plausibly the greatest city on earth -- the city called 'Babylon' personified by a 'great whore'? Does the scriptural passages concerning the fall of Babylon have some relevance to the 911 terrorist attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center twin towers? Indeed, since many had long compared NYC to the scriptural 'Babylon', the 'prophecies' in Revelation quoted above can quite naturally be considered applicable to the first major attack on the US homeland - one of the biggest, and most shocking, terrorist incidents in all history. Although some may object to the resultant implication that NYC is the city of sinners that had to be destroyed by 'God' himself, I'd point out that the sense of 'good vs. evil' in the Bible is quite a murky one that should not be taken too literally. (In fact, nothing in religious writings is to be taken literally - it's a trap that ape-brained men can't seem to get past... and this has caused so much trouble for the world throughout history. This is what happens when a powerful 'gift' is given to those who are not ready to handle it. History of mankind since c. 4000 BC -- when 'Pandora's box' was opened -- is the story of humans struggling to co-exist with the divine 'gift'.) A case in point: in Genesis, we read that at one time men were all united, spoke one language, and worked together in harmony toward reaching 'heaven':
And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. (Genesis 11:4)
In other words, mankind was thriving in peace and had high hopes. And what does 'God' do?
And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. Therefore is the name of it called Babel... (Genesis 11:5-9)
If the biblical 'God' represents all that is 'good', then this episode does not make much sense, does it? If 'good' represents men not living in harmony and striving to become something better, then what good is being 'good'? Hence, the overlay of NYC and Babylon the 'whore' need not be viewed as an 'evil' city versus those representing the 'good'. And there is, of course, a direct parallel between the NYC-Babylon juxtaposition and the biblical tale concerning the building of the Tower of Babel just quoted above. According to tradition, the Tower of Babel was built in the ancient city of Babylon - in fact 'Babel' and 'Babylon' are practically interchangeable terms. How fitting is it that it was the twin towers -- by far the tallest in the city -- of the modern Babylon, i.e. NYC, that were destroyed in the recent terrorist attacks? NYC is the ultimate melting pot of all peoples of this planet where they interact in harmony (well-exemplified by NYC being the home of the United Nations) and produce something great -- just like the builders of the Tower of Babel. And even the designation of 'whore' is quite applicable as at the entrance to NYC is found the welcoming Statue of Liberty, a great woman symbolizing the great city.
There are further correlations to be yielded by the label 'whore'. A character in the scriptures that would best fit the description is Mary Magdalene - an enigmatic female companion, or quite likely the lover/wife, of Jesus Christ. Although Mary Magdalene is never described as a prostitute in the New Testament, it has been the prevalent view that she was. Chances are, though, the Magdalene is to be considered a 'whore' only in the symbolic sense that she was a version of the ancient Egyptian goddess par excellence, Isis, the wife-sister of Osiris, who was both a 'virgin' and a 'whore' as well as a goddess of wisdom and magic. (Isis' companion Osiris was killed and later resurrected to nicely parallel the Magdalene's companion, Jesus.) Isis, in turn, was represented in the sky by the great star Sirius -- a star of utmost importance to the ancient Egyptians as its 'rebirth' (i.e. 'heliacal rising') in mid-summer had the function of marking the New Year and signaling the beginning of the life-giving annual flooding of the Nile, roughly coinciding with the summer solstice. Curiously, the biblical tale about the Tower of Babel immediately follow those concerning Noah and the Great Flood as if to echo the correlation.
Esoterically, Sirius is represented by a five-pointed star, i.e. a pentagonal form -- thus ending up strongly resonating with the fact that the '911' terrorist attacks hit not just the WTC towers but also the Pentagon (whose construction, by the way, began on 9-11). Sirius, moreover, may be considered a 'stargate' par excellence for in ancient Egypt 'star' was interchangeable with 'doorway'. Sirius being the brightest star in the night sky, it can thusly be viewed as the ultimate 'gate of heaven', or 'gate of the god' - which just happens to be the very meaning of the name 'Babylon'. Similarly, the name given to the historical Tower of Babel, Etemenanki, meant 'the house of the foundation of heaven and earth', i.e. a gate to heaven. This link is then further enhanced by the fact that the name 'Magdalene' (as Magdala) can mean 'tower' as in the Tower of Babel and the WTC twin towers. Reinforcing the connection even more, amazingly, is the groundbreaking date of the WTC twin towers being August 5, that is, the very date of Sirius' heliacal rising/'rebirth' in our epoch! The Magdalene's name can also mean 'place of the dove' - which is still quite intriguing as it relates to the flood theme; it was a dove that signaled for Noah that the flood had ended (see Gen. 8:8-12).
The Fallen
In Genesis, the cause of the biblical Flood is -- rather mysteriously -- associated with 'fallen angels', or 'giants'/'sons of God', more properly called the 'Nephilim':
There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. And God saw that the wickedness was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth...
This is a typical English translation of Genesis 6:4-7 that contains some errors, including the last phrase, ‘men of renown’. It may be more accurately rendered as ‘the people of the shem’. What, then, is the ‘shem’? Zecharia Sitchin writes:
The persistence of biblical translators to employ "name" wherever they encounter shem has ignored a farsighted study published more than a century ago by G. M. Redslob… in which he correctly pointed out that the term shem and the term shamaim ("heaven") stem from the root word shamah, meaning "that which is highward." (The 12th Planet, pp.147-8)
The shem was also closely linked with fire and a stone; the shem thus was a ‘highward fire-stone’. It is, in other words, apparently a reference to a meteorite. This is strongly corroborated by the fact that:
Shems were particularly associated with something called an-na, which meant ‘heavenly stone’, a term that was also used to define a shining metal. The use of the word shem in respect of its ‘shining’ aspect is apparent in the alternative name for Prince Utu, brother of Inanna… His epithet was Shem-esh: the Shining One. (Laurence Gardner, Genesis of the Grail Kings, p.120)
So, what we have here is this: the shem was a ‘heavenly shining fire-stone’ while the Nephilim, i.e. the ‘fallen angles’ (also called the ‘Shining Ones’), were the ‘people of the shem’.
The shem also figures in the tale of the Tower of Babel:
…let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a shem, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
Again, the shem is directly associated with heaven, and here it is additionally linked with the top of a tower – which makes the shem very much comparable to the Egyptian Benben Stone which too is thought to have been a meteorite and was placed at the very top of a pyramid or obelisk. It may also be noticed that the Babel story conceptually parallels the saga of the 'fallen angels' who were punished by ‘God’ for overreaching just as was the case with the builders of the Tower.
The Benben Stone connection then brings us back to Osiris, the husband-brother of Isis, as ancient Egyptian theology equated the heavenly stone with the soul of Osiris as well as the phoenix. Since the phoenix signifies the concept of resurrection, it may be inferred that the Benben/shem is symbolic of Osirian resurrection which mythologically takes place with the help of Isis. And similarly, Jesus -- in theory, the biblical Osiris -- is identified in the New Testament with the cornerstone of the Temple that the ‘builders rejected’:
…Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone… (Ephesians 2:20)
Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. (Acts 4:10-1)
This notion of a rejected cornerstone can easily be compared to the ‘rejected’ capstone/benben of the greatest Egyptian ‘Temple’, the Great Pyramid. Combined with a cornerstone’s significance as the transition from the underground realm to the upper realm, the rejected cornerstone even echoes the Benben Stone being symbolic of Osirian resurrection (thus further reinforcing the Osiris-Jesus identification).
Antediluvian Pillars
Osiris was considered the ruler of the Golden Age known to the ancient Egyptians as the Zep Tepi, or 'First Time'. This mythical realm in turn has been often associated with the supposed great antediluvian civilization that Plato called 'Atlantis'. In Plato's accounts of this lost world, the only clear reference to its geographical position is that it was situated beyond the 'pillars of Hercules' (an ancient name for the Straits of Gibraltar at the western end of the Mediterranean Sea). Osiris, correspondingly, was often depicted in the shape of a pillar by the ancient Egyptians. Could the two 'pillars of Hercules' that represented a gateway to the paradisiacal realm be now considered analogous to the Tower of Babel/'gate of the god' or more specifically the twin towers/pillars of NYC destroyed in the 9-11 terrorist attacks?
The imagery of two pillars is also clearly evocative of the two pillars of Jachin and Boaz (symbolizing individual power and life) that stood at the entrance to Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, the home of the Ark of the Covenant. They were made of brass (1 Kings 7:15) - which has a most fitting implication as brass/bronze is considered to signify 'the indissoluble compact between Earth and Heaven and the pledge of the everlasting stability of this covenant' (Chevalier & Gheerbrant, Dictionary of Symbols, "column"). Representations of these pillars are still found in lodges of Freemasonry, a large semi-secret and esoteric organization which carries within its mysterious tradition that of the medieval warrior-monks, the Knights Templar.
After its sudden dissolution initiated by the French king Philip the Fair in 1307, the Templar survivors apparently made their way into Scotland where they and their tradition found a sanctuary and were maintained by certain interlocking families including the Sinclairs, the patron of Scottish Freemasonry, who had a close connection with the Templar knights. Among the Templar legacies were almost certainly things they had obtained at the site of Solomon's Temple which they had been allowed to use as their headquarters. It is known that the knights excavated the site and probably found something of great importance which may have contributed to the rapid rise to the top of the power structure in Christendom. So it was quite obviously through the incorporation of Templarism that Freemasonry came to adopt the Solomonic twin-pillar symbolism.
That these pillars are relevant to our discussion is effectively confirmed by the imagery on one of the tarot cards called the 'High Priestess' or 'Papess' which shows a high priestess/female pope along with the pillars of Jachin and Boaz marked 'J' and 'B'.

The Papess almost certainly represents none other than Mary Magdalene (= Isis, Babylon, tower, etc.) who actually had a power struggle with Peter the first pope according to Gnostic Gospels. Also, tellingly, the term ‘prostitute’ (a description often applied to the Magdalene), as hierodulae, would refer to the ‘sacred women’-- or 'priestesses' -- of the temple of the Goddess who performed a ritual practice resembling the anointing of Jesus by Mary of Bethany (often equated with Mary Magdalene). In ancient times, anointing of the king was a ritual – called the ‘Sacred Marriage’ in Greek – performed by a royal bride; the implication being that Mary Magdalene married Jesus, just as Isis was the wife of Osiris, resulting in the 'Holy Grail' which is the 'Blood Royal'.
The pillars of Jachin and Boaz also nicely relate back to the themes of the Flood and Atlantis as originally these Masonic pillars represented the 'Antediluvian Pillars' erected by Enoch, Noah's great-grandfather, who is considered one of Freemasonry's founders. According to legend, Enoch had the foreknowledge of the coming Deluge and constructed nine hidden vaults in which he concealed certain knowledge. He then placed two columns at the site upon which were inscribed the 'seven sciences' of mankind and such. The vaults were later found by Solomon while building his Temple. Enoch, therefore, can be viewed as a prototype of Noah and the vaults/pillars are another form of the Ark containing antediluvian, or Atlantean, 'knowledge'.
It is interesting to point out here that it is the 'Book of Enoch' that contains the most detailed account of the affairs of the 'fallen angels'/'Watchers' briefly mentioned in Genesis. Also, that the number of Enoch's vaults was nine, combined with the twin pillars visually forming the number '11', raises the possibility that the date of the terrorist attacks on the NYC twin towers (9-11) was in reference, at least in part, to the Antediluvian Pillars and its connection to the WTC 'pillars'. Seemingly supportive of this, numerically, also is the fact that there are exactly 111 days left in the year after 9-11. As it happens, the Sumerian version of Noah's Ark "was a cube - a modest one, measuring 60x60x60 fathoms, which represents the unit in the sexagesimal system where 60 is written as 1" (Hamlet's Mill, p.219). In other words, the original Ark could be considered to have measured 1x1x1 or '111'.
Lost and Found
On the Etemenanki website, I have long pointed out the persistent symbolic connection that apparently exists between high-impact world events -- especially airplane crashes -- and the theme of the Ark-Grail (see 1999: The Ark of Sirius for example). The '911' event involving airplane crashes, needless to say, fits the pattern very well.
After some contemplation, I have now finally found a reasonably sound explanation as to why such a symbolic link exists. An 'airplane' is a perfect vehicle to carry the notion of the 'air-plane' as in the 'dimension of air' that is sandwiched between the planes of earth and heaven. Its relative position therefore is implicative of the familiar theme of the unification or 'gate' of earth and heaven. In support of this interpretation, we find that in ancient Egypt it was conceptualized that the air god Shu was sort of a pillar that held the vault of heaven above. This imagery is strikingly evocative of Atlas of Greek mythology who was condemned to bearing the heaven on his shoulders for eternity after the great war with the Olympians. Atlas, in turn, is said to have been the first king of Atlantis and in effect the embodiment of this legendary civilization!
Airplane crashes would therefore be analogous to the destruction of the antediluvian world, i.e. none other the the Great Flood, which may be conceptually thought of as the collapse of great pillars/towers/gate -- and that is exactly what took place at the World Trade Center in NYC!
The planes crashing into the WTC towers and the Pentagon was of course like no other plane crashes. The magnitude of devastation and symbolic coherence was off the scale. Does this imply something? Why so strong an echo of the 'Atlantean' destruction in 2001?
Could it be that like Osiris and the phoenix, Atlantis is getting ready to rise again from its ashes now? Is the Ark about to be opened? Is the discovery of the fabled Atlantean 'Hall of Records' imminent?
In 2000, an underwater city with pyramidal structures was detected off the coast of Cuba. Researchers have been quietly examining this most enigmatic archaeological find behind the scenes. We are at this time simply awaiting the news of this paradigm-shattering revelation to break. Could this be relevant? It seems so.
Indeed, long before the '911' attacks I had already detected a curious pattern. In the 'View from Here' section of the Etemenanki website, for example, I have made the following remarks:
- June 20: "Looks like this is going to be a summer of Atlantis."
- July 06: "...the undercurrent esoteric theme of this summer was to be the 'rising' of Atlantis... I'd say 'the timetable', the template of history, is dictating that 2001 be the beginning of the 'resurrection of Osiris' (which has many levels of meaning)."
Along with these I had also noted how this theme appeared to be entangled with Mars at which NASA's latest probe, Mars Odyssey, just arrived on Oct. 23, '01. All summer long, Mars was very close to Earth -- in fact, closest in over a decade -- and was a dominant object in the night sky. And since 1998, Mars Global Surveyor had been giving us new photographs of the controversial Cydonia "monuments" on Mars in an attempt to confirm or refute the claim of the Cydonian structures being artificial - a question that still has not been settled but is getting more and more intriguing. Perhaps Odyssey will help solving the enigma soon.
It cannot be ignored that NYC, where the 'Atlantean pillars' stood, is situated at ~40.8°N latitude which happens to be the very latitude of the Martian 'monuments' in Cydonia. And one of the most intriguing Cydonia structures happens to be a pentagonal pyramid called the 'D&M Pyramid' which is very much evocative of the Pentagon hit by a plane on 9-11. The Martian Pentagon is even partially collapsed to reflect the US Pentagon, or vice versa.
What are we to make of all these and other connections? Atlantis... Mars... Was Atlantis on (gasp) Mars? Did mankind first started on the Red Planet before the "Flood"? One telling clue is the fact that the humans ‘free-running circadian rhythm’ (i.e. the natural sleep-awake cycle without any external time cues such as sunrise, sunset, clock, daily routine, etc.) is not 24 hours as expected, but about 24.7 hours long instead – that is, almost precisely the length of a Martian day.
Did man 'fall' to Earth in an "Exodus" from the Red Planet like a life-seeding meteorite and knowledge-providing 'fallen angles'? The shem was a 'fire-stone' - isn't this a potent allusion to Mars, the planet/'stone' of fire?
What was placed in the Ark of Moses, according to some scholars, were actually meteorites. Could the tale of Moses and his Ark, then, be another version of Noah and his Ark? Was the 'Exodus' of the Israelites led by Moses, then, actually a parabolic story about an interplanetary migration of man in the forgotten past?
The 911 event being a symbolic reenactment of the Flood (i.e. destruction of 'Atlantis'), wouldn't the pattern dictate that the next event be a mass 'Exodus'? Could it be just a coincidence that I conceptually equated President Bush with Moses in The Two Suns of Election MM last year?
But where would be the destination of this 'Exodus'? Where is our 'Promised Land'?
You guessed it: Mars.

The world events today appear to be symbolically anticipating mankind's imminent migration to the Red Planet on which will likely be found enough water to sustain a full-blown civilization soon (this is probably where Mars Odyssey comes in).
We are going back to our Genesis, the First Time, the Golden Age, the Age of Osiris.
America is no longer the 'New World'. Mars is. And this is actually part of what I had in mind when I stated in early 2000:
Now, I'm not sure if I want to say this... but here is something that the data I have is suggesting to me. It's that the year 2000/2001 is to bring to the United States one of the biggest events the country has ever experienced. This is not something I 'believe' or based on 'millennial' mentality; it's just what the data I have (not presented on this website) is suggesting to me. The key concepts attached to this are termination and 'New World'.
מגדול Migdowl {mig-dole'} or מגדל Migdol {mig-dole'} probably of Egyptian origin;; AV - Migdol 4, tower 2, variant 1; 7 Migdol = "tower" n pr m 1) a fortified city on the Egyptian border n m 2) tower
Gematria: 83 |
Rockefeller Center: La Atlántida Global y sus símbolos
El Rockefeller Center es uno de los lugares simbólicos más densos del planeta, aunque muy pocos entre sus millones de visitantes se paren a reflexionar sobre lo que significan estas imágenes. Se trata de una simbología relacionada con la historia reciente del capitalismo global, cuyas consecuencias estamos ahora sufriendo. El mito de la Atlántida, resurgida del océano para volver a desafiar a los dioses mediante la ilusión del conocimiento humano sin límites, el poder de la técnica y el dinero, y el individualismo como motor del mundo.
 Es una simbología relacionada en parte con España. Según la mitología griega, Hércules en su viaje a la Península Ibérica se atrevió a robar la fruta sagrada que cuidaban las Hespérides, hijas de Atlas, fundador de la Atlántida, cumpliendo así la profecía sobre el fin de ese reino de titanes, como estaba anunciado. Este relieve del Museo de Olimpia muestra maravillosamente este episodio. Hércules sujeta el cosmos ayudado por la diosa Atenea, que le pone un almohadón en la espalda, mientras el mismo Átlas le trae las frutas de las Hespérides. Es una versión muy peculiar del mito, pues Átlas coopera en su propia destrucción, y sitúa en España, Hesperia, ese jardín prohibido.
Durante cincuenta años de su vida, el profesor Schulten efectuó investigaciones históricas y arqueológicas en la Península Ibérica en búsqueda de la Atlántida, y los últimos hallazgos parecen apoyar su hipótesis de que el reino andaluz de Tartessos, desaparecido en el siglo VI antes de Cristo, coincidía con la descripción que nos dejó Platón en el Timeo:
“(…) Sabios reyes habían formado en esta Atlántida una vasta y maravillosa potencia que dominaba toda aquella tierra además de otras muchas islas, y algunas comarcas del continente, apoderándose de todas, desde Libia al Egipto, y de Europa hasta Tirrenia (…) Empero sobrevinieron diluvios y terremotos, y en un solo día y en una sola noche fatal, todos aquellos guerreros fueron tragados por la tierra abierta. Desapareció la Atlántida y he aquí por qué aun hoy no se puede recorrer y explorar aquel mar, encontrando la navegación un escollo en el fangoso lodo que dejó la tierra al abismarse”.

El nombre del océano Atlántico viene de este supuesto reino hundido, que los cartógrafos del Renacimiento situaban entre América y Europa. Jacint Verdaguer en su famoso poemario La Atlántida, defiende que la búsqueda de ese mítico continente originó la aventura de Colón hacia el Atlántico e, indirectamente, el descubrimiento del Nuevo Mundo. Desde entonces, la Atlántida se asocia con América, y así lo describe el catalán José María Sert en los frescos de Titanes que pintó para decorar el vestíbulo principal del Rockefeller Center de Nueva York. Este mismo artista fue encargado por Manuel de Falla, para pintar los decorados de la cantata escenificada Atlántida, que aunque nunca llegó a estrenarse por culpa de la Guerra Civil, es la gran ópera española, escrita sobre todo en catalán, pues está inspirada en los poemas épicos de Verdaguer.

La Atlántida narra la lucha entre los dioses y los titanes hijos de Atlas, una lucha que recuerda bastante a la narración de la lucha entre los ángeles y los demonios, que fueron finalmente vencidos y arrojados al infierno. También la Atlántida fue destruida y hundida en el océano según los viejos mitos griegos. Por eso, el relato de la Atlántida, como el del Génesis sobre el Árbol del Conocimiento del Bien y del Mal en el Paraíso terrenal, simboliza la ambición sin límites del ser humano, y también del origen mismo de la civilización tal como hoy la conocemos, basada en el saber por experiencia, en la ciencia.

Todos los símbolos del Rockefeller Center siguen una estética griega que ha quedado un tanto adulterada para adaptarse al gusto popular del momento: El Art Decó, símbolo por excelencia del capitalismo americano. De hecho, este complejo de rascacielos y plazas fue construido entre 1930 y 1939 por John D. Rockefeller, Jr., al que debe su nombre, uno de los grandes magnates y pioneros de la economía de mercado actual. Se trata del primer conjunto urbanístico diseñado ex profeso en Manhattan, con diecinueve edificios que ocupan una superficie de 89,000 m2, entre las Avenidas Sexta y Quinta, y las calles 48 y 51, justo en frente de la catedral católica de Nueva York, la famosa San Patricio.El Atlas es la escultura más grande y, quizás, la más característica del complejo Rockefeller Center junto con la figura dorada de Prometeo y el Zodiaco, que está situada en la plaza interior, en frente del vestíbulo principal que decorara Sert.

Atlas, según la mitología griega, fue condenado por Zeus a soportar sobre sus hombros los pilares que mantenían la tierra separada de los cielos. La escultura del Rockefeller Center en Nueva York fue realizada en 1936 por Lee Lawrie y Rene Chambellan. En ella, el eje norte-sur del gran orbe de bronce apunta a la Estrella Polar, y en uno de sus anillos se encuentran representadas las 12 constelaciones por las que pasa el Sol a lo largo de un año (visto desde la Tierra). Sobre los hombros de Atlas también puede observarse una especie de viga curvada con los símbolos tradicionales de Mercurio, Venus, Tierra, Marte, Júpiter, Saturno, y Neptuno.
cuarto dia, las dos lumbreras y las estrellas
jachin y boaz, genesis 1 (gen de isis)
Rockefeller Center: La Atlántida Global y sus símbolos
El Rockefeller Center es uno de los lugares simbólicos más densos del planeta, aunque muy pocos entre sus millones de visitantes se paren a reflexionar sobre lo que significan estas imágenes. Se trata de una simbología relacionada con la historia reciente del capitalismo global, cuyas consecuencias estamos ahora sufriendo. El mito de la Atlántida, resurgida del océano para volver a desafiar a los dioses mediante la ilusión del conocimiento humano sin límites, el poder de la técnica y el dinero, y el individualismo como motor del mundo.
 Es una simbología relacionada en parte con España. Según la mitología griega, Hércules en su viaje a la Península Ibérica se atrevió a robar la fruta sagrada que cuidaban las Hespérides, hijas de Atlas, fundador de la Atlántida, cumpliendo así la profecía sobre el fin de ese reino de titanes, como estaba anunciado. Este relieve del Museo de Olimpia muestra maravillosamente este episodio. Hércules sujeta el cosmos ayudado por la diosa Atenea, que le pone un almohadón en la espalda, mientras el mismo Átlas le trae las frutas de las Hespérides. Es una versión muy peculiar del mito, pues Átlas coopera en su propia destrucción, y sitúa en España, Hesperia, ese jardín prohibido.
Durante cincuenta años de su vida, el profesor Schulten efectuó investigaciones históricas y arqueológicas en la Península Ibérica en búsqueda de la Atlántida, y los últimos hallazgos parecen apoyar su hipótesis de que el reino andaluz de Tartessos, desaparecido en el siglo VI antes de Cristo, coincidía con la descripción que nos dejó Platón en el Timeo:
“(…) Sabios reyes habían formado en esta Atlántida una vasta y maravillosa potencia que dominaba toda aquella tierra además de otras muchas islas, y algunas comarcas del continente, apoderándose de todas, desde Libia al Egipto, y de Europa hasta Tirrenia (…) Empero sobrevinieron diluvios y terremotos, y en un solo día y en una sola noche fatal, todos aquellos guerreros fueron tragados por la tierra abierta. Desapareció la Atlántida y he aquí por qué aun hoy no se puede recorrer y explorar aquel mar, encontrando la navegación un escollo en el fangoso lodo que dejó la tierra al abismarse”.

El nombre del océano Atlántico viene de este supuesto reino hundido, que los cartógrafos del Renacimiento situaban entre América y Europa. Jacint Verdaguer en su famoso poemario La Atlántida, defiende que la búsqueda de ese mítico continente originó la aventura de Colón hacia el Atlántico e, indirectamente, el descubrimiento del Nuevo Mundo. Desde entonces, la Atlántida se asocia con América, y así lo describe el catalán José María Sert en los frescos de Titanes que pintó para decorar el vestíbulo principal del Rockefeller Center de Nueva York. Este mismo artista fue encargado por Manuel de Falla, para pintar los decorados de la cantata escenificada Atlántida, que aunque nunca llegó a estrenarse por culpa de la Guerra Civil, es la gran ópera española, escrita sobre todo en catalán, pues está inspirada en los poemas épicos de Verdaguer.

La Atlántida narra la lucha entre los dioses y los titanes hijos de Atlas, una lucha que recuerda bastante a la narración de la lucha entre los ángeles y los demonios, que fueron finalmente vencidos y arrojados al infierno. También la Atlántida fue destruida y hundida en el océano según los viejos mitos griegos. Por eso, el relato de la Atlántida, como el del Génesis sobre el Árbol del Conocimiento del Bien y del Mal en el Paraíso terrenal, simboliza la ambición sin límites del ser humano, y también del origen mismo de la civilización tal como hoy la conocemos, basada en el saber por experiencia, en la ciencia.

Todos los símbolos del Rockefeller Center siguen una estética griega que ha quedado un tanto adulterada para adaptarse al gusto popular del momento: El Art Decó, símbolo por excelencia del capitalismo americano. De hecho, este complejo de rascacielos y plazas fue construido entre 1930 y 1939 por John D. Rockefeller, Jr., al que debe su nombre, uno de los grandes magnates y pioneros de la economía de mercado actual. Se trata del primer conjunto urbanístico diseñado ex profeso en Manhattan, con diecinueve edificios que ocupan una superficie de 89,000 m2, entre las Avenidas Sexta y Quinta, y las calles 48 y 51, justo en frente de la catedral católica de Nueva York, la famosa San Patricio.El Atlas es la escultura más grande y, quizás, la más característica del complejo Rockefeller Center junto con la figura dorada de Prometeo y el Zodiaco, que está situada en la plaza interior, en frente del vestíbulo principal que decorara Sert.

Atlas, según la mitología griega, fue condenado por Zeus a soportar sobre sus hombros los pilares que mantenían la tierra separada de los cielos. La escultura del Rockefeller Center en Nueva York fue realizada en 1936 por Lee Lawrie y Rene Chambellan. En ella, el eje norte-sur del gran orbe de bronce apunta a la Estrella Polar, y en uno de sus anillos se encuentran representadas las 12 constelaciones por las que pasa el Sol a lo largo de un año (visto desde la Tierra). Sobre los hombros de Atlas también puede observarse una especie de viga curvada con los símbolos tradicionales de Mercurio, Venus, Tierra, Marte, Júpiter, Saturno, y Neptuno.
cuarto dia, las dos lumbreras y las estrellas
jachin y boaz, genesis 1 (gen de isis)
French Crop circle Plat-d'Étain, nr Chécy, Boigny. Reported 11th June. http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/inter2012/france/Checy,2012a.htmlThe Crop Circle was reported Monday June 11 in France is between the "rue du Bois Saussier" and the "rue du Plat d'Étain" near to the city of Chécy , Departement in the Loiret (45), Central region. 47 54' 58' N 2 0' 57' E  the triangle was very important to Sauniere    and the trefoil which is a major design at the Tour Magdala  We were all talking about the trefoil and what it showed around this time freaky  Checy is close to Orleans Orleans Heraldry  On the south bank the "chtelet des Tourelles" protected access to the bridge. This was the site of the battle on 8 May 1429 which allowed Joan of Arc to enter and liberate the city from the Plantagenets during the Hundred Years' War, with the help of the royal generals Dunois and Florent d'Amiot – lliers "la pucelle d'Orléans" When France colonised America, the territory it conquered was immense, including the whole Mississippi River (whose first European name was the River Colbert), from its mouth to its source at the borders of Canada. Its capital was named "la Nouvelle-Orléans" in honour of Louis XV's regent, the duke of Orléans, Heraldry
According to Victor Adolphe Malte-Brun in La France Illustrée, 1882, Orléans's arms are "gules, three caillous in cœurs de lys argent, and on a chief azure, three fleurs de lys Or." Charle Grandmaison, in the Dictionnaire Héraldique of 1861, states that it is "Or, with three hearts in gules", without the chief of France. Sometimes, in faulty designs, we find it described "gules, three fleurs de lys argent, and on a chief azure three fleurs de lys Or."[5]
It is to be noted that the design shown left shows 3 "cœurs de lys" (heart of a lily), seen from above. This "cœurs de lys" is therefore not a true lily, which would have 6 tepals, but a hypothetical aerial view of a symbolic lily. It has probably also been stylised more and more in heraldry, as in the heart in a pack of cards. Certain authors solve the problem by calling this symbol a "tiercefeuille", defined as a stemless clover leaf, with one leaf at the top and two below, thus making this coat of arms "gules, with three reversed tiercefeuilles in argent, etc".
"Hoc vernant lilia corde" (granted by Louis XII, then duke of Orléans), meaning "It is by this heart that lilies flourish" or "This heart makes lilies flourish", referring to the fleur de lys, symbol of the French royal family.
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