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Réponse  Message 1 de 19 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (message original) Envoyé: 08/10/2012 03:31


De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Dodecaedro regular
Familia: Sólidos platónicos
Imágen del sólido
Caras 12
Polígonos que forman las caras Pentágonos regulares
Aristas 30
Vértices 20
Grupo de simetría Icosaédrico (Ih)
Poliedro dual Icosaedro

Un dodecaedro (del griego δώδεκα, ‘doce’ y ἕδρα; ‘asiento’, ‘posición’, en geometría ‘cara’) es un poliedro de doce caras, convexo o cóncavo. Sus caras han de ser polígonos de once lados o menos. Si las doce caras del dodecaedro son pentágonos regulares, iguales entre sí, el dodecaedro es convexo y se denomina regular, siendo entonces uno de los llamados sólidos platónicos.

Recientes investigaciones científicas han propuesto que el espacio dodecahédrico de Poincaré sería la forma del Universo[1] [2] [3] y en el año 2008 se estimó la orientación óptima del modelo en el cielo.[4]



[editar] Dodecaedro regular

Plantilla para armar un dodecaedro regular.

[editar] Cálculo de dimensiones fundamentales

  • Radio externo: r_u=frac{sqrt{6}}{4} sqrt{3 +sqrt{5}} cdot a approx 1.401258538 cdot a
  • Radio interno: r_i=frac{a}{4} sqrt{ frac{50+22sqrt{5}}{5} } approx 1.113516364 cdot a

En todo poliedro regular, el número de caras más el número de vértices, es igual al número de aristas más 2.

C + V = A + 2 ,

donde: C = número de caras; V = número de vértices; A = número de aristas

[editar] Área

Animación de uno de los desarrollos del Dodecaedro.

El área total de sus caras, A (que es 12 veces el área de una de ellas, Ac) es igual a:

A = 12 cdot frac{sqrt{25+10 sqrt{5}}}{4} cdot a^2 = 3 sqrt{25+10 sqrt{5}} cdot a^2 approx 20,65cdot a^2

También se puede con esta fórmula basada en parte en la trigonometría:

A = frac{15 l^2}{tan 36^o}

[editar] Volumen

Para un dodecaedro de arista A, se puede calcular su volumen V mediante la siguiente fórmula:

V = frac{1}{4} left(15+7 sqrt{5} 
ight)cdot a^3 approx 7,66 cdot a^3

[editar] Ángulos diedros

Los ángulos entre cada par de caras son:

alpha = 180 - arccos left(	an{18} 	imes 	an{54}
ight) = 116,57^o

[editar] Propiedades particulares

[editar] Simetría

Dado de un juego de rol en forma de dodecaedro.

Un dodecaedro regular tiene seis ejes de simetría de orden cinco, las rectas que unen los centros de caras opuestas; quince ejes de simetría de orden dos, las rectas que unen los centros de aristas opuestas; quince planos de simetría, que contienen cada pareja de aristas opuestas coplanares; y un centro de simetría. Esto hace que este cuerpo tenga un orden de simetría total de 120: 2x(6x5+15x2).

Los elementos de simetría anteriores definen uno de los grupos de simetría icosaédricos, el denominado Ih según la notación de Schöenflies.

El dodecaedro tiene también diez ejes de simetría de orden tres: las rectas que unen cada par de vértices opuestos. Subdividiendo cada cara del dodecaedro en triángulos se pueden construir domos geodésicos.

[editar] Aplicaciones y ejemplos

En los juegos de rol el dado de doce caras es un dodecaedro regular. Su notación escrita es «D12».

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Réponse  Message 5 de 19 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 22/08/2015 00:46

Paolo Uccello antes del descubrimiento de America ya nos indicaba la forma de Toro

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Torta del Rey o roscon de Reyes

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El templo de Salomon o Sol-o-mon que esta inspirado en esto-

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La molecula de azufre octogonal utilizada en alquimia y las tantas Iglesias Romanicas y Templarias que hemos visto.

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Como se arreglan las moleculas de S8 rombico ?

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Jardines del Taj Mahal

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Aljibe octogonal en el Taj Mahal- agua - Acuario

Tumba Taj Majal

En fin los indicios estan alli para el que los busque, solo restaba atar los cabos.
Por ejemplo con la granada del Cristo de Da Vinci, vamos a buscar la forma de la granada y resulta que sus semillas forman un rombododecaedro, se llama granada por analogia del cristal de granate que tambien tiene esa forma, continuando con las analogias tenemos la granada explosiva por que es en esta forma que la galaxia explota.
Buscando formas del hipercubo encontramos el rombododecaedro, por lo cual tenemos el indicio de que esta forma es especial.
Descomponemos esta figura en dos cubos, y asignamos las coordenadas binarias y tenemos el diagrama, vemos que el 6 y el 9 que son espirales geometricos coinciden en un punto medio lo cual indica un claro choque o rebote ya que hay contacto.
Nos falta entonces interpretar el eje w sobre el cual se mueven los cubos, que es el espiral que se come la cola, me llevo unos meses descifrarlo, pero el codigo esta por todos lados como hemos visto.
Superponemos la figura al Zodiaco y tenemos un mapeo, ademas en base a su construccion podemos descifrar el siginificado de la gran Piramide, el obelisco, que surgen de los ciclos pentagonales y heptagonales.
Atando cabos, vamos armando el puzzle, sin mas misterios.

The Six Cornered Snowflake

En el copo de nieve de seis ángulos

Ensayo de Kepler, "En el copo de nieve de seis ángulos", es considerado como el primer trabajo que analiza y describe la estructura de los cristales.

Última edición por IndigoMerovingio; 14-abr-2012 a las 04:31

Réponse  Message 6 de 19 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 02/06/2016 18:50

Réponse  Message 7 de 19 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 06/10/2016 02:38
Resultado de imagen para da vinci clock

Réponse  Message 8 de 19 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 02/04/2017 00:53
Observation: copper was considered among alchemist an earthen element, if you look up platonic solids in wikipedia guess which shape corresponds to earth: hexahedron.

by just looking at the Vertices/Edges/Faces , you can tell which is the Mirror image of which or as they call them dual (or "polar") polyhedron, Tetrahedron is self dual
Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

Réponse  Message 9 de 19 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 06/07/2019 15:29
Resultado de imagen para KAABA PHI NUMBER

Réponse  Message 10 de 19 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 14/01/2021 09:43

Réponse  Message 11 de 19 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 21/02/2021 10:02

Réponse  Message 12 de 19 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 24/03/2021 12:53

Réponse  Message 13 de 19 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 18/05/2021 18:12

Réponse  Message 14 de 19 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 23/03/2022 00:19

Réponse  Message 15 de 19 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 05/09/2022 00:50

Réponse  Message 16 de 19 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 04/12/2022 01:14

Sacred Geometry

Sacred Geometry, forms the underlying principles of its Religious Architecture, Art and Music in Venice.  Evidence suggests that the original layout of the early city was planned, using  these ancient geometrical and mathematical considerations One good example is in the siting of groups of Bell-Towers (Campaniles), that contributed towards the development and success of this great city.  In what is a “labyrinth” of canals and walkways; these high towers aided communication (by visual line of site and sound), movement around the city and maintenance of authority, security and defence.


Sacred Geometry: the “Starred Dodecahedron” at St Mark’s Basilica. To the left of the main doorway on the floor, is a curious mosaic of a starred dodecahedron; attributed to Paolo Uccello (1397-1475), the famous Florentine Renaissance artist.  It is thought that his main influence was Luca de Pacioli (1445-1517), a Franciscan monk and famous mathematician, considered the father of modern book-keeping.

In 1509 in Venice, de Pacioli published “De Divina Proportione”; primarily concerned with the “Golden Ratio” and its use in architecture and painting.

The dodecahedron is a twelve-sided or faceted figure.  Each facet has five sides, so by extending the sides out to meet and form “pyramids”; a star is formed.  Hence, the starred dodecahedron is made up of twelve pentagons.

The significance of this was that the pentagon (a five-sided figure with straight and equal sides), was to the wise men of Antiquity, symbolic of Venus; the planet governing Venice.  Hence the importance of its presence at St Mark’s Basilica.

In traditional symbolism, the dodecahedron was the form that best represented the manifestation of God in Nature.  For Plato it symbolised “Cosmic Harmony”.  It is a three-dimensional representation of the symmetry of the pentagon and the “Golden Ratio”, that occurs naturally throughout the natural world.

This golden ratio (or golden mean), is the essential property of the dodecahedron and other geometric forms described by Plato as “celestial”.  Five in number, they were the model for all the forms found in the natural world.  Sacred geometry is the underlying and organising principle of Creation.  These universal forms are systematically organised in a geometrical form in which each figure has its own mathematical and philosophical interpretation; hence their use in religious architecture and art.



Sacred geometry is a  vision of the world, according to which the basic criteria for existence, are perceived to be sacred.  By learning its laws, principles and the interrelationships of shapes, the “Universal Grand Project” (Magnum Misterium), can be contemplated.

Five universal shapes or forms known as the “Platonic Solids” (after Plato), are systematised in a geometric complex, in which each figure has its own mathematical and philosophical interpretation.

They are applied in projects of sacred architecture and sacred art, which always uses the “divine proportions”, in which Man reflects the Universe and the Universe reflects Man.  It is commonly believed that sacred geometry is found in Music, Light and Cosmology.

Some consider it to be a universal facet of the human condition; as for example when man discovered its system of values, in Megalithic and Neolithic cultures.

Sacred Geometry is fundamental to the construction of churches, synagogues, temples and mosques and to their interior design and proportions.  Passed down through Graeco-Egyptian culture, to ancient Rome and then inspiring the medieval Roman and Gothic architecture of European cathedrals; which incorporated this geometry of sacred symbolism.



Pythagoras the philosopher and mathematician, was said to have founded the system of Sacred Geometry at his school in Croton, Greece.   It is believed that he brought back his knowledge, from travels to Egypt and India.  He created “Pythagorian Geometry” by using the golden ratio of 1.618 and applying it to the geometric forms of the five basic solids.  Plato, mentioned them to such a degree that they became known as the “Five Platonic Solids”.

It was a Greek myth that inspired Pythagoras, about the child-god Dionysus’s toys: a basket, dice, top, ball and mirror.

On a cosmic level:

The Basket: represents the Universe

The Dice: represents the five Platonic solids symbolising the natural elements: ether – air – fire – water – earth.

The Top: is the atom of the matter.

The Ball: is the earth’s globe.

The Mirror: reflects the work of the Supreme Geometrist, (Dionysus), which itself is the universal manifestation of Life and Consciousness; of God towards Man and Man towards God.

Each of the five Platonic solids represent a planetary energy, that is connected by its form to a natural element.

The five basic solids are: the tetrahedron (pyramid) – four sides, the hexahedron (cube) – six sides, the octahedron – eight sides, the dodecahedron – twelve sides and the icosahedron – twenty sides.

(Definition – Hedron: : geometrical solids having a specified number of plane faces  Poly: many)

In three-dimensional space, a Platonic solid is a regular, convex polyhedron. It is constructed by congruent (identical in shape and size), regular (all angles equal and all sides equal), polygonal faces with the same number of faces meeting at each vertex.

Five solids meet these criteria:

Dodecahedron: is linked to Venus and Ether, the natural quintessence expressed by a temple’s dome.

Octahedron: is linked to Saturn and the Air, represents the Cross of the  Transcept.

The Tetrahedron:  is linked to Mars and Fire, is represented by openings in the temple, where light gushes through.

Icosahedron: is linked to the Moon and Water, establishes the harmony of forms in the temple’s design; constructing the connecting lines between the alters and columns.

Hexahedron: fixes the Sun to its element, the Earth; by determining the shape of the temple’s foundations or floor.

The main purpose of Sacred Geometry is to create Universal Perfection, through perfect mathematical forms and calculations.  By using sacred architecture, connecting the Multiple to the Single, in a space dedicated to this end.

Here are alternative definitions of Sacred Geometry, that may help understanding of a rather complex subject:

Sacred Geometry is the underlying and organizing principle of Creation.

Five universal forms are systematically organised into a geometric form, in which each figure has its own mathematical and philosophical interpretation; hence their use in religious art and architecture.

These forms best represent the “Manifestation of God in Nature” and our Universe and those beyond” and to Plato was symbolic of “Cosmic Harmony”.

They were the model for all the forms found in the natural world.

Sacred Geometry may be understood as a worldview of pattern recognition, a complex system of religious symbols and structures involving space, time and form.  According to this view the basic patterns of existence are perceived as sacred.

By connecting with these, a believer contemplates the Great Mysteries, and the Great Design.  By studying the nature of these patterns, forms and relationships and their connections, insight may be gained into the mysteries – the laws and lore of the Universe.

Sacred Geometry is another term for the Algorithm, Matrix, Illusion, or Simulation that unites and creates all realities.

Sacred geometry involves sacred universal patterns used in the design of everything in our reality, most often seen in sacred architecture and sacred art.  The basic belief is that geometry and mathematical ratios, harmonics and proportion are also found in music, light, cosmology.  This value system is seen as widespread even in prehistory, a cultural universal of the human condition.



Sphere: Perhaps one of the simplest and most perfect of all forms, the sphere is an expression of unity, completeness, integrity, and equality.  It is the most profound and sacred symbol in the Universe and contains all the wisdom of creation.  It is from the sphere that the other shapes are organized.  With the sphere, we are reminded that everything fits together in perfect proportions and it is the portal that opens you to the workings of nature

The Flower of Life.  The Flower of Life is made of evenly-spaced, overlapping circles with six-fold symmetry similar to a hexagon.  The Flower of Life embodies our Life Force energy, or Chi, and the lifeblood that flows through us.  Our energy, the Earth, and everything in the Universe is woven within a common repeating pattern that manifests in the geometry of this single sacred flower. Its perfect, infinite pattern represents the very thread of our being, stretching across planes and dimensions.  The Flower of Life symbol is used throughout the world. It can be found at the Temple of Osiris in Egypt, the Forbidden City in China, and sacred sites in Israel, India, Spain, and Japan.

The Merkaba.  The Merkaba is another powerful symbol that is created when two star- tetrahedrons are combined – one pointing up to the heavens, channelling energy down from the Universe to the Earth; and one pointing downwards, drawing energy up from the Earth.  The Merkaba is a light vehicle believed to be used by the ascended masters to connect with and transport to the Higher Realms. “Mer” means light. “Ka” means Spirit. “Ba” means Body.  The Merkaba is linked to Metatron, the archangel who is most attributed to sacred geometry and the mysteries and inner workings of the Universe.

The Kaballistic Tree of Life.  The symbol is believed to be derived from the Tree of Life.   The diagram is also used by Christian Cabbala, Hermetic Qabalah and Theosophy.  Kabbalah is an ancient wisdom that reveals how the universe and life work.  On a literal level, the word Kabbalah means “receiving”.  It is the study of how to receive fulfilment in our lives, discover how the universe works and what the meaning of life is.  Essentially, spiritual illumination – a pathway to God.  It is usually referred to as the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, in order to distinguish it from other concepts with the same name.  The Kabbalist seeks to know himself and the universe, as an expression of God and to make the journey of Return by stages charted by the Sephiroth; until he has come to the realisation he sought.

Shell: Passion flower: Spiral Galaxy: Giants Causeway













Fremasonry – The All Seeing Eye



Please see my other related posts, in the category of: History and Architecture

For those interested in the mysterious, mythical or dark side of Venetian history and culture; I have put together a list of links below to those posts that include elements of Christian Symbolism, Sacred Geometry, Kabbalah, Freemasonry and Alchemy, which I hope to expand.


St Mark’s Basilica

The Lion of St Mark

Santa Maria della Salute

Symbolism of the Venetian Cross

Palazzo Lezze and Alchemic Symbolism

Kabbalah and San Francesco della Vigna

La Maddalena and Masonic Symbolism

Doge’s Palace – Column Capitals

Mouths of the Lion

Pateras – Small Circular Reliefs

Réponse  Message 17 de 19 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 10/11/2023 09:37

Réponse  Message 18 de 19 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 24/12/2023 20:51

Réponse  Message 19 de 19 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 10/02/2024 04:31

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