La correlación del Toro y la diosa, incluyendo la sangre del Toro siendo entregada a la Luna para la fructificación, también puede ser explicada a través de la coexistencia de su objetivo del procreativo. Cuando la cabeza del Toro es vista desde una perceptiva frontal, su cráneo y cuernos exhiben un asombroso parecido a los órganos uterinos de la hembra humana.
En contexto al calendario gregoriano sabemos que el 29/6 (29 de junio o 29 del cuarto mes considerando como marzo el primero como era en la antiguedad) vemos un puente con el VERDADERO PENTECOSTES HEBREO QUE ES EL 29/4 O 29 DE THAMUS.
The Egyptian name for the pyramids is 'Khuti' - 'The lights'. Davidson (2) believed that this name originated from the semetic equivelant which was 'Urim' - 'The lights'. In Phrygian and Greek, the root 'Ur' - 'light', became successively 'Pur' and 'Pyr' (fire), and 'Pyra' (Plural), for 'Beacon fires'. In Chaldee and Hebrew, he adds, 'Middin' = 'Measures'. Hence the Chaldee-Hebrew name is - 'Purim-middin'
Desde el 13/3 o 13 de mayo hasta el 29 de junio tenemos 47 dias y desde el 29 de junio al 15 de agosto tambien tenemos 47 dias. Desde el 29/6 hasta el 13/10 tenemos 106 dias (180-74=106-74 es anagrama del 47) y desde el 15/3 (lanza de longino) hasta el 29/6 tambien tenemos 106 dias. El 15/3 TIENE UN FUERTE NEXO CON FATIMA DEBIDO A EL NEXO 13/10 CON EL 15/3 Y 15/3 CON EL 15/8 EN CONTEXTO AL NUMERO 153. Otro nexo INCREIBLE CON EL 11/9 ES LA INTERRELACION DEL 29/6 Y ESTE ULTIMO EN SU DIFERENCIA DE 74 DIAS e incluso CON EL 9 DE NOVIEMBRE Y TAMBIEN CON EL 29/6 CON EL NUMERO 133.
Tenemos tambien que desde el 1 de enero hasta el 15/3 o 15 de marzo hay 74 dias al igual que en el calendario hebreo desde el primero de nissan hasta el 15/3 o 15/sivan tambien hay 74 dias. Concretamente el 15/3 gregoriano es un paralelo matematico al 15/3 hebreo. Desde el 11 de sivan hasta el 29 de thamus (verdadero pentecostes) tambien tenemos 47 dias. Concretamente la LANZA DE LONGINO ES UN PARALELO ESOTERICO A EXODO 19 EN EL CONTEXTO AL 15 DE SIVAN Y ESO EXPLICA EN FORMA HEBREA EL NEXO CON EL NUMERO 153. UN NEXO MATEMATICO INCREIBLE ENTRE LA INDEPENDENCIA DE EEUU (4/7 o 4 de julio de 1776=NEXO 47) CON FATIMA ES QUE DESDE 1776 HASTA 1917 HAY 141 AÑOS=47X3. CONCRETAMENTE LA INDEPENDENCIA DE EEUU ESTA EN FUNCION A FATIMA O VICEVERSA. ¿COMO SE EXPLICA ESTA SITUACION? ES QUE EN 1917, EL DIA NUMERO 118/119, LUNA LLENA EN EL DIA INTERNACIONAL DE LA MUJER EL 8 DE MARZO, NOS CAYO EL 4 DE JULIO. ESTO EXPLICA LA INTERRELACION MATEMATICA E INCLUSO EL NEXO CON LA INDEPENDENCIA DE EEUU. EL 11 DE NOVIEMBRE DEL 2011, OSEA EL 11/11/11 JUSTAMENTE ES UN PERIODO EXACTO DE FATIMA E INDEPENDENCIA DE EEUU, YA QUE 1776+141+94=1776+235=1776+47X5. (5 ES EL NUMERO DE LA ALQUIMIA, OSEA DEL GRIAL)
La ubicacion alineada de CHICHEN ITZA, el 20 de mayo, en funcion a las PLEYADES aparentemente tiene un FUERTE NEXO CON LA VIRGEN DE FATIMA, ya que siguiendo la secuencia lunar de 1917 (luna nueva en luna llena), el 20 de mayo nos caeria 15 del tercer mes hebreo osea 15/3. Volvemos a tener un NEXO DE FATIMA CON EL NUMERO 153. En el año 2012 tenemos un eclipse en esa fecha. Osea que volvemos a tener un nexo esoterico con el 15/3 (15 de marzo), que es el dia de SAN LONGINO, el romano que le clavo la lanza a Nuestro Señor Jesucristo en la cruz. Otro detalle a tener en cuenta en este contexto es que el 11/9 (11 de noviembre) es el dia numero 315 del año gregoriano. El, 9 de noviembre del 2011 con ALBERADAN en LUNA LLENA aparentemente tiene este mensaje (11/11/11). En el calendario hebreo el 9 de noviembre (luna llena el 8 de marzo como sucedio en Fatima) nos cae 11 del noveno mes hebreo. Concretamente volvemos a tener un 911 pero en el calendario hebreo y el 5 de enero (Actualmente la Iglesia Catolica considera la fiesta de Reyes), tambien caeria un 9 del onceavo mes hebreo, osea otro 911. CONCRETAMENTE LA "VIRGEN DE FATIMA" TIENE UN FUERTE NEXO CON EL 911 E INCLUSO CON EL CALENDARIO MAYA. OTRO DETALLE CIENTIFICO A TENER EN CUENTA ES QUE EN 315 AÑOS SOLARES TENEMOS PRACTICAMENTE UN NUMERO ENTERO DE CICLOS LUNARES. EL SISTEMA LUNI-SOLAR ESTA DISEÑADO EN FUNCION A GENESIS 3:15. 1260 AÑOS ES IGUAL A 4X315. LAS MATEMATICAS SON EXACTAS PARA EL CREADOR EL UNIVERSO.
Job 9:9: El hizo la Osa, el Orión y las Pléyades, Y los lugares secretos del sur; (¿9/11 O 9 DE NOVIEMBRE?)
Job 38:31: ¿Podrás tú atar los lazos de las Pléyades, O desatarás las ligaduras de Orión?
3. Amós 5:8: buscad al que hace las Pléyades y el Orión, y vuelve las tinieblas en mañana, y hace oscurecer el día como noche; el que llama a las aguas del mar, y las derrama sobre la faz de la tierra; Jehová es su nombre;
Well now if we superimpose a scale-drawing of the GP in cross-section showing all the internal features over the simple drawing above along with these two lines, we find that THE POINT WHERE THESE TWO LINES INTERSECT EACH OTHER IS THE EXACT POINT ON WHICH THE KING'S CHAMBER IS CENTRED.
Figure 6: The position of the King’s Chamber!
To recap, using decimal points, this position is taken from . . .
1,) the 1/16th measurements of 23.625 and 30.0625 pts.
2,) subtracting 23.525 from 30.0625 by which we get 6.4375 pts.
3,) using these same values by translating them into degree angles.
4,) applying these angles to this scaled drawing of the Great Pyramid by beginning the 6.4375º angle from the apex and the 23.625º angle from the bottom left hand corner or southern edge.
We have simply pinpointed the location of the King’s Chamber by using measurement systems that were NOT KNOWN by the Ancient Egyptians, which is quite amazing in its implications.
OK, this gives us the position of the King’s Chamber – it being offset from the centre of the pyramid, but what is the meaning behind this position of the KC?
Well, it must all be related to the earth’s geophysics related to the tilt of the earth’s axis as I have already revealed here.
Incidentally, if we want to be really precise, about the height of the GP, which is said to be 481.0909 feet high, we can divide 481.0909 by 16 and get 30.06818125. And if we then subtract 23.625 from 30.06818125 we get 6.44318125.
But let’s now shorten and round-off these values to the figures . . . 30º . . . 23.6º and . . . 6.4º.
If we now draw a vertical line through the centre of the King’s Chamber to represent the Ecliptic Plane, and then a horizontal line through the centre of the King’s Chamber to represent the Ecliptic Pole – and in accord with the GP’s N and S orientation – then from here we will see how this encoded information about the earth emerges and how the apex is actually pointing to the location of the Great Pyramid on the earth . . . (see fig 4 on this page).
As said, the angle that runs from the south-corner edge of the GP and through the centre of the King’s Chamber is 23.6º. This represents the earth’s Axis.
We will now add another 23.6º line perpendicular (90º) to the Axis line to represent the Equator and we find that it runs through both the King’s Chamber and the Queen’s Chamber. This line exits the top of the GP on the left and 23.6-degrees from the vertical line running through the King’s Chamber which represents the Ecliptic.
The Great Pyramid is almost 30º N from the 23.5º (now 23.43º) equator (being 23.6º in the GP), and the Great Pyramid (represented by its apex) is shown as 6.4º from the Ecliptic Plane (being the closest the GP comes to the ecliptic plane as the earth rotates).
When we place all these lines on the centre of the King’s Chamber, which appears to symbolise the ‘core-centre of the earth’, we find that the apex would mark the location of the Great Pyramid on the earth – again 6.4º from the ecliptic and some 30 degrees from the equator.
As we know the capstone or apex is missing – but this appears to be for a specific reason which I won’t go into here.
Again, the values of 23.6 + 6.4 = 30 which are hidden within the geometry of the Great Pyramid by a factor of 16 to 1 becomes meaningful in the context of these coordinates relating to the earth’s Axis, Equator and Ecliptic – the GP’s position from the Ecliptic and the Equator as represented by the apex, being the concluding factor.
Figure 7: The Axis, Equator and Ecliptic lines giving meaning to these three values
Figure 8: Its interesting that the Axis line that begins from the bottom left corner or south corner edge, goes through the centre of the King's Chamber which is five rectangles up from the base and exits the large rectangle at the same distance from the top - i.e., five rectangles down from the top.
Note that the equator line also intersects the horizontal line five rectangles down from the top on the side of the GP.
(I have not checked what course level this is as yet). As I will show later, this is because the internal features of the Great Pyramid have been positioned using a grid system of 64 x 64 - we see this already with both the King and Queen Chambers.
We have already seen in my article The Great Pyramid and the Earth’s Axis, that if we were to take a text-book diagram of the tilted earth in relation to the ecliptic plane and size it and orientate it the right way, it would fit the Great Pyramid and its internal features exactly – especially if before-hand we were to draw a small pyramid on the surface of the earth and at the location where the GP is from the equator.
We would find that when we superimpose this diagram the right way over the GP with the axis and equator lines and the ecliptic plane all intersecting the King’s Chamber which represents the core centre of the earth, then we would find that the small pyramid we have drawn on the earth would align with the apex exactly.
Could this be the reason why the Great Pyramid was built 30 degrees from the equator?
If the Great Pyramid had been built exactly on the equator, it would be difficult to see how this clever design would have been implemented.
Again, the King’s Chamber is not only in the ideal symbolic position for the core centre of the earth but it’s also aligned symbolically with the ecliptic plane of the sun, which again - symbolically - would be perfect.
As many of us will know, the location of the Great Pyramid is on the 30th parallel – almost 30 degrees north from the equator. It is actually 29º 58’ 51” N – being only 2,125 metres short of exactly 30 degrees north latitude. One could take issue with this of course, but this relatively small discrepancy could be explained by the GP having been constructed on the closest suitable site to this 30º N location and perhaps because it was built over an existing great mound or bedrock which was already worshipped as the ‘primordial mound’ of creation.
Again, in its geometrical structure it is a fact that the GP contains encoded information about the obliquity of the earth’s axis. We could of course argue whether it was intentionally encoded or not – being just a coincidence, but it appears that a lot of people throughout history already knew this because they have encoded the angles 23.5º (23.6º) 30º . . . 6.5º (6.4º) and 52º in many different sources. We find these angles in 17th century paintings over and over again – especially those on the Vanitas theme - see here.
So if we now take the 755 ft measurement which is dominant in three of the base sides instead of the 756 measurement, which is only relevant to the south side, and if we halve 755, we get 377.5. If we divide 377.5 by 16 we get 23.59375. The 375 on the end is significant as 100 subtract 375 = 625.
As I will explain in a moment, one could interpret this to mean that in ‘minutes of arc’ the earth’s axis was 23º 59’ at the time it was built and that we are being told this which is mind-boggling. This is interesting as it has been calculated that the earth’s axis during the epoch of 2,450 BC was 23.96 degrees and in minutes of arc was 23º 58’, so it’s close enough to today’s estimates.
But the question is, if the ancient Egyptians employed Royal Cubits for straight measurement and Seked for angles, [4] then how is it that we can come to these ‘unexpected’ conclusions by using the English ‘feet’, the ‘degrees’ and ‘angle’ systems?
And why is it that by reducing to 16, which brings us to the sexigesimal system, and then subtracting the side measurements from the height measurements, we can use the same numbers expressed in degree measurements – to not only pinpoint the location of the King’s Chamber, which is offset from the centre – but also to discover that the capstone is pointing to the location of the Great Pyramid on the earth – being 30º from the equator and 6.4º from the ecliptic – the earth’s equator then, being almost 24º (23.98º) from the horizontal?
There is more . . .
One may ask why do we have to reduce the Great Pyramid to 1/16 the size to get at these 'encoded' values?
Well I found that this 1/16 also has a relationship with the Platonic 25920 - the number of years given to the precessional cycle.
First of all, if we divide 25920 by 2, EIGHT times, we get the number 101.25 - e.g.:
1. 25920 divided by 2 = 12960 2. 12960 divided by 2 = 6480 3. 6480 divided by 2 = 3240 4. 3240 divided by 2 = 1620 5. 1620 divided by 2 = 810 6. 810 divided by 2 = 405 7. 405 divided by 2 = 202.5 8. 202.5 divided by 2 = 101.25
Taking the overall height and width of the Great Pyramid - making a rectangle of 481 ft x 756 ft - again, if we were to reduce this rectangle to 1/16th the size, this 1/16th would fit inside our original rectangle of 481 ft x 756 ft 256 times.
If we divide 25920 years by 256 we get the number 101.25.
In other words at a factor of 16 to 1 the geometry of the Great Pyramid has a mathematical relationship with the Precessional Cycle.
Again at 1/16th the size, this 1/16th will fit inside a rectangle of 481 ft x 756 ft 256 times. 25920 divided by 256 is 101.25. So in terms of the Precessional Cycle, the GP has the value of 101.25 because if we multiply 101.25 by 2 EIGHT TIMES we get the number 25920.
And again, the rectangle of 30.0625 x 23.625 will fit 512 times. This would mean that if we divide the precessional year value of 25920 by 512 we would get 50.625 and we would also arrive at the number 50.625 by dividing 25920 by 2 NINE times.
It is interesting that these numbers end in the fraction .625 or .0625.
One coincidence is that we find that the 0.625 is related to the sexigesimal system of ‘minutes of arc’ – i.e., 60 minutes to a degree instead of 100 units to a degree in the decimal system:
10 divided by 6 is 1.6.
100 divided by 6 is 16.
1000 divided by 60 is 16.
So 10 divided by 16 is 0.625 – being one 10th of a degree in minutes of arc.
As mentioned earlier, if we divide 480 by 16 we get 30 – being 16 measures of 30 feet.
To anyone who understands this, it would look as if attention is being brought to the ‘arc’ measuring system, but surely this is a coincidence?
Furthermore, 5 x 5184 - relating to the degree angle of the four sides of the GP = 25920.
And 2 x 25920 (two precessional cycles) is 51840.
After viewing these discoveries, author Scott Creighton told me that "the 16 might actually work better as 16.18034 . . . or 1.618034 . . . etc. (i.e. the Golden mean)". Adding that "this seems to offer a closer correlation to Giza's geodesy".
480 x 756
While in the process of drawing up the Great Pyramid to scale, I found that the height of 480 feet units would have been more satisfactory than 481, and here’s an example of what I mean when I say numerous hidden meanings will emerge from the geometry of the Great Pyramid when we divide these unit measurements as expressed in English feet and/or decimal points.
480 feet divided 16 times is 30.
As we know an English foot is divided into 12 inches.
480 feet divided into inches is 5,760 inches.
5,760 divided by 16 is 360 – the number of degrees in a circle – and the number of days in a year if the earth’s axis were upright so it has been said. Again, 360 inches is 30 feet.
This figure of 5,760 also has some relevance with the Precessional Cycle of 25,920 years (according to Plato and is also the mythical estimate based on multiples of 9, because it was easier to encode).
5,760 divided by 2 = 2,880.
25,920 divided by 2,880 = 9.
As said, the sloping sides of the Great Pyramid are 51.84º – which is a value related to twice the precessional cycle of 25,920 years – 2 x 25,920 = 51,840 years.
Author Scott Creighton pointed out that the square of 5184 = 72 - a significant precessional number, in that it takes roughly 72 years for the sun to move 1 degree in a 360 circle again taking roughly 25,920 years.
Because it sits some 30 degrees from the equator, 30 is indeed a number associated with the Great Pyramid.
If the Great Pyramid were 480 feet high it would have had 16 invisible courses consisting of 30 feet each, and each containing 360 inches - being the number of degrees in a circle and again the number of days in a year if the earth was perfectly upright.
Or, perhaps it would have 60 invisible courses consisting of 8 feet each, with the missing capstone of 8 feet representing 1/60th of 2,880 inches. Again 9 x 2,880 = 25,920 – the number of years in the precessional cycle according to Plato.
As we can see, this 480 measure is a more sacred all-round configuration. And still using the 480 ft measurement, we could go further as we find that there are 64 invisible courses – each course being 7.5 feet in height – the original capstone possibly being 7.5 feet high, and representing the “missing 64th” – thereby connecting an ancient Egyptian concept surrounding the fractions conveyed in the ‘Eye of Horus’ symbol.
However, it could be argued that the above, although it contains much that is significant, is merely coincidental, as the height of the Great Pyramid being 280 Royal Cubits, comes out at 481 feet and 481 feet divided by inches is 5,772 inches.
5,772 divided by 16 is 360.75 – a less meaningful number, which is only interesting because it is almost perfect.
Job 9:9: El hizo la Osa, el Orión y las Pléyades, Y los lugares secretos del sur; (¿9/11 O 9 DE NOVIEMBRE?)
Job 38:31: ¿Podrás tú atar los lazos de las Pléyades, O desatarás las ligaduras de Orión?
3. Amós 5:8: buscad al que hace las Pléyades y el Orión, y vuelve las tinieblas en mañana, y hace oscurecer el día como noche; el que llama a las aguas del mar, y las derrama sobre la faz de la tierra; Jehová es su nombre;
16:19 Y a ti te daré las llaves del reino de los cielos; y todo lo que atares en la tierra será atado en los cielos; y todo lo que desatares en la tierra será desatado en los cielos.
The base of the pyramid sits atop the text and the ‘tears’ follow the slope of the Pyramid quite nicely, enough to hint at it anyway. Notice how the very apex of the pyramid is perfectly in-line with the top of the ‘33’ pyramid in the seal. Notice also how the red ‘Equator’ line runs through both King and Queen’s Chamber to the very top left corner of the cover. The red line bisecting the ‘33’ pyramid happens to point to the opposite corner. The blue lines highlight the obvious 23.5 degree slant of the font. There are more clues as well. This is an obvious allusion to the overall message being handed down and possibly in Brown’s book. . . . Precession.
We can tell that the building is the US Capitol, but from what side? There is the genius of Mr. Brown; the clues have been given but in two differing covers!
‘The Lost Symbol’ UK version
The Olympic Ring logo is a stylized constellation of Orion:
The Olympic Rings logo is the number 88+88=176 or 888+888=1776 or 8888+8888=17776:
Location: Washington D.C. Lattitude: 38 º 53’ 22” North Longitude: 77º 02’ 08” West Height : 169.294 meters (555 feet 5⅛ inches)
On the Key of Solomon website Herschel postulates that the founding fathers and freemasons who designed Washington Memorial encoded a secret message concerning the ‘mystery star’ in this monument. The cornerstone of Washington Memorial was laid on July 4th 1848 on Independence Day. As Herschel correctly mentions, the Fourth of July is the only date of the year that Orion rises along with the Sun. Since, according to Herschel, the eight-pointed cross in the Key of Solomon represents Orion, the Fourth of July was not accidentally chosen as the inauguration date of the monument. On his site, Herschel shows a picture of the water causeway and obelisk looking from the Lincoln Memorial towards the Capitol in eastern direction. The Sun rises in the Northeast, just left of the obelisk, while the Pleiades reside over the obelisk pointing to the ‘blazing star’ or mystery star of Herschel’s star map. The Pleiades and the location of his mystery star, however, are not visible since they reside over the obelisk at daytime.
Washington 4th July, Sun at the height of the obelisk (8°36’) viewed from Lincoln Memorial
Herschel explains that the only other day of the year that this alignment occurs again and is visible in the sky is on the day of the Winter Solstice. The authors of this article have discovered that this statement is misleading. Although it’s true that the alignment occurs again on the Winter Solstice date, the problem is that this alignment is not unique for the Winter Solstice alone! In the last months of the year, this alignment occurs every night only at different times.
The reciprocal date for the 4th July sky chart is the 3rd of January or exactly 6 months after the Fourth of July. On this date, the Sun has the same relative altitude with respect to the horizon as on the Fourth of July when the Pleiades reside perfectly East over the obelisk.
Compare this picture with the sky chart above and notice that the sky is identical to the sky of the 4th of July (half a year ago) with the Sun at the same relative altitude (-8°36’) now below the horizon!
Conclusion: the REVERSE situation of July 4th with the Sun at an altitude of 8º 36’ (at the top op the obelisk) occurs exactly half a year later on January 3rd when the Sun is now 8º 36’ below the horizon. So the reverse situation of July 4th with the Sun at the tip of the obelisk and Betelgeuse perfectly East occurs again on January 3rd and NOT as Herschel claims on the Winter Solstice!
If you look on the tomb of wicked King John - of Magna Carta/Robin Hood fame - you won't find a "John" there, I'll hazard. They spelled things differently back then. Similarly, I think it likely there's no "Jesus" mentioned ANYWHERE AT ALL before the beginning of the C17th AD. I'll run that by you again: there was no Jesus before some 1600 years after the birth of Christ. Think about it - Greek, original Latin and Hebrew have no J whilst original Latin had no U. J, U and W were added to the Latin alphabet (that our 26-letter version derives from) in the Middle Ages. In the very first edition of the 1611 AD, Tyndale-based, King James Authorised Version Bible there's no "Jesus".*
* Witness William Shakespeare's Ist Quarto 1597 AD and its'ROMEO AND IULIET' - or his 'KING IOHN' . I find mention of a Petrus Ramus of Picardy origin of the splitting of '1' and 'j, this French thing being subsequently imported into these Isles. ( Ramus was born in 1515 AD and died in 1572 AD. He was a close friend of Dr. John Dee. I find Sir Francis Bacon also "in the frame": - scroll down. First use of j as a consonant - and separate letter from i. then - pre-1572 but abroad).
** For j/J as alternative i/I, for instance: "J and I were used interchangeablyat the time the (C14th AD) Auchinleck manuscript waswritten; especially at thebeginning of words scribes often preferred to use a J, even if the pronunciation was I. (The same incidentallygoes for V and U.) As you say, the use of J as aconsonant began later." Reply to my "Of Arthour and of Merlin" query to the National Library of Scotland - andmy thanks (and my red italics!)..
Both words, Jesus and John, however ubiquitous these days, are uniquely English in origin, and Jesus, in particlar, is fairly recent. Were both constructed "to order" - or did the arrival of "John" influence the tagging of an "s" on the end of the Jesus precursor, Jesu?
The birthdays are stylised Midwinter* and Midsummer. They are opposites/complements/mirrors and they are cyclical (the seasons/the year/the sun). The exact same thing is true of Jesus and John, the words. Quantified in our English alphabet Jesus = 10 + 5 + 19 (X 2) + 21 = 74 whilst John = 10 + 15 + 8 + 14 = 47. 74 is the mirror of 47.**
*Cautionary note: Jesus is birth date 6th January - Gregorian calendar - in some traditions, It is supposed to have been moved to 25th December to stop people backing the "Unconquerable Sun" festivity that culminated on that date - Saturnalia. It is this "Jesus" that John opposes and this perhaps explains why Freemasonry employs John the Evangelist (27th December) as the mirror. The Julian Calendar Christmas of other traditions is 18th January in Gregorian terms. The Gregorian was invented 1582 and introduced in England in 1752.
** 7/4 meaned to 12/7 produces 194/112 - a very serviceable Sq Root 3! 1.7321 .... v 1.73205 ... And this where 3 + 4 = 7 and 3 X 4 = 12. This is the maths of Gothic Cathedrals.
In both cases 7 + 4 = 11. 11 X 11 = 121. Mirrors again. 74 + 47 = ...... 121.
The spellings Jesus and John were of deliberate design to produce this outcome, perhaps?* Did someone think 121 (12,1) is of some GREAT SIGNIFICANCE? Well, certainly, Chapter and Verse, it's the Woman of St. John's REVELATION, and the mystic - and albeit later - Isaac Newton was to scour this and DANIEL for the meaning of life, existence and everything whilst contemporary Evelyn evidences knowledge of the Kabbala in his submitted design to rebuild 1665 AD Great Fire London - . Both were Fellows of the (early) Royal Society - FRS.
* There's a consideration here: the "Simple English" code of Elizabethen times (and, supposedly, one of a number employed by Sir Francis Bacon) employed a 24 letter English alphabet, it seems - There's no j, u doubles with v, but there is a w. The values 74 and 47 do not apply in this code. But they DO apply to a 26 letter English alphabet. Some time about 1611 AD, we had at least 25 letters. Note the 1611 King James Bible, Luke 1:13:
Note, geoffss, 14-04-11 - the 24-letter alphabet English Simple Code needs j (and u) adding to create a 74 and 47 count possibility. Lower case consonant j was already in use in the 1630s - a version of Milton's Comus contains "just hands"/"welcome joy" etc. but "Ioves court" "Trinity MS" transscription and the "Bridgewater MS" transcription both carry "Iove's courte" but the latter also has "Jo: Milton". I see upper case "Ioye ... Iollitie" (joy and jollity) in both and "iocund" in the Brdgewater. In 1634, then, lower case j was being used for some/many/most of (our) lower case j words and, by 1637, upper case Ioye and Iollitie had become Joy and Jollity. Finally, in 1645, Iove became Jove - for v/u, all the transcruiption/texts use u within words - e.g. Comus - but the Bridgewater transcription generally carries v at the beginning - vpright/vnder/vnadorned/vs etc - but it also carries both up and vp. 1637 sees captial Vs and the odd v beginnings - but otherwise u. In 1645. it's U and u. I saw no conflation of u with w - as in Ieues/Iewes - in the above (see Wiliam Tyndale C16th*.
The "Iohn" cited above had and has variants: Ihon, Ioann, Iohann (Hans), Ieuan, Ian, Ivan, Evan etc. as well as the Js - Jean, Johann, Juan etc. An origin is claimed water-related Oannes - note Baptist and water here:
*Having a J doesn't quite do it - you need another s, too, as in the 1611 King James above (the u arriving c/o Greek upsilon - "uppercase Y, lowercase u" - gives "Iesu" here. Note also Hesus, Ihesus Iesous, Issa (note Muslim Isa) and Yehoshua/Yeshua (Joshua). Now, changing the I to J (1st half C17th AD if as above) gives us a (new/ 26-letter) Simple English Code outcome of 74 v the John 47.
If we look at REVELATION 4, 7 we find the four Royal Watchers coded: Antares, Aldebaran, Regulus and Fomalhaut. These represent West, East, North and South. They also turn up at KINGS II, 2, II and ZECHARIAH 6, 2 - 6, 6 . They are the wheels fixed the the various fiery chariots going heavenwards. Meanwhile, the angle 47 degrees is applied to the arc between Tropics Cancer and Capricorn - leaving 66.5 degrees to the Poles on either side. A more accurate figure, though is 23.4394 ... : as 23.4 to one decimal point then .... 66.6.
Note:(27-11-07): Frank Higgins, ANCIENT FREEMASONRY ... (1919, 1923 et al). 23.5 and 47 (2X 23.5) are said to be 2 of the 4 "Cosmic Angles" of Freemasonry*. Masonic compasses. it seems, were once set at 47 degrees** rather than the modern 60, and that 'all-seeing eye' pyramid thingy on dollar bills is at 23.5 (66.5) degrees. He notes this in the context of the (solar) seasonal cycle of Cancer 23.5 to Equator to Capricorn 23.5 = 47. Here are 60 degrees and 47 degrees together on a C16th AD icon of St. Catherine (of Wheel fame) from the eponymous Sinai monastery:
This is a vastly enlarged detail from the bottom left of the icon and was brought to my attention by Gary Osborn on the Graham Hancock Mysteries Forum (28-11-07). Thanks for that - and to 'Blythe' for the original icon post.The compasses (seem to) give angles as illustrated - by my attempts to measure them.
* I can't find out what others they had (but the abridged text, lacking these, is on googlebooks).
This is ATALANTA FUGIENS , Maier, 1618 AD. (1618? 1.618 is often used to represent the Golden Mean, I note, and is 1618 is commonly given as the date for this - but this was actually first published in 1617). It is a considerable alchemical 'beastie', I gather: ). Notice the resemblance of the pyramid to the 'all-seeing eye' one on the American dollar. It is possible that the compass hypotenuse demonstrates 47 degrees.* I looked at the esoterically-charged Albrecht Durer, wondering what, if anything, he did with his compasses.
* Are we looking at the "Obliquity"/"Axial tilt" of the Earth here? Well, perhaps. This varies in the range-ish 22.5-24.5 and so means to about 23.5. A simple experiment involving the two solstices and the midday sun helps derive it: you mark the Midwinter and Midsummer shadows thrown by a stick on the ground with pegs. Job done (assuming the sun actually shines)! These values also, as a mean, roughly accord with the equinox latitudes, often given as 23.5 (23.4394 ...) and often symbolised as "Sts John" or "St Johns" - see my Tarot II (2 - but card 3) page. Geoffss, 26-01-09. 47 and 1/2 X 47, 23,5, are said to be 2 of the 4 "Cosmic Angles of Freemasonry:
the 23.5-degree angle, and it's 47-degree double, are two of Freemasonry's "Cosmic Angles," according to Frank C. Higgins in his 1919 book, Ancient Freemasonry: An Introduction to Masonic Archaeology
This is ASTRONOMER , late C15th-early C16th AD - and that's the Earth Durer's compasses are resting on. Equator and ?, well, where?
Is that a 23.5 angle of the upper compass leg? It's close. However there's nothing masonically secretive or hermetically arcane in the idea of an 'obliquity of the ecliptic'. Apparently, the Chinese knew of it in 1000 BCE and/or Anaximander (and pupil Pythagoras) did, circa C6th BCE, whilst Eratosthenes certainly did circa 200 BCE as confirmed C2nd BCE by Hipparchus, albeit in a geo-centric system.
I looked at Chapter 1 of DE SPHAERA MUNDI , by Ioannes Sacrobosco (John of Halifax), circa 1200 AD: "23". I then find Jan Sindel, Schoner, Werner and Tycho Brahe looking at it - and the notion that it changes slightly over time - circa 1518-1600 AD. And, of course, we become helio-centric and more accurate*). The important point, however, is that his thing was no secret - everyone who could read (and his mediaeval dog) had access to the idea of the 'obliquity of the ecliptic' - but that's not a reason not to indicate/employ it in art.
*In 1518, Werner had a value equivalent to 23.46(6r); in 1544, Schoner had a value equivalent to 23.583(3r) - compared to Sacrobosco's 23 at the beginning of the C13th AD.
There is something else I found, though: Gary Osborn has amassed a sizeable collection of art (online) that illustrates the angle 23-23.5 ( - click NEWS, click REVELATION II, and click THE BAPTIST REVELATION gets you there). The John the Baptist pics. fall 1515 to 1717, he notes, and Grunewald's 'The Crucifixion with John the Baptist' is the first, 1515. It carries the phrase "He must increase, but I must decrease", referring, perhaps the the (mirror) suns of the first half of the year and the second half, the waning of its strength following the waxing, all in the (circular) cycle of the seasons. Here it is:
That's the Baptist on the right, pointing (at 23.5 degrees according to Gary Osborn - and thanks!). The point I want to make is that, if we accept this as a beginning of a tradition of an association of the Baptist with that angle, then we are doing it BEFORE the word 'John' (47, 2 X 23.5)* is invented! Was 'John'/47 therefore a deliberate coding for half a year: the movement from Cancer to Capricorn. the (solar) 'decrease' half of the year? A noteworthy curiosity here is the Baptist birthday - 24th June. Now that's both just after the Summer Solstice (marking the decline of the sun's beginning) and very close to ... 23.5.
25:1 Entonces el reino de los cielos será semejante a diez vírgenes que tomando sus lámparas, salieron a recibir al esposo. (COLUMBIA/LA PALOMA DE NOE/ISTAR CON LA LAMPARA. No es ninguna casualidad que Washington D.C. esta en el estado de Columbia)
25:2 Cinco de ellas eran prudentes y cinco insensatas. 25:3 Las insensatas, tomando sus lámparas, no tomaron consigo aceite; 25:4 mas las prudentes tomaron aceite en sus vasijas, juntamente con sus lámparas. 25:5 Y tardándose el esposo, cabecearon todas y se durmieron. 25:6 Y a la medianoche se oyó un clamor: ¡Aquí viene el esposo; salid a recibirle! (El 15 de septiembre o 15/7 aparentemente tiene un nexo con el 15 de Tisri en contexto a Fatima y la secuencia lunar del 2012, en el contexto a que la LUNA LLENA, primer dia del primer mes, fue en un 8 de Marzo. En este contexto el 15 de septiembre nos cae 15 de Tisri (cuasi anagrama de ISTAR). ¿PORQUE NUESTRO SEÑOR ALLI HACE REFERENCIA A LAS VIRGENES CON UN CANDELABRO, estatua de la LIBERTAD o COLUMBIA, en el contexto a la medianoche? EL 15 de septiembre ORION (ESTRELLA DE ORIENTE) SALE POR EL ESTE JUSTO A LA MEDIANOCHE). LA SIMBOLOGIA DE LOS REYES MAGOS TIENE NEXO CON ORION (APARENTEMENTE ES LA ESTRELLA DE ORIENTE EN CONTEXTO A LA MEDIANOCHE-FIESTA DE LOS TABERNACULOS)
16:19 Y a ti te daré las llaves del reino de los cielos; y todo lo que atares en la tierra será atado en los cielos; y todo lo que desatares en la tierra será desatado en los cielos.
16:19 Y a ti te daré las llaves del reino de los cielos; y todo lo que atares en la tierra será atado en los cielos; y todo lo que desatares en la tierra será desatado en los cielos.
Job 38:31: ¿Podrás tú atar los lazos de las Pléyades, O desatarás las ligaduras de Orión?
25:7 Entonces todas aquellas vírgenes se levantaron, y arreglaron sus lámparas. 25:8 Y las insensatas dijeron a las prudentes: Dadnos de vuestro aceite; porque nuestras lámparas se apagan. 25:9 Mas las prudentes respondieron diciendo: Para que no nos falte a nosotras y a vosotras, id más bien a los que venden, y comprad para vosotras mismas. 25:10 Pero mientras ellas iban a comprar, vino el esposo; y las que estaban preparadas entraron con él a las bodas; y se cerró la puerta. 25:11 Después vinieron también las otras vírgenes, diciendo: ¡Señor, señor, ábrenos! 25:12 Mas él, respondiendo, dijo: De cierto os digo, que no os conozco. 25:13 Velad, pues, porque no sabéis el día ni la hora en que el Hijo del Hombre ha de venir. 25:14 Porque el reino de los cielos es como un hombre que yéndose lejos, llamó a sus siervos y les entregó sus bienes. 25:15 A uno dio cinco talentos, y a otro dos, y a otro uno, a cada uno conforme a su capacidad; y luego se fue lejos. 25:16 Y el que había recibido cinco talentos fue y negoció con ellos, y ganó otros cinco talentos 25:17 Asimismo el que había recibido dos, ganó también otros dos. 25:18 Pero el que había recibido uno fue y cavó en la tierra, y escondió el dinero de su señor. 25:19 Después de mucho tiempo vino el señor de aquellos siervos, y arregló cuentas con ellos. 25:20 Y llegando el que había recibido cinco talentos, trajo otros cinco talentos, diciendo: Señor, cinco talentos me entregaste; aquí tienes, he ganado otros cinco talentos sobre ellos. 25:21 Y su señor le dijo: Bien, buen siervo y fiel; sobre poco has sido fiel, sobre mucho te pondré; entra en el gozo de tu señor. 25:22 Llegando también el que había recibido dos talentos, dijo: Señor, dos talentos me entregaste; aquí tienes, he ganado otros dos talentos sobre ellos. 25:23 Su señor le dijo: Bien, buen siervo y fiel; sobre poco has sido fiel, sobre mucho te pondré; entra en el gozo de tu señor. 25:24 Pero llegando también el que había recibido un talento, dijo: Señor, te conocía que eres hombre duro, que siegas donde no sembraste y recoges donde no esparciste; 25:25 por lo cual tuve miedo, y fui y escondí tu talento en la tierra; aquí tienes lo que es tuyo. 25:26 Respondiendo su señor, le dijo: Siervo malo y negligente, sabías que siego donde no sembré, y que recojo donde no esparcí. 25:27 Por tanto, debías haber dado mi dinero a los banqueros, y al venir yo, hubiera recibido lo que es mío con los intereses. 25:28 Quitadle, pues, el talento, y dadlo al que tiene diez talentos. 25:29 Porque al que tiene, le será dado, y tendrá más; y al que no tiene, aun lo que tiene le será quitado. 25:30 Y al siervo inútil echadle en las tinieblas de afuera; allí será el lloro y el crujir de dientes. 25:31 Cuando el Hijo del Hombre venga en su gloria, y todos los santos ángeles con él, entonces se sentará en su trono de gloria, 25:32 y serán reunidas delante de él todas las naciones; y apartarálos unos de los otros, como aparta el pastor las ovejas de los cabritos. 25:33 Y pondrá las ovejas a su derecha, y los cabritos a su izquierda. 25:34 Entonces el Rey dirá a los de su derecha: Venid, benditos de mi Padre, heredad el reino preparado para vosotros desde la fundación del mundo. 25:35 Porque tuve hambre, y me disteis de comer; tuve sed, y me disteis de beber; fui forastero, y me recogisteis; 25:36 estuve desnudo, y me cubristeis; enfermo, y me visitasteis; en la cárcel, y vinisteis a mí. 25:37 Entonces los justos le responderán diciendo: Señor, ¿cuándo te vimos hambriento, y te sustentamos, o sediento, y te dimos de beber? 25:38 ¿Y cuándo te vimos forastero, y te recogimos, o desnudo, y te cubrimos? 25:39 ¿O cuándo te vimos enfermo, o en la cárcel, y vinimos a ti? 25:40 Y respondiendo el Rey, les dirá: De cierto os digo que en cuanto lo hicisteis a uno de estos mis hermanos más pequeños, a mí lo hicisteis. 25:41 Entonces dirá también a los de la izquierda: Apartaos de mí, malditos, al fuego eterno preparado para el diablo y sus ángeles. 25:42 Porque tuve hambre, y no me disteis de comer; tuve sed, y no me disteis de beber; 25:43 fui forastero, y no me recogisteis; estuve desnudo, y no me cubristeis; enfermo, y en la cárcel, y no me visitasteis. 25:44 Entonces también ellos le responderán diciendo: Señor, ¿cuándo te vimos hambriento, sediento, forastero, desnudo, enfermo, o en la cárcel, y no te servimos? 25:45 Entonces les responderá diciendo: De cierto os digo que en cuanto no lo hicisteis a uno de estos más pequeños, tampoco a mí lo hicisteis. 25:46 E irán éstos al castigo eterno, y los justos a la vida eterna.
One of the earliest Gothic cathedrals that were built in France is Chartres Cathedral. Chartres Cathedral was built in between 1194 and 1220 and the initiator to the rapid construction of the gigantic masterpiece of architecture was the local bishop Renauld. A community of less than 10.000 people managed to build and finance the construction of the cathedral.
Allegedly the Knights Templar aided in both the finance and construction of the cathedral and it may explain the enormous splendour and sacred geometry that went into the design of this church. Many books have been written about the cathedral and its enigmas. But most amazingly this cathedral may also hide a secret about the ‘End of Times’.
First of all the cathedral is aligned to the summer solstice Sun. The main axis of the cathedral is oriented 47° towards the north-east and therefore perfectly aligns with the summer solstice axis. On the summer solstice the Sun falls through a window called ‘Saint Appollinaire’ depicting the Greek Sun God Apollo straight on an iron nail set in stone on the floor of the cathedral.
Summer solstice Sun Chartres Cathedral
The cathedral also contains a zodiac, very inappropriate for a church since astrology is all evil pagan belief according to Christians. The zodiac seems to be telling something very important since it’s not an ordinary zodiac.
Zodiac Chartres Cathedral, the zodiac contains two circles that intersects and form the Vesica Pisces.
The zodiac contains two circles that intersect and form a Vesica Pisces. A Vesica Pisces is a very ancient symbol but was later adopted by Christians to symbolize Christ. Christians nowadays used them often as bumper stickers on their cars. Vesica Pisces means bladder of the fish. The symbol when displayed vertical is also associated with birth since the shape represents the female birth canal and in ancient times was associated with the vagina of the female goddess. In Christian art we find examples where Christ is depicted inside the vertical Vesica Pisces.
Vesica Pisces
Symbol of Christianity
Vesica Pisces, symbol of the fish and birth
Christianity of course is the new religion of our current age, the Age of Pisces. When we study the Vesica Pisces in the zodiac at Chartres we discover something very interesting. The intersection of the Vesica Pisces aligns with the Pisces-Virgo axis in the zodiac. It is telling us that the Vesica Pisces must be associated with the Age of Pisces and it is suggesting an association with birth. It could be symbolizing the birth of Christ at the beginning of the Age of Pisces, but that of course is hardly a secret. It’s no coincidence that Jesus was born from a virgin mother since Pisces and Virgo are opposite signs of the zodiac. They are connected by the symbol of birth the Vesica Pisces in the Chartres Zodiac! Since Jesus his birth date is no big secret, the Chartres zodiac is most likely symbolizing another birth in the Age of Pisces, a birth that’s very important.
There’s one very important astronomical birth happening in the Age of Pisces around era-2012 and that’s the rebirth of the Sun in the precessional cycle on the Galactic Cross. It means the beginning of a new precession cycle. Could it be that the Chartres Zodiac is meant to encode this event, a Great Celestial Conjunction?
In the years 1978-2017 on the equinoxes the 5° Pisces - 5° Virgo axis (sidereal zodiac) aligns with the Galactic Cross while on the solstices the 5° Gemini - 5° Sagittariusaxis (sidereal zodiac) aligns with the Galactic Cross. We find these axes symbolically in the Chartres Zodiac and they are determined by the Vesica Pisces!
Chartres Zodiac. The axis of the Vesica Pisces coincides with one of the axis that forms the Galactic Cross at the current Great Celestial Conjunction era-2012!
If the Zodiac Cross encodes the summer solstice Galactic Alignment that occurs in between 1978-2017 than we should at least also find clues of the importance of the summer solstice in the same zodiac. The white cross above by itself doesn’t mean anything.
If we replace the signs of the Zodiac by the cardinal directions such that Taurus is replaced by the North, Scorpio by the South and Leo and Aquarius by West and East respectively, we discover some new things. The Sun is now depicted in the right position in the upper right corner that corresponds with the North East, the direction of the summer solstice sunrise. In addition in the south West region of the Zodiac we find a marker that could represent a marker for the summer solstice axis! Also keep in mind that the cathedral is aligned to the summer solstice sun itself!
Notice there is a line that connects the Sun to the centre of the zodiac. This line is connecting the Sun with the birthplace of the Sun that is inside the Vesica Pisces (the female birth canal) and on the Galactic cross! The Vesica Pisces in this case therefore suggests the birth of the Sun at the summer solstice.
There is only one event in the Age of Pisces that qualifies for this cosmic event and that‘s the summer solstice Galactic Alignment in era-2012!
The Zodiac also encodes the summer solstice. The summer solstice Sun is depicted in the North East (sunrise). There’s an additional marker in the South West region of the Zodiac that aligns with the Vesica Pisces axis. It’s depicted enlarged in the bottom left corner of the picture.
The Chartres zodiac is not the only way the Knights Templar encoded the importance of the summer solstice Galactic Alignment. There is a very important additional clue that fits in perfectly and uses the very same symbol, the Vesica Pisces.
Chartres Cathedral is known for the veneration of the Black Madonna. The Black Madonna is placed in a nave with the shape of a Vesica Pisces. The Black Madonna has little to do with Christianity since she represents the pagan Egyptian goddess Isis! In here arms she’s not holding Jesus but her immaculate conceived son, the ‘Sun of God’ Horus!
Left: Black Madonna at Chartres Right the ‘Lady of the Pillar’ amidst 8 pointed crosses
Notice that the virgin mother is placed on top of a pillar (Milky Way). The origin of the custom to place the virgin mother Mary on the pillar stems from the legend of ‘Our Lady on the Pillar’. The legend relates to the appearance of the virgin mother to the apostle James in the early days of Christianity on top of a column or pillar carried by angles. ‘Our Lady on the Pillar’ can be found in several Catholic Churches around the world (Zaragoza Spain for instance) but here in Chartres we find a ‘pagan’ version of it because the Knights Templar wanted to convey a message about the origin of the legend and what it really means.
In a Masonic ‘Tracing Board’ (see picture below) we find a depiction of Mary’s Immaculate Conception by the Holy Ghost. She is placed inside a Vesica Pisces near a pillar while the All Seeing Eye (eye of Horus) is watching over her. The Vesica Pisces is placed in between the two Masonic pillars while smoke arises along the pillar from the burning of inscent. The pillars are Masonic symbols for the Milky Way! For an in dept explanation of the pillar-Milky Way association we refer to the article ‘Freemasons revelations’. In this article I decoded the Galactic Alignments that were encoded in the Tracing Board by the Scottish Rite Freemasons, the descendants of the Knights Templar.
The Tracing Board and the ‘Lady of the Pillar’ at Chartres are both expressing the very same thing. The immaculate conception of Horus near the pillars of the Tracing board and Horus in the arms of the virgin mother Isis on top of the pillar (Milky Way) at Chartres both occur inside the Vesica Pisces and they represent the birth of the Sunon the Milky Way!
Notice that the Vesica Pisces at Chartres is adorned with seven red lamps (the top lamp is not visible in the picture), they represent the Pleiades, the Sun is close to the Pleiades at the summer solstice era-2012. The Pleiades also occur in the Tracing Board of the Scottish Rite freemasons and is associated with the summer solstice Galactic Alignment (see picture below).
Laurence Gardner writes in his book ‘Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark ‘, that the Knights Templar took the Ark of the Covenant that they retrieved from Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem to Chartres Cathedral and buried it underneath the enigmatic labyrinth. Well if the Ark of the Covenant is not an artefact but arcane knowledge as I have reasoned in my article ‘Freemasons revelations’ than it seems that this secret may indeed be ‘buried’ at Chartres as the summer solstice Galactic Alignment that has been encoded at Chartres.
Left: Tracing board encoding both summer and winter solstice galactic alignment, the seven stars on the right represent the Pleiades. Right: Tracing board with the Immaculate Conception of Mary. Mary stands near the pillar and resides inside the vertical Vesica Pisces. Above her is the All Seeing Eye (mimicking the eye of Horus). The Tracing board symbolizes the birth of Sun God Horus on the Milky Way.
In Christian art we find examples where Christ is depicted inside the vertical Vesica Pisces. In the German Codex Bruchsal for example Christ even appears inside the Vesica Pisces along with the four signs of the Zodiac, Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio and Leo! (Scorpio is replaced by the Eagle, they are dual signs). See picture below!
Jesus inside the Vesica Pisces (Codex Bruchsal) with the four signs of the Galactic Cross, top left (Aquarius), top right (Scorpio alias the Eagle), bottom right (Taurus), bottom left (Leo). In the centre another example is given. On the right a Greek version of cosmos is depicted with the Vesica Pisces, the four Cherubim and the serpent biting its own tail (representing the ecliptic)
Also in Chartres Cathedral in the centre of the West Royal Portal just above the entrance Jesus is depicted inside a Vesica Pisces. He’s flanked by the four cherubim around the Vesica Pisces. The four beasts of the Apocalypse mentioned in Revelations of John can also be equated with the four main apostles of the four canonical books of the bible, the beast with the human face can be equated with Matthew (Aquarius), the lion with Mark (Leo), the ox with Luke (Taurus) and the eagle with John (Scorpio).
Chartres West Royal Portal
Now the Chartres zodiac is very important for it shows us that the Knights Templar understood that the ‘New Age’ or the ‘End of Times’ would occur when the Earth Cross aligned with the Galactic Cross in the Age of Pisces and not as is commonly believed at the dawning of the Age of Aquarius!