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من: BARILOCHENSE6999  (الرسالة الأصلية) مبعوث: 02/12/2012 06:14
The Crista is directly related to the fiery serpent on the staff of Moses in the wilderness. I

believe that it`s the Hebrew origin of this object (the Crista) that is the source of its fearsome reputation and

that it is similar to the Ark of the Covenant in power. The Crista Fight Club thread is no where near dead....


From the Borderlands - mjastudio.com

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جواب  رسائل 2 من 20 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 16/01/2013 05:49
I'm not sure what the Ark of the Covenant is?

but here is King Tuts's Ark

Anubis/later known as Osiris
According to the Akkadian transcription in the Amarna letters, Anubis' name was vocalized in Egyptian as Anapa.[4] The oldest known mention of Anubis is in the Old Kingdom pyramid texts, where he is associated with the burial of the pharaoh.[5] At this time, Anubis was the most important god of the dead but he was replaced during the Middle Kingdom by Osiris

He takes names in connection with his funerary role, such as He who is upon his mountain,

Didn't Moses go to the Mount Sinai ?

He who is in the place of embalming, associating him with the process of mummification

Anubis also attends the weighing scale in the Afterlife during the "Weighing Of The Heart"
"Guardian of the Scales"

but Anubis connection was the Dog Star ....Sirius

Everything is Connected and there are no

جواب  رسائل 3 من 20 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 16/01/2013 16:49

On the ship Argo were 50 'Argonauts' and the leader of whom was 'Jason'.  Here we have our first breakthrough.  The name 'Jason', according to Robert Temple ('Sirius Mystery') means 'appeaser'.  In '1999: Final Solution', if you recall, it was mentioned that even though it is almost always translated as "King of terror", the original French words of X-72's second line may well have been "Roy deffraieur", instead of "Roy d'effrayeur", in which case the meaning changes to something like 'appeasing King'!  Whichever the original French words may be, both are so similar that I'd say both "appeasing King" and "King of terror" were meant.  (As we will see, punning is a serious method of communicating esoteric knowledge.)

Next, let us examine the etymology of the word, 'ark'.  According to Temple, the words 'ark', 'Argo', etc. are likely derived from the Egyptian words, 'arq' and 'arqi'.  It is, then, intriguing that the Great Sphinx which the Arabs call the 'Father of Terror' (thus relating to the 'King of Terrors' of X-72 as discussed in '1999: FS'),  is also called 'arq ur' (7/1 Update: this may not be accurate information) - making another link with X-72.  Furthermore, 'arki' and some other 'arq'-related words refer to Saturn, the most significant interpretive element applied to X-72 in '1999: FS'.

The next development, which will add a whole new dimension to the issues being discussed, is the connection between Argo/ark and Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky and the celestial counterpart of Isis (the relevance of Isis was brought up in '1999: FS').  Temple does a very extensive exposition on how the myth of Argo/ark relates to Sirius, mainly through the number '50' and the notion of 'weight'.  For example, as mentioned earlier, the Argo held '50' Argonauts.  It also carried '50' daughters of Danaos.  The reason '50' is important is because the orbital period of Sirius B around Sirius is 50 years.  Sirius B is a dark, small, and "heavy" 'white dwarf' that is a great contrast to its very bright companion, Sirius.  As Temple shows in his book, this 'invisible' Sirius B somehow seems to be as important as Sirius, if not more important, to some unclear 'source' that gave us mythological stories which apparently are a secret information passed down through history in 'coded' forms.  Sirius B should not have been known to ancient people, yet there appear to be many coded references to Sirius B in myths.  But in the case of the Dogon people in southwest Africa, their tradition preserved information about our solar system and the Sirius system not metaphorically but literally - which prompted Temple to investigate the matter originally.  And the Dogon literally claimed that Sirius B, which they called 'Digitaria', had a 50-year orbit around Sirius when they shouldn't have even known that there is a dark companion to Sirius.

We are also told that the Anunnaki, the Sumerian 'gods' who were discussed in '1999: FS', were also 50 in number and called 'the fifty great gods' thus also associated with Sirius also.  Moses' Ark of the Covenant, too, comes to be involved with 50, thus Sirius also, as it was to Moses that "God" commanded to establish the 50-year cycle of 'year of jubilee - strengthening the link between Noah's ark and the Ark of the Covenant.  Temple further points out that the "foot race" which was the origin of the Olympic Games was held at the end of the 50 months or 49 months in alternate years.  The switching between 50 and 49 is intriguing since Sirius B's orbital period is somewhat less than 50 years and the alternate counting can be seen as a way of adjusting to match Sirius B's orbit.  At any rate, again there is a connection with X-72 as the Olympics was a key theme in '1999: FS'.

The incorporation of Sirius behaves likes a big piece of the puzzle and yields more and more connections.  For example, Sirius B was in some ways compared to Mercury - and Mercury/Gemini is of course one of the big themes in '1999: FS'.  Also, Anubis, a mythological character Temple associates with the orbit of Sirius B, happened to be identified with Saturn - again a major element derived from X-72, etc.  'Seven', also a major theme derived in '1999: FS', is not left out as Sirius was known to Egyptians as 'Sept' which in French (and probably in other languages too) means 'seven', the 'lucky' number.  So, the first line of X-72, "1999 and seven months ('sept mois')", could be seen as '1999 and the month of Sirius'... but it would point to July anyway as July was the month of Sirius' important 'heliacal rising'.  It's all coming together.

It is carefully and convincingly illustrated by Temple that Sirius is related to the idea of 'weight/heavy'.  Interestingly, the Egyptian word, 'tchens', also meaning 'weight/heavy', resembles 'chance' which is almost synonymous with 'luck'.  I feel it's possible that there is a connection there.  But more significantly, the notion of 'weight' connects Sirius and Argo as the main/brightest star in the Argo constellation, Canopus, is also known as 'Wazn', 'Weight'.  And it is said that Enki, the Sumerian Saturn, ruled Canopus.

7/1/99 Update :


Canopus was also known as 'the Rudder' (of the Argo), i.e. the stern of the ship.  Interestingly, this relates to the movie 'Titanic' as the 'stern' of the Titanic plays a key role in the movie - it is where Rose and Jack first meet as Rose tries to jump into the ocean, and it is also where Rose and Jack end up being as the Titanic finally sinks into the ocean.  Note also that there are a number of references to 'weight/heaviness':  Seeing Rose's engagement ring Jack says to her (paraphrasing) 'wow, look at this, you'd have gone straight to the bottom of the ocean!' (referring to the size/heaviness of the ring).  Also both the young Rose and the 100-year old Rose felt the 'Heart of the Ocean', the blue diamond pendant, to be a "heavy, dreadful thing", and the old Rose throws the pendant into the ocean from the 'rear end' of the ship she was on, and if you're observant you'd see in the scene that at the rear of the ship there is a big 'arc'-shaped structure enclosing Rose.  By the way, Rose being 100 years old in the movie is also a 'hint' for '100' is also closely associated with Sirius B (its orbit was somehow counted 'double', i.e. 100).  This also nicely explains why I came up with '100' as one of the key numbers in 'Babylon Matrix'.

If you've seen the movie, you'd also notice that the 'prow' of the Titanic plays a big role also.  It is where Jack leans forward, spreads his arms and screams "I'm the king of the world!", and where Jack lets Rose extend her arms like a bird also and "fly".  Temple identifies Dodona, where the Greek ark is said to have descended, as the geodetic prow of the Argo.  And I noticed that Dodona happens to be at about 39.5 degrees N. latitude which happens to be the exact angle of one of the Great Pyramid's so-called 'air shafts' that specifically targeted the star Sirius.  As if to confirm the significance of the angle/latitude, ~39.5 N also happens to be the latitude of Mt. Ararat where Noah's ark is thought to have landed.  Jack and Rose extending their arms sideways forming a 'cross' with the body is also meaningful to the 'Sirius complex' as the Dogon reports that there is another star, Sirius C, in the Sirius system which supposedly has a satellite they call 'star of Women' and it is represented by the sign of a 'cross' in their tradition.  It may not be a coincidence that there is to be a astrological 'grand cross' on/around Aug. 18, '99 - the exact date of Cassini's earth-flyby.
Another interesting point regarding Sirius is that the hieroglyphic sign for Sirius (triangle) is identical to the sign for 'thorn' (or 'teeth').  Notice how 'thorn' is relevant to a 'rose' - Titanic's Rose, NY's state flower being a  rose, and rose as a symbol of knowledge, etc.  Congruently, not only was Isis, Sirius' counterpart, considered the goddess of 'wisdom', Sirius B was associated with the description, 'two stars of knowledge'.

Sirius could also be associated in various ways with the 'serpent', the ancient symbol of hidden wisdom and secret knowledge.  A good example is the serpent in the story of Genesis which lets Eve east the fruit from the tree of knowledge.  Interestingly, it's been suggested that the name 'Eve' relates to words meaning 'serpent' and 'life'.  Also, Eve is sometimes viewed as the ancestral mother of the Nephilim, and the Nephilim themselves were described as 'serpents'.  The Nephilim are the "fallen angels" that parallel the Anunnaki who were earlier associated with Sirius.

It should also be mentioned that Jason, the leader of the 50 Argonauts earlier associated with Sirius, is associated with the 'teeth of a dragon'.  This is interesting because 'teeth' as explained before can also refer to Sirius, and so the expression, 'teeth of a dragon', links Sirius to a 'dragon', i.e. 'serpent', as Temple points out.  Furthermore, the cobra hieroglyph, 'ara', means both 'serpent' and 'goddess', as in Isis the goddess.

The Mars Connection
    So what about Mars to which both X-72 ('1999' quatrain) and VI-97 ('45 degrees' quatrain) have been closely linked in 'Babylon Matrix' (VI-97) and '1999: Final Solution' (X-72)?  As we will see, it appears that there is a definite Sirius-Mars-ark connection.



    First, NYC/Long Island can be associated with 'knowledge' through the symbolisms of 'apple' ("Big Apple"), 'rose' (state flower),  'fire' (Statue of Liberty, its connection to Paris/'torch'), etc. and as we've seen in foregoing sections it's part of the 'ark' complex via VI-97.  Furthermore from the 'apple' connection follows the notion of the 'serpent'.  Now, all those 'knowledge'/Sirius connections of NYC can be transferred to Mars because, as illustrated in 'Babylon Matrix', NYC is also related to Mars, especially the Cydonia region with all the potentially artificial structures.  Mars being red and circular is associatable with the 'apple', the red and round 'Big Apple' (NYC).  Now, some might argue that the fruit Eve ate was not necessarily an 'apple', but we generally thought of it as an apple today and that has to count in symbolism.  But there is a much more precise connection -  the latitudes of NYC and Cydonia are exactly the same, 40.5~41N.

جواب  رسائل 4 من 20 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 18/01/2013 04:08

The Sirius Mystery

Posted on April 15, 2010 by

Sirius mystery

Robert Temple
wrote a book called The Sirius Mystery – which deals with Earth’s connection to the Sirius star system.

To Egypt, the 23rd of July, when Sirius starts to rise the waters of the Nile begin to flood. Then it meant fertility, that is one reason, for she was Isis. Sirius, Isis, the great mother of the gods. Even the Swiss celebration day, is the 1st of August. This is a Sirius relative.

    Our solar system is born in from the womb of Isis. Sirius B, which is Isis , is made of iron (radio astronomy has shown). The iron of Sirius b, is the same as the iron in our blood and the iron of Earth and of our solar system. Sirius is our blood. We resonate to her. She is older than our solar system, which is a combination of interstellar debris, including the gas clouds, our sperm of Osiris/Orion. The iron in our blood comes from Sirius, its position in the sky, could thus be considered to resonate to Sirius’s position of influence. Iron is the only true magnetic element.


    Sirius has a unique relationship to us. The difference between the mass of our sun and the mass of Sirius is a harmonic and universal miracle. Sirius B has a ratio mass difference to our sun of 1.053. This becomes significant when we look at the Giza plateau. When comparing the mean base side of the Cheops Great Pyramid to the Mean base side of the Khephren pyramid, the larger Cheops measurement is 1.067 that of the Khephren’s.

    When this is then compared to the equation of Sirius B and our sun, the Great Pyramid being Sirius, and the Khephren pyramid our sun, as the Egyptian Book Of The Dead indicates (in fact the hieroglyph for Sirius is the Hieroglyph of the pyramid) they share a difference 0,01, which is very precise, scientifically. However, there is an extra digit 0.014, that doesn’t sound so perfect anymore).

    But this turns out to be an essential key in harmonic theory, the phenomenon of resonance itself. For 0.014 is actually the Pythagorean comma. The Pythagoreans were those ‘mystic’ mathematicians, who loved mathematics as the mystery of the ages. But what is the Pythagorean comma?

    It is the difference between the mathematics of the octave and the 5th. 0.0136 is that precise discrepancy between the mathematics of the fifth and the octave, and it is rounded off as 0.014, and as Sir Arthur Eddington relates: there is 136° of freedom of the electron. theory is 0,.036. And furthermore 136 + 1 equals the Fine structure Constant of physics, the universal natural constant. Fractal harmonics, in the resonance of the Sun Sirius Pyramids equation, or interstellar neuron holography.
    This is also evidenced, historically as having been implicated in the ancient “Mystery Schools” within the Archaic Esoteric Arkana of the Arcane Wisdom, as a precise wisdom, or the Isis Mysteries, and her mathematics. The astronomer and mathematician Macrobius, at the end of the fourth century mentioned the sacred fraction 256/243 which is 0.053 (Sirius b mass to Sun), and describes its use in harmonic theory by peoples which already to him were “ancients”.

    This harmony of the Sphere is accurate within 3 decimals of each other, and it is also the difference between perfect mathematics (the ones that work theoretically) and the actual mathematics of the universe, 0,014. What that means is that Sirius is no coincidence. It is really resonating to our sun. It is connected to our sun like a neuron, because they have this major mathematical relation in size to each other, harmonic resonance, that is likened to holography, a kind of Virtual Neuron Internal Net, as we may call it, or as Astronomer Royal, Robert Temple, has dubbed it: “The Anubis Cell”.

    Since such a long distance resonance is now demonstrated to occur between Sirius B and our sun 8.7 light years from each other, these are two solar systems whom are inhabiting the same cell of space, which enacts the “Complexity theorem” which has “instantaneous communication” occurs in such cells as a form of ordered self regulation. Instant communication harbored in this macro region of space, which acts as if the elements are not separated by any temporal distance. It is a macro region cell that turns disorder into order, called a “dissipative structure”. Such an onset of “complexity”, according to Nobel prize winner Professor Ilya Prigogine, can result in the instantaneous extension of long-range order by a magnitude of more than 10 million. That is like a fifth of the people of France speak the same sentence at the same time.

    So Sirius is Sirius business in terms of resonance. No wonder the Egyptians placed so much significance on it. It is the iron in the blood, it is the Earth’s iron, it is in the same holographic virtual neuron of order. What happens there, instantly is mirrored in equivalence, here, by harmonic resonance, that utilizes “complexity theory”, yielding “instantaneous communication”, without subscribing to a speed of light limit. Do you imagine that the alignment of our solar system at 90° to the galactic plane is not noticed in the resonance of Time and Space of Sirius. This is a cross to a cross.

    Furthermore, Sirius C, has now been detected, as relate by astronomers Daniel Benese and J.L. Duvent in Astronomy and Astrophysics magazine in 1995. When Sirius C is mapped by the pyramid capstone, and its mass is 0.005 of our sun, the capstone was 0.00643 of the Great pyramid. Hence 0.001° of accuracy.

    August the 11th, 12th and 13th are the Isis days, that are very important to us. Isis sings in our blood at a high point then. That is why it has been so much used by Napoleon, the magicians and the “time travelers”.

    August the 13th is also the day when Quetzalcoatl was born, ruling the serpent of illumination, the fusion of bird with serpent, Horus with Set’s Sata snake, Gurudas with Nagas. It is also the higher Venus cycles, the top of the pentagrams cycle of the order of Venus in our skies during one year. So August the 13th has a Venus-Sirius connection. The cycle of Sirius B is exactly 49 years cycle, alternating to 50 years. That is the Jubilee, so there is a Sirius/Isis Jubilee now.

    The alignment of the Holy Cross happens every 12,901 years. The whole zodiac, from Aquarius to Aquarius, Ptah to Ptah (the Water Bearer and Phoenix) – it just happens two times. Only at one time it happens in-between Zodiacal Alpha and Omega.

    For the Egyptians Aquarius was the water bearer Ptah, the first man. So we are coming in the age of the first man, NeferAtum, again, the water bearer. The interesting thing is, that it is always before the water bearer, that we have this alignment of the Holy Cross. In between the age of Leo (the Sphinx) has that alignment, about 12,901 years ago.

    The Egyptians, like the Greeks and Vedic astrologers, had Aquarius apart from being Ptah (the water bearer), as the ”>Phoenix. And the Phoenix has the same hieroglyph as the Pyramid, and Sirius. In that sense we could say that this cross is doubled up as a double cross, in that we are entering the age of the Phoenix, which is Sirius, by a 90° cross.

    The same Hieroglyph is also used for the Pyramidion, the capstone, and the vehicle of ascensions. The first sperm of Atum Ra, of the NTR gods. This sperm of the gods, was also eaten as the Spirit and the Bread Of Light. Made from super conducting elements, found in meteorites, which are rich in Iridium and Rhodium, and which were processed at Mount Serabit, Sinai, where the White Powder, the Sperm of the Gods, was discovered. The Stone from the stars, Bija, was also a meteorite to the ancient Egyptians: Sperm = Bijah; Meteorite; Bread; Pyramidion. Which in turn equals: Sirius, Pyramid, Phoenix from the Iridium Ashes, and Water Bearer of the Aqua Vitae, the Arcanum of Immortality.

    This alignment is important and does not happen very often. We have this massive, enormous rotation. When one spins a bicycle wheel and holds it, the faster it spins the heavier it gets and the more it pulls you.

    When you have a solar system, it is like an enormous gyroscope of inertia. That is an enormous rotation that affects everything, and you have a galaxy. Imagine a gyroscope galactic wide, making a cross to one that is solar system wide. A 90 degree angle is an ortho plane, that is a way that information exchange and translation, and compression of one holographic continuum into another, galaxy into solar system, into Earth, and solar system into galaxy.

    But what this also means is that the two planes in their middle, have a still point. From June/July to May 2000 there is this stillpoint of focus, gravitational vortex compression, with potential magnetic coherent implosion. That is why our colleague Daniel Winter dubbed it a burp: the compression of planes, and then the expression of the digested gravitational bubble into a new creation, in anticipation of the 2012 galactic full conjunction and maximum concrescence of novelty.

    The “Anubis Cell” (which Emmanuel called Oversoul Sun), as Dr Robert Temple has suggested, is stating that there is such a major resonance relative of Sirius and our sun, that perhaps what ever happens on Sirius effects us in a mathematical sense. So that we are maybe even a part of a holographic show designed at Sirius. Horus is shown pictographically as a crocodile with a falcon head and a dog on its tale, illustrating the knowledge of coherent holography between the two systems.

Sirius rises just before the Sun once a year. In fact, it was the herald of the new year for the early Egyptians and also marked the time of the annual flooding of the Nile.

Sirius has an “invisible twin” which is a highly compacted “white dwarf” with an unimaginable density. An African myth (The Dogon) holds that there is a third partner, however, no third body has yet to be discovered. I suspect that the “third component” is what we call a “black hole” because the Orion Constellation is a virtual nursery when it comes to producing stars.

The Great Pyramid (like Sirius) too has an “invisible twin”! The height of the Great Pyramid is exactly one half pi (22/7) in relationship to the sum of the sides of its base! The 1/2 pi gives “the big clue” regarding the pyramid’s “other half”.

The Great Pyramid is the bottom pyramid representing “dense earth” (the lower portion of Orion) and its “etheric twin” is the inverted pyramid on top. Together they represent Pi. This juxtaposition is also a “representation” of Orion with Orion’s Belt at the exact spot where the two pyramids meet. The place where the physical meets the spiritual is at the “capstone” of The Great Pyramid or at Orion’s Belt which divides his upper nature and lower nature.

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من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 03/02/2013 06:21
G-D=4/7 O 7/4 (INDEP. DE EEUU)
Éxodo 20:8-11 8  Acuérdate del sabado para santificarlo. 9 Seis días trabajarás, y harás toda tu obra; 10 mas el séptimo día es reposo para Jehová tu Dios; no hagas en él obra alguna, tú, ni tu hijo, ni tu hija, ni tu siervo, ni tu criada, ni tu bestia, ni tu extranjero que está dentro de tus puertas. 11Porque en seis días hizo Jehová los cielos y la tierra, el mar, y todas las cosas que en ellos hay, y reposó en el séptimo día; por tanto, Jehová bendijo el día de reposo y lo santificó. (RV)
15=6+9 (69 CANCER)=1111
1111 EQUIVALE A 33
buttons between 1111 rolling stones.JPG

Sun -15 - mon-key
Everything is Connected and there are no

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