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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 254 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 02/07/2011 16:07



 Circles of women have gathered through the centuries to  support one another with various tasks and needs, including prayer circles, sewing, knitting, and quilting circles. My "14 Steps to Awaken the Sacred Feminine," co-authored with Joan Norton, includes suggestions for setting up circles of people wishing to use Magdalene's story as a template for their own spiritual journey.

Mary Magdalene and the Sacred Geometry of Circles have deep connections that connect her to our human circle gatherings in a special way.

Mary Magdalene’s feast day since the 7th century in the West, borrowed from the Orthodox Eastern rite church, has been set on the 22nd of July.

July is the seventh month of our Western calendars, so we sometimes write the date as 22/7.  This strikes me as more than just a simple accident, because 22/7 is also the ratio used to calculate the circumference and area of a circle. We teach this to students in junior high and we call the ratio “pi,” the Greek letter that corresponds to our letter “p.”

In case you’ve forgotten what they taught you in junior high school, any circle that has a diameter of 7 units will have a circumference of 22 units.  The fraction reduces to 3 1/7, which means that whatever the diameter is, the circumference will always be slightly more than 3 x the diameter. 

So Magdalene’ feast day – 22/7 – is very interesting to those of us who know how important the principle of circles is for women sharing and relating to one another…the “family circle,” the “circle of love,” the circle of influence, quilting circles, prayer circles. A circle often represents community.

We know that “7” is symbolic of the “feminine” as “Complete in herself.” It is also a symbol for the Holy Spirit, because it is the sum of the masculine “3” and the feminine “4.”

Using the “7” from Magdalene’s feast day as a number symbolic of the Holy Spirit and the Divine Feminine, I’d like to show you how she embodies the human person as “sacred vessel filled with the Spirit.” 

1.  Draw a circle and place a dot in the very center.

2.  Now draw a line from the center dot to the edge and label it “7.”  That line is called the “radius.” Any line drawn from the center to the edge of a circle is called its "radius" or one "ray."

3.  To figure out the circumference of the circle, you must double the radius, so draw a straight line to the opposite side, creating a straight line across the entire circle. That line is called the diameter (value of 14 if the radius is 7 units) and can be multiplied by 22/7 to give the circumference “44."

In the ancient world, the Greek gematria "4" was a feminine number related to matter and the earth (4 corners of the earth, 4 cardinal directions, 4 winds, 4 elements). The phrase “flesh and blood” had a value of  444, so numbers that relate to 4 in any order of magnitude have a symbolic connection with earth/humus and human life…our shared humanity.   In this diagram, the “44” of the outer edge suggests the “earthen vessel,” the human person of "flesh and blood," filled with the Spirit (“7”). The image represents the sacred marriage of flesh and divinity, earth and heaven, embodied in each individual person. So, ultimately, each person IS that marriage. Mary Magdalene presents us the archetype of the "earthen vessel filled with the Spirit" and her feast day, 22-7 reflects that understanding of her importance.

Now we will do the calculation for the area of the circle with the “7” radius. The formula is “pi” (22/7) times the square of the radius (7 x 7 = 49).   22/7 x 49 is 154.  If you use the alternative decimal version of “pi” (3.14) the result 153.86 is even more obviously connected to Mary Magdalene, because the Greek gematria of her title “H Magdalhnh” actually adds up to 153. So, using principles of sacred geometry in use at the time the Gospels were written, by virtue of her feast day (7/22) and the gematria of her honorific (153), she is shown to be the “Model” or embodiment of the human person as “sacred partner” of the Divine.

The "153" is highly significant as a symbolic number in the canon of the Greek geometers. It is the denominator of the ratio used to represent the square root of 3 (265/153) and is a numerical abbreviation for the "vesica piscis" ()--the "Vessel of the Fish" or "Measure of the Fish." This shape is the shared space when two circles are drawn together so that the edge of one passes through the center of the other.

Among the ancients, this shape was called the "Mother of all forms, " the "Matrix," the "Doorway to Life," the "Womb" and the "Bridal Chamber." It's meaning is that of the "Source" or "vessel of creativity," and the symbol was universally associated with the Goddesses of love and fertility in the ancient world.  It's no accident that the epithet coined for Mary has gematria (153) that irrevocably associates her with the Goddess. 

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Respuesta  Mensaje 90 de 254 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/11/2011 00:50

A regular square pyramid is determined by its medial right triangle, whose edges are the pyramid's apothem (a), semi-base (b), and height (h); the face inclination angle is also marked. Mathematical proportions b:h:a of 1:sqrt{varphi}:varphi and 3:4:5  and 1:4/pi:1.61899  are of particular interest in relation to Egyptian pyramids.

Mat 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Verse # = 23691   |   Words = 23   |   Letters = 105
Data from Strong's Concordance
KJV Greek Strong's # Value
And δε 9
I say λεγω 838
also καγω 824
unto thee, σοι 280
That οτι 380
thou συ 600
art ει 15
Peter, Πετρος 755
and και 31
upon επι 95
this ταυτη 1009
rock πετρα 486
I will build οικοδομεω 1089
my μου 510
church; εκκλησια 294
and και 31
the gates πυλη 518
of hell αδης 213
shall κατισχυω 2331
not ου 470
prevail against κατισχυω 2331
it. αυτος 971
οικοδομεω oikodomeo {oy-kod-om-eh'-o} also oikodomos οικοδομος {oy-kod-om'-os} Ac 4:11 from the same as 3619; TDNT - 5:136,674; v AV - build 24, edify 7, builder 5, build up 1, be in building 1, embolden 1; 39 1) to build a house, erect a building 1a) to build (up from the foundation) 1b) to restore by building, to rebuild, repair 2) metaph. 2a) to found, establish 2b) to promote growth in Christian wisdom, affection, grace, virtue, holiness, blessedness 2c) to grow in wisdom and piety
Act 4:11 This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.
Act 4:11 This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.
Verse # = 27034   |   Words = 15   |   Letters = 77
Data from Strong's Concordance
KJV Greek Strong's # Value
This ουτος 1040
is εστι 515
the stone λιθος 319
which ο 70
was set at nought εξουθενεω 1404
of υπο 550
you υμων 1290
builders, οικοδομεω 1089
which ο 70
is become γινομαι 184
the head κεφαλη 564
of εις 215
the corner. γωνια 864



Génesis 28:22: Y esta PIEDRA que he puesto por señal, será casa de Dios; y de todo lo que me dieres, el diezmo apartaré para ti.
164. Salmos 118:22: La PIEDRA que desecharon los edificadores
Ha venido a ser cabeza del ángulo.
244. Mateo 21:42: Jesús les dijo: ¿Nunca leísteis en las Escrituras:
La PIEDRA que desecharon los edificadores,
Ha venido a ser cabeza del ángulo.
El Señor ha hecho esto,
Y es cosa maravillosa a nuestros ojos?

245. Mateo 21:44: Y el que cayere sobre esta PIEDRA será quebrantado; y sobre quien ella cayere, le desmenuzará.
281. Hechos 4:11: Este Jesús es la PIEDRA reprobada por vosotros los edificadores, la cual ha venido a ser cabeza del ángulo.
281. Hechos 4:11: Este Jesús es la PIEDRA reprobada por vosotros los edificadores, la cual ha venido a ser cabeza del ángulo.
OIKODOMEO (GEMATRIA)=1089=792+297=33X33
Mary Μαρια 152
Magdalene. Μαγδαληνη 145
152 MAS 145 ES IGUAL A 297

The number difference for the mirror pair 65 and 56 results in 1089. The mirror of the result, 9801 can be expressed as 33 x 297. Adding the various results to their mirrors often sums to 1089 --

 396   + 639   = 1089
 297   + 792   = 1089
 495   + 594   = 1089 


The number 1089 and its mirror, 9801, are the squares of double digit pairs --

 33^2 = 1089  
 99^2 = 9801


The gematria for LORD JESUS CHRIST in Hebrew is 37 + 397 + 358 = 792.

The gematria for LORD JESUS CHRIST in Greek is 800 + 888 + 1480 = 3168=792X4



Respuesta  Mensaje 91 de 254 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/11/2011 19:15

The word 'pyramid' translated.

The earliest symbols for pyramids were hieroglyphic.  The shape was not an exact triangle, but was used as a sign for a 'solar temple' (se Fix). Hawass points out that the pyramid shape is 'clearly related to the ben-ben, the symbol for the sun god' (13).

The Egyptian name for the pyramids is 'Khuti' - 'The lights'. Davidson (2) believed that this name originated from the semetic equivelant which was 'Urim' - 'The lights'. In Phrygian and Greek, the root 'Ur' - 'light', became successively 'Pur' and 'Pyr' (fire), and 'Pyra' (Plural), for 'Beacon fires'. In Chaldee and Hebrew, he adds, 'Middin' = 'Measures'. Hence the Chaldee-Hebrew name is - 'Purim-middin' - 'Lights-Measures'

Well known American Egyptologist Mark Lehner has stated that the ancient Khemitian term for pyramid was something he calls MR.Pyramid. Lehner bases this on his translation of MR as "Place of Ascension" following his belief that pyramids were tombs for kings and where the dead king's souls "ascended". But MR, usually written as Mer, is commonly translated as beloved, as in Meriamen (Beloved of Amen, The Hidden) or Meritaten (Beloved of Aten, The Wiser). Our indigenous sources tell us Mer meant "beloved" and had nothing to do with pyramid.

However, the ancient Khemitians apparently used the term PR.NTR, Per-Neter, for pyramid. Per means "house" and  Neter has been translated by Egyptologists as "God" or "Goddess". However, this could also be translated as "House of Nature, or House of Energy" for Per-Neter. The temple was Per-Ba (House of the Soul) and the tomb was Per-Ka (House of the Physical Projection) according to the indigenous tradition. With this understanding of Per-Neter as House of Nature, god or energy, we are given three different interpretations of the word 'pyramid'.

The Greek word 'Pyramidos' has an interesting meaning. If we support Dunn's ideas that the energy reactions in the Great Pyramid took place in the so-called Queen's and King's Chambers, then certainly it was 'Fire in the Middle'. Of course, the work by Davidson (2) puts this in a slightly better context, as the Greek meaning of the word 'Pyramid' means nothing if it came from a different root language.

J. Seiss, preferred the Coptic translation for the word. He said: 'In the ancient Coptic, "pyr" means "division", the same as "peres" in Daniel's interpretation of the handwriting on the wall; and "met" means "ten" putting them together -"pry-met"- we have the name given to this structure. And that name, in the language of the ancient Egyptians, means "The division of ten".' (15)

Chapman holds that the pyramid is born of the roots 'pyr', 'em', and 'us', meaning 'Far resplendent light/fire' (7).

Verner mentions that 'although Egyptologists themselves are not entirely certain as to the origin of the word Pyramid. Some of them derive it from the special mathematical or geometrical term per-em-us, which appears in the mathematical Rhind papyri I and II and expresses the height of the pyramid we should also mention that the ancient Egyptians themselves used the term 'mer' to designate the pyramid.' (20).


Respuesta  Mensaje 92 de 254 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/11/2011 19:37
The Pyramid and All-Seeing Eye

“Another key Brotherhood symbol is the pyramid or the pyramid with the capstone missing. The street plan of Dealey Plaza where Kennedy was killed is shaped like a pyramid with the capstone missing … The pyramid with the capstone missing, or the pyramid and all seeing eye, is most famously depicted on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States and the dollar bill. The all seeing eye is the eye of Horus, Lucifer, Satan, whatever name you want to use, and also relates to the socalled ‘third eye’, the chakra vortex in the centre of the forehead through which we connect with our psychic sight.”

David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (352)

The word pyramid breaks into “Pyr” meaning “Fire” and “Mid” meaning “Middle” – The Fire in the Middle or the Fire Within. One symbolic interpretation of the pyramid is the human sitting in a cross-legged meditative position. The meditator’s knees/buttocks are the four bottom points and the head is the top point.


The eye in the capstone is the meditator’s third eye chakra, or the pineal gland located at the geometric center of the brain.

It is literally a third eye, equipped with almost the complete structure of a regular eye, only stuck inside your head and looking straight up. The Masonic G stands for 7, God, Geometry, and most importantly Gnosis, which means “the kingdom of God within.”


The early Christians and pre-Christians were Gnostics who focused on attaining spiritual knowledge by introspection and study of the divine spark within.

Rene Descartes, the father of modern philosophical skepticism, and many other great minds believed firmly in an immortal immaterial soul. Descartes said the “seat of the soul,” or the place where the soul interacts with the physical body is the pineal gland. The pineal gland produces Pinoline, Melatonin, and a strong hallucinogen called DMT released each night during dream states, before birth and at death.


The word “secret” comes from “secretion.” Could this natural secretion be the ultimate secret? The Numerology and Magic Mushroom chapters will delve deeper into this.

London’s Big “Ben,” like the Egyptian “BenBen” stone, is shaped like an obelisk/pyramidion. Nearby sits the “London Eye” Ferriswheel giving us symbolically a huge all seeing Eye and the Big Ben pyramidion. The Eye is supported by a base shaped like a Masonic compass measuring 33 degrees, and contains 32 “eye pods” (IPods?) which people ride in.


The all seeing Masonic London Eye also just happens to be staring at the Houses of Parliament.

Time Warner, CBS, Dairy Queen and many other corporate logos use the all-seeing eye. Many more companies/organizations use the pyramid(s) such as Sprint, Conseco, Creative Technology, Citgo, Carsey Werner, MI5, Pyramid Life Insurance, Pyramid Sun Fest, Camel Cigarettes, Delta, Naval Air Warfare Center, AccessHollywood.com, Columbia Records/Pictures, Paramount Pictures, Bass & Co. Beer, and the American Business Awards.


Fidelity Investments, America Online, Illuminati Online, Nickelodeon, Kindercare, Total Information Awareness, and the Dollar Bill seals all contain both the eye and pyramid together.

Keystone Beer refers to the Capstone also called the Keystone of the Pyramid. Bass & Co. Beer also uses the pyramid. Coors and other beers use mountains. Evian water depicts 3 mountains like the 3 pyramids at Giza, and Evian is an anagram for Naïve which says innocence, purity, pure water to the subconscious.


Since mountains and pyramids are associated with spiritual ascent, the images and names unconsciously draw us to the products.

The same goes for any logo that includes mountains, pyramids, waterfalls, sunshine, etc. these are powerful subconscious spiritual triggers being used to make their marks on us.

“Not only is the sun important but the word ‘light’ is important in any context. Light is important philosophically, light is also important subliminally. If it is lite beer then shouldn’t it be lite? But look at the choice of the very spelling. If you’re drinking that, the implication is subliminally that you are drinking light, that’s why it becomes addictive, because your unconscious mind would love to drink light. That’s what we’re all about remember? Spiritual uplift. Well they’re going to hand it to you in this.


That which takes you down, but it has on it, drink it, it’s full of light. And what’s the symbolism in the advertisements? When the models are drinking you’ll see images of light and halos and all sorts of things to spiritualize things. Mountains are connected with spiritual ascent, so is light, but look who’s using them and for what purpose.”

Michael Tsarion, “The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in The Media” Lecture at Conspiracy Con 2003




Respuesta  Mensaje 93 de 254 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/11/2011 19:42
Mat 3:11 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:
Verse # = 23204   |   Words = 31   |   Letters = 148
Data from Strong's Concordance
KJV Greek Strong's # Value
I εγω 808
indeed μεν 95
baptize βαπτιζω 1200
you υμας 641
with εν 55
water υδωρ 1304
unto εις 215
repentance: μετανοια 477
but δε 9
he that cometh ερχομαι 826
after οπισω 1160
me μου 510
is εστι 515
mightier than ισχυρος 1580
I, μου 510
whose ος 270
shoes υποδημα 603
I am ειμι 65
not ου 470
worthy ικανος 351
to bear: βασταζω 1311
he αυτος 971
shall baptize βαπτιζω 1200
you υμας 641
with εν 55
the Holy αγιος 284
Ghost, πνευμα 576
and και 31
[with] fire: πυρ 580
Total = 18177
Original Text
Greek Value Inc
εγω 808
μεν 95
βαπτιζω 1200
υμας 641
εν 55
υδατι 715
εις 215
μετανοιαν 527
ο 70
δε 9
οπισω 1160
μου 510
ερχομενος 1140
ισχυροτερος 2055
μου 510
εστιν 565
ου 470
ουκ 490
ειμι 65
ικανος 351
τα 301
υποδηματα 904
βαστασαι 715
αυτος 971
υμας 641
βαπτισει 608
εν 55
πνευματι 886
αγιωι 824
και 31
πυρι 590

Respuesta  Mensaje 94 de 254 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/11/2011 19:44

SACRED SEE © PYRAMID = amid the pyr by fire, formation by ...

www.world-mysteries.com/.../PDF%205%20SAC...  - Traducir esta página
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PYRAMID = amid the pyr by fire, formation by points – heat transduction. The pyramids cover the sanction of calculations as a Heavenly Code relative to the “ arc” ...
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    www.bibliotecapleyades.net/.../atlantean_conspir...En caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
    David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (352). The word pyramid breaks into “Pyr” meaning “Fire” and “Mid” meaning “Middle” – The Fire in the Middle or the Fire Within. ...

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    Pyramid is from pyr, fire, and amis, amid-, vessel, chamber pot. Greek amao means 'I collect, I harvest. A pyramid was a fire collector. The Hebrew arah is to ...
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    Having the form of a pyramid. ... [Gr. itirfurijf , from irup, fire.1 Fire-stone; PYR'ITE, a genus of inflammable ... PY-RIT'Iiv, PY-RIT4-«AL, or PYR'I-TOUS, a. ...
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    PyrAmac – (pyr-a-mac) n. 1. Macintosh Computer in the form of a Pyramid: pyr or Fire Mac. 2. Relating to the action of fire or heat: pyrography. 3. Fever: pyrogen. ...
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    Pyr a mid. (plr'a-mid), n. 1 , (Anat.) A conical bony eminence, situated on the posterior ... the red balls being placed together in the form of a triangle or pyramid at spot, the ... [Gr. *>pt irvpbs, fire, £aAA(u, to throw, amt Adyo«. discourse, account.] ...

    Respuesta  Mensaje 95 de 254 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/11/2011 20:06

    Pyr is the Greek name of fire (thence Pyramid), and mythologically of the sun, who was the same as Hercules. And the great analyser of mythology assures us that Pur was the ancient name of Latian Jupiter, the father of Hercules; that he was the deity of fire; that his name was particularly retained amongst the people of Præneste, who had been addicted to the rites of fire. Fire, in short, in these mythologies, as also in all the Christian churches, meets us at every turn. But we must not mix up heathen ideas and Christian ideas in these matters.


    Respuesta  Mensaje 96 de 254 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 08/12/2011 18:33

    ARTB Bible Blog, 6.19.2011, Pyramids and Mary Magdalen


    In the dawn on one in the week, he rose. He first had appeared to Mary MAGDALA. She had the seven devils dispersed from her. (Mark 16:9, ARTB draft)

    A note from A. Frances Werner:

    When I was a child, I always dreamed of being an archeologist, digging and uncovering new discoveries.  But two things tempered that dream.  One was being a child in a German heritage:  Archeology probably wasn't an easy way to make a living.  The second was the chance to participate in a dig in Illinois in my college years, which let me know I probably didn't have the patience to dig for pottery shards in 100 degree temperatures with tools that reminded me of a tablespoon.  But I still love the hunt for understanding our ancient roots of our cultures, which is really an underlying dream of the ARTB project.  (Which gets me out of the 100 degree temperatures, but definitely is a project of patience!)

    So, a fun archeology story about Mary MAGDALA.  Her correct name is Mary, but for many years, there was no real identification of the second part of her name.  Was is a town? Or did it have another meaning?  In the last few years, there has been an EXPLOSION of information about the discovery of the town of MAGDALA (on the sea of Galilee near Caparnaum) and the incredible archeological treasure of a carving of the menorah from the synagogue, on of the earliest ever found.  Thanks to PegT for the info and the link.  Be sure to take a look at the carving in the upper right corner of the stone and the square items toward the bottom:


    The town of MAGDALA is from the root MGDL (Strong's H4024 and H4026) which is found 57 times in the Old Testament.  It is usually translated as TOWER in most English bibles, including the ARTB Old Testament.  However, in studying the Aramaic, I was bolted out of my seat realizing that the word has a different meaning in Aramaic, PYRAMID.  Thus the following verse, Exodus 14:2, plus several others, needs a revision, replacing TOWER with PYRAMID:

    Speak to the sons of Israel to return and camp facing Pi-Hahiroth, between the tower PYRAMID and the sea, facing Baal-Zephon. Camp by the sea in view of it.

    The biblical dates of the exodus from Egypt absolutely match the timetable of the appearance of pyramids in Egypt.  The Israelites were clearly looking at the strength of the PYRAMIDS as they faced the impossbility of the sea in front of them.

    But the Hebrew word MGDL (migdol) is slightly different.  It is related to livestock, feed storage, and several other things that I haven't quite uncovered yet.  I am looking to the MAGDALA dig site to see if there is a structure there that may help us figure out what this Hebrew word TOWER really is.  Is it a pyramidal structure or something different?  Is it related to the square items at the bottom of the MAGDALA stone face?  Does that structure tell us anything about Mary Magdala herself? Now at least, we know where she was from!

    Blessings from your armchair archeologist.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 97 de 254 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 08/12/2011 18:39
    Exo 14:2 Speak unto the children of Israel, that they turn and encamp before Pihahiroth, between Migdol and the sea, over against Baalzephon: before it shall ye encamp by the sea.
    Verse # = 1892   |   Words = 18   |   Letters = 71
    Data from Strong's Concordance
    KJV Hebrew Strong's # Value
    Speak דבר 206
    unto the children בן 52
    of Israel, ישראל 541
    that they turn שוב 308
    and encamp חנה 63
    before פנים 180
    Pihahiroth, פי החירת 713
    between Migdol מגדול 83
    and the sea, ים 50
    over against פנים 180
    Baalzephon: בעל צפן 322
    before נכח 78
    it shall ye encamp חנה 63
    by the sea. ים 50
    59. Éxodo 14:2: Di a los HIJOS DE ISRAEL que den la vuelta y acampen delante de Pi-hahirot, entre Migdol y el mar hacia Baal-zefón; delante de él acamparéis junto al mar.

    Total = 3584
    Original Text
    Hebrew Value Inc
    דבר 206
    אל 31
    בני 62
    ישראל 541
    וישבו 324
    ויחנו 80
    לפני 170
    פיהחירת 713
    בין 62
    מגדל 77
    ובין 68
    הים 55
    לפני 170
    בעלצפן 322
    נכחו 84
    תחנו 464
    על 100
    הים 55

    Respuesta  Mensaje 98 de 254 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 08/12/2011 18:41

    מגדול Migdowl {mig-dole'} or מגדל Migdol {mig-dole'} probably of Egyptian origin;; AV - Migdol 4, tower 2, variant 1; 7 Migdol = "tower" n pr m 1) a fortified city on the Egyptian border n m 2) tower

    Gematria: 83

    Respuesta  Mensaje 99 de 254 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 08/12/2011 18:47

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    Respuesta  Mensaje 101 de 254 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 08/12/2011 19:08
    << Micah 4:8 >>
    New American Standard Bible (©1995)
    "As for you, tower of the flock, Hill of the daughter of Zion, To you it will come-- Even the former dominion will come, The kingdom of the daughter of Jerusalem.

    King James Bible
    And thou, O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall it come, even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem.

    American King James Version
    And you, O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, to you shall it come, even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem.

    American Standard Version
    And thou, O tower of the flock, the hill of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall it come, yea, the former dominion shall come, the kingdom of the daughter of Jerusalem.

    Douay-Rheims Bible
    And thou, O cloudy tower of the flock, of the daughter of Sion, unto thee shall it come: yea the first power shall come, the kingdom to the daughter of Jerusalem.

    Darby Bible Translation
    And thou, O tower of the flock, hill of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall it come, yea, the first dominion shall come, the kingdom to the daughter of Jerusalem.

    English Revised Version
    And thou, O tower of the flock, the hill of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall it come; yea, the former dominion shall come, the kingdom of the daughter of Jerusalem.

    Webster's Bible Translation
    And thou, O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, to thee shall it come, even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come, to the daughter of Jerusalem.

    World English Bible
    You, tower of the flock, the hill of the daughter of Zion, to you it will come, yes, the former dominion will come, the kingdom of the daughter of Jerusalem.

    Young's Literal Translation
    And thou, O tower of Eder, Fort of the daughter of Zion, unto thee it cometh, Yea, come in hath the former rule, The kingdom to the daughter of Jerusalem.

    מיכה 4:8 Hebrew OT: Westminster Leningrad Codex
    וְאַתָּ֣ה מִגְדַּל־עֵ֗דֶר עֹ֛פֶל בַּת־צִיֹּ֖ון עָדֶ֣יךָ תֵּאתֶ֑ה וּבָאָ֗ה הַמֶּמְשָׁלָה֙ הָרִ֣אשֹׁנָ֔ה מַמְלֶ֖כֶת לְבַ֥ת־יְרוּשָׁלִָֽם׃

    מיכה 4:8 Hebrew OT: WLC (Consonants Only)
    ואתה מגדל־עדר עפל בת־ציון עדיך תאתה ובאה הממשלה הראשנה ממלכת לבת־ירושלם׃

    מיכה 4:8 Hebrew OT: WLC (Consonants & Vowels)
    וְאַתָּה מִגְדַּל־עֵדֶר עֹפֶל בַּת־צִיֹּון עָדֶיךָ תֵּאתֶה וּבָאָה הַמֶּמְשָׁלָה הָרִאשֹׁנָה מַמְלֶכֶת לְבַת־יְרוּשָׁלִָם׃

    מיכה 4:8 Hebrew Bible
    ואתה מגדל עדר עפל בת ציון עדיך תאתה ובאה הממשלה הראשנה ממלכת לבת ירושלם׃

    Apocalypsis 22:21 Latin: Biblia Sacra Vulgata
    et tu turris Gregis nebulosa filiae Sion usque ad te veniet et veniet potestas prima regnum filiae Hierusalem

    Miqueas 4:8 Spanish: La Biblia de las Américas (©1997)
    Y tú, torre del rebaño, colina de la hija de Sion, hasta ti vendrá, vendrá el antiguo dominio, el reino de la hija de Jerusalén.

    Miqueas 4:8 Spanish: La Nueva Biblia de los Hispanos (©2005)
    Y tú, torre del rebaño, Colina de la hija de Sion, Hasta ti vendrá, Vendrá el antiguo dominio, El reino de la hija de Jerusalén.

    Miqueas 4:8 Spanish: Reina Valera (1909)
    Y tú, oh torre del rebaño, la fortaleza de la hija de Sión vendrá hasta ti: y el señorío primero, el reino vendrá á la hija de Jerusalem.

    Miqueas 4:8 Spanish: Sagradas Escrituras (1569)
    Y tú, oh torre del rebaño, la fortaleza de la hija de Sion vendrá hasta ti; y vendrá el Señorío primero, el Reino, a la hija de Jerusalén.

    Miqueas 4:8 Spanish: Modern
    Y tú, oh torre del rebaño, colina de la hija de Sion, a ti vendrá el gobierno de antaño; el reino vendrá a la hija de Jerusalén."

    Michée 4:8 French: Louis Segond (1910)
    Et toi, tour du troupeau, colline de la fille de Sion, A toi viendra, à toi arrivera l'ancienne domination, Le royaume de la fille de Jérusalem.

    Michée 4:8 French: Darby
    Et toi, tour du troupeau, colline élevée de la fille de Sion, à toi arrivera et viendra la domination première, -le royaume, à la fille de Jérusalem.

    Michée 4:8 French: Martin (1744)
    Et toi, Tour du troupeau, Hophel, la fille de Sion viendra jusqu'à toi; et la première domination viendra, le Royaume, [dis-je], viendra à la fille de Jérusalem.

    Mica 4:8 German: Luther (1912)
    Und du, Turm Eder, du Feste der Tochter Zion, zu dir wird kommen und einkehren die vorige Herrschaft, das Königreich der Tochter Jerusalem.

    Mica 4:8 German: Luther (1545)
    Und du Turm Eder, eine Feste der Tochter Zion, es wird deine güldene Rose kommen, die vorige HERRSChaft, das Königreich der Tochter Jerusalem.

    Mica 4:8 German: Elberfelder (1871)
    Und du Herdenturm, du Hügel der Tochter Zion, zu dir wird gelangen und zu dir wird kommen die frühere Herrschaft, das Königtum der Tochter Jerusalem.

    彌 迦 書 4:8 Chinese Bible: Union (Traditional)
    你 這 羊 群 的 高 臺 、 錫 安 城 ( 原 文 是 女 子 ) 的 山 哪 , , 從 前 的 權 柄 ─ 就 是 耶 路 撒 冷 民 ( 原 文 是 女 子 ) 的 國 權 ─ 必 歸 與 你 。

    彌 迦 書 4:8 Chinese Bible: Union (Simplified)
    你 这 羊 群 的 高 ? 、 锡 安 城 ( 原 文 是 女 子 ) 的 山 哪 , , 从 前 的 权 柄 ─ 就 是 耶 路 撒 冷 民 ( 原 文 是 女 子 ) 的 国 权 ─ 必 归 与 你 。

    And thou O tower of the flock __ the strong hold of the daughter of Zion unto thee shall it come even the first dominion the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem

    And thou O tower
    migdal  (mig-dawl')
    a tower (from its size or height); by analogy, a rostrum; figuratively, a (pyramidal) bed of flowers -- castle, flower, tower.
    of the flock
    `eder  (ay'-der)
    an arrangement, i.e. muster (of animals) -- drove, flock, herd.
    Migdal-`Eder  (mig-dal'-ay'-der)
    tower of a flock; Migdal-Eder, a place in Palestine -- Migdal-eder, tower of the flock.
    the strong hold
    `ophel  (o'-fel)
    a tumor; also a mound, i.e. fortress -- emerod, fort, strong hold, tower.
    of the daughter
    bath  (bath)
    apple (of the eye), branch, company, daughter, first, old, owl, town, village.
    of Zion
    Tsiyown  (tsee-yone')
    Tsijon (as a permanent capital), a mountain of Jerusalem -- Zion.
    unto thee shall it come
    'athah  (aw-thaw')
    to arrive -- (be-, things to) come (upon), bring.
    even the first
    ri'shown  (ree-shone')
    first, in place, time or rank (as adjective or noun) -- ancestor, (that were) before(-time), beginning, eldest, first, fore(-father) (-most), former (thing), of old time, past.
    memshalah  (mem-shaw-law')
    rule; also (concretely in plural) a realm or a ruler -- dominion, government, power, to rule.
    the kingdom
    mamlakah  (mam-law-kaw')
    dominion, i.e. (abstractly) the estate (rule) or (concretely) the country (realm) -- kingdom, king's, reign, royal.
    shall come
    bow'  (bo)
    to go or come (in a wide variety of applications)
    to the daughter
    bath  (bath)
    apple (of the eye), branch, company, daughter, first, old, owl, town, village.
    of Jerusalem
    Yruwshalaim  (yer-oo-shaw-lah'-im)
    founded peaceful; Jerushalaim or Jerushalem, the capital city of Palestine -- Jerusalem.

    Micah 4:8 Multilingual Bible

    Michée 4:8 French

    Miqueas 4:8 Biblia Paralela

    彌 迦 書 4:8 Chinese Bible

    New American Standard Bible Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit http://www.lockman.org.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 102 de 254 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 08/12/2011 19:14




    (Zech. 'abdan' (12) or Mgiddow {meg-id-do'}; from 'gadad' (1413); rendezvous; Megiddon or Megiddo, a place in Palestine:--Megiddo, Megiddon.




    or Migdol {mig-dole'}; probably of Egyptian origin; Migdol, a place in Egypt:--Migdol, tower.




    from 'meged' (4022) and 'el' (410); preciousness of God; Magdiel, an Idumaean:--Magdiel.




    also (in plural) feminine migdalah {mig-daw- law'}; from 'gadal' (1431); a tower (from its size or height); by analogy, a rostrum; figuratively, a (pyramidal) bed of flowers:--castle, flower, tower. Compare the names following.




    from 'migdal' (4026) and 'el' (410); tower of God; Migdal-El, a place in Palestine:--Migdal-el.




    from 'migdal' (4026) and 'Gad' (1408); tower of Fortune; Migdal-Gad, a place in Palestine:--Migdal-gad.




    from 'migdal' (4026) and '`eder' (5739); tower of a flock; Migdal-Eder, a place in Palestine:--Migdal-eder, tower of the flock.




    from the same as 'meged' (4022); preciousness, i.e. a gem:--precious thing, present.




    from 'Gowg' (1463); Magog, a son of Japheth; also a barbarous northern region:--Magog.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 103 de 254 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 13/12/2011 22:29
    El verdadero PENTECOSTES es el 29 del cuarto mes hebreo (29 de thamus) y justamente el mismo esta diseñado en funcion al SOLSTICIO DE VERANO (PLENITUD SOLAR) y practicamente en PLENITUD LUNAR (luna nueva en luna llena). Es simbolo del MATRIMONIO ENTRE EL SOL (JESUCRISTO) Y LA LUNA (EL CUERPO DE CRISTO/MARIA MAGDALENA). JUAN 20 es en este contexto, desgraciadamente, ocultado por la IGLESIA PATRIARCAL. Segun la PRECESION DE LOS EQUINOCCIOS al comienzo de la ERA DE ACUARIO ORION, osea el HIJO DEL HOMBRE, cae el 21 de junio en el SOLSTICIO. Osea que no es solo STONEHENGE esta diseñado en FUNCION AL SOLSTICIO. Desgraciadamente se ha demonizado al paganismo sin ver que tambien en los mismos hay un mensaje con fuerte relacion biblica. ESE CRISTIANISMO SECTARIO TIENE QUE TENER UN FIN porque el EVANGELIO DE CRISTO ES UNIVERSAL. PYR significa fuego con fuerte nexo con PENTECOSTES.
    The Egyptian name for the pyramids is 'Khuti' - 'The lights'. Davidson (2) believed that this name originated from the semetic equivelant which was 'Urim' - 'The lights'. In Phrygian and Greek, the root 'Ur' - 'light', became successively 'Pur' and 'Pyr' (fire), and 'Pyra' (Plural), for 'Beacon fires'. In Chaldee and Hebrew, he adds, 'Middin' = 'Measures'. Hence the Chaldee-Hebrew name is - 'Purim-middin'
    552. Mateo 3:11: Yo a la verdad os bautizo en AGUA para arrepentimiento; pero el que viene tras mí, cuyo calzado yo no soy digno de llevar, es más poderoso que yo; él os bautizará en Espíritu Santo y fuego.
    Verse # = 23204   |   Words = 31   |   Letters = 148
    Data from Strong's Concordance
    KJV Greek Strong's # Value
    I εγω 808
    indeed μεν 95
    baptize βαπτιζω 1200
    you υμας 641
    with εν 55
    water υδωρ 1304
    unto εις 215
    repentance: μετανοια 477
    but δε 9
    he that cometh ερχομαι 826
    after οπισω 1160
    me μου 510
    is εστι 515
    mightier than ισχυρος 1580
    I, μου 510
    whose ος 270
    shoes υποδημα 603
    I am ειμι 65
    not ου 470
    worthy ικανος 351
    to bear: βασταζω 1311
    he αυτος 971
    shall baptize βαπτιζω 1200
    you υμας 641
    with εν 55
    the Holy αγιος 284
    Ghost, πνευμα 576
    and και 31
    [with] fire: πυρ 580

    πυρ pur {poor} a root word; TDNT - 6:928,975; n n AV - fire 73, fiery 1; 74 1) fire

    Gematria: 580

    2:1 Cuando llegó el día de Pentecostés, estaban todos unánimes juntos.
    2:2 Y de repente vino del cielo un estruendo como de un viento recio que soplaba, el cual llenó toda la casa donde estaban sentados;
    395. Hechos 2:3: y se les aparecieron lenguas repartidas, como de FUEGO, asentándose sobre cada uno de ellos.

    396. Hechos 2:19: Y daré prodigios arriba en el cielo,
    Y señales abajo en la tierra,
    Sangre y FUEGO y vapor de humo;

    Respuesta  Mensaje 104 de 254 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 17/12/2011 16:59

    A regular square pyramid is determined by its medial right triangle, whose edges are the pyramid's apothem (a), semi-base (b), and height (h); the face inclination angle is also marked. Mathematical proportions b:h:a of 1:sqrt{varphi}:varphi and 3:4:5  and 1:4/pi:1.61899  are of particular interest in relation to Egyptian pyramids.

    Mat 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
    Verse # = 23691   |   Words = 23   |   Letters = 105
    Data from Strong's Concordance
    KJV Greek Strong's # Value
    And δε 9
    I say λεγω 838
    also καγω 824
    unto thee, σοι 280
    That οτι 380
    thou συ 600
    art ει 15
    Peter, Πετρος 755
    and και 31
    upon επι 95
    this ταυτη 1009
    rock πετρα 486
    I will build οικοδομεω 1089
    my μου 510
    church; εκκλησια 294
    and και 31
    the gates πυλη 518
    of hell αδης 213
    shall κατισχυω 2331
    not ου 470
    prevail against κατισχυω 2331
    it. αυτος 971
    οικοδομεω oikodomeo {oy-kod-om-eh'-o} also oikodomos οικοδομος {oy-kod-om'-os} Ac 4:11 from the same as 3619; TDNT - 5:136,674; v AV - build 24, edify 7, builder 5, build up 1, be in building 1, embolden 1; 39 1) to build a house, erect a building 1a) to build (up from the foundation) 1b) to restore by building, to rebuild, repair 2) metaph. 2a) to found, establish 2b) to promote growth in Christian wisdom, affection, grace, virtue, holiness, blessedness 2c) to grow in wisdom and piety


    FI=PHI=NUMERO DE ORO=1.618033
    171. Salmos 45:9: Hijas de reyes están entre tus ilustres;
    Está la REINA a tu diestra con oro de Ofir.

    .382    .618             1                   1.618                               2,618


    1:9 Dijo también Dios: Júntense las aguas que están debajo de los cielos en un lugar, y descúbrase lo seco. Y fue así.
    1:10 Y llamó Dios a lo seco Tierra, y a la reunión de las aguas llamó Mares. Y vio Dios que era bueno.

    1:11 Después dijo Dios: Produzca la tierra hierba verde, hierba que dé semilla; árbol de fruto que dé fruto según su género, que su semilla esté en él, sobre la tierra. Y fue así.
    1:12 Produjo, pues, la tierra hierba verde, hierba que da semilla según su naturaleza, y árbol que da fruto, cuya semilla está en él, según su género. Y vio Dios que era bueno.
    1:13 Y fue la tarde y la mañana el día tercero. (LA SEMILLA/SEMEN ES MASCULINA y el ARBOL que produce el fruto/hijo es femenino)
    194. Lucas 1:42: y exclamó a gran voz, y dijo: Bendita tú entre las mujeres, y bendito el FRUTO de tu vientre.
    28. Mateo 16:21: Desde entonces comenzó Jesús a declarar a sus discípulos que le era necesario ir a Jerusalén y padecer mucho de los ancianos, de los principales sacerdotes y de los escribas; y ser muerto, y resucitar al tercer día.
    29. Mateo 17:23: y le matarán; mas al tercer día resucitará. Y ellos se entristecieron en gran manera.
    30. Mateo 20:19: y le entregarán a los gentiles para que le escarnezcan, le azoten, y le crucifiquen; mas al tercer día resucitará.
    31. Mateo 27:64: Manda, pues, que se asegure el sepulcro hasta el tercer día, no sea que vengan sus discípulos de noche, y lo hurten, y digan al pueblo: Resucitó de entre los muertos. Y será el postrer error peor que el primero.
    32. Marcos 9:31: Porque enseñaba a sus discípulos, y les decía: El Hijo del Hombre será entregado en manos de hombres, y le matarán; pero después de muerto, resucitará al tercer día.
    33. Marcos 10:34: y le escarnecerán, le azotarán, y escupirán en él, y le matarán; mas al tercer día resucitará.
    34. Lucas 9:22: y diciendo: Es necesario que el Hijo del Hombre padezca muchas cosas, y sea desechado por los ancianos, por los principales sacerdotes y por los escribas, y que sea muerto, y resucite al tercer día.
    35. Lucas 13:32: Y les dijo: Id, y decid a aquella zorra: He aquí, echo fuera demonios y hago curaciones hoy y mañana, y al tercer día termino mi obra.
    36. Lucas 18:33: Y después que le hayan azotado, le matarán; mas al tercer día resucitará.
    37. Lucas 24:7: diciendo: Es necesario que el Hijo del Hombre sea entregado en manos de hombres pecadores, y que sea crucificado, y resucite al tercer día.
    38. Lucas 24:21: Pero nosotros esperábamos que él era el que había de redimir a Israel; y ahora, además de todo esto, hoy es ya el tercer día que esto ha acontecido.
    39. Lucas 24:46: y les dijo: Así está escrito, y así fue necesario que el Cristo padeciese, y resucitase de los muertos al tercer día;
    40. Juan 2:1: Al tercer día se hicieron unas bodas en Caná de Galilea; y estaba allí la madre de Jesús.
    41. Hechos 10:40: A éste levantó Dios al tercer día, e hizo que se manifestase;
    42. Hechos 27:19: y al tercer día con nuestras propias manos arrojamos los aparejos de la nave.
    43. 1 Corintios 15:4: y que fue sepultado, y que resucitó al tercer día, conforme a las Escrituras;

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