Circles of women have gathered through the centuries to support one another with various tasks and needs, including prayer circles, sewing, knitting, and quilting circles. My "14 Steps to Awaken the Sacred Feminine," co-authored with Joan Norton, includes suggestions for setting up circles of people wishing to use Magdalene's story as a template for their own spiritual journey.
Mary Magdalene and the Sacred Geometry of Circles have deep connections that connect her to our human circle gatherings in a special way.
Mary Magdalene’s feast day since the 7th century in the West, borrowed from the Orthodox Eastern rite church, has been set on the 22nd of July.
July is the seventh month of our Western calendars, so we sometimes write the date as 22/7. This strikes me as more than just a simple accident, because 22/7 is also the ratio used to calculate the circumference and area of a circle. We teach this to students in junior high and we call the ratio “pi,” the Greek letter that corresponds to our letter “p.”
In case you’ve forgotten what they taught you in junior high school, any circle that has a diameter of 7 units will have a circumference of 22 units. The fraction reduces to 3 1/7, which means that whatever the diameter is, the circumference will always be slightly more than 3 x the diameter.
So Magdalene’ feast day – 22/7 – is very interesting to those of us who know how important the principle of circles is for women sharing and relating to one another…the “family circle,” the “circle of love,” the circle of influence, quilting circles, prayer circles. A circle often represents community.
We know that “7” is symbolic of the “feminine” as “Complete in herself.” It is also a symbol for the Holy Spirit, because it is the sum of the masculine “3” and the feminine “4.”
Using the “7” from Magdalene’s feast day as a number symbolic of the Holy Spirit and the Divine Feminine, I’d like to show you how she embodies the human person as “sacred vessel filled with the Spirit.”
1. Draw a circle and place a dot in the very center.
2. Now draw a line from the center dot to the edge and label it “7.” That line is called the “radius.” Any line drawn from the center to the edge of a circle is called its "radius" or one "ray."
3. To figure out the circumference of the circle, you must double the radius, so draw a straight line to the opposite side, creating a straight line across the entire circle. That line is called the diameter (value of 14 if the radius is 7 units) and can be multiplied by 22/7 to give the circumference “44."
In the ancient world, the Greek gematria "4" was a feminine number related to matter and the earth (4 corners of the earth, 4 cardinal directions, 4 winds, 4 elements). The phrase “flesh and blood” had a value of 444, so numbers that relate to 4 in any order of magnitude have a symbolic connection with earth/humus and human life…our shared humanity. In this diagram, the “44” of the outer edge suggests the “earthen vessel,” the human person of "flesh and blood," filled with the Spirit (“7”). The image represents the sacred marriage of flesh and divinity, earth and heaven, embodied in each individual person. So, ultimately, each person IS that marriage. Mary Magdalene presents us the archetype of the "earthen vessel filled with the Spirit" and her feast day, 22-7 reflects that understanding of her importance.
Now we will do the calculation for the area of the circle with the “7” radius. The formula is “pi” (22/7) times the square of the radius (7 x 7 = 49). 22/7 x 49 is 154. If you use the alternative decimal version of “pi” (3.14) the result 153.86 is even more obviously connected to Mary Magdalene, because the Greek gematria of her title “H Magdalhnh” actually adds up to 153. So, using principles of sacred geometry in use at the time the Gospels were written, by virtue of her feast day (7/22) and the gematria of her honorific (153), she is shown to be the “Model” or embodiment of the human person as “sacred partner” of the Divine.
The "153" is highly significant as a symbolic number in the canon of the Greek geometers. It is the denominator of the ratio used to represent the square root of 3 (265/153) and is a numerical abbreviation for the "vesica piscis" ()--the "Vessel of the Fish" or "Measure of the Fish." This shape is the shared space when two circles are drawn together so that the edge of one passes through the center of the other.
Among the ancients, this shape was called the "Mother of all forms, " the "Matrix," the "Doorway to Life," the "Womb" and the "Bridal Chamber." It's meaning is that of the "Source" or "vessel of creativity," and the symbol was universally associated with the Goddesses of love and fertility in the ancient world. It's no accident that the epithet coined for Mary has gematria (153) that irrevocably associates her with the Goddess.
Pyramids History The first historically documented Egyptian pyramid is attributed to the architect Imhotep, who planned what Egyptologists believe to be a tomb for the pharaoh Djoser. Amenhotep is given the credit for being the first to conceive the notion of stacking mastabas on top of each other — creating an edifice composed of a number of “steps” that decreased in size towards its apex. The Step Pyramid of Djoser was the result — which was designed to serve as a huge stairway by which the soul of the deceased pharaoh could move to the heavens. Such was the importance of Imhotep’s achievement that he was deified by later Egyptians.
The most prolific pyramid-building phase coincided with the greatest degree of absolutist pharaonic rule. The most famous pyramids, those near Giza, were built during this time. Over time, as authority became less centralized, the ability and willingness to gather the resources required for construction on a massive scale decreased, and later pyramids were smaller, less well-built, and often hurriedly constructed.
When the Great Pyramid of Egypt was built it was 146 meters (438 feet) high. Time has worn the pyramid down by 10 meters (30 feet) and it still continues to erode. The pyramid was once covered with limestone that was painted a bright red color. The sides of the pyramid are carefully positioned to point north, south, east, and west. The bottom of the pyramid has sides that measure 227 meters (681 feet) in length. It was designed so precise that the error margin between the sides is less then 1 percent.
It belonged to the Pharaoh Khufu and once held his body. The pyramid is made up of approximately two million blocks of limestone with each weighing more than two tons. This pyramid today is the last wonder of the world that is still standing.
The Second Pyramid belongs to the Pharaoh Khafre. Unlike the pyramid of Khufu, the angle of this pyramid is 53 degrees. This pyramid is three meters shorter then Khufu’s and stands on the northern side of the Giza Plateau. The top of the pyramid has some limestone left with a white cap on top of the pyramid that can be still seen. This large tomb had been looted before archeologists found it.
The Third Pyramid or the The pyramid of Menkaure is the smallest of the three pyramids. Its design is not as well detailed as the other two pyramids. Although the pyramid was not complete when Menkaure died, his son Shepseskaf took the task to finish the large project. This pyramid stands 66 meters high.
Pyramids Visitor Information The Pyramids are open from 8am-4pm (until 5pm summer) daily. They are free to walk around and see. You will only need to pay a fee if you wish to enter the Pyramids or one of the other sites around the Pyramids. However, if you just want photos, all that costs is a cab ride!
Getting around the pyramids is easy enough, you can walk, take a horse and buggy or take a camel ride. You can go inside the pyramids, but beware if you suffer from claustrophobia. The climbs are very steep and narrow so your knees have to be in good shape. You have to get a separate ticket to enter the pyramids and they are limited to 300 per day so get there early.
A taxi from the center of Cairo is probably the easiest way to get to the Pyramids, although mini and micro buses also make frequent trips. An air-conditioned bus also departs regularly from the Midan Tahrir. For advice on getting to the Pyramids from other parts of Egypt.
Some of the most popular Pyramids include:
Step Pyramid of Djoser- Also known as Egypt’s first Pyramid. Intended to hold his mummified body, Pharaoh Djoser’s Step Pyramid at Saqqara began as a traditional, flat-roofed mastaba. But by the end of his 19-year reign, in 2611 B.C., it had risen to six stepped layers and stood 204 feet (62 meters) high. It was the largest building of its time.
Maidum Pyramid – Likely influenced by the Step Pyramid, Snefru, the first king of the 4th dynasty , constructed a seven-level stepped pyramid some 35 miles (56 kilometers) south of Saqqara. The was also the first Egyptian pyramid with an above ground burial chamber.
Great Pyramid or Khufu’s Pyramid – The Great Pyramid is the largest and best known of the three Old Kingdom pyramids located on the Giza Plateau in Egypt, built during the reign of the Pharaoh Khufu between 2589 and 2566 BC.
The Bent Pyramid – The Bent Pyramid is one of the Old Kingdom Pyramids at Giza, Egypt; built in the 4th Dynasty, 2680-2565 B.C. for the 4th dynasty pharaoh, Sneferu.
Pyramids Conservation Efforts Several years ago, a master plan was drawn up to manage and restore the monuments of Giza in four phases. Most of the phases have been completed. The main threats of old to the sites are no longer relevant. Today most of the threats come from the sands, pollution, and over tourism.
The final phase is a 10-15 year program of maintenance and research. It includes staff training to provide adequately knowledgeable personnel to administer the site, to provide up-to-date conservation whenever necessary and to continue the clearing and research programs which will enhance the site for visitors and scholars. There is also to be a re-excavation and clearing, especially in the cemeteries of the nobles to the east and west of the Great Pyramid.
Finally, mapping and excavation of the area south and west of the Third Pyramid where tumbled debris from the pyramid has never been cleared. This needs skilled photogrammetric planning before removing fallen blocks which may be covering long-sought-after evidence of building ramps and construction methods.
As the Sun went down in Los Angeles (or Simi Valley), the Sun was seen rising on the horizon somewhere - more or less the opposite side of the earth. Then I remembered a comment posted by an Etemenanki reader 'Alfredo', pointing out that the Olympic torch currently going around the world was at Giza/Cairo on June 11, i.e. the same date as Reagan's funeral. I found this intriguing because of its relevance to Schwarzenegger. As noted in Part 1, the 'rise of Arnold' cannot be separated from Giza/Cairo, the notion of fire, and the Olympics:
Schwarzenegger's dramatic election announcement on Aug. 6, 2003 was apparently designed to coincide with the heliacal rising of the star Sirius as seen from Giza/Cairo - a celestial event that signaled for ancient Egyptians the beginning of the annual life-giving flood of the Nile, signifying the resurrection of Osiris/birth of Horus.
The term 'Sirius' is linked to the notion of 'scorching' (thus also with fire); the term 'pyramid' is also etymologically linked to fire.
8 Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies; thy father’s children shall bow down before thee. 9 Judah is a lion’s whelp: from the prey, my son, thou art gone up: he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up? 10 The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.
The Great Sphinx on the Giza Plateau in Northern Egypt
14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: 15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
Her seed would be called "the branch" in places like Jer. 23:4-6, 33:14-18, Zech. 3:8. Isaiah 4:2 contains some wonderful details that tie directly into the stars of the ConstellationVirgo.
Virgo at Sunset as seen from Palestine on September 11th 3 BC.
Isaiah 4:2-3
2 In that day shall the branch of the LORD be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent |and comely for them that are escaped of Israel. 3 And it shall come to pass, that he that is left in Zion, and he that remaineth in Jerusalem, shall be called holy, even every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem:
The word "beautiful" in verse 2 above corresponds to the meaning of the star "Zavijava" in Virgo, a true characteristic of the promised seed of the woman. It is truly wonderful to witness the inborn Symmetry of God’s Word, flowing from the divine inspiration of the Creator, as the pattern of the narrative of the Stars and the Scriptures unfolds in unison before our eyes. The "glory" of the promised seed referred to above in Isa. 4:2 is also foretold in the decansof Virgo known anciently as Coma, the desire of the nations. This was prophesied in God’s Word in Haggai 2
11 Be not far from me; for trouble is near; for there is none to help.
12 Many bulls have compassed me: strong bulls of Bashan have beset me round.13 They gaped upon me with their mouths, as a ravening and a roaring lion.
14 I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint: my heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of my bowels.
15 My strength is dried up like a potsherd; and my tongue cleaveth to my jaws; and thou hast brought me into the dust of death.16 For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet.17 I may tell all my bones: they look and stare upon me.
18 They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture.19 But be not thou far from me, O LORD: O my strength, haste thee to help me.
20 Deliver my soul from the sword; my darling from the power of the dog.21 Save me from the lion’s mouth: for thou hast heard me from the horns of the unicorns. 22 I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee. 23 Ye that fear the LORD, praise him; all ye the seed of Jacob, glorify him; and fear him, all ye the seed of Israel.
This is a forceful witness of the lord’s crucifixion as Psalm 22:1 and 22:18 directly attest, being quoted in all the gospels, [Matt. 27:3, 46, Mk. 15:24,34 Lk. 23:34, John 19:24]. We have found references to the four cardinal points of the horizon in Numbers 23:21-24, 24:1-9. They are listed with specific mention of the "strength of a unicorn" the [reem], in reference to Taurus the Bull, Leo the great Lion and Aquarius the water bearer, whose seed was poured out of many buckets. In the 22nd Psalm we find the same references with some important differences. The context of Numbers 23-24 refers to Balaam’s prophecy of the coming promised seed, whose glory is referenced in Numbers 23:21, 24:8. The "shout of a king" was certainly among the seed of Jacob, who would "eat up the nations of his enemies, and shall break their bones, and pierce them through with his arrows." This refers to his triumphant return as the King of kings, the mighty conquering judge that no element of darkness will ever withstand. We find this image of the Lord clearly expressed in the sign Sagittarius seen in the arrows of Numbers 24:8. We will cover this in greater detail in our look at Sagittarius next. The context of the 22nd Psalm however is the suffering of the Lord at his crucifixion and death. This was the height of the enemy’s hour, who holds the power of the sting of death. It was the agents of the evil one who crucified the Lord, both the spiritual agents embodied in the "four winds" of the host of heaven and the human agents, or the circling dogs, ravening lions and gaping bulls who surrounded him bringing about his tortured death. These human agents of the evil one are pictured with the enlivened astrological faces of their false ensigns, bringing the desires of their evil father to pass in the world. In the midst of this assembly of the wicked was Jesus Christ who was poured out like water, a reference to his holy sacrificial offering, as he selflessly endured the excruciating pain of his death, laying down his life as the essence of Israel’s High Priest. The end result of his ultimate sacrifice brought the "all truth" of "the Comforter" of John 16:7, the gift of holy spirit that became available as a result of the New Birth, seen for the first time on the day of Pentecost. This is the liquid seed that was poured out of the bucket known in the stars as Aquarius’ Urn, the living waters that truly quench men’s souls, seen in Numbers 24:7. Even as these agents of the enemy encircled the Lord, bringing about his sufferings, these shadows of the Cherubim are bold in defiance of the Son of the Living God, infused with the four dark winds of the cardinal points, activating the power of the dog [Ps. 22:20], as the fullness of the evil desires of the lord of darkness. The double meaning of these related passages of Scripture becomes clear as we take a closer look at the word for "wicked" in the 16th verse of Psalm 22. Lets take a detailed look at this word and its Hebrew root employed in Job 38.
The following is a reference note in Revised English Version of the Bible on the "Dog-star" in Job 38:13 & 15.1This is translated as "the wicked" in the majority of other versions, thus on the surface "Dog-star" does not seem to fit in Job 38, but as we allow God’s Word to speak for itself we will uncover some long obscured and priceless gems of truth. To clarify this lets look at a marginal note in the Companion Bible,2 where it says "the wicked" is the same as "lawless" [*H7561, rasha]. In both Job 38:13 & 15, the Hebrew letter "ayin" is suspended, without it the word means "head, top, cheif" [*H7222, rosh]. With "Ayin" supplied it is "the wicked." All the ancient versions and early printed editions read "the Lawless." In Bullinger’s related note on Judges 18:30, in reference to "Mannasseh" the letter "nun" is suspended, written partly in the line and partly above the line, to show that originally it formed no part of the word, but was put in to make it spell "Mannasseh" instead of "Moses." This was done for two reasons, first to spare the honor of Moses memory and name and secondly, to put sin upon one [Mannasseh] who committed so gross a sin. The Authorized Version follows the Septuagint & Chaldee by putting "Mannasseh" in the text; while the Revised Version follows the Latin Vulgate and those codices and early editions, which have "nun" suspended, by putting "Moses" in the text and "Mannasseh" in the margin.3[emphasis mine] If the usage of this suspended letter "ayin" in Job 38 follows suit with "nun" Judges 18, then "originally it formed no part of the word," and should properly read "rosh" instead of "rasha". This would change the text from the wicked or lawless to "head, chief, prince, leader, point, top, first rank, the highest, supreme." From the astronomical viewpoint evident in the Revised English Version of Job 38, this etymology is enlightening because the in Egypt’s Denderah zodiac, the star Sirius or Canis Major, the Dog-star is called "Apes" which means "the head". Since the Dog-star is the brightest star in all the heavens from earth’s perspective, the meaning of the "head or prince" is a precise fit. This "prince of the Heavenly host" was also referred to in the sacred books of Persia as "Tistar," the "Chieftain of the East."This is not only a symbol of the sunrise embodied in the new light of the world, but it also refers to the Pyramid’s capstone or "Chief cornerstone," [Ps. 118:22, Eph. 2:20, 5:23] as it catches the first rays of the dawn and sunrise of a new day. In Zech. 4:7 "headstone"- *H7222 [roshah] from rosh*H7218 means the "topmost stone at the corner."We will see this concept fully developed Biblical Astronomy of the Great Pyramid. We have seen this as a recurring theme of our study of the celestial signs surrounding the birth of Christ. The fact that Lucifer was the original light of the world, the "faithful witness in Heaven," [Ps. 89:36-37, Mal. 4:2] and Sirius, the brightest star in the Heavens, shows us a correlation to the first bright and morning star, as the original sun of the First Heaven and Earth. This reflects an early time when the celestial calendars of 360-day sacred solar year and 365.25-day Sirius-Sothic Calendar were running in synch, before Lucifer attempted his coup in heaven. As the angel of light, all temporal matters and the timekeeping of all Creation ran under his watch. After he was cast down however, there was a needed a separation between what had become profaned, in the fallen Lucifer and what would remain sacred and holy in the coming promised seed, the rising light of the world, embodied in the sun. It is this powerful truth that is reflected in the suspended letter "ayin" in the Hebrew, revealing a double truth related to the star Sirius as a symbol of Lucifer, the original embodiment of the bright and morning star. Before his revolt and fall from his position as the head (rosh) of Creation, he was the "head, chief, prince, leader, point, top, first rank, the highest, supreme." However once iniquity was found in him [Ezek. 28:15], he became "the lawless," [Heb.-rasha] the wicked one. He is the embodiment of the activation of the principle of evil [ra’a], also understood in the spiritual of his original sin, the incept point of all darkness. This would also explain the extremely negative mythological connotations of Sirius. Burnham’s states: "In the ancient Greek and Roman world, the influence of Sirius was regarded as extremely unfortunate, as the allusion to the wrathful Achilles in the Iliad would seem to suggest. In Virgil’s Aeneid we read of the Dog Star, that burning constellation, when he brings drought & disease on sickly mortals, rises and saddens the sky with inauspicious light." Entropy4
Orion with Sirius the Dog Star, the brightest Star in the Heavens to the left.
This carries a greater significance when we realize that Sirius did not always bear these negative connotations. Bullinger states:
"Though this Dog-Star came to have an ill-omened association, it was not so in more ancient times. In the ancient Akkadian it is called Kasista, which means the leader and the prince of the heavenly host." 5
This is significant also in light of Sirius’ physical characteristics. The fact that the Sirius system consists of a double or Binary Starseems to mirror the dual symbolic nature of the star, which emerges from the context of Job 38:13-15. In its original position and first estate as the central fire of the heavens, Sirius as the leader of the heavenly host exemplifies the effulgent brightness of the manifested light of the world, while Sirius "B," its companion star exhibits characteristics just the opposite. Known in modern terminology as a White Dwarf, according to some of the most recent determinations, Sirius "B" would have a density about 90,000 times that of our Sun. The cycle of Sirius "B" is a fifty-year cycle, a fact which has been verified by modern astronomers. Thus it is interesting to see how half this fifty-year cycle of Sirius "B" reflects the luni-solar relationship inherent in the 50-year cycle of Hebrew Jubilees, according to the golden section, or phi ratio. As we have found, the Hebrew Jubilee figures into the timing of Christ’s birth, and is distinct in the celestial events making up the great wonder of Revelation 12. As the archaic angel of light we would expect to find celestial associations in the Sirius cycle that agree with the cadence of the Biblical Patriarch’s calendar, if our thesis holds true. The following calculations from John A. West show the coordination of the luni-solar cycles according to the golden section, or phi ratio, with a split of the fifty-year cycle into 2 x 25 years. According to West: The twenty-five year solar cycle corresponded to 309 lunations.
The calculations are: 25 x 365 = 9125 days, and 9125 = 29.5307 days per lunation 309= 29.5307
(A double cycle, which would express the Golden Section, comprises fifty years: 618 lunations = (f - 1) x 1000. 2
We may also recall that Rosh ha-Shanah as Tishri 1, is the "head" of the Judean calendar as New Year’s day and Jesus’birth-date, the first day of the fifty-year Hebrew cycle of Jubilees. Thus, we can see that the fifty-year cycle of Hebrew Jubilees that corresponds with the orbit of Sirius "B," seems based on an ancient tradition holding truths beyond the limits of where the modern science of Archaeo-Astronomy has deigned to go thus far. As we return to the celestial context of the 22nd Psalm, we find in Psalm 22:16, the word "dogs" is used with the figure of speech Hypocatastasis. This is the strongest type of a figure of representation, by implication. Even though "dogs" are stated, it is the spirit behind the dog-face that is being implied and thus emphasized. As part of this assembly of the wicked, which is the same root word for the "wicked" in what is showed above from Job 38:13-15, this figurative emphasis referencing "the power of thedog" gains greater depth when its considered in light of the dual meaning of the "dog-star" above. As the spiritual influence and motivating force behind the scenes of the torture and crucifixion of Christ, the wicked essence of the Dog-starSirius, the archaic and fallen Morning Star is clearly identified. This is further established by the astronomical context that highlights the 22nd Psalm. We will discuss the ramifications of the star Sirius and its Sothic calendar in more detail in Calendar of the Biblical Patriarchs article of our web-site.
Now lets take a look at Sagittarius. This mighty mounted archer ever has the arrows of his great bow trained on the heart of the Scorpion- the red star Antares. We find this imagery in the 45th Psalm.
Lucas 20:1 Sucedió un día, que enseñando Jesús al pueblo en el templo, y anunciando el evangelio, llegaron los principales sacerdotes y los escribas, con los ancianos, 20:2 y le hablaron diciendo: Dinos: ¿con qué autoridad haces estas cosas? ¿o quién es el que te ha dado esta autoridad? 20:3 Respondiendo Jesús, les dijo: Os haré yo también una pregunta; respondedme: 20:4 El bautismo de Juan, ¿era del cielo, o de los hombres? 20:5 Entonces ellos discutían entre sí, diciendo: Si decimos, del cielo, dirá: ¿Por qué, pues, no le creísteis? 20:6 Y si decimos, de los hombres, todo el pueblo nos apedreará; porque están persuadidos de que Juan era profeta. 20:7 Y respondieron que no sabían de dónde fuese. 20:8 Entonces Jesús les dijo: Yo tampoco os diré con qué autoridad hago estas cosas. 20:9 Comenzó luego a decir al pueblo esta parábola: Un hombre plantó una viña, la arrendó a labradores, y se ausentó por mucho tiempo. 20:10 Y a su tiempo envió un siervo a los labradores, para que le diesen del fruto de la viña; pero los labradores le golpearon, y le enviaron con las manos vacías. 20:11 Volvió a enviar otro siervo; mas ellos a éste también, golpeado y afrentado, le enviaron con las manos vacías. 20:12 Volvió a enviar un tercer siervo; mas ellos también a éste echaron fuera, herido. 20:13 Entonces el señor de la viña dijo: ¿Qué haré? Enviaré a mi hijo amado; quizás cuando le vean a él, le tendrán respeto. (Aunque en esta PARABOLA claramente JESUCRISTO esta haciendo una referencia a su sacrificio, la expresion "MI HIJO AMADO/DISCIPULO AMADO deja una puerta abierta a un futuro mesias que no hay que descartar)
¿EL DISCIPULO AMADO FUE MARIA MAGDALENA O JUAN 20:14 Mas los labradores, al verle, discutían entre sí, diciendo: Este es el heredero; venid, matémosle, para que la heredad sea nuestra. 20:15 Y le echaron fuera de la viña, y le mataron. ¿Qué, pues, les hará el señor de la viña? 20:16 Vendrá y destruirá a estos labradores, y dará su viña a otros.Cuando ellos oyeron esto, dijeron: ¡Dios nos libre! 20:17 Pero él, mirándolos, dijo: ¿Qué, pues, es lo que está escrito: La piedra que desecharon los edificadores Ha venido a ser cabeza del ángulo?
Génesis 28:22: Y esta PIEDRA que he puesto por señal, será casa de Dios; y de todo lo que me dieres, el diezmo apartaré para ti.
164. Salmos 118:22: La PIEDRA que desecharon los edificadores Ha venido a ser cabeza del ángulo.
244. Mateo 21:42: Jesús les dijo: ¿Nunca leísteis en las Escrituras: La PIEDRA que desecharon los edificadores, Ha venido a ser cabeza del ángulo. El Señor ha hecho esto, Y es cosa maravillosa a nuestros ojos?
245. Mateo 21:44: Y el que cayere sobre esta PIEDRA será quebrantado; y sobre quien ella cayere, le desmenuzará.
281. Hechos 4:11: Este Jesús es la PIEDRA reprobada por vosotros los edificadores, la cual ha venido a ser cabeza del ángulo.
288. Efesios 2:20: edificados sobre el fundamento de los apóstoles y profetas, siendo la principal PIEDRA del ángulo Jesucristo mismo,
289. 1 Pedro 2:4: Acercándoos a él, PIEDRA viva, desechada ciertamente por los hombres, mas para Dios escogida y preciosa,
290. 1 Pedro 2:5: vosotros también, como PIEDRAs vivas, sed edificados como casa espiritual y sacerdocio santo, para ofrecer sacrificios espirituales aceptables a Dios por medio de Jesucristo.
291. 1 Pedro 2:6: Por lo cual también contiene la Escritura: He aquí, pongo en Sion la principal PIEDRA del ángulo, escogida, preciosa; Y el que creyere en él, no será avergonzado.
292. 1 Pedro 2:7: Para vosotros, pues, los que creéis, él es precioso; pero para los que no creen, La PIEDRA que los edificadores desecharon, Ha venido a ser la cabeza del ángulo;
293. 1 Pedro 2:8: y: PIEDRA de tropiezo, y roca que hace caer, porque tropiezan en la palabra, siendo desobedientes; a lo cual fueron también destinados.
20:18 Todo el que cayere sobre aquella piedra, será quebrantado; mas sobre quien ella cayere, le desmenuzará. 20:19 Procuraban los principales sacerdotes y los escribas echarle mano en aquella hora, porque comprendieron que contra ellos había dicho esta parábola; pero temieron al pueblo. 20:20 Y acechándole enviaron espías que se simulasen justos, a fin de sorprenderle en alguna palabra, para entregarle al poder y autoridad del gobernador. 20:21 Y le preguntaron, diciendo: Maestro, sabemos que dices y enseñas rectamente, y que no haces acepción de persona, sino que enseñas el camino de Dios con verdad. 20:22 ¿Nos es lícito dar tributo a César, o no? 20:23 Mas él, comprendiendo la astucia de ellos, les dijo: ¿Por qué me tentáis? 20:24Mostradme la moneda. ¿De quién tiene la imagen y la inscripción? Y respondiendo dijeron: De César. 20:25 Entonces les dijo: Pues dad a César lo que es de César, y a Dios lo que es de Dios.
Apocalipsis 22:16: Yo Jesús he enviado mi ángel para daros testimonio de estas cosas en las iglesias. Yo soy la raíz y el linaje de David, la estrella resplandeciente de la MAÑANA. (22:1+6 O 22/7=3.14=PI/PI-RAMIDE/PYRAMID/MARY) (EL OJO OMNISCIENTE QUE ESTA EN LA PIRAMIDE TRUNCADA ES el lucero de la mañana, osea SIRIO (SIR en ingles deriva del mismo). Esto confirma desde otra perspectiva que CUANDO NUESTRO SEÑOR JESUCRISTO EN MATEO 16:18, NUMERO DE ORO PHI, ubicado en CESAREA DE FILIPO, ubicado en la antigua tribu DE DAN(JUSTICIA PARA LA VIUDA), hace referencia a la PIEDRA NO HAY QUE DESCARTAR DE NINGUNA MANERA QUE ESTABA HACIENDO REFERENCIA AL SANTO GRIAL QUE ES LA PIEDRA FILOSOFAL DE LA ALQUIMIA DE LA ESCALERA DE JACOB OBVIAMENTE POR LA FUERTE RELACION ENTRE PEDRO CON JUAN MARCOS, EL HIJO DE NUESTRO SEÑOR Y MARIA MAGDALENA DESGRACIADAMENTE OCULTADO POR LA IGLESIA)
The Babylonian "Sar" is doubtlessly related to the Hebrew word [*H8269] of the same spelling, meaning; "prince, captain, chief, ruler, leader, head." The word has retained this meaning even in modern usage, as in the Tsar of all the Russias. As a testimony to what may have been based on the first human language, "Aesar" is a word for "God" in both, Icelandic and Irish, "Osar" in Egypt like "Osiris" was the prince. The English word "sir" and the Roman "Ceasars" are also traceable to this root. It is used in Daniel 10:13 & 20, referring the archangel Michael who dispatched the fallen angel (Daimon) who opposed the messenger angel that God sent to answer Daniel's prayer. In Isaiah 9:6, one of the great prophecies of the promised seed, it is used of the Messiah as Sar-Shalom; the Prince of Peace, the one who brings peace to all Creation [Eph. 2:11-18]. It is additionally used of Prince Moses in Exodus 2:16.
According to Hislop, The Chaldean version of this word; "Zer," meaning "to encompass" gives us not only the English basis for: "Zero signified by a circle among the Chaldeans," but also Zero; "the seed." Further, it relates to the Hebrew word zera [*H2233] used in reference to the promised seed in Genesis 3:15. To this end the Chaldean word for the "woman's promised seed" was "Zero-ashta," that also formed the basis of the name Zoroaster. We should note that in the writings of Zoroastrianism in the Zend-Avesta, the predicted return of Zoroaster as a savior who would renew all existence in preparation for the Last Judgment, was prophesied. These references to the woman's promised seed point directly to the general sign of the Celestial Prelude. Hislop also notes:
"In almost all nations, not only was a great god known under the name of Zero or Zer; the seed, and a great goddess under the name of Ashta or Ishta; the woman, but the great god Zero is frequently characterized by some epithet which implies that he is The only One." 3
This evidence provides a strong basis for a direct correlation to the decanComa, the seed who was the desired of the nations, especially when we view the supernova in this child's head [pictured below from the Dendera zodiac] who was the promised seed, during the general sign of the Celestial Prelude. The implication that the promised seed of the woman would be the only one, speaks to the truth that Christ is the Alpha and Omega, or the first and last way God made available for the redemption of Mankind. Hislop goes on to say: "As he who by the Chaldeans was regarded as the great Seed was looked upon as the Sun incarnate, and as the emblem of the Sun was a circle, the hieroglyphic relation between zero; "the circle," and zero; "the seed" was easily established."4
20:26 Y no pudieron sorprenderle en palabra alguna delante del pueblo, sino que maravillados de su respuesta, callaron.
This is a cross-section of the Great Pyramid at Giza, Khufu. "Isis" is the red figure. Notice how her legs meet on the floor of the Queen's Chamber, how the underneath of her arms are so close to the two lower shafts and how one of her feet rests on a passageway. I think it fair to say: Isis "drops on". (Please note: all rights reserved by Latona Pistone, Robert Miller and Geoff Simmons).
The hard work was done by Latona Pistone ("Ariston"/of and Robert Miller (of My thanks. They built and tested the grid - I just noticed the possibility of the Isis geometry - this geometry christened "Isis" by David Wood in his books GENISIS and GENESET, this second co-authored with Dr. Ian Campbell, 1994. It is also called an extended pentagram.
The actual diagram above is courtesy of Ariston - a tidy up of my compasses, straight edge and pencil graphic drawn to illustrate the idea/possibility. Thankyou.
The extended pentagram is part of what Wood christened the "Star Union", the top arm line being a hexagram chord created by two circles sharing the same radius. The circles create a vesica piscis (fish-shape) and the hexagram chord joining where they actually intersect. The chord is also one of two lines made by the vesica, the other being the model's vertical axis, that generate the Square Root of 3 - the maths of the arches of Gothic Cathedrals that stops them falling down.
Using the shared hexagram chord you can develop a hexagon/gram in either of the two circles. Commonly, the hexagram = "heaven" with the pentagon/gram the chord can help create being "earth". That rather implies the hexagram is above the pentagram, the two combining to help produce Isis. Isis with hexagram combined = the Star Union (c/o "The Measure of the Fish" - thanks PMac).
Isis can be created using a regular 15-sided polygon, a pentadecagon! David Wood and Ian Campbell, quite wrongly as it turned out, thought using this was the only way to produce an Isis: "only by the use of the fifteen division circle ..." . There are, in fact, many ways. However, here's of version of theirs (but in words): having (somehow!) created a regular 15-sided polygon place it with a point (vertex) down on a central vertical axis so the 15-sided polygon is evenly divided. Now let that bottom point be 1, and number round counter-clockwise from it to 15. Join 14 to 6 and 11 to 3. Join 11 to 6. Draw a line from 14 through 9 to the axis and from 3 though 8, likewise. Et voila: Isis. Now, here's the Wood-Campbell Isis as at and near Rennes-le-Chateau in France:
And the "Star Union" is created by shoving the rest of a hexagram (star) on top of the above (were it regular/symmetrical - which it ever so slightly isn't!) using what would be the shared hexagram chord line of Rennes through Montferrand. I've always liked the similarity twixt Serres (above) and Grail Sarras - and I would like here to publically express my gratitude to David Wood and Dr. Ian Campbell: together with John Michell, RIP - they got me interested in the geometry of it all and the symbolisms/values attached . Once again, thankyou.
I should also - in the context of Rennes-le-Chateau and Isis - like to mention Simon Miles:
Simon uses an 18 X 19 grid to reproduce the (slightly asymmetrical Wood-Campbell):
Wood-Campbell and Miles are not the only ones with asymmetry. Here are some Isis-alikes on the edge of "Art Inspired by Steiner" (Retrich) and, also, another on the ceiling of the (Steiner) Malsch building, all early C20th AD:
And here's another, this time symmetrical, Isis on the forehead of Golden Dawn's Tarot 15 (from much the same period - albeit upside -down. Alongside it, a Fuseli, "Titania Embracing Bottom" (inspired by Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night's Dream"), from 1792-3. Isis might well be the underlying design template here ... and the picture shares other features with Tarot 15. Note the "girl and boy" pair at the bottom of both:
Another (weird) feature is the lady second in, top left. Look at that "dress" she's wearing - an animal! And there is the thematic - Saturn -finger language (which can be tied to Capricorn, the "Sun of the Night", and associated with being the opposite of Midsummer). 15 is the constant of the Magic Square of Saturn and derives from a 3 X 3 square (which also provides the solution to the Lo Shu flooding problem).
Henry Fuseli links to William Blake (Jerusalem - "And did those feet ... ?"), and both were acquainted with members of the New Jerusalem Swedenbourg movement. It is my contention that "'Til we have built Jerusalem ..." actually happened. The New Jerusalem is also the Bride of Christ descending from heaven (REVELATION, 21: 2). She seems to be associated, somehow, with the number 7 (REVELATION, 21, 9).
Like the pentagram, all the "extremities" of an Isis should be 36 degree angles - so she can actually be created using parallel lines to a pentagram with the start (and finish) being found by a shared-radius-vesica-generated hexagram chord.
There again, the value phi r (0.6180339887, a Golden Mean value, .... X the circle radius) can be created by pentagon/gram geometry and this can be used a number of ways to "find" Isis - as discussed a little below - but Robert Miller manages to avoid my approach completely in creating a pentagram to build from: he uses circles - lots of them! An outer 8 with generated smaller, discovered, inner one makes 9:
Now, if we (my idea) drop in a vertical axis from tip of head to where the lady's legs meet and on down to the red circumference, that last bit is phi r. So we draw the phi r circle, and then another larger circle, both from the same bottom point. The second shares the same radius with the red circle. That gives the hexagram chord we need, and all we need to produce .... well, Isis.
But Rob applied this "circles" directly to generating Isis. He doesn't even need "pentagon to build from" mentioned above! His circles approach does it all, identifying the following:
And thus:
(Please note all rights reserved by Robert Miller to the top 2 of the 3 diagrams immediately above. This last has all rights reserved by Latona Pistone, Robert Miller and Geoff. Simmons).
Brilliant, yet again! Utterly ingenious, in fact - and with an outcome remarkably similar to Latona's work on my geometry! Thank heavens! Neighbouring numbers taken from the Fibonacci Sequence (like some other ratios) can grid this idea on a computer. With Fibonacci, the bigger the neighbours, the greater the accuracy - and the more precise the outcomes. There comes a point where you simply won't be able to spot any differences in outcomes. But almost none of them will differ much visually from the above.
Notes: (1) In Robert's model, the circle enscribing the Isis toes and hands will centred at the top of the Queen's chamber - the ceiling - with her legs crossing just by its floor (2) a bisection of the top left pentagon side through the vertex opposite it will also point out an interesting spot - in my model, certainly, and (3) Phi and phi - they are reciprocals/ mirrors with values often quoted to 3 decimal places of Phi=1.618 and phi= 0.618 (geoffss, 24-05-09). My thanks, again, Robert and Latona.
Thanks - yet again! - for this, Robert .... and more on this, possibly, anon .... For a start: Look at Isis and the shafts from the King's Chamber, Robert advises me ...
... and notice, too: if you extend the horizontal hexagram chord that indicate the arms of Isis to the circumferences of the cicles by the pyramid's sides and then extend the tops of the shafts (mirrors of each other, of course) from the Queen's Chamber towards them they will intersect there. Well, it sure looks that way ...
Note: Latona, meanwhile, further explored and developed this varied possibility of the basic idea:
- a repositioned Isis, with the phi r extension (from the hands and feet circle) now dropping on to the top of the top pentagon + the same pentagon "array", new "7"s - those green rectangles - +++!
If you pull the top bit down and push the bottom bit up = nearer the geometric way-you-go I normally use to create an Isis via pentagram geometry. Close, anyway! Close enough to demonstrate the idea:
The horns/moon bit, the cross bit and the circle combined in a straight edge and compasses production. DE is the necessary hexagram chord (when added). A line from B (and/or C) through where the hexagram chord cuts the axis and on to the circle circumference generates phi r - the distance to F (top) - and a phi r circle centred on F creates all points necessary to "find" Isis. There again, you can build Isis within that circle by discovering phi r through normal/classical pentagram construction, then drawing a phi r circle where the pentagram cross (arms) chord cuts the vertical axis ... etc ... etc ...
To sum the geometry up, then: we can safely conclude that there are actually MANY ways to draw an Isis - but this does not detract from gratefully acknowledging that it was David Wood and Dr. Ian Campbell who brought Isis into the public domain. And all credit to them!
The Isis legs meet at the Queen's Chamber floor at Khufu, whilst the centre of the circle touching her hands and feet comes from that Chamber's ceiling area. On my British (and Circle of Perpetual Choirs) based model, an area of Worcestershire by the River Severn would be in that chamber: Queenhill (Cun Hill). The church at Queenhill was once dedicated to St. Nicholas, a saint whose tomb is associated with "liquid manna ... pure water". It is now dedicated to a St. Laurence - I believe there are 2. One St. Laurence is associated with the Holy Grail. Is the Queen's Chamber representative of part of a lady's anatomy? And is the Grail, too?
Paul Ashworth ("Morph") recently reminded me of the Denderah Temple of Hather zodiac ceiling. Simon Miles detected a hidden geometry there ... and Paul, too:
Simon Miles Paul Ashworth Paul Ashworth - Fourth World
Before you get worried, none of those lines actually has been drawn on the Denderah ceiling! Simon and Paul are just suggest ing they be considered as underlying design features. Simon sees the hexagram and pentagram stars there; Paul has large and small crosses with a significant central square - "square in the centre is of no little importance/square of key importance " - which seems to correspond to Pole Star territory. Comparing his Denderah approach to the Isis Union of Heaven and Earth geometry, Paul writes:
I prefer this model for the reconciliation of four/eight/ten/twelve directional cosmology in geometric terms... Heaven is the central square.
Paul also - and by way of similarity - draws my attention to the Aztec "Fourth World Design", "compatible," he says, " with Denderah." It's above, right, Isis (and important square) included - thanks Paul - and needs a 20-pointed star (two decagrams atop each other, one upside down) to "incorporate every line fully". There are actually 2 Isis figures there c/o this geometry; note the same cross and central (important!) square ... and the (Templar) cross.
What interests me most, currently, is the decagram star - and the decans. The Ancient Egyptians divided their zodiac sky into ten - unlike our 12 - each tenth containing "36 'constellations'" "parallel to the ecliptic" - and starting with Sothis, aka Sirius ... the bright star associated with Isis:
Decans first appeared in the 10th Dynasty (2100 BCE) on coffin lids. The sequence of these star patterns began with Sothis/Sirius, and each decan contained a set of stars and corresponding divinities. As measures of time, the rising and setting of decans marked 'hours' and groups of 10 days which comprised an Egyptian year.
There were 36 decans (36 X 10 = 360 days). plus 5 added days to compose the 365 days of a solar based year. The reason for the discrepancy between decans as a measure of time and the solar year is due to the ancient Egyptian year being 6 hours too short - over time, this would cause a substantial discrepancy between the solar year and the Egyptian calendar. For example, over 40 years the calendar would be in error of 10 days. Decans represented on coffins from later dynasties (such as King Seti I) compared with earlier decan images demonstrate the calendrical discrepancy:
On the Denderah ceiling (as above), you can pick out Isis and Orion (identified with consort Osiris, Lord of the Heavens and Lord of Earth) on the lower horizontal chord of the hexagram - just where the other hexagram chords cut through it. She's the cow (left) and he's holding the stick (right). His position corresponds to that of the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid Isis above ... whilst Draco is where-the-lady's-legs meet, corresponding to the Queen's Chamber floor:
Year start - Sirius/Isis-with-star-cow Orion/Osiris
It is a easy to see the Alpha "A" in Isis geometry (a pentagram is pent-alpha = 5 of them - inverted V). But there's also an Omega "O" (of sorts) created by the hexagram chord and phi r/decagon sides/tip of the Isis head. The (inverted Ox-horns) A is below the O and "enters" it. Simple development of Isis and/orStar Union geometry creates I am Alpha and Omega. If we were talking reproductive organs, here, then that penetrating bit equates to the 15th bit of Osiris - and Wood-Campbell used 15 as their original construct way-you-go - the 15-sided pentadecagon. 15 is the number of that Tarot Devil card, above. It is also the mirror/reciprocal of .666 (6666666666 ....).
It is happening now, but will be complete in 2012. It will be a new beginning in the true light........when the sun aligns 90 degrees perpendicular to the convex surface of Earth running to the core where it is reversed in concentric harmony of sound making two convex and two concave inversions.......the only way to come out the same way you went in.........where every when and where are one.
It all SOUNDs very vesica piscis to me. And 22/7 = SS = HOLY SPIRIT = pi
RELACION DE LA VIRGEN DE LOURDES CON ESTER (13 DE ADAR). En contexto a que la LUNA LLENA, rosh jodesh en luna llena, fue un 29 de febrero en 1858, la aparicion de la VIRGEN DE LOURDES FUE UN 13 DE ADAR. ¿¿¿¿¿¿?????????
Esta Pirámide de cristal, inaugurada en 1989, es obra del arquitecto estadounidense de origen chino Leoh Ming Pei. La pirámide tiene 666 rombos de vidrio y ocupa 1250 metros cuadrados, 35.4 metros de largo y 21.65 metros de altura. Fue una conmoción ciudadana, como la construcción del Centro pompidou. Ahora esa pirámide, además de práctica, a todo el mundo nos parece bonita y adecuada.
El 11 de febrero, de 1858, era el día elegido para que el cielo se hiciera presente en la tierra. Ese día cambiaría para siempre, no solo la vida de Bernardita, sino que marca el comienzo de una fuente de gracia que ha brotado para toda la humanidad. Fuente que solo crece con el tiempo.
La madre de Bernardita permitió a esta ir con su hermana menor llamada María, y con otra niña, al campo a buscar leña seca. El lugar preferido para recoger leña era un campo que había frente a la gruta. Bernardita por su fragilidad física se quedó atrás.
Las compañeritas habían pasado ya el arroyo, pero Bernardita no se atrevía a meterse al agua porque estaba muy fría. Las demás insistían en que lo hiciese y cuando ella empezó a descalzarse, un ruido muy fuerte, parecido a un viento impetuoso, la obligó a levantar la cabeza y mirar hacia todos los lados.
!Qué es esto!,decía. Las hojas de los árboles estaban inmóviles.
El ruido del viento empezó de nuevo y mas fuerte en la gruta. Y ahí, en el fondo de la gruta, una maravillosa aparición se destacaba delante de ella. En este mismo momento empezaron a sonar las campanas de la Iglesia parroquial y se oía el canto del Ángelus.
Primera Aparición:
Una luz resplandeciente como la del sol, pero dulce y apacible como todo lo que viene del cielo, una Señora prodigiosamente bella se dejó ver por Bernardita. Vestía un traje blanco, brillante y de un tejido desconocido, ajustado al talle con un cinta azul; largo velo blanco caía hasta los pies envolviendo todo el cuerpo. Los pies, de una limpieza virginal y descalzos, parecían apoyarse sobre el rosal silvestre. Dos rosas brillantes de color de oro cubrían la parte superior de los pies de la Santísima Virgen. Juntas sus manos ante el pecho, ofrecían una posición de oración fervorosa; tenia entre sus dedos un largo rosario blanco y dorado con una hermosa cruz de oro.
Todo en Ella irradiaba felicidad, majestad, inocencia, bondad dulzura y paz. La frente lisa y serena, los ojos eran azul celeste llenos de amor y los labios mostraban suavidad y mansedumbre. La Señora parecía saludarla tiernamente mientras se inclinaba ante Bernardita.
Bernardita buscó su rosario (que traía siempre en su bolsillo), haciendo, como para defenderse, la señal de la cruz, pero su mano quedó paralizada. En ese momento la Virgen tomo la cruz del rosario e hizo la señal de la cruz y le dijo a Bernardita que lo hiciera como ella.
En ese momento su brazo paralizado quedó libre. La Señora empezó a pasar las cuentas del rosario entre sus dedos y Bernardita empezó a rezar el suyo. Al terminar, la Virgen le hizo señas con el dedo para que se acercara y entendiendo el brazo, se inclinó dulcemente y sonrió como despidiéndose de Bernardita. ¡La Visión había desaparecido!
Bernardita preguntó a las otras niñas si habían visto algo y al estas responderle que no, les contó su experiencia y les pidió silencio. Pero la hermana de Bernardita se lo contó a su mamá. La madre no le creyó y ordenó a Bernardita que se dejase de imaginaciones y que le estaba prohibido regresar a la gruta.
Esa noche, mientras rezaban el rosario en familia, Bernardita rompió en llantos, repitiendo su invocación favorita: "Oh María sin pecado concebida, rogad por nosotros que acudimos a ti"
Enero 1858
Autor:Paolo Bonavoglia
El calendario funciona a partir del 1 Enero del -4712 (4713 A. C.) que es el día 0 del calendario juliano. Al pasar del calendario juliano al gregoriano desaparecieron los días desde el 5 al 14 de octubre de 1582. Para los años anteriores al -45 (46 A. C.) año en el que Julio Cesar introdujo el calendario juliano, la fecha se expresa según un calendario juliano retroactivo y no según el calendario de Numa entonces vigente. Para el periodo entre -45 (46 A.C.) y 8 D.C. se intentó cambiar el nombre y la longitud de los meses y el error en los años bisiestos que computaban.
Eventos astronómicos
Luna nueva
Vienes 15 Enero 1858 5.32'
Cuarto creciente
Vienes 22 Enero 1858 16.50'
Luna llena
Vienes 29 Enero 1858 9.12'
Cuarto menguante
Jueves 7 Enero 1858 0.52'
ningún eclipse de sol
ningún eclipse de luna
La hora está en T.U. o sea tiempo universal del meridiano de Greenwich; las fases de la luna son aproximadamente con error máximo de 2m; pero en el eclipse de sol la señalización de la zona visible es solamente indicativa.
Febrero 1858
Autor:Paolo Bonavoglia
El calendario funciona a partir del 1 Enero del -4712 (4713 A. C.) que es el día 0 del calendario juliano. Al pasar del calendario juliano al gregoriano desaparecieron los días desde el 5 al 14 de octubre de 1582. Para los años anteriores al -45 (46 A. C.) año en el que Julio Cesar introdujo el calendario juliano, la fecha se expresa según un calendario juliano retroactivo y no según el calendario de Numa entonces vigente. Para el periodo entre -45 (46 A.C.) y 8 D.C. se intentó cambiar el nombre y la longitud de los meses y el error en los años bisiestos que computaban.
Eventos astronómicos
Luna nueva
Sàbado 13 Febrero 1858 22.13'
Cuarto creciente
Domingo 21 Febrero 1858 0.54'
Luna llena
Sàbado 27 Febrero 1858 22.5'
Cuarto menguante
Vienes 5 Febrero 1858 21.21'
ningún eclipse de sol
Eclisse parziale di Luna
Sàbado 27 Febrero 1858 22.16'
La hora está en T.U. o sea tiempo universal del meridiano de Greenwich; las fases de la luna son aproximadamente con error máximo de 2m; pero en el eclipse de sol la señalización de la zona visible es solamente indicativa.
24. Ester 3:7: En el mes primero, que es el mes de Nisán, en el año duodécimo del rey Asuero, fue echada Pur, esto es, la suerte, delante de Amán, suerte para cada día y cada mes del año; y salió el mes duodécimo, que es el mes de ADAR.
25. Ester 3:13: Y fueron enviadas cartas por medio de correos a todas las provincias del rey, con la orden de destruir, matar y exterminar a todos los judíos, jóvenes y ancianos, niños y mujeres, en un mismo día, en el día trece del mes duodécimo, que es el mes de ADAR, y de apoderarse de sus bienes.
26. Ester 8:12: en un mismo día en todas las provincias del rey Asuero, en el día trece del mes duodécimo, que es el mes de ADAR.
27. Ester 9:1: En el mes duodécimo, que es el mes de ADAR, a los trece días del mismo mes, cuando debía ser ejecutado el mandamiento del rey y su decreto, el mismo día en que los enemigos de los judíos esperaban enseñorearse de ellos, sucedió lo contrario; porque los judíos se enseñorearon de los que los aborrecían.
28. Ester 9:15: Y los judíos que estaban en Susa se juntaron también el catorce del mes de ADAR, y mataron en Susa a trescientos hombres; pero no tocaron sus bienes.
29. Ester 9:17: Esto fue en el día trece del mes de ADAR, y reposaron en el día catorce del mismo, y lo hicieron día de banquete y de alegría.
30. Ester 9:19: Por tanto, los judíos aldeanos que habitan en las villas sin muro hacen a los catorce del mes de ADAR el día de alegría y de banquete, un día de regocijo, y para enviar porciones cada uno a su vecino.
31. Ester 9:21: ordenándoles que celebrasen el día decimocuarto del mes de ADAR, y el decimoquinto del mismo, cada año,
Desde el 8 de diciembre (Dia de la inmaculada concepcion/janukah) hasta el 22/7 dia de MARIA MAGDALENA HAY 227 DIAS. La virgen de Lourdes tiene mucha relacion con JANUKAH. Cristo fue concebido en JANUKAH.
Jewish month
Begins the New moon of
John the Baptist
1. Abib / Nisan
Birth of John 15 Nisan
2. Zif / Iyyar
3. Sivan
Conception of John after 3rd Sabbath
4. Tammuz
5. Ab / Av
6. Elul
7. Ethanim / Tishri
Birth of Jesus 15 Tishri
8. Bul / Marheshvan / Heshvan
9. Chisleu / Chislev / Kislev
Conception of Jesus 25 Kislev ?
10. Tebeth / Tevet
11. Shebat / Shevat
12. Adar
Jánuca (חֲנֻכָּה, y sin puntuación diacrítica חנוכה), llamada "la Fiesta de las Luminarias", es una festividad judía que se celebra por ocho días, y en la que se celebra la derrota de los helenos y la recuperación de la independencia judía a manos de los macabeos, y la posterior purificación del Templo de Jerusalén de los iconos paganos, del que se recuerda el milagro del candelabro, que ardió por ocho días consecutivos con una exigua cantidad de aceite.
In an earlier blog entry, I suggested with my co-author (of Christ & the Maya Calendar) Robert Powell that the July 22, 2009 total solar eclipse could mark the occasion of the incarnation of Ahriman, known more widely as “Antichrist,” since Revelations, Chapter 13 says that the Antichrist shall reign for “two and forty months,” and the length of time from July 22, 2009 to December 21, 2012 is 42 lunar months.
On July 22nd, Pluto will be at 6½° Sagittarius, just ½° away from where it was at the historical event of the baptism in the Jordan on September 23, AD 29 (6°53’ Sagittarius), thus suggesting that this configuration at the time of the eclipse may be a kind of counter-image of the baptism. At the baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan, the Christ being entered into the body of Jesus of Nazareth; at the time of the eclipse, Ahriman -- the great adversary of Christ and of humanity --may choose to enter the body of a human being who is uniquely suited to advancing Ahriman’s aims to derail humanity’s rightful spiritual evolution. Ahriman’s three-and-a-half-year “ministry” would then begin and would last until December 21, 2012 -- the end of the Mayan Long Count.
There are a number of other astrological aspects of the July 22 eclipse to suggest that it is a cosmic echo in our time of the event that Rudolf Steiner referred to as “the Mystery of Golgotha” -- the Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ. Steiner emphasized that at the point of maximum solar eclipse, profound changes occur in the Earth's aura. James Gillen has drawn attention to the fact that such changes also occurred and were enabled by a similar darkness at Christ's death on Golgotha, enabling Christ to enter the life of the earth and the Earth's aura.
James Gillen has also pointed out that at the time of the eclipse there will be a Jupiter/Neptune/Chiron conjunction with the Neptune position close to where it was at the Crucifixion. He offers a powerful picture of this cosmic triptych: “For this event the comprehensive meaning of the Mystery of Golgotha (Jupiter), its mystery character with unfathomable depths (Neptune), and its potential for healing transformation connected especially with the 2nd coming (Chiron -- "star of grace") will be accentuated and can be worked with at this time.” He also points out that the Sun/Moon conjunction on July 22nd is at 4 ½ ° Cancer, where Mars was at the time of Christ’s Ascension, and says that this can be worked with in relation to the Second Coming and the opening of the Earth's aura at this point.
In 1924, Rudolf Steiner indicated that Japan is the apex of a tetrahedral form of the Earth with its curved sides tracing the paths of the Earth's active or formerly active volcano belts.
The center of the path of totality of this solar eclipse is going right through the eye of this tetrahedron, so that the axis of the eclipse extends right toward the center of the Earth. James Gillen suggests that the vision of the axis going from the Moon sphere through the Earth center is more than a mathematical alignment: “This is going through the tenth Sephirah (Malkuth) of the Tree of Life into the realm of the Mother, connecting the Mother with the cosmic light of the stars, which according to Rudolf Steiner rays through the Moon (the Moon is transparent for it).”
In descending to the Earth’s center on Holy Saturday, Christ drew upon the very highest forces in the cosmos to overcome the nine levels of Hell. At the time of the July 22nd eclipse, we can call upon the highest beings of the cosmos, and the highest good within ourselves, to aid Christ at this time. Individuals and communities throughout the world can enter into a time of meditation and prayer at the time of the eclipse (10:30 PM Eastern Standard Time on Tuesday the 21st), calling to mind the extraordinary deed of Christ on Golgotha two thousand years ago, and summoning within ourselves the echo of this deed in aid and service to Christ and humanity at this time.
Submitted by jennymac1 on Sat, 07/18/2009 - 09:03.
Mary Magdalene is considered the 13th Disciple - Tiphareth's 13th gateway on the tree of knowlege, is "the bride, the wife of the lamb" Revelations 21 :9 .
NASA have calculated and confirmied that passing over Jerusalem a solar Eclipse lasting at least six minutes, occurred on Saint Mary Magdalens day on July 22, 27 AD, for a maximum duration of six minutes and thirty-one seconds.
Please note also the alcheny of the date 22/7 - this is the authentic fractional number appointed to Pi - the Golden number of harmony.
I have asked the author of the website wherein this information was found to respond further. Thanks.
March 14 - Cathar Remembrance Day. On March 16 their last fortress fell, but March 14 is a Cathar holy day and on that last March 14, 1244, they performed a special Easter Rite (it was also Easter that year). Two days later they were burnt alive by the Roman Catholic Church, a day also remembered by modern gnostics called Montsegur Day (see below).
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The Cathars were a type of fundamentalist Christian sect that enjoyed enormous .... in southern France on March 14, 1244, some Cathars managed to escape with this .... That Christianity adopted pagan ceremonies, cult centers, holidays, and ...
The Great Pyramid's 'missing capstone' has puzzled Egyptologists for centuries... There has been much speculation about whether or not a capstone ever existed. There is no recorded history, containing any account, of anyone ever having seen the pyramid with a capstone.
It appears that the "missing" capstone" may very well be an ancient celestial configuration and this accounts for why there are no records indicating the existence of an actual physical capstone.
Astrology Chart (enhanced) created by transposition of "The Great Pyramid's Pi Dimension" to a time/date
The Great Pyramid's grandest mathematical expression is Pi. The pyramid's height in relationship to its base is a function of Pi. Not only 'calculator pi' (3.14159265) but also 3.14285714 (22/7).
The use of both 'pies' is an expression of unfathomable genius! The celestial zodiac must be in perfect alignment in order for both 'pies' to produce relevant (to the pyramid) star charts. The two 'pies' are actually tools to align the celestial zodiac as every calendar adjustment also shifted the celestial zodiac by changing the Vernal (Spring) Equinox (Sun enters 1° Aries). ...Imagine holding a sharpened pencil in each of your hands. You are holding the pencils, with your arms outstretched in front of your face and with the pencil points 'pointing inwards' toward one another. Now create a perfect alignment by having the two points touch one another.
Unless both arms are extended the same length & height, the 'perfect alignment' would 'be off'. It is the same (similar) with the two 'Pi Charts" (below). If the celestial zodiac were not aligned properly (calendar errors) then one or both of the resulting celestial charts would be insignificant and without any discernable relevance to the pyramid.
A second and less complicated example is, a treasure map states that the treasure is located 31.4 feet from the base of a certain tree. However, 31.4 feet from the tree produces a circle with a radius of 31.4+ feet. So, you would require a second coordinate to pinpoint the exact location of the treasure.
The two 'pies' provide 'coordinates', and the coordinates are to test the accuracy of the alignment of the celestial zodiac.
The chart above is for Friday February 18th 5 BC (Bethlehem, Judea or Giza Plateau). Please also note that the Northern Latitude of Bethlehem is 31º 43 minutes North (pi=3.14).
I refer to this chart as "the Great Pyramid capstone chart", which also marks the exact second that the Sun enters into the celestial sign of Pisces. I also call this chart the ancient astrological birth chart of Jesus Christ. Here is why...... The life of Jesus Christ was 33+ years. At the time of Jesus' baptism by John, Jesus was "almost 30" (identical to the Northern Latitude of the Great Pyramid which is 29 degrees 58 minutes 51 seconds. a) 29 degrees b) 58 minutes of arc is 97% of one degree..... c) 51 seconds of arc is 85% of one minute of arc..... gives us 29 - 97% - 85% If you put the numbers together, in sequence, they create 299,785,nnn which is approximately the first six digits of the speed of light in meters per second. continuing....... It was at Jesus' baptism that he 'came out of the water' virtually illuminated and transformed (Cosmic Consciousness). This event suggests allegorical content regarding the ancient method (Old Testament) of 'progressing a birth chart' one day for every year. The chart above, when progressed 'almost 30' days has the Sun (Son?) coming out of the waters of Pisces into the fire and light of Aries (a solar sign) which is the time of 'new beginnings'. It was at this point, in time, that Jesus began his ministry which lasted for 3.14 (Pi) years and which mirrors the length (in degrees) of the leading cusp of Aries.
Comment: In alchemy, the combination of the fire and water symbols (up and down triangles) is known (loosely) as the Seal of Solomon. The symbol is representative of the combination of opposites which produce a transmutation. How is that possible? It seems crazy! The mixing of fire and water is an 'elemental' depiction of an active/dynamic surrender to God. The 'water' part is to flow with God's plan and the 'fire' part is to dynamically embrace the task that is put before you (subject to ethical considerations).
The life of Christ, when the errors are discovered and corrected in the Gregorian calendar, duplicates (in years) the number of days that it takes for the sun to transit through the sign of Pisces and to continue through the Pisces/Aries cusp..... for a total of 33.14 days. The life of Christ, was 33.14 years and mirrors exactly, the sun's journey through the 12th astrological house (according to the ancient astrological model) of 'self undoing' and 'secret enemies' and a subsequent 'rebirth' as the Sun ('Son') exits Pisces and enters Aries. There are significant astronomical/astrological similarities between the Sun, of our solar system, and Jesus, the 'son' of God. The similarity, above, is only one of many astronomical allegories documented in this archive. An additional interpretation of the Sun's journey through the Piscean 12th house is the pharaoh's "after death" journey through 'the 12th house of Pisces (the psychological 'underworld'), this is a key connection between ancient Egypt and Christ..... The 'life of Christ' is (also) a depiction of the 'process of judgment' that takes place 'within one's own self' whenever one finally decides to surrender to God. ('Religion', is a prepatory pastime). It is at the point of surrender to God that the battles start to be waged within one's soul. As such, the Synoptic gospels are (also) an allegorical portrayal of the 'inner journey' that one must make to restore 'the original person' and to vanguish all inner corruption and be 'reborn' as a child of the divine.